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  • Awww, it's Memna, the face of Emma

  • With makeup on... Video over

  • It's done

  • Copy this. Bye

  • Hello everyone it's me, BradWOTO the star of the Pewdiepie channel on Nickelodeon

  • Uh ooh, there's Sara. Sara Hill's Face Primer

  • So what you wanna do is take all that makeup off that you just had on your face just then

  • Put the primer on your face, like a bike

  • You know like bikes? You get paint primer for bikes

  • You also wanna put it on your lips apparently

  • Aaaand close that, you don't want that

  • Anything with CC on it, don't use

  • Uh, put that around the eyes

  • What this does, is makes your eyes really pop

  • Pop!

  • If you don't use it then no one will be able to see your eyes

  • Kick Ass, All Is Calm, this goes... This is actually a supplement, it goes in your arse

  • Uh nope, put it on your face. Not an arse... Well that's up to you

  • If you wanna put an arse on your face then that's completely between you and a consenting adult

  • This... I don't know what this is for. This is to make you look like you've got grayscale from Game of Thrones for a bit

  • That's Game of Thrones on HBO

  • This is MUA's Skin Define HYDRO POWER!

  • And Hydro Power, what that's gonna do is stop the grayscale from drying you out too much

  • The grayscale's still there... Is it supposed to be still there? I don't know if you've blended that in right we're moving on!

  • Klairs Illuminating Supple Blemish Cream, SPF40+

  • This is for if you're 40 years old like Emma is clearly

  • If you're 40 years old or more, put a fuck ton of that on

  • Just keep, just fuckin' launch that on, get as much of it on as you can

  • It's... What you wanna do is use one or two bottles per... per makeup go

  • Right, now she's magically blended all of that in and hasn't showed you

  • But she's moving on without letting you catch up

  • If you can move at this speed as well that would be great so you can keep up with her, look at that

  • And we're moving on again, I dunno what the last bit was

  • Creamy Natural Fit Concealer, she's putting that round the eyes again

  • Really have to make sure the eyes and the chin pop. If the eyes and the chin don't pop, nothing pops!

  • That's what we say here at

  • This... Is an alien device

  • Now what you wanna do is use this to communicate, no what you wanna do is literally turn into an alien

  • For a little while there, you looked like a little anime alien ahhh kawaii desu-chan

  • This is to make you kawaii

  • She hasn't blended them in again, she's left a lot of the dots on

  • She's really doing a half arsed job here. half arse it all the way to beauty

  • Uhhh, she's not showing us what they are anymore, she's just putting stuff on

  • This is to make your cheeks pop. If your cheeks don't pop, nothings popping!

  • That's what we say

  • Uh.... Dunno what this does, this makes you pretend like you have bones in your cheeks

  • That weren't there a minute ago

  • And this one is to make sure... Look at that bit of hair, does that annoy you? That annoyed me

  • What's this then, that one had stuff in it or have you used it, I don't understand what's happening anymore

  • Is this... What would normally be happening in this video? How long is this?

  • We're only 3 minutes in, it's 11 minutes long and I couldn't tell you one single thing about what's happening

  • Like if I had to actually explain what you needed me to explain, which is what I think you're asking me to do

  • I can't. I have no idea how you're doing it, or what the purpose of each of these things is

  • Like... It's just like... Oh, it's magic

  • Basically you've said, here's an... Look at this! Wow!

  • And then you start putting it on your face and everything changes

  • And then you move onto the next thing, wow!

  • You got a cut on your finger there? I wanna go back and see that, can we go back and zoom in on that?

  • Don't get makeup in the cut. It will get infected and then you won't be able to put any makeup on for a few days

  • Again more magic

  • So now it's shinier... I guess

  • My face is shinier everyone, look at that

  • Do you want shine? If you don't shine, you don't pop. And what do we say at Emma Pickles? Popping is everything

  • Uhhhh... This is the nose shine

  • Ok, we've ZOOMED in, here we are

  • Now we're in close, as if we, like, didn't need this before... I don't know why we're in closer

  • B: Like, the whole... it's the same face E: It's the details! B: What? We're doing detailing work now are we?

  • It IS like a bike. You know when they do bikes up and they put paint primer on it?

  • And then they get in with the details?

  • B: Decals! E: You should probably explain that you worked in a car shop

  • Well it probably doesn't sound like I do with my severe lack of knowledge

  • Now what you wanna do here is make yourself look as much like Cara Delevigne in one second as you can

  • Give yourself them THICK, THICK eyebrows

  • E: What?! B: And then... Well you went from no eyebrows to the thickest eyebrows I've ever seen

  • B: Now, you... E: They're slender B: You've added another same colour thing

  • Here's what you've done, you've added five of the same colour over eachother

  • It's just they're different types of shine

  • Vacay, thought that said vajay, um, alright

  • Now it's glittery, here we go this is the shit

  • Now we're getting some glitter in

  • Wanted to say the word Ritalin... Didn't

  • I don't know why you keep showing this

  • B: It just keeps coming back to it E: They're different colours!

  • Different colours so that you can...

  • I mean, I don't know how you explain this do you ever need to explain? What would you be saying at this point

  • Why are you explaining it, it's just... It's obvious what you're doing, you're pointing at a thing and you put it on your face

  • That's it, look at this!

  • B: Put it on your face E: This is through the socket though

  • Yeah but, I can work.. I mean, I don't... Yeah but do you need to tell people that?

  • Look, Espresso, point that this, put it on your face in this place

  • E: I wouldn't have a video if I didn't tell people that B: Well why can't they work it out?

  • You point... I worked it out, point at this espresso coloured thing

  • Put it on your face in this place above the eyeball

  • E: Did you just put me out of a job? B: Yeah, all of you, all of you just went out of a job

  • You don't need... It's obvious what's happening, I mean I suppose some level of it comes down to skill

  • And how well you can do it to yourself, if I actually tried this it wouldn't look like that

  • But, I understand the concept of 'point at On Fire', 'place On Fire'... You've mixed so many colours here

  • This is mental

  • B: How is this not just a smudgey brown mess like you do with paint E: Thank you!

  • How do you just... You know when you get three different colours of paint

  • And they always just end up being a horrible brown mess on the page

  • How does that not happen here, this is a different colour entirely

  • This looks like you've walked into a door, why...

  • So, get the look of 'I've walked into a door on one eye', oh you are going for the other one

  • So why have you gone for purple there, so what you want is brown on top, purple on the bottom boiiii

  • Ok, we're just mixing random colours

  • We're going for purple and brown.

  • Day dream

  • I feel like I'm in a... Nightmare

  • Ok, really want... The thing is I'm looking at the individual thing here and it looks like a bruise

  • And I... I don't wanna say that because I know you're gonna get annoyed with me

  • We're going back to the vajay

  • Uh, we're gonna glitter up the bruise, that's what we do

  • We're gonna glitter up the inside of the bruise here so that it looks less like a bruise

  • That's a mess innit? Look at that! Ain't you got a clean one if you're gonna be making a video

  • B: Can't you keep one for showin E: It was used!

  • Yeah well you keep one for showin' and you keep one for usin' every day

  • Jesus

  • That's on your all... EYEBALL

  • Oh no, EUUGHHH

  • B: Euuurgh, I hate this, I hate this, I can't do this E: I did this just for you because I know how much you love it!

  • Ughhh, that first one looked like you just had it in your eye and closed your eye around it

  • E: I did it on the upper one B: Don't

  • This, this I never understand how you do this to this level of like line work, this is mental

  • This is like you've gone into Adobe Illustrator and used a line tool to get a specific 0.5 point line and draw it along

  • Cause I've tried to do this before

  • Now it sounds like I don't know anything about makeup but I am actually the one that taught Emma

  • B: But I can't do it this good E: It's true

  • B: These are called wings, yeah? E: Yeah

  • Hell yeah, this is my favourite things on people

  • B: I like it when people do this, that's all I have to say on the matter E: You're welcome

  • Can we move on to the next bit yet? Nope we're gonna keep talking about the wings

  • So these ones are called Brown Wings, which is also... No I'm not... I can't...

  • Someone's gonna get that joke, and if you got the joke LOL

  • If you didn't, don't worry about it, we'll move on to the next part


  • That looks... How do you? I thought you was... It just... How do you not get your eyeball it's freaking me out

  • E: Sometimes you do and it just sits on there B: Euuughhhh

  • See how does this not just make your eyes really heavy

  • And you walk around looking like you're a bit stoned all day

  • How? Look at it, look how thick those lashes are

  • I know that's the idea, but like does it not just make your eyes heavy?

  • Are you gonna glue some eyelashes on in a minute?

  • You are, look! I knew it!

  • B: How many eyelashes do you need?! E: ALL OF THEM

  • What is this, do you think you were gonna head into like Mad Max into a sandstorm

  • And you'd be protected better than the goggles they fucking wear with these amount of eyelashes E: Like a camel

  • You are a camel

  • Who stores eyelashes in its hump

  • You just need so many eyelashes in that, in that hump

  • Ew, oh my God... I can't, this is grotesque

  • This is like watching a trypophobia video at the moment, I hate eyes

  • I hate them, eugh! You see that? It's like watching a spider walk along your own foot

  • B: Why did you look at the camera then? E: Cuz I have to check it's recording because it stops all the time!

  • B: Why is this the time to check the camera? E: Because it's important

  • I don't understand how you did that

  • Again, we're back to the point where... All it is is, 'show product, apply actual magic'

  • B: Sorcery, we're talking like warlockian, wizard sorcery magic here E: Thank youuuu

  • That's all I can work it out as, and then it's done

  • B: That's a weird kind of, oh is that? Is that how you do that?! E: Yep

  • B: Cause that's like... Do you do that EVERY video? E: Nope... That was just for you

  • Oh ok, I'll allow it then, cause that was... We're back to the brown wings portion

  • What's this? You've got excited about that

  • Nope, we need more Cara Delevigne-ing, we need more Cara...

  • B: Why was that funny to you? E: I forgot

  • Oh, is this wrong? You've done it wrong?!

  • You've made me look bad now

  • Wow! It's finished everyone, we're gonna do the Vogue sign

  • She's gonna look all cute, look down!

  • Always look down... Back up!

  • And then... Do the little rabbit ears thing

  • if you wanna get yourself some t-shirts with brown wings

  • E: Ewww B: Bye!

Awww, it's Memna, the face of Emma

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我的男朋友做我的配音♥ (My Boyfriend Does My Voice Over ♥)

  • 59 2
    yangzixian0221 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary