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Dude we need to win we have to win this game....
after that last game, of just like just pure feed
We have to go Kled
that's literally, the only option
I mean, we could go Kha'zix and mess them up though
should we... yeah whatever
lets ,get it going you ,know, lets get the snowball going
aesteum, Thank you for the 3 months in the row did you call me, baby cakes what the heck?
are you trying to flirt with me man?
I am already taken alright, I am already taken
by uh by uh , "League of Legends"
Where is Mike? I locked him up in my basement dude he, he's not uh
He's not coming out guys ,I'm sorry,
He's locked up there for good.
Nah nah forget it I'm kidding, but
yeah I did lock him up. oh!
oh! charm charm charm charm *gasp*
pog champ
Oh nice, nice Ahri, dude you're such a better Ahri than I am. Yeah you see that, you see
that Cassio right, you guys see her?
Get out of my jungle!
Best joke ever: Your Ahri gameplay jk! jk! i'll give you midlane-ing pointers it's cool.
Hey Nightblue, do you tan? cuz you're looking kind of bronze. : (colon) P :(colon) P
hilarious funny you know what dude
I'm 1/0/1 to be honest.. being called like bronze is like good enough for me dude, that means
like at least you guys acknowledge me as a league of legends player you know,
now as long-- at least you guys like recognized as like a human being
playing league of legends and you place me in bronze right?
Instead of like a monkey.
I was given a computer, you know what i mean, you know what i'm saying? *gasp* I dare you! I dare you!
I dared her.
Get out of my jungle you boosted ape!
b b b b b b b b b b b baited *gasp*
Get out of my jungle as well try to step up to the k-6 cant step up to the, oh
aced, aced they just got aced dude. Game over.
GG. Well played
dude its game over.
Infernal drake 2/0 and 3/0 on Kha'Zix, Gameover. GG well played dude by the way you guys
Yo, btw did you know you can buy ahh chromas *gasp* You can buy chromas now with ahh IP.
Boom baby!
More like dead baby... wait what? what did i say did i just say?
Did I just say dead baby?
Bard are you boosted? Hold on let me answer that for you,
yes you are.
Are you boosted as well? Do you want some of this?
Dude I will fight you any day of the week, like do you understand?
Oh watch this guys, watch this
Watch me whip ,watch me nae nae.
There we go ,now we got a challenge,
that's ,how I like it dude.
No , go away! We don't need you...
That's what my parents said to me, hehe...heh.
Pog champ!!!!
Oh no...
A new challenger approaches.
Her name rhymes with pie..
shes living..
a lie.. because
Ooh, oh hold on double jump.
Tell 'em!
Dude, do you see how op kha'zix is though? He's like free,
he's literally like you can't loose with kha'zix.
It's impossible.
I want to build Tiamat on kha'zix I see some people still build Tiamat but those people are bad.. just saying.
I'm just gonna put a pink here because they're not gonna like
like even pass that area.
This is too easy.
Ok I need to stop being cocky dude honestly im being really cocky i need to stop this is not right
ok this is not right.
It hurts when you pee?!
What? that's good dude that's actually-- that means that means uh.. uhm what does that mean?
That means um... uh.. it's a work out for your.. for your donger yeah okay anyways
Well I mean I guess you, you didn't say they had a donger but I just assume it.
Dude I don't know listen dude I'm not a doctor. Actually I am a doctor,
actually I am. Check me out watch this predictions!
I missed! Dude I missed... dang it never lucky...
Wait what ohh my boosted. Whatever they can have a ward there.
They can have the ward there you know why? Because now they can just watch my dance /dance.
Night blue your mic is muted.
Gender, gender assuming oh my gosh it has triggered all the feminists alright...
Dude im just gonna say it right now I don't care if this gets me banned
I really hope it doesn't but I think wait.. can i, can i get banned for this?
But i think femin-- feminism's stupid.
Gotta look good for youtube i'm trying to end the game i'm sorry you guys
haven't surrendered yet after dying 40 times.
K.O. I love that K.O. dude I love it.
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
I lagged.. I lagged..
Now get the tower please.
Team do it, wait if I had a ruby crystal people are going to be like in
the comments section of YouTube "oh nightblue I'm sorry you had one Ruby crystal you're
not a full ad champion." You know what also my boots too you think you can.. you know
what touche watch this BAM! full ad Kha'zix full ad kha'zix
aww i was gonna buy a health potion and troll people alright good game
Nightblue, you have a health potion in your inventory.
You're not actually full ad.. just saying...
Hot pocket triggered, whatever bro.
We did it team we did it we're gonna win our promo we will shine bright like diamonds.
To truly know someone, eat them and walk a mile in their feet.