Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles last time I defined a category for you, and explained that the most important features of a category composability and identity and then I started talking about the most important example of a category that we use in programming, that's the category of types and functions, right. so in programming we have types and functions. But the model for types and functions is really sets, sets and functions between sets, right. So I mean every time you design a language you have to provide semantics for the language right? What does it mean, certain things in language and a lot of languages are defined using so-called operational semantics i mean the ones who actually have semantics, right. There are very few of them, none of the major ones. But they sort of like, have part of its semantics defined right? And there are two ways of defining semantics one is by telling how this thing executes right, so it's called operational semantics, because you're defining operations of of the language. You know how one expression or statement can be transformed into another simpler one and so on. And the other is called denotational semantics where you actually map it into some other area that you understand and in particular the most interesting way of mapping this is into mathematics, right so you build a mathematical model you say "this statement in the "language or this construct in the language corresponds some mathematical "thing." and this mathematical thing for instance for types is a set of values. For functions, it's a function between sets. Ok, that's why it's so important and that's why I will just talk about type sometimes and sometimes I will say Set, sometimes i will say type because I have this semantics in mind Ok? So what is important is that a function in programming, especially when you are considering you know imperative programming it's not exactly the same as the function in mathematics right so we have to like be more specific by "function between sets" we really understand something that in programming would be called pure function right? And it will be a pure function and a total function because a mathematical function is defined for every argument not just for some arguments right? This is like the major source of problems in programming that we have these partial functions, functions are defined for some arguments and for other arguments they explode, right? I mean if they throw exception that and then we catch this exception it's fine right but quite often they don't they just destroy the computer, explode and stuff. So, a total function is defined for all its arguments right and these arguments are taken from some type so like if it's a function on integers it has to be defined for all integers right? And it's a pure function and how can you tell if a function is pure? So I have this test for a purity of a function: a function is pure if you can memoise it which means ah you know you can turn it into a lookup table right? Because for every value of an argument it should return one particular value right? And you can just remember this value, okay, you call this function once it evaluates it and then you can remember the next time you do a lookup into a table right? So if you have like you know, types that are finite that only have a finite number of elements like boolean right then it's really easy to tabulate them, functions on characters if it's just ASCII characters, they are really easy to tabulate right, all these functions like `isAlpha`, you know, or `isPrintable`, they are all actually tabulated, so they are very fast. Now functions on, let's say integers or strings, they usually cannot be tabulated right but that's only a problem because of resources right? If we had infinite resources we could tabulate it. So ask yourself the question "can I actually memoise this function?" and for instance a function like `getChar` cannot be memoised, right? You call it once and then you say "Oh, it returned 'h', good. "I'll just remember it and from now on whenever somebody calls function getChar I will return 'h' "and that's it". No, you can't do this, right, so this is not a pure function. Now of course you might say "okay, but how can you program using only pure functions" right? We need things like side effects So all this stuff can be described on top of pure functions, but what we really want is to get to the bottom of the abstraction like what is the lowest level (or the highest level of abstraction depending on how you look at it) right? so what is the atom, what are the building blocks what are the simplest building blocks from which we can build more complex stuff right? Using again the same idea of composability so first we want to decompose the problem, get to the little blocks at the bottom, and then recompose stuff from there. So when we are decomposing this idea of using procedures and data types and so on, we eventually get to the bottom and that's pure functions. So on top of your functions we can be building more complex stuff, including things like I/O So now that we have this category of types and functions, right and I talked a little bit about this, now let me expand on functions, because functions are very interesting, there's much more to know about functions than we usually consider right? So they are really interesting beasts. Even these pure functions right? Total pure functions. We have to look at them from a slightly different perspective- from a perspective of how we can use them as morphisms in our category right? The category Set which contains sets and functions between sets. So functions are defined in mathematics as special kinds of relations ok what's a relation? Relation is, you know, take two sets they have elements right. Now we're talking about set as in set theory, not as a category. In a category won't be able to look at elements, but in set theory we can look at elements right? A relation is just a subset of pairs of elements So it's just a pairing of things, we say this element in a relation with this element, ok? And again as I explained we are using our brains to understand these things and here we are like talking about relationships so this is, you know our relationship frame, talking about social interactions in mathematics. Yes you have a question > Does the relation have to be total? In general? No. We're just talking about general relations in mathematics right? So we say ok, this person is in a relation with this person and they are, lets say friends. So this guy's a friend of this guy maybe this guy's not a friend of this guy so the relation doesn't have to be symmetric you know? So, let me define a relation okay? First of all what is a set of pairs? A set of pairs in mathematics is called a Cartesian product, right? So we have two sets, S1 and S2, and we can do a Cartesian product of it so all elements from one set are paired with all possible evidence from the other set so the set of all pairs forms the Cartesian product. Now we take a subset of this Cartesian product, we just pick some pairs, randomly or not, you know, if they are meaningful. We just pick a subset and any subset of this Cartesian product is a relation by definition that's a relation ok? So there are no other requirements, just a subset of the Cartesian product, that's a relation. So in this sense relation does not have a directionality, right, whereas functions functions have direction functions are these arrows so this is one of the most important things to understand, that functions have some kind of directionality. So what kind of condition do we have to impose on the relation for it to become a function? And in a relation we can have this element you know, pick an element in this set, it can be in relation with many elements in this other set right? And vice versa, an element from set can be in relation– (well okay I'm drawing, putting these arrows in this direction). So many elements from set S1 can be in relation with a single element in set 2, or one element from set 1 can be in relation with many elements from set 2, both are ok for every relation. One of them is not okay for functions. (I need an eraser) I'm not gonna use my hand! Which one is bad for a function? The top one right? One element, one argument of a function cannot be mapped into a bunch of things. It has to be mapped to one thing ok? It's still ok for multiple arguments to be mapped into the same value for a function, but not the other way. So that's where the directionality comes from. Last, we want to be considering total functions for our category right? So this whole set has to be mapped. All elements of this set must be mapped into something in this other set Ok? However it's not true that all the elements from this set have to counter, you know, have to come from this set. So this could be a subset that's being mapped Ok? Now these things have names so let me name these things for future reference so that we can talk about them easily. So if you have a function f, (so this is like a graph of the function f) this is called the domain of a function, right? The domain of the function is just this set from which we have started, the whole set. that's its domain. This set is called the codomain. And this subset that was obtained by mapping the whole domain is usually called the image of the function. Ok? So functions are not symmetric in this way, you see? This is the whole set, this could be a subset. Multiple elements can be merged into one element but not vice versa. So there is this directionality and this directionality is very important That's a very important intuition about functions, and this is not only an intuition about functions because later we'll see that in category theory also we have all kinds of other mappings, we have mappings between categories called functors, we have mappings between functors which are called natural transformations and so on. All these mappings have the same kind of directionality, ok? And the simplest way to understand this directionality is asking "is the function invertible?". Like, if I go from here to here is it possible to go back? And usually it's not. So if there is a function f from some A to B, you know, there isn't always a function that goes the other way around, that is the inverse of this function. How do we define an inverse of a function? Well, if you have a function that goes from A to B, and I will be using this notation that is just taken from Haskell, So f is a function, double colon means "this is the type of function", the type of function, it goes from a to b. Alright so this is set A, set B, type a type b. Ok? So this function is invertible if there is another function that goes in the other direction, from b to a. That's the inverse of this one, what does it mean? It means that g after f equals id. Ok? So if you first go f to B and then go back from B to A using g, you should end up in the same, exactly the same point. So if you have an x here, x maps it to some y here and then you apply g to y, you should get back to x ok? That means the inverse, ok, but we can compose them two ways right? So g after f is one, but there's also a composition f after g and this one also has to be an identity. So we go g first and then f, and you should end up at the same point ok? So this makes it symmetric. So a function that's invertible is automatically symmetric ok? And the function that is invertible is called isomorphism. So this is the definition of isomorphism and notice an interesting thing: this is in the language of categories. Maybe with a little bit of additional notation, if f goes from A to B and g goes from B to A then this is an identity in which object? In A. Right? So Now let's forget about this picture and say A, B, this is f, this is g. Ok? So g after f, I'll get identity on a. and then f after g, is the same as identity on b. Okay, and I have written this in categorical language, I'm not talking anymore about elements, right? Here I was talking about elements of sets, I don't need to. Okay? Now I can go back to categories and say "this is a definition of isomorphism in any category". Not only in a category of sets, in any category because it's expressed in terms of composition and identity, nothing else, right? So f is an isomorphism if there exists a g with these properties Ok? So isomorphisms are great because isomorphisms, like, identify two sets they say "this set really looks like this set", that there's like one to one mapping between elements of these sets right? So that's, you know, if this is a two element set and this is a two element set, you know I have a mapping between these elements. That's great, right? For my purposes they are sort of like identical right? It's not really identity, it's isomorphism, but I have an identification between these two sets. So for finite sets you know an isomorphism is just an identification of elements, this element corresponds to this, this corresponds to this and so on, one-to-one correspondence. For infinite sets, of course, this is a little bit more complicated. For instance you can have a one-to-one correspondence between natural numbers and even numbers. y = 2x even numbers. Or odd numbers Right? These are functions that are invertible. Is that true? No, but if this is a set of even numbers, right, so let's say this is a set of even numbers (not the set of all numbers, just a set of even numbers) and this is the set of all numbers, and then I have one-to-one correspondence between even numbers and all numbers, right? That's because they are infinite and for infinite sets you can do tricks like these, but if this is a natural number and this is, say, you know real numbers, right? Real numbers. Now you know that there is no correspondence like this right? Do you know that? There's a good argument, that [...] But that's just a side remark, right. So just to make you aware of the fact that isomorphisms kinda tell you that these two things are for some intents and purposes identical But most functions are not isomorphisms, right? Most in a sense of, I dunno, most functions that we deal with are not isomorphisms and there are two reasons for a function not to be an isomorphism, Ok? So you have to have good reasons not to be an isomorphism. One reason is because the function can collapse elements of a set, right? So it takes multiple multiple elements of this set are mapped to a single element of this set, so let me be more precise here, just focus on one thing so you have some x_1 and you have some x_2, and function f maps both of these elements to the same y. Ok? For instance, let's see, a function `isEven`, which returns a boolean, right? So `isEven` maps every even number into this one element of the boolean called true. All even numbers are mapped to true, all odd numbers are mapped false so lots, lots of numbers are mapped into one value. So we have this kind of gluing going so that's one reason for this function not to be invertible. There's another reason for it not to be invertible and that it doesn't– that its image does not fill the whole codomain, right? So you have a function in which No, so this is the codomain but there are some points here, this is the image of function f, there are some points outside of the image that just don't correspond to any x's here, right? So if you would want to invert this function you would have to to create a function g and what's the value of g on this point right? maybe you can invert for these points you can say okay this x is mapped to this y ok maybe I can invert it, if I don't have this gluing right? Then maybe I can invert it, but I don't know what to do with this guy, what's should g be on this? No idea. Yes? > Isn't it possible to have an inverse relation on this [...] or do we not care about those? Yes, yes, yes and in fact, you know at some point people have this, instead of inverting functions what you could say is that the counter image of this y, right, it would– Ok, in this case, right, it will be some bunch of points here, right? And this bunch of points that are mapped to the same point. It's called a fibre ok? And fibration is a very interesting topic in category theory. Because then you can build a set of fibers here and you can say "Okay, on a set of fibres this thing is invertible". I'm getting really really ahead now, ok So there are these two reasons for a non-invertibility, so I like to think of this like a function, if you think of a function as something directional something, a process that takes place in time, a function that's not invertible is something that increases entropy, right? It boils an egg and you cannot un-boil an egg, right? So these kind of things make, you know, make this thing non-invertible. And it's very important because these two things, these two phenomena here that make it non-invertible, they correspond to a very interesting thought process that we use to solve problems. This corresponds to abstraction, this means, you know "I really don't care which "of these points I came from". I'm only interested in one property there, so I'm abstracting, I'm throwing away some information about whether it was x_1 or x_2 and I'm left with just one piece of information. For instance I'm throwing away information about what was the exact number that I mapped, i'm just extracting the information whether it was even or odd. Ok? So I'm sifting information, right? And I cannot invert it, I cannot say "Oh, it "was an even number so it must be two, must be zero." No, right I don't know how I came to this conclusion, but I have abstracted a bunch of information and now I have just this one piece of information that I care about. Ok? So this is the process of abstraction. This on the other hand, is the process of modelling, ok? I'm modeling this set inside this bigger set, or maybe it's not bigger. right, but since it has this, this environment, right. So I'm saying "okay I'm recognizing the pattern that's "defined by this set inside this second set." So I'm mapping it, so I'm sort of, like injecting this right here, right? This is some stick figure or something, and I see the same stick figure here. Ok? So you know this is maybe a human sitting in a cave, and this is the shadow on the wall of the cave. I'm embedding it in here. And I'm abstracting maybe also, right? Because this is a three-dimensional guy, this is a two-dimensional shadow and doesn't have, you know, so I'm doing both abstraction and modelling. And then somebody comes and recognizes this "Hey you just drew a person!" Oh! The first human being drew the person on the wall and they are excited. So they just discovered category theory. Ok so mathematicians of course have names for these things, right? But they their names are like the inverse what I described so, like, they say "If a function does not collapse things then its called injective, or injection" An injective function does not collapse things ok? So if you have two different x's, x_1 and x_2, and you map them with a function then you will always get y_1 and y_2, they will be different so if x_1 is different from x_2 and– ok let me write fx_1 and fx_2. So if these guys are different, then these guys are different too. Which means it's not collapsing anything, right? It's just injecting the thing as is, right? The whole thing with all the points in here get transported to this other set. No shrinking, no forgetting, no abstraction so thats an injective function. It just injects. And this thing also they have a name for the opposite of this, namely, if the function covers the whole codomain, right, the image is equal to the codomain, then it's called surjective. And that's from I don't know French or Latin "sur-" means "on" right so it's "onto". It's a function onto the other. So this one is a counterexample for a surjection right? That's not a surjection because it has this terra incognita here. A surjection doesn't have this, a surjection covers the whole thing right? And in particular in set theory, you know, if you have a function that's both injective and surjective at the same time it's actually an isomorphism, you can invert ok? So that's a good thing to know. But now you might say "Okay, "so we know something about set theory, that there are injective functions and "surjective functions". Now if we define this in terms of elements, right I said elements here, right? And surjected it means that for all ys in the second set, y equals f_x right? There exists an x. For all y's there exists an x, that y is equal to f_x. That's in terms of elements of a set. Like, there is no thing outside. Every element that I pick in this set has a counter-image, ok? So I have defined something in terms of elements. And now if I go to category theory, you know, the Set category, how do I talk about injections and surjections, right? If I cannot look at the elements. Turns out I can, but it's a tricky business because I have to express this stuff now only in terms of morphisms, right, of other morphism so I have to, like, turns out I have to talk about all the other objects in the category, all of them, in order to define this one property. And this is very very characteristic to category theory, if you want to define a property of an object or an arrow, you define it with respect to essentially everything else, ok? So this is a very holistic approach, right? You cannot just focus on one little thing because no matter how good your microscope is you cannot look inside this little point, right? Where a is, right? And here's b. Because in category theory this is a point, here it's a big thing I can look at it using a microscope, so if my microscopes don't work, maybe my telescopes will work. I'll be looking at the whole universe and I will say "this little guy is in a relationship with the universe" and the relationship of this guy with the universe is such that I can say something of this type, like it's sort of injective or surjective, except that in category theory, we don't like Latin, ok? We use Greek. So instead of saying something is surjective, you know "sur-", "onto" and in Greek it's "epi-", right? so we'll say that something is surjective it's called "epic" ok and something that's injective it's called "monic". Or monomorphism, monic thingy, or monomorphism and it's can be called epimorphism. I'm getting outside of my area. Or an epic morphism okay? So epimorphism and surjective function: it's the same thing when you consider just set theory, right? And injective and monic is the same in set theory. But these things are defined for any category, so they are much more general. So how would we define this stuff, ok, let me erase this maybe, we remember this, it's an easy thing. How would we define, let's say an epimorphism? I think that's easier. So we have a function from A to B, sorry not a function, a morphism, ok but let's let's, first thing about the function but let's try to define this property of a function that's surjective in such a way that we don't talk about elements. Ok so first we'll start with a set, but we'll try to find the property of a surjective function that can be expressed purely in terms of other functions So let's first think about– if it's not surjective what does it mean? If it's not surjective it means that there are guys here that are not in the image, right? so suppose that I take another function called g from this set, so this is my set A, this is my set B let's say I take a set C, whatever set, right, and the function g from B to C. So as you can see function g will have values for elements that are in this terra incognita and also for these elements that are in the image of f, right? But if I compose these two, and here's the trick, I have to talk about composition because composition is the only thing i have at my disposal in a category. So I better talk in terms of composition, right? So if I talk in terms of composition, if I compose this function f with g then look what happens: this x will go inside the image and g will take it to some– so this is, lets say y, this is some z, right So g after f will actually not probe this terra incognita, right? Even though g maps everything, inside composition it will actually only act on this, right? Inside the composition. Because it's acting on y's and these y's were obtained by acting on x's using f. That's how a composition of functions is defined in Set. Aha. So if I take two such functions, g_1 let's say, and another function g_2, and these functions only differ here, so g_1, maps this guy into this point and g_2 maps this guy then g_1 is different from g_2 right? They map points differently, or actually what i want to say is the same point is mapped by g_1 and g_2 to something different, right? That's the difference. The same point is mapped to different points, that means g_1 and g_2 are different functions. But if they only differ outside, in this halo, the composition with f will be the same. So the composition g1 after f will be the same as g_2 after f, even though g_1 is different from g_2. So the converse of this is if for every g_1 and g_2 If g_1 after f equals g_2 after f It follows that g_1 is equal to g_2 for every such combination then, I can say this function is surjective, right I'm just like reversing the logic. If, for any object C and any pair of functions g1 and g2 from B to C, if g_1 after f is the same as g_2 after f, then g_1 must be equal to g_2. If this is true, then the function is surjective. And look at what happened, now I have expressed this purely in terms of categorical terms And maybe I should put one more, for every c for all c's, for all objects c's for all morphisms g_1 g_2 that go from B to C if from g_1 f equals g_2 f it follows that g_1 is equal to g_2, then this is an epimorphism. And this definition will work for any category. In the category of Set, this is just exactly the same as a surjective function, but in any category I can define something like this because I'm only using composition. But notice that I'm using quantifiers "for all". So I have to consider all objects in my category all c's, and all possible pairs of morphisms from B to C, right? So I'm really, really looking at the whole universe just to define this one property of f. And the way to remember this property, one way of looking at this, is that if i have this kind of relation it means that i can i can cancel something on the right, it means if I have g_1 after f equals g_2 after f, then I can cancel f. And what do I get? g_1 equals g_2. Right? This is this is actually a good point for a break
A2 category relation mapped composition element theory Category Theory 2.1: Functions, epimorphisms 40 5 張嘉軒 posted on 2017/02/06 More Share Save Report Video vocabulary