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  • Hey guys. I'm Alex. Thanks for clicking on my channel. If you're here, it's probably

  • because you're interested in improving your English in some way. You've come to the right

  • place. Down below, you will find many videos about English grammar, English vocabulary,

  • pronunciation, writing skills, speaking skills, and a wide variety of things related to the

  • English language. So if you never want to miss a video, please

  • subscribe to my channel and I'll always be here! Thanks, guys. Good luck, and take care!

Hey guys. I'm Alex. Thanks for clicking on my channel. If you're here, it's probably

Subtitles and vocabulary

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跟Alex學習英語 (Learn English with Alex)

  • 169 30
    郭璧如 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary