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Ello, I know it's been so long since I've uploaded a video on this channel. I'll update
you at the end of this video with what's been going on but right now you're about to see
a phenomenal performer, Keith Barry blowing my mind with a card trick. I don't even know
if you should call it a card trick or a memory stunt or just mind reading. I don't even know
what it is, it's just incredible - you're gonna love it. And then at the end we'll have
a bit of a catch up. But right now, without further ado, here is Keith Barry blowing my
mind. So Steven I've got an interesting concept which is memory. I've trained my memory in
ways that are different to most people. I wouldn't say I've got a photographic memory,
I've just got a pretty good memory. Do you know if you're left brain or right brained,
do you know? No. No? No I don't think I do. And you haven't even tried this as a magician?
I might have looked at it once. Okay close your eyes. Think of a piece of furniture.
Open your eyes. Did you see a chair? Yep. But you saw a picture of a chair. Yep. Rather
than a word. Yeah. So even magicians, different people think differently. Some magicians or
people out there, they would have seen a spelling of a chair. So C H A I R. Which would have
mean't that they're left brained. They're linear in their thinking. Right brained people
like yourself, creatives, they think in pictures. So that's why you thought of a chair. And
yes, most people will think of a chair. So at home, tell people to close their eyes.
Tell them to think of a piece of furniture. And boom, tell them it's a chair. They'll
freak out. We're gonna use a deck of cards in this demonstration. One of my favourite
movies was rain man. Yeah yeah. Dustin Hoffman. So this was kind of, inspired by Rain Man.
Alright, so. It's important that no two cards are the same and so on and that you're happy
with the cards. Yep. Yep. Good. Alright. So here's the idea. We're gonna shuffle these
cards but in a very specific way if you like. Now it's important that people realise all
the backs are the same. And oh. Do you know exactly how to check for marked cards? I forgot
to say this. I do yeah. You do. Okay you can have a look. Yeah. There's no marks. They
are, yep, normal deck of cards. Straight deck. That was interesting. You never checked the
other end though so we'll check the other end as well. Oh yeah. Okay we'll riffle through
like this. And what he's looking for is any discrepancies in the backs of the cards. So
here's what we'll do. We're gonna use a whole bunch of cards. You're gonna take some. I'll
take some. You take these. Okay. And just go ahead and shuffle them up any way you want.
I don't mind. Alrighty. Okay now let's swap, when you're ready. No, no, go ahead. I wanna
do two shuffles just to for fun you know. Just for fun. I'll do the same. There we go.
You take, I'll take. Sweet. So I'll shuffle this. You shuffle those. And here's where
it gets kind of interesting. Put them down on the table like this. And I want you to
just go ahead and cut a portion like that. Perfect. Now I'm just gonna do this. Twist
them like that. I'll twist mine as well. Put your hands on top like this and smoosh. I
like that word, smoosh. Lovin' it. And here's where it kind of gets interesting if you like.
I'm gonna let you do all this. Just so it's hands off for me. I want you to take a bunch
of my cards. Take a few of them. And turn them face up and put them next to yours. Take
a bunch. There we go. Face up next to yours. Do the same with yours. Take a bunch and put
them face up next to mine. Okay, put your hands on top. And smoosh. Smoosh. Okay good,
you don't need to square them up. So, let's do that again. Take a bunch of yours, turn
them face up, put them over here. Take a bunch of mine, face up, put them next to yours.
Put your hands on top and smoosh. Now this next decision will be yours. Do you want to
do that again or not? I feel pretty good about it. Pretty good, okay. Well we are going to
have one last smoosh. Because you're going to put those into those. So one last smoosh.
Smoosh the whole lot together. Okay good. Now, I'll square them up very quickly. The
hard part yeah. It's fine. So, here's the idea. As a magician we're both gonna look
at them at the same time. Okay. I'm gonna flick them past your eyes like so, we'll do
it up the way, just like this, okay good. Okay. And we'll do the other side as well.
Good. Having done that. Do you know now, for certainty as a magician how many cards are
face down? No. There's no way to tell. But actually when I was looking at the cards I
was quickly as best as I could taking a mental snapshot of the cards and trying to figure
out how many cards are face down. I'm gonna go with 21. 21 cards face down Steven. Take
them yourself, I don't wanna do it. We're gonna just discard the face up cards. Forget
those. Then count the face down ones. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Ah 21! 21 face down cards. I'll tell you what, take those. And
fan them towards yourself. Don't let me see them. Okay. That's important. Alright. And
I'm gonna look away so even if the cards were marked, he checked them, I'm gonna look away
anyway. I'm gonna go with ah, I'm gonna say that there's, I'm gonna go with 10 red cards.
Take out the red cards, don't let me see the other ones. You can count them into my hand
this time. Okay. That is 5 so far. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 10. 10 red cards. 10 red cards. So
that means you've obviously got 11 black cards. I'm gonna go with eh. See here's the idea.
We saw the backs of the cards but we didn't see the faces, correct? Yeah. Incorrect. Becasue
I flipped the deck over both times so I actually tried to memorise some of the faces as well.
I'm gonna go with 6 black cards. Sorry, 6 clubs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ooh we've got 7. 6,
7. Oh 7 clubs, off by 1. So 7 clubs. And you've got 4 left. Erm, allow your eyes to scan over
and back. Over and back over the cards. Allow your eyes to settle on one. I think, is there
an ace of spades there. Take that out, hand it to me. You've also got, if I've memorised
these correctly. You've also got the 7 of spades. Yep. I think you've got the 4 of spades.
Yeah. And finally you've got the King of Spades. Ah, that was incredible. Damn. That was absolutely
incredible. Thanks. Everyone's gonna be blown away. Ah man. Check out Keith Barry's social
links in the description. He's got a YouTube channel. And in a couple of days time I'll
be uploading an interview I did with Keith, super interesting chat. We talked about so
much, including the new Now You See Me 2 film which I recommend you go and check out. All
that to come in a couple of days. Anyway, if you're wondering where I've been. I've
been working on a magic video that took me 4 weeks of planning and then filming and then
editing and at the end of the day it just wasn't what I envisaged. It wasn't as good
as I wanted it to be. As a result, I'm kind of going back to the drawing board on that.
But it's slowed down my whole upload schedule. But don't you worry. If you were worried.
There's gonna be a lot of videos on the way in the very soon. In the very soon. My grammar
is astounding. And just before I go make a cup of tea, a quick thank you to everyone
that's supporting me on Patreon. You guys are really helping me out, so thank you so
much. There'll be a link in the description to Patreon if you guys are interested in what
that is. And that's it. We're done. There we go. Thanks for watching. See ya guys soon.
Thank you.