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  • Hello the Internet and welcome to our ongoing series all about using Google Analytics with AdWords.

    大家好!歡迎持續收看這一系列介紹如何 將 AdWords 和 Google Analytics (分析) 搭配使用的影片

  • My name's Sean Quadlin, I'm a product marketing manager here at Google

    我是 Google 的產品行銷經理 Sean Quadlin

  • focusing specifically on SEM best practices. Now, when your accounts are linked, you can add

    負責搜尋引擎行銷最佳做法 如果您的帳戶已完成連結,就可以

  • GA metrics directly to your AdWords reports. In this video, we'll talk about

    直接在 AdWords 報表中加入 Analytics (分析) 指標 我們將在這部影片中探討

  • what you can do with that. Specifically, how you can understand which AdWords

    這麼做有哪些用處 特別是如何判斷哪些 AdWords

  • campaigns, ads and keywords drive


  • on-site engagement. And second, how you should monitor '% new sessions' to

    網站上的主動參與度 您還可學到如何監控「新工作階段百分比」

  • learn which keywords attract new customers.


  • Let's start by understanding which stats add to your reports for deeper

    為了深入瞭解廣告成效 我們先看要為報表加入哪些統計資料

  • understanding. Now, the sad fact is most clicks don't turn into conversions, but


  • when you add GA metrics like bounce rate, pages per session and average

    但在報表中加入跳出率、 單次工作階段頁數

  • session duration to your reports, you can see what's happening even on those none-converting

    以及平均工作階段持續時間等 Analytics (分析) 指標 就能從未能化為轉換的點擊中獲得寶貴資訊

  • clicks. Some things that you can evaluate with these metrics include:

    您可藉助這些指標 評估下列廣告元素的成效:

  • Calls to action in your adsdoes the user engage with your site differently when

    廣告中的號召性文字 - 更換號召性文字後

  • there's a different call to action? New keywords in targetingis a new area that

    使用者與您網站的互動方式是否會隨之改變? 新的指定關鍵字 - 您新闢的宣傳主題

  • your advertising on delivering on users expectations?


  • How did the bounce rates look for a new keywords set? And finally, new landing pagesare

    加入新關鍵字組後,跳出率又有何變化? 最後則是新的到達網頁 -

  • people going deeper into your site now that they're going to a new page? How was

    將使用者帶往新的網頁 是否能讓他們更深入瀏覽您的網站?

  • your average session duration changing? Now, continue to focus on the metrics

    平均工作階段持續時間又有何變化? 從現在起,請持續監控

  • that matter the most to your account, then use GA when the primary metrics

    您最重視的幾項帳戶成效指標 如果主要指標提供的分析數據

  • don't give enough insight for you to make good decisions. Second, monitor

    不足以讓您做出理想決策 請使用 Analytics (分析) 指標

  • '% new sessions' to learn which keywords attract new users. Use this

    另外,請監控「新工作階段百分比」 找出哪些關鍵字最能吸引新使用者

  • metric to understand where your campaigns reach customers in their

    這項指標可看出廣告活動 是在客戶消費歷程中的哪個階段觸及客戶

  • journey. Think of it as a proxy for new customers. You may have an idea about


  • which keywords are introducing new customers to your company, but you can

    您或許已經知道 帶來新客戶的是哪些關鍵字

  • use this metric to prove or disprove that hypothesis. You can set goals and gauge

    但不妨使用這項指標證實或推翻您的假設 一旦得知關鍵字

  • success better when you know how many new sessions are coming in as a result of

    各帶來了多少新工作階段 就能更精確地設定目標並評估成效

  • that keyword. As you learn more about which users are more likely to have been


  • to your site before, you can improve your strategy for your account.


  • It's really insightful stuff. So when you're using GA metrics right in AdWords reporting, you

    光從一個指標就能看出大學問 只要在 AdWords 報表中使用 Analytics (分析) 指標

  • can understand which AdWords campaigns, ads and keywords drive on-site engagement.

    就能瞭解哪些 AdWords 廣告活動、廣告和關鍵字 能提高網站上的主動參與度

  • And you can also monitor '% new session' to learn which keywords attract new customers.

    還可以根據「新工作階段百分比」 找出能吸引新客戶的關鍵字

  • Thanks for watching this video and please check out the rest of our series all about using GA with AdWords.

    感謝您收看本影片 記得別錯過本系列的其他影片

Hello the Internet and welcome to our ongoing series all about using Google Analytics with AdWords.

大家好!歡迎持續收看這一系列介紹如何 將 AdWords 和 Google Analytics (分析) 搭配使用的影片

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