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"Why do I not play games?"
"Why does poopiepie don't play Video Games?"
"I don't watch PewDiePie, but I keep seeing ...
... thumbnails for his recent videos and does he play video games?"
"Does PewDiePie even play games anymo' ?"
"Does pewdiepie even still play real video games ...
... or he is just trying to be random ...
... and funny by saying offensive shit?"
"'Member—'member when PewDiePie used to play good games?"
Oh, last guardian a good game for you?
Oh, I'm sorry!
"I miss the old PewDiePie ... "
"I'm heavy disappointed in PewDiePie ... "
"I missed [sic] when you used to play games!"
"I miss PewDiePie playing games!"
"Where the god dang games?! God f*cking damn it!"
Hey, hey, hey!
J-just ... Shut the f*ck up. Calm down.
we played some f*ckin awesome games,
uhh- uncharted 4, uhh- the walking dead season 3
uhh-fire fire watch, ye- that was one episode but uhh
last guardian yea, I think that was about-
Bayonetta, Bayonetta, ye thats right
we played the games ahah, okay well
if you want games so fucking badly you
just have to fucking scroll down here
click here, and OH MA GAWD (*〇□〇)……!
there should be a couple thousand videos
for you there
ptt- you're welcome. Oh undertale, we played
undertale 3481 videos i'm pretty sure
there's plenty of gameplay for you out there :p
actually, before I start this video
i just want to say thanks a lot
that's not a very sarcastic but I
actually meant *kawaii laugh* thank you guys so much for all
the support on my last video about force
ahh, it's kind of like a sensitive topic I
don't know, but whether you agreed with
me or not I really appreciated that
sensitive sensibility since the yeah
from you guys hadn't really expected to
blow up so much I- I, it was slowly just the the topic that
I got a lot of math and I guess you can
say this video will kind of be like a
part two- two of that, umm because games man
f*ckin games, basically one thing that I
brought up in that video was that I used
to kind of fake that I was really
enjoying a video game because I thought
more people would enjoy watching it
that way and so I would play a shit ton
of games that I couldn't care less about
just because I knew it would get me views on youtube and that's pretty much I
think I think that's pretty much happy
wheel for you plz like super popular
games like no one is playing happy
wheels in 2017 and actually enjoying it
i refuse to believe that and I think
it's same with minecraft
like these games were just still
possible for people play them regardless
if they enjoy them or nine and I i
thought i was at a point where I'm like
okay well i shouldn't have to do that
anymore and I think people people speed
through I that's another thing i didn't
really mention talk about me in the
other video as well as that I think you
guys are smarter than that as well and I
think you can tell if I'm not really
having a good time playing game you can
see that so that's why I don't play a
lot of games that I used to play and my
friends are kind of pissed off at me for
it there's just no way to win if i play
a loose if I don't play i loose so i
might as well just go and be selfish to
think about me because yes it's my job
to be to entertain me to entertain you
guys and if you guys are entertained
with me playing happy wheels then maybe
I should just shut the fuck up and do it
but I also think you guys don't want a
fake version of me i think this I think
you guys want me to be on I think we all
everyone on YouTube kind of put up a
fake version of themselves
alright or a different version of
themselves like literally every youtuber
I met speaks differently to you rather
than to a camera i think that that's
pretty normal but it's fucking troops to
everyone I think that's fine but I also
feel like i wanted when i talk to you
I want to be a version of me that feels
genuane I don't want to go " AHH HAPPY WHEELS AAGHHH!!!"
even though it would get me more views
and I know- and I know no one's going to believe me
when I think I don't think views is
everything. *more kawaii laughing*
stupid, stupid life... I think happy wheels
is kind of like, okay it's so- it's such a funny
don't get me wrong but like all the gore
and all that shit
it's funny for a while but then it's
like the same joke over and over and
over and over and it just like okay well
it's clearly not funny anymore and if
you still think it's funny then you're
clearly faking it, and I think it's the
same thing with like fnaf and I think
that's why I hate that game so much is
because yet the first team is really
good and really scary but it's the same
fucking jump-scare over and over and
over and if you if you're still playing
it and still enjoying it i think you're
clearly faking it for views because it's such a
repetitive game like you get the jump
scare ok if you enjoy it for like that
the gameplay or story or whatever I
think that's fine but people, people want
to see me play fnaf just so they- i can
get scared with the jumpscare, but I
refused to fake a fucking jumpscare
because it's so f*cking stupid and the
game is absolutely not scary whatsoever
to me and then I played it on youtube
and i took the video down because people
got so pissed that I wasn't scared of
playing the game so i told, I'm telling
you guys you want games but at the same
time you don't want game so what the do you want SO WTF DO YOU WANT FROM ME (●o≧д≦)o
alright I'm not a monkey alright you can
scream dance all you want but I won't
I'm not fucking dance for shit i'm gonna
be honest,
I don't even play games that much by
myself anymore i used to play so much
fucking games
I swear to God I have like a- more than
365 days
spent in world of warcraft, *laughing intensefies* I got fucking
2000 hours in modern warfare two *keeps laughing*
this is so embarassing >_<, I don't even know
how many hours I spent playing Tibbia(idk)
I wasted so much time playing those
games but I fucking loved it. I
had some of my favorite memories
playing games so don't get me wrong i
don't know something has changed
I don't know if YouTube killed games for
me but I- there's so many games that I
genuinely want to play like overwatch
but I refuse to play them but because i
just know I've been there befoe i
had the experience i played the game
hoo it's fun
fuck i don't know where I'm going with
*laughs* this god damn, it i feel like i had the
experience with games before and I don't
want to just keep- I want to experience
other things
okay i want to experience the things
that my parents told me when I was
little and said it- while I was playing
video games "hey pooiepie why don't you
play an instrument"
they call me PewDiePie when i was a kid
hey, why don't you read a book
hey why don't you just go out and play
with your friends * laughs* like all those things
i geuinely want to do now instead of
playing games like here's a list of
games I made a list, that i haven't
played yet but I know I will fucking
love Hyper Light Drifter, The Witcher 3
Fallout 4, Zelda Wind Waker HD, Dark Souls 3
I didn't finish it
Doom, Overwatch, Dishonored 2, Samorost 3
Stardew Valley, Owl boy, Battlefield 1
Metal Gear Solid ok alright you you
get the point and that's just last year
i really want to play these games and i
know i would fucking love playing them
but at the same time I haven't played
them and I think the main thing is time
I -its like I know I could spend the
time playing the games and i know i would
fucking love them and I know a-everything
would be great but it's like I've been
down that rope befoe
oh I'm talking like I'm an addict i
think i might be I think that's why I'm
talking like *laughs again* this i think i just
realized that I'm addicted to video
games *more laughs* now I think I'm past it, i think
I'm I- i want to experience other things
in life that's what I'm trying to say at
least in my spare time and I don't know
if YouTube is the thing that ruined it for
me but I right- i don't know i know it
sounds crazy but I
rather just read a book I'd rather just
play an instrument
all these things my parents told me to
do i am now doing them deliberately what
the f*ck what is wrong with me
I don't know I'm 27 I'm not that old
I would- here's the thing, i know i will always
love videogames it's just one of those things,
but i think i want to tone it down a bit
just to do other things as well, I want
to try out different things and a- it's not
just for my channel it's also kind of
personal i know it's, sad it's decided
this whole conver- this whole conver-
this whole video it's just sad... another
reason i have been playing video games
as much on the channel is that i feel
kind of limited whenever i play games
like if I have a different tone than
what's going on in the game that's
really annoying i find that very
annoying when there's a myth Mitchmass XD
like as if there's the sad moment in the
game and I'm just going like "HAAAAH!" that's my- my
own- my impression of myself by the
way, I kind of limited to what the game
is doing alright I gotta follow the flow
of the game. if I'm just recording
whatever other video I have so much more
freedom I can do whatever I want and I'm
really enjoying that freedom what I've
been doing its kind of just waiting for
games that I know will make sense for me
to play and just focusing on that that's
why I will always keep playing games on
this channel but i rather just space
them out a little bit. i have to enjoy it,
you guys have to enjoy it, a- can't be too
can't be too long, like I would love to
play Persona 4 but that game is so
f*cking long so it wouldn't work on
youtube. it has to be somewhat
interesting for people to actually wanna
watch it and click on it like there
was this game This War of Mine which
looked amazing and I really wanted to
play but I know like no one would click
on a game called This War of Mine and I
and then that's the thing like well I
should just play it anyway right because
i really want to play it and so what it
is if some people don't watch it but at
the same time if people don't want to
watch what i put up on YouTube then why
don't I just play it by myself
struggle just keeps going on and I don't
know it'd have to be a match it has to
work and there's not that many games
coming out that fits
it's kind of f*cking hard and if you
start a game and you never finish it and
you still going to hear people bitch
about it for years
there are games coming out
I just need you guys to be a little
patient, okay I think that's the best way
to do it
meanwhile i'm just gonna have to put up
with these fuken comments about "wey does pewdiepie nut playe games? i thoght he was a gamin channeel!"
I think 2017 for me
i'm just going to be painfully obvious
and one thing I know for sure is that
people don't like honestly even if they
say they do *laughing* and I think that's why I got
into so much trouble lately with all the
drama and and all this f*king shit
cause I haven't been censoring myself as much as
I probably should but I've been really
enjoying it personally and I think i'm
at the point a- in my youtube ''career'' where I can
afford to be honest and maybe lose a
couple people and have the people that
watch me appreciate at least
that I'm true to myself
in a cer- ina- in a way at me that isn't too dishonest
does this make sense to you i don't-
i can't really tell it is kinda weird
for me to make this video, but ya
either way if you did understand what I- tf
I was like I was saying thank you and
thank you for supporting me and watching
my video. i've been loving the past week
despite like cut out all the drama that
happened it's been spend some of my favorite
weeks on youtube an- I'm having a lot of fun,
Games are coming
Just be patient I promised I would never
ignore you, i love you ^3^
yeah thanks for supporting me It means- it
honestly means the world to me and i'll see
meanwhile this is goin on,
I'm gonna do the Brofist
see ya- s- s- s- see ya next time, dis is pewdiepie, see ya
next Wednesday *Brofist* :D