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Hey, what's up GG (guys and girls)? CouilleBleu's back today to play
Hey what's up GG (Guys & Girls)
Here are the runes, masteries, skill distribution and items that you'll need to roflstomp like a boss.
CouilleBleu 今天要來玩
In the laning phase, you should always use your Dirty Ball on your opponent if you want to see his life get sucked like a milkshake,
especially if the enemy's using a health potion.
吹濕她那 - 提摩的馬子
Thanks to that skill, you can make a minion go KABOOM, damaging every fuckabish around it.
崔絲塔娜 - 提摩的馬子
And that is why you can deal tons of damage at level 1 without buying Phreak's trademark item.
Add a Roflstomp to your combo and your opponent will hate playing mid for the rest of his life.
To get a kill, you should make the enemy think that you're AFK and when she gets close to you, do a Roflstomp-Dirty Ball combo and finish her off with an Ignite.
The other way to get a kill is to make your gay younger brother think that you're going back home and surprise him with a Flash-Roflstomp-Dirty Ball combo
and push him with your Bullet Bill before he touches your cutie body.
If you're getting ganked by the enemy jungler,
對線的時候 多用你的球球 看他們的血條一點一點消失
wait until your nemesis shows up to Roflstomp and Flash in the air to dodge that ultimate and finish her off with a Dirty Ball-Bullet Bill combo.
如果對面在喝紅水 一定要用喔
Want to kill anyone in less than a second?
Stop doing any fancy tricks and do a simple Roflstomp-Dirty Ball-Bullet Bill combo like a boss.
And now, everytime you savagely jump on the enemy, she will probably Flash away because she just pissed in her pants.
這樣你就算不買 Phreak 的代言產品也可以打出 Tons of Damage
Rocking your lane is good and all, but sometimes,
只要一跳過去再來個連技 你的對手就會永遠放棄中路了
it's better to Roflstomp on the minions to push your lane and gank the other lanes with the same destructive combo that you always use.
要拿人頭的時候 讓敵人以為你斷掉了
My name is Tristana, and that is how I ninja gank people kissing their turret's ass.
Late game, you'll be so fed that you can randomly kill anyone hiding in a brush and you can kill any squishy baby carry with a mere Dirty Ball.
跳過去放球球 最後放個點燃收掉
With your Quickie skill, you can take out a turret faster even if you're dealing no damage with your Auto-Attacks.
你也可以讓你的死 Gay 弟弟以為你要回家
With your Bullet Bill skill, you can save a teammate by pushing back the enemies or you can secure any kill for a greedy kiddo.
With your Roflstomp skill, not a single minion will survive after getting a taste of your weight and this also applies for your twin sister.
然後送他一顆子彈 保護你的玉身
You can also get away from any dirty situation and if you combine it with Zhonya, you'll wreck anyone below you.
A wannabe's trying to copy you? He will get whooped by Tristana's wrath, no problem!
等你剋星來的時候 跳過去半空閃現
With your Dirty Ball's passive, you'll witness some explosive fireworks everytime there's a big wave of minions.
閃掉她那個大絕 然後球球子彈二連發把她解決掉
Its active will let you shoot a Dirty Ball on a single target, killing anyone slowly and painfully.
Combine all your skills into a combo and you will be able to (THANK YOU FOR READING THIS) any day.
When doing some ninja ganks, using your Roflstomp-Dirty Ball-Bullet Bill combo will be enough to send any fuckabish to oblivion without failure.
直接跳過去 球球加子彈就可以啦
Or, if the enemy's already low on health, you can simply propel yourself and shoot your Bullet Bill in mid-air like a greedy kiddo.
現在你只要跳過去 她應該會嚇到按閃現了
In teamfights, you should finish off any enemy that is low on health and every time your team gets a kill, you will be able to Roflstomp everyone on the battlefield.
That's right! No one will be able to support the weight of your jumps.
Roflstomp Mister Underwear, use that once again to avoid Articuno's attack and Bullet Bill her,
然後跑到其他路上 讓他們見識你的神技
jump on that girl to make her focus her attacks on you until your team comes to wreck her in pieces.
我是崔絲塔娜 我最喜歡的就是像這樣打龜塔的小孬孬
Sometimes, you won't need your team to kill someone hugging his turret, so do not hesitate to take a freebie and get out of there before anything happens.
到了後期 你可以肥到隨便一跳跳死人
Chinese Spear taking the long road? Teemo's bitch take the shortcut.
然後用一顆球球就可以把脆皮 Carry 給幹掉
That's it for today, people!
Don't forget to check out my channel for more boring League of Legends videos.
Feel free to leave a comment in any language you want, but I'll only answer those in English and in French because I'm a racist fuckabish.
你的子彈可以推開敵人 拯救快死的隊友