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  • >> Our next presenter I had the pleasure of meeting during the DSI Hackathon.

  • She was on the, what ended up being the second-place team, but in my mind, I think,

  • was the winning team of the presentations.

  • Namrata Zalewski, and her presentation is entitled, "Tableau,

  • Using Visualizations to Truly See Your Data".

  • It's really a transformative tool.

  • If you have not used Tableau yet, I thoroughly encourage you to do so.

  • Also check out

  • So please give a warm welcome to Namrata Zalewski.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >> [Laughing] I'm Namrata Zalewski [applause].

  • And I will talk about using Tableau for data visualization at Indiana University.

  • A few weeks ago, some of you may remember that I sent out a survey asking Tableau users

  • at Indiana University what they think of Tableau.

  • And here's what I collected.

  • From 25 participants, 99 words and 4 words per participants.

  • So what I've done with this data, of course, built a Tableau visualization.

  • This is a snap of a Tableau dashboards on this slide.

  • And what you're seeing here are the words that were mentioned once.

  • And I have highlighted some of the words that I thought were very interesting.

  • So basically the users are saying that Tableau is intuitive.

  • It is engaging.

  • It is challenging.

  • It allows you to explore data.

  • It is expensive, and it allows you to do analytics.

  • The words that were mentioned twice basically says that Tableau is fast.

  • It has visualization capabilities.

  • Allows you to see big pictures.

  • Has drill-down capabilities.

  • It is flexible.

  • And it is colorful.

  • The words that appear three times, since the Tableau users are saying that it's creative.

  • It's quick.

  • It's easy.

  • Informative and fun.

  • The words that were mentioned four times -- and I couldn't have defined the Tableau better

  • than that -- is that Tableau is powerful, professional, and visual.

  • And the last one that was mentioned the most, is saying that Tableau is interactive.

  • So I work at Enterprise Business Intelligence Team,

  • and we are working on a decision support initiative project.

  • And as a part of this project, we have built a few dashboards.

  • And you will see -- in the next few minutes, you will see some of these dashboards that are --

  • that have interactive and drill-down capabilities.

  • And visually appealing, and informative, and powerful and flexible and so on.

  • So let's get started.

  • Here is the dashboard that has interactive and drill-down capabilities.

  • Again, it is the snapshot of the Tableau dashboard and the slide, so it may not be as interactive.

  • But it's called Major versus Non-Major.

  • So what you're seeing here on the dashboard is the analysis of credit hours by the students

  • in your school, versus the students that are coming from other schools.

  • So on the top circle you can see, there's a filter.

  • And you can select a school or some other information.

  • And when you select those filters, in the first graph you see information that's broken

  • down for major and non-majors.

  • So for example, in 2015 there were 42% of students who were majors

  • in the selected school, and the 57% non-majors.

  • And so when you click on any of these academic ears, the below graph will filter the data.

  • And this -- so in this particular dashboard, you're just see a very high level information

  • of students that are majors versus non-majors.

  • And if they're non-majors, which schools they're coming from.

  • So, you know, and you may want to get a little bit more curious,

  • and may want to know some more information.

  • So where are these non-major students -- what is attracting them to come to your school?

  • Or what are the classes that they're taking, so you can decide for the next term if you want to,

  • you know, expand your class or so on.

  • So you can select any of these schools.

  • And as soon as you select one school, it opens a few more dashboards -- a few more visualizations.

  • And so what you're seeing here is 2015, the students, what classes they have taken.

  • And then you could even go further, because right now you're seeing the number

  • of classes that students have taken in 2015.

  • And when you click on any of these classes,

  • you can drill down further to see a train of these classes.

  • So how the data is, you know, how the enrollment is looking like for the last few academic years.

  • So again, so this was a drill-down capabilities.

  • They kind of provide the users with very high-level information.

  • And when they get curious, or they want to --

  • they ask questions, they can drill down to the information that they are looking for.

  • So now we are going to move to visually appealing and informative dashboards.

  • So the dashboard that you're seeing here has a bump chart.

  • And the bump charts are useful for exploring the changes in rank of values over a time dimension.

  • So in this particular dashboard, a school is selected,

  • and what you're seeing here are the departments within that school.

  • And how the enrollment looks like for these schools --

  • or for these departments in the last few years.

  • This dashboard is visually appealing, and it's very informative,

  • because just in a few seconds you can tell exactly how -- you know, how this -- how the department --

  • how the school looks like in terms of the departments.

  • The departments that are pretty steady are the departments

  • that are fluctuating over the period of time.

  • So this was a bump chart.

  • Now, we're going to move to a more colorful, powerful, and creative dashboard.

  • And it's called a thank you chart here.

  • So in this particular dashboard, again, it's similar to the first one, major versus non-majors.

  • You can kind of see that -- so the information that you're looking here, in my --

  • my students, where they're taking their classes are the --

  • in my school, you know, where the students are coming from.

  • And all of the schools are here together.

  • Right? You cannot probably see the information very clearly at this point, however,

  • you can select one of the schools, which is one of the colors,

  • and you can very clearly see the visualization

  • of how this data is flowing into a different direction.

  • And similarly, you can also select the other side, and you can see the information from here.

  • So again, this is, you know, it gives you a lot of information just in one visualization.

  • And as you hover over your mouse, you can get even more information to just see, you know,

  • the credit hours, the percentage, and so on.

  • So all of you see now, that how Tableau is powerful, flexible, colorful, interactive

  • and has the drill-down capabilities.

  • So are there any challenges that we're facing?

  • Yes. There are -- we did come across quite a few challenges.

  • And one of the biggest challenges is the Tableau's biggest strength, which is powerful and flexible.

  • Many of you may have heard, with great power comes a great responsibility.

  • So the Tableau allows you to do a lot of customizations.

  • You can pretty much do anything to make the picture look the way you want it.

  • Make it -- you want to look at it.

  • And to do that, you might have to create a lot of filters.

  • You might have to create a lot of factions.

  • You might have to create a lot of calculated fields.

  • You might have to change the size.

  • You might have to change the colors, text, and so on.

  • And, you know, the more you start building,

  • the harder it gets to maintain those reports in the dashboard.

  • So the key is to keep things simple and informative as possible.

  • The second one is balancing aesthetics with the dashboard's usability and design.

  • So what I mean by that is, as we started working on a DSI project, initially,

  • all of us came up with great ideas.

  • We were very creative.

  • But all of these dashboards looked quite different from each other.

  • So we decided we need to have some standards.

  • And so we decided, okay, we're going to use the same canvas size.

  • We're going to put the filters on one side.

  • We're going to use some colors and not others.

  • But pretty soon we learned that those standards did not apply to the new dashboard standards.

  • So for example, drill-down.

  • I needed a space on the right-side, so I couldn't put the folder there.

  • So finding the right balance between the standards

  • and the dashboard usability sometimes could be challenging.

  • Excitement.

  • Well, if you haven't heard the excitement in my voice yet, it is fun.

  • And one could easily get carried away.

  • Data interpretation.

  • So it is human interpretation of a picture.

  • So is your visualization interpreted correctly?

  • And to make sure that it is interpreted correctly, you need to provide

  • as much information and visualization as possible.

  • Now in the DSI project, we are using a data cookbook to document every single word,

  • so that information is there to make the right decision.

  • Or to interpret the data correctly.

  • Validation, again, it is a picture and the numbers,

  • so validation as it is, is a complex process.

  • But in a DSI project we have come up with this process

  • where we are validating the data at every stage.

  • But sometimes it could be challenging.

  • One of the other challenges that is not listed here is the unclear specifications.

  • So initially when we build a dashboard we get okay, we need to build --

  • we need the number of students by this and this dimensions.

  • So as [inaudible] we're going, we start exploring the data in Tableau and we learn,

  • oh wow, this information looks great.

  • We go to the functional owners.

  • Oh, do you think you will need this information?

  • And they're like, oh yes, that's great.

  • But can you please add this and that?

  • And then at the end there's a change of colors.

  • But [laughs], you know, that is a part of the process where the data occurs,

  • and the functional owners, they have to work together to define clear specifications.

  • So now you have heard all the great things about the Tableau,

  • and some of the challenges that we face.

  • So you may be wondering, is the Tableau for your team?

  • Again, you know, Tableau allows you to see and understand your data.

  • You can connect to pretty much any databases; Oracle, SQL server.

  • You can connect to an XL file.

  • And just with a drag-and-drop can create visualization in [inaudible].

  • So the server dashboard that I built, the initial dashboard was done in 10 minutes.

  • That's pretty much how long it took to get that data into visualization.

  • How do I get started with Tableau?

  • If you go to and search for Tableau,

  • you will find a few articles that would get you started.

  • So once you build a Tableau dashboard, how do I share Tableau reports with others at IU?

  • Well, there are Tableau -- there's a Tableau production and test server sites

  • that are available on us.iu.eduebitools.

  • And also published dashboards to, which you will hear a little bit later,

  • more so that you can -- so others can find that.

  • Tableau information.

  • Tableau@iu.

  • So the current Tableau server version we have is 9.3.0.

  • Just keep it -- be aware that the Tableau client and the server version,

  • they need to be on the same level for the clients to publish it on the server.

  • Tableau server upgrade to 10 is coming soon.

  • I know some of you who are using Tableau are excited about the new features

  • and the capabilities that Tableau 10 has to offer.

  • So stay tuned for Tableau updates by subscribing to listserv

  • Tableau -- so if you are looking for more help on a Tableau,

  • there is a community -- Tableau community site.

  • And also Tableau training sites.

  • And you can get a lot of information there.

  • [ Applause ]

>> Our next presenter I had the pleasure of meeting during the DSI Hackathon.

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