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Hi guys, I'm Laura Vitale. On this episode of Laura In The Kitchen I wanted to share
something really quick, but it's so delicious and totally worth having on your Brunch table,
if you are having guests over - if you have guests staying overnight for a holiday, or
just a weekend or whatever, you want to put together a really nice Brunch, this is definitely
something I think is a really good one to have on that table, and it is my Maple Glazed
Now, it is an incredible combination of sweet and salty, and we are going to pop it into
the oven. We're not going to get bacon grease everywhere, so it's easy, it's easy to clean
up, it's just, and it's incredibly awesome. You'll need like four ingredients, very simple,
starting off with some bacon.
Now what I have done here; this is some thick-cut bacon, and what I've done I've taken a baking
sheet, and lined it really well with some aluminum foil, and this helps, because when
the maple syrup tends to burn a little bit, because it is sugar in it, especially, because
I am adding some brown sugar as well - maple sugar, brown sugar, and a little bit of cayenne,
it helps with clean up. Now, I've got a wire rack here. You want to make sure your rack
is oven-proof safe, and I have just laid my bacon on top of my wire rack. That ensures
that the bacon gets crispy all around, that the air goes around the bacon, and gets crispy
all around. It doesn't stay - if you were to put the bacon on the baking sheet by itself,
the bottom would be soggy.
So, there's a great tip there. Now, what I have here is some maple syrup, a touch of
brown sugar, and just a small pinch of cayenne pepper, because in all things, life and food,
balance is key, and for me, I need a little something hot with the sweet and salty, so
it's just a match made in heaven.
I've got my oven preheated to 400F, and what I am going to do now, is pop my bacon in there
for ten to fifteen minutes, or until it's a lightly-golden brown and starting to crisp
up a bit, and I'll take it out, and in the meantime, we'll get going on making the glaze,
which takes like four seconds.
While the bacon finishes up in the oven for just a couple more minutes, I am going to
take my maple syrup, brown sugar, and cayenne; I'm going to put them in a small saucepan,
and just cook these together long, just long enough for the brown sugar to kind of melt
in there, and it's only going to take, like, once this starts to get - once it comes to
temperature, and starts to boil a little bit, it will take one minute, literally. It takes
no time at all. You just want the brown sugar just to dissolve a little bit, so it's not
like chunky, going onto the bacon. So, I am going to let this do its thing for literally
a minute. In the meantime, I am going to grab my bacon, and get going on the last step.
The bacon was in the oven for twelve minutes to be exact, and now that's going to vary
just a little bit, depending on how thick your thick-cut bacon is. Now I am going to
take my mixture, which literally took one - as soon as it started to boil, it took less
than a minute, and it was good to go, and I am going to generously paint this on my
And this is definitely going to add lovely color and flavor to the bacon.
I just do a couple of layers of it, until I run out.
It's going to be so delightful. Serve this along, maybe Eggs Benedict, or maybe with
- I wouldn't put, if I was doing Eggs Benedict, I would maybe do, instead of doing Canadian
Bacon, I would maybe do something like this, or you could serve this on the side, and serve
homemade English Muffins with poached eggs. That would be just lovely.
Pop this back in the oven for five or six minutes or until it is beautiful golden brown,
and crispy, let it cool slightly, and then you're ready to serve, and I'm ready to dig
My bacon went back in for about six minutes after it was glazed, and I mean it looks magnificent.
It's golden brown, it's crispy, but it's not overly cooked so that it's like crumbles,
it's just perfection, and look at that. If you come close, you can see the glaze on the
bacon. Mmmm,
The best bacon ever! Mmmm!
By the way, if you see underneath the rack, the kind of burned pieces of sugar and maple
syrup, that's why, excuse me, that's why I like to line my baking sheet with aluminum
foil. That way, you don't have to sit there and scrub, scrub, scrub for hours, you just
kind of rip it up, and throw it out, and you are good to go.
This is the best bacon in the world, and it's a great side dish to pretty much any Brunch
recipe, or if you are anything like me, just to snack on, because you can.
Go get the recipe at I hope you've enjoyed spending time with me.
Let me know what some of your favorite Brunch Recipes are. Leave them down below, so that
I can re-create them for you, and definitely - I would definitely appreciate some feedback
on that, because I am definitely - if I can say definitely one more time - I am looking
to make some more breakfast and brunch recipes, and I want to know what you want to see, so
make sure that you leave all of your requests down below, because I read all of your comments,
as always. I hope you enjoyed spending time with me. I'm going to eat my bacon! I will
see you next time. Bye!