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In answer to your previous request regarding Dr. Watson not being involved..
The answer is..
When two objects collide, there is always damage
of a collateral nature.
are you sure you want to play this--
Throat punch, throat punch, throat punch, throat punch!
Throat punch, throat punch, throat punch..
How Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Should Have Ended
Was it worth it Holmes?
Now we're both going to die in this watery grave.
But you are wrong you see because I suspected I would be thrown over the ledge.
Which is why I took the liberty of stealing my brothers personal tank of oxygen.
Do you mean this tank of oxygen?? Muahaha!
I suspected you had a plan so I
pick-pocketed you.
Now I shall live and you shall die!
So sorry to disappoint..
But I had a feeling such trickery would arise
which is also why I'm also in fact wearing this inflatable
life preserver.
Ah, are you now?
But you see, I knew you would be wearing an inflatable vest
so I secretly poked holes in it while we were playing chess! Muahahaha
Ah but once again, I knew you would try such an act
which is why it regretfully pains me to inform you
that what you were actually poking holes in was in fact this..
sack of beans.
Hahaha sack of beans, good show!
Clearly, we are equals.
Yes, frightfully equal.
Well, since we will both clearly survive,
I look forward to an exciting future with you as my arch-nemesis.
Quite right, indeed sir.
That water looks awfully cold.
I did not consider the cold.
or the rocks.
Why, Holmes?
We were just in the other room!
Tank missile!
You've got to be kidding me!
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