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  • - [Narrator] It's impossible to say

  • which country is the best in the world.

  • However, a case can be made for some countries

  • just being better than others,

  • at least in specific fields.

  • These are 10 things the United Kingdom

  • just does better than the United States.

  • Many Americans often mock British people

  • for still having a queen.

  • We often say, get with the times.

  • You're not free if you have a monarch.

  • Your tax money is just being wasted.

  • Well, the truth is that US taxpayers

  • have to pay more for their leaders.

  • In 2014, the British royal family

  • cost UK taxpayers just 35.7 million pounds

  • while President Obama and his family

  • cost US taxpayers 1.4 billion dollars in expenses

  • that same year.

  • So when it comes to cost effective leadership,

  • the queen of England ironically

  • is less expensive than the president of the United States.

  • The studies are in and the verdict is clear.

  • Roundabouts are not only more efficient

  • than US style traffic intersections,

  • they're also safer.

  • Mythbusters even tested this theory

  • and they clearly demonstrated

  • that roundabouts allow for 20% more cars to pass through

  • in any period of time

  • than what is possible in an intersection.

  • Another advantage is that in a roundabout,

  • drivers don't have to bring their vehicles

  • to a complete stop.

  • This has been shown to be safer

  • for both drivers and pedestrians.

  • So all in all, in this area,

  • the UK has the US beat when it comes to traffic control.

  • The average intelligence of each country in the world

  • is something that has been rigorously studied

  • over the past few decades.

  • Well, the results are in and quite embarrassingly,

  • people in the UK are smarter

  • than people in the United States.

  • The average IQ of the United Kingdom stands at 100

  • while the United States falls short

  • with an average IQ score of 98.

  • This may not seem like a lot

  • but those two crucial points

  • are enough to make the United States

  • fall below the mean European IQ which is 100.

  • Many people argue about the cause of this

  • whether it be better schooling or higher standards of living

  • but the facts don't lie.

  • When it comes to IQ, the UK is superior to the US.

  • Now that you know the differences in average IQ

  • between the US and the United Kingdom,

  • it probably doesn't come as a surprise

  • when you learn the UK actually contributes more to science

  • than the United States,

  • at least on a per capita basis

  • which is the metric that divides

  • the number of scientific papers

  • published by a country's scientist

  • and divides that number by the country's population.

  • This results in a number that gives you a good idea

  • of how scientifically productive a country is on average.

  • Well, in this category,

  • the United Kingdom has the United States outclassed.

  • The UK publishes 1.424 scientific papers

  • for every one thousand citizens

  • while the United States only produces

  • 0.988 scientific papers per every one thousand citizens.

  • This gap in contributions in the world scientific community

  • is a point of pride for people living in the United Kingdom

  • and this is certainly an area where the United States

  • should try to catch up.

  • The United Kingdom possesses the most productive

  • offshore wind farm in the entire world.

  • This world class installation

  • is the Greater Gabbard Wind Farm

  • which produces over 1.75 terrawatt hours of clean

  • and renewable energy every year.

  • The United States and indeed the rest of the world

  • has nothing that can compete with this installation.

  • In fact, the United States doesn't even have a position

  • in the top 25 most productive offshore wind farms

  • while the United Kingdom holds the top

  • first, second and third spots

  • with Denmark being its closest competitor.

  • The UK superiority doesn't just end there however.

  • The United Kingdom is the largest exporter

  • of offshore generated wind power

  • which means that not only is the UK producing

  • the most offshore wind energy,

  • it's also creating enough to supply other countries.

  • Just as with wind power and scientific papers,

  • the United Kingdom is better

  • when it comes to producing authors

  • and great works of literature.

  • The UK tops the charts of publications per capita

  • with only China and the United States

  • beating out the country in absolute terms

  • despite the UK's much smaller populations.

  • Overall, the UK produces 2875 titles each year

  • for every one million inhabitants of the country

  • while the United States only produces 956 titles

  • for every one million inhabitants.

  • This is an even more impressive feat

  • when you learn that the UK

  • has only 1/5 the population of the United States.

  • So when it comes to books,

  • the US is still quite a few chapters behind the UK.

  • While it is true that Hollywood

  • is the film capital of the world

  • and as a result produces more films per year,

  • this doesn't compare to one of the UK's

  • greatest film achievements.

  • The most successful film franchise of all time

  • is a British film franchise, the James Bond series.

  • The James Bond series was the first to gross

  • over one billion dollars in sales

  • and is still the highest grossing film franchise.

  • It seems that people still prefer

  • the cool suave charisma of Agent 007

  • to the loud action and violence of most American films.

  • If you're a fan of watching YouTube videos,

  • this is probably the most important category

  • where the UK is better than the US.

  • Despite having invented the internet,

  • the UK has the US outclassed

  • when it comes to average internet speeds.

  • As of 2015, the average connection speed in the UK

  • was 13 megabits per second

  • while the US only had an average

  • of 12.6 megabits per second.

  • So the next time you're in an argument

  • with a British person on the internet,

  • remember that they probably have you outclassed

  • in internet connection speed.

  • Of the 118 known elements on the periodic table,

  • 24 were discovered by British scientists.

  • This is more than any other country

  • and further reinforces the case of British superiority

  • in the sciences over the United States.

  • This number includes crucial elements

  • such as hydrogen, sodium, xenon and platinum.

  • The US however wasn't totally outclassed by the UK

  • as the country did discover 21 elements

  • on the periodic table

  • and as a result earns a very respectable second place.

  • This is probably the greatest sign of the UK's importance

  • and massive impact on the shape and history of the globe.

  • As a legacy of the once great British Empire,

  • countless flags around the globe still bear the Union Jack.

  • From Australia to New Zealand and even Fiji,

  • over 20 major flags around the world

  • contain the Union Jack in one form or another.

  • Perhaps the most interesting and most humorous

  • is that the number includes the US state of Hawaii

  • which prominently and proudly displays the Union Jack.

  • The very first flag of the young United States,

  • the Grand Union Flag even contained the Union Jack as well.

  • While countries such as Liberia and Malaysia

  • have similar flags to the US flag,

  • these are poor facsimiles at best

  • and are vastly outnumbered

  • by countries, states and territories

  • that still fly the Union Jack with pride.

  • For more top lists just like this,

  • be sure to leave a like and subscribe if you haven't already

  • and don't forget to check out our other lists

  • and thanks for watching and thanks for learning.

- [Narrator] It's impossible to say

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英國比美國做得好的10件事 (10 Things The UK Does Better Than The US)

  • 137 12
    むなかた じゅん posted on 2021/01/14
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