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  • BOY: (SHOUTS) Read all about it!

  • Read all about Christ's return!

  • Read all about it!

  • I'd like to see the view from up in those clouds.

  • WOMAN: You will soon enough. We all will.

  • BOY: (SHOUTS) Read all about Christ's return!

  • Don't forget your paper!

  • Read all about it!

  • MAN: I'll take a copy, lad.

  • So, people find intrigue in the news of the Lord's return?

  • Well, people want to hear about the end of the world, sir.



  • BOY: Read all about it!

  • Read all about Christ's return!


  • MAN: (SHOUTS) Captain Miller, sir?!

  • MAN: (SHOUTS) No! No more!


  • MAN: Captain, we've got no more rounds!

  • Captain?! Captain?!

  • Captain Miller?!

  • (GASPS)


  • (GASPS)

  • (READS) “But how conceive a God supremely good,

  • Who heaps his favours on the sons he loves,

  • Yet scatters evil with as large a hand?

  • “A God came down to lift our stricken race -

  • He visited the earth and changed it not.”


  • The children have asked for you.

  • Will you take them some bread with butter and cheese?

  • Yes, my dear.

  • (SIGHS) And what are you thinking about today, Mr Miller?

  • Voltaire.

  • Voltaire believes there is a supreme power.

  • But he does not accept that God has anything to do with us personally.

  • I...survived that battle in Plattsburgh, Lucy and...

  • ..I have to know why.

  • And Voltaire's words provide no answers, then?


  • God reached down to the battlefield to...meddle in the lives of men?

  • It goes against reason, William. It's not logical.

  • If you had seen the shells and the blood that day,

  • you'd know the only explanation for our victory

  • was some sort of divine intervention.

  • And what of the men and boys who died around you?

  • Was it the hand of God that put them in the grave?

  • I don't have the answer for that, Abner.

  • All I know is I should be dead and I am not.

  • Perhaps the Bible has an answer.

  • Come now, Mr Miller.

  • The Bible is an ancient fairytale. You have no proof of its validity.

  • WILLIAM: You don't have proof to the contrary.

  • Both views require a leap of faith.

  • Surely one demands as much attention as the other.

  • So, now an ancient text is your authority on all things?

  • It just may have the answers I seek.

  • Well, I'll tell you what I seek.

  • Another pint.

  • William...

  • Hello.

  • We need a minister for today's service...



  • Abner has fallen ill.

  • - Oh. - So, they...

  • They've asked me to read the sermon.

  • And your response was...?

  • This is what I get for speaking in front of Mother.

  • I told her that I would next read the sermon when Elihu was away.

  • She...must have told one of the elders.

  • Indeed, all parental instructions, unless enforced by becoming examples,

  • will expose not only the truths taught,

  • but the parents themselves...”

  • Many remained hardened,

  • thoughtless of God who created them and of Jesus who bled to redeem them.”


  • Be not deceived, beloved parents.

  • If you would train up your children in the way they should go,

  • you must not merely instruct,

  • but your actions must corres...

  • “..corres...

  • “..your actions must correspond to God's calling on your heart.”


  • (READS) “For God so loved the world,

  • that he gave his only begotten Son,

  • that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,

  • but have everlasting life.”

  • “I have loved thee with an everlasting love,

  • therefore with loving...”

  • “I am the Lord, your God, your Saviour...”

  • So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many,

  • and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time...”

  • And if I go, I will come again.”

  • Little one...

  • What is it?

  • The baby bird is dead.

  • Oh...

  • My sweet child.

  • There, there.

  • It's going to be alright.

  • No.

  • It's not.

  • Come.

  • Let us lay this gentle creature to rest.

  • Papa...

  • ..I don't want to die.

  • Oh, my precious one.

  • Mmm.

  • You will yet live for many, many years.

  • But...

  • ..each of us must one day pass from this earth.

  • Aren't you afraid of that?

  • No.

  • Not anymore.

  • For I have found a friend in Jesus.

  • August 16th, 1818.

  • Now, after two years of study,

  • “I am satisfied that many of the prophetic promises in the Bible

  • have been fulfilled.

  • “I must wonder, then,

  • why not the promise of his Second Coming?”

  • LUCY: Back to Daniel's vision, are we?

  • Well, speak up, so the whole family can hear.

  • Then I heard one saint speaking...

  • ..“'How long shall the vision

  • “'concerning the sanctuary and the host be trodden under foot?'

  • And he said unto me,

  • “'Unto two thousand and three hundred days -

  • “'then shall the sanctuary be cleansed'.”

  • Hmm, that's a long time to wait in Daniel's day.

  • More than that, I think.

  • The sanctuary here refers to the earth...

  • ..and...

  • The sanctuary refers to the earth

  • and the cleansing

  • must be the...cleansing of the earth

  • after the Second Coming of Christ.

  • If each day represents one year...

  • William, what is it?

  • Christ is coming.

  • The glorious appearing, yes.

  • Some day. Our blessed hope.

  • Lucy, you do not understand.

  • If...

  • ..each of Daniel's days is one year,

  • and...then the 2,300 days

  • will be 2,300 years until the Second Coming of Christ,

  • and the time period begins at 457 BC,

  • as indicated in Daniel 9, and confirmed by historians,

  • then that brings us to...

  • ..1843.

  • Christ is coming.

  • My Saviour from Plattsburgh is coming.

  • 1843.



  • William?

  • William, my love?

  • - (GROANS) - Come to bed.

  • (SIGHS)

  • The Bible holds the answer to the timing of our Saviour's return.

  • God's Word has lasted these many centuries.

  • It will still be there in the morning.

  • Can you believe what the Lord has shown us?

  • Indeed.

  • I shall never again doubt the faithfulness of Scripture.

  • Thy word is a lamp unto my feet

  • and a light unto my path.”


  • MAN: Just...

  • LUCY: What have they hit?

  • I'm unsure.

  • Whatever it is, it will not move.

  • LUCY: Mm.

  • The ground is as stubborn as the man who holds the title.

  • Lucy...

  • I have explained my position.

  • The Baptists, the Methodists, the Presbyterians,

  • they all believe that Christ will return

  • at the end of the millennium foretold in Revelation.

  • As if...we could usher in a thousand years of peace on our own!

  • (SIGHS)

  • If these many years of studying the Bible have shown me anything,

  • it's that Christ will return to cleanse the earth

  • at the beginning of the thousand years, not at their end.

  • This must go beyond just our family.

  • You must tell others, William.

  • I am no theologian.

  • Nor has anyone asked me to be the watchman.

  • Is that so?

  • (SIGHS) Lucy...

  • ..I'm a gentleman farmer.

  • I shall soon be 50. I'm too old to take on such a challenge.

  • AndHow, then, shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?

  • And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?

  • And how shall they hear without a preacher?”

  • I shall make a covenant with God.

  • I shall speak if I am asked.

  • Well, it's your choice.

  • Are you the rock or are you the plough?

  • And how long will it be before someone steps forward

  • and asks to hear your wisdom?


  • LUCY: Come in.

  • - Irving. - Aunt Lucy.

  • To what do we owe this unexpected visit?

  • Uh, the pastor of our Baptist church has been called away.

  • So, Mother and Father were hoping you could speak in his place tomorrow.

  • They thought you could minister on the prophesies

  • you've been studying in the Bible.

  • WILLIAM: I'm not a theologian,

  • nor has anyone asked me to be the watchman.

  • LUCY: Are you the rock or are you the plough?

  • And how long must it take before someone...?

  • WILLIAM: I shall make a covenant with God.

  • I will speak if I am asked.

  • No!

  • God! No!

  • I cannot preach!

  • I'm not qualified, nor am I a watchman.

  • I beg You, do not put this burden upon my shoulders!

  • Send someone else!

  • (SOBS)

  • But I made You a promise.

  • How can I do less now?

  • Can I deny the only One who has ever truly forgiven me my failings -

  • who has saved me from myself?

  • (SIGHS) I cannot.

  • As we know, there is much evidence in Daniel's vision

  • that the cleansing of the sanctuary

  • is symbolic of Christ's return to cleanse our suffering earth,

  • which we have ravaged with war and sullied with sin.

  • But the proof is strong that Daniel's vision

  • began 457 years before Christ.

  • Now...

  • ..take 457 from 2,300

  • and you are left with 1,843 years after Christ,

  • when the vision will be fulfilled.

  • The conclusion must be that some time about 1843,

  • our Saviour, Jesus Christ, will come to take us home.


  • I think your brother-in-law has gone mad.

  • My dear friends and family,

  • are you prepared for this great and important event?

  • Are you ready for Jesus to return?

  • Here...

  • is strong evidence that the time is not far off.

  • Remember the old world?

  • They thought Noah was a maniac, but the flood came.

  • Be warned - fly to the ark,

  • take refuge in the beautiful promise of Jesus Christ,

  • who said, “I will come again.”

  • ..and what I say today,

  • I hope that we can call each other friends.

  • Because I have found a friend in Jesus.


  • LUCY: Must you really be off again tomorrow?

  • Yes. To Exeter.

  • Hmm.

  • When will you be back?

  • (SIGHS)

  • I will pack provisions,

  • but I want you to rest and take proper care.

  • It will be so.

  • disappointed in me?

  • How could I be?

  • You are answering your calling.

  • I sometimes...wish things were different.

  • Soon, our Saviour will return.

  • How different Heaven will feel.

  • If we have the correct understanding of the 70 weeks -

  • that a day represents a year -

  • and the vast majority of Christian expositors agree on this point,

  • including the great physicist Sir Isaac Newton,

  • then the conclusion is unavoidable.

  • The vision of Daniel's 2,300 years will be fulfilled about 1843.

  • No.

  • We...we cannot serve two masters.


  • We c...

  • ..we cannot love this present, evil world

  • and, at the same time, serve God.

  • While we may flatter ourselves for being righteous -

  • and I'm as guilty of this as any man...


  • ..we may soon learn, to our everlasting shame...

  • .. that we are wretched, poor and blind.



  • MAN: Oh, Brother Miller? Brother Miller!

  • Joshua Himes.

  • I sent a letter last month, inviting you to my church in Boston.

  • Ah... Hello, Brother...

  • Himes. Joshua Himes.

  • Well, I...I've preached temperance from liquor and abolition of slavery,

  • but never has my flock heard a message such as yours.

  • How soon can you make it to Boston? Two weeks?

  • Boston?

  • Very well. We'll make it three.

  • (CHUCKLES) Uh, the good Pastor here knows my background.

  • You...want me to come to Boston?

  • Chardon Street. The eighth.

  • Deliver the message that you preached here today.

  • But I am just a farmer.

  • Well, a farmer with a message that must be heard.

  • We will await your arrival on the eighth.

  • Who is that gentleman?

  • That's Joshua V. Himes.

  • He's a force to be reckoned with.

  • He found his voice lobbying for temperance

  • and almost single-handedly organised the Abolitionists of Boston.

  • You know his church?

  • Aye. Aye. The Chardon Street Chapel.

  • Oh! It's a sight to see.

  • Calvinists and Dunkers,

  • Muggletonians and Agrarians,

  • Quakers mixed with Unitarians and philosophers -

  • they all come to seize their moment.

  • It's a place where people come to preach, pray and...

  • ..protest.

  • It looks like you're going to the big city, Brother Miller.

  • WILLIAM: Therefore, if all of these events have come to pass,

  • should we not also expect the fulfilment of His greatest promise?

  • And, so, in conclusion,

  • I believe the Bible is clear -

  • Jesus will return in but four short years.


  • You were even better than the morning service, Brother Miller!

  • (LAUGHS)

  • Yes, good. You rest.

  • Tomorrow, they'll be back to hear some more.

  • The power of your message cannot be denied.

  • 'Tis not my power, Joshua, nor my message.

  • 'Tis God's truth, delivered through a humble mouthpiece.

  • Yet how thrilling the message that comes out of that mouth!

  • Papa says you fought in the war of 1812.

  • A shell exploded no further from me than your mother.

  • I thought, certainly, it was my end.


  • Aye.

  • But when the smoke had cleared,

  • I was spared by the power of the loving God.

  • Did that really happen?

  • Oh, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I'm afraid.

  • Forgive my daughter her impertinence.

  • It's as true as I sit here before you.

  • And the next truth you shall hear is that bedtime has come.

  • Say goodnight to Father Miller and your papa.

  • - Goodnight. - GIRL: Goodnight.

  • So, you really believe this doctrine which you preach?

  • I was lost and now I'm found.

  • If He can save me, Joshua, He can save anyone.

  • Then why hide your light under the bushel of tiny hamlets?

  • Must Baltimore, Rochester, Philadelphia, even New York -

  • indeed the 17 million souls of these United States -

  • not be inspired with the same hope?

  • And what of the rest of the world?

  • I've laboured hard these past years

  • and have seen a great many converted to God's truth.

  • But...

  • ..I'm looking for help.

  • I want help.

  • On the strength of your conviction,

  • I am willing to lay all I have on the altar of God to help you.

  • Only answer me this...

  • Will you stand right at my side if I take this on?

  • Indeed, I will.

  • Then prepare for the campaign.

  • If Christ is to come in a few short years,

  • there is no time to lose in spreading the word.

  • We shall speak in thunder tones,

  • doors will open in every city

  • and the good news will spread to the ends of the earth,

  • for it is here, Brother Miller, that I begin to help.



  • I am just an old farmer.

  • But the Scriptures have become my delight.

  • The insights from the Book of Daniel and Revelation

  • that we discuss today

  • are the fruits of many years of my own study.

  • And, yet, I think it is important for you to know

  • that I am not alone in my convictions.

  • Many others across this country

  • now believe in these very truths.

  • Our message is the same,

  • for it is plain in the pages of God's Word, for all to read.

  • And it is delivered with urgency because, my dear friends,

  • the time till Christ's return is very short.

  • Yet focus not on a simple day or hour.

  • For while these are near, so is Christ.

  • Know him first. Seek him first.

  • Let us love one another,

  • for love is from God.

  • And those who love were born of God and know God.

  • God shall wipe away all tears.

  • There shall be no more death.

  • Neither sorrow nor crying.

  • Nor shall there be any more pain.

  • For those things are passed away.

  • Ellen, you must go to bed.

  • Father, just a few moments more.

  • You need your rest, my dear.

  • Come, Ellen. Let's pray tomorrow you will be stronger.

  • Every morning, before I open my eyes,

  • I pray that this will be the day that I will forget about the accident.

  • I see the morning light and it all returns. (SIGHS)

  • I promise you, my dear, our Heavenly Father has not forgotten you.

  • I long for the day of what Father Miller spoke of in church.

  • No more pain.

  • I've never heard Jesus described as a healer before.

  • I've heard of His wrath...

  • ..and His judgement, but I have never...

  • His healing.

  • It's so beautiful.



  • I miss the old Miller.

  • His eyes are filled with Heaven now.

  • Yeah, and his mouth won't stop speaking about it.

  • He doesn't drink anymore.

  • Which I suppose leaves more for all of us.

  • Ah!

  • Who'd have thought a country farmer would become a justice of the peace

  • and then start a religious revolution?

  • Miller's hardly a maverick.

  • Barnaby Larson's just returned from Britain

  • and he says that this doomsday idea is on every tongue in England,

  • and it's spreading throughout Europe.

  • You don't say?

  • 'Tis true.

  • This notion of a Second Coming is heard as far away as Africa and India.

  • Yes, and the alchemists thought they could turn iron into gold.

  • Just because there are believers does not make it so.

  • These discoveries are...


  • ..1,843 years after Christ,

  • and the vision shall be fulfilled.

  • HIMES: As persuasive as you were today,

  • our reach is not far enough.

  • Joshua, you have the enthusiasm of a young man.

  • It is both invigorating and irritating all at once.

  • The inquiries pour in from every city up and down the eastern seaboard.

  • I mean, you could preach in every church

  • from here to the Florida Territories.

  • Please, bury me in Low Hampton, next to my maple grove.

  • Twice a day - still it would not fill the need.

  • And see to it that my wife is provided for

  • until the Day of Judgement.

  • Well, the next step is expansion through the printed word.

  • Publication will reach not just one set of ears,

  • but countless eyes per page.

  • We shall amplify your voice.

  • And do not say, “But I am a simple farmer.

  • But I AM a simple farmer.

  • Who asked for help!

  • Well, I had no idea it would be like this.

  • The papers have heaped abuse of every sort upon your labours.

  • Now we shall answer back.

  • But on our own terms.

  • I am a tired old man.

  • And I'm the owner of a printing press.

  • Look!

  • It talks about Father's message.

  • - Let me see! - “Pride goeth before the fall.”

  • We must not let our heads swell with our own self-importance.

  • Are those words from the Bible?

  • Those are words from your mother.

  • And unto 2,300 days,

  • then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.”

  • Mr Miller and those who listen to him

  • suffer from a grand delusion.

  • They claim that Jesus will return by a certain date.

  • Yes, it's not the first time

  • the end of the world has been prophesied by a fool.

  • Nor will it be the last.

  • I fear if the date passes,

  • that a shout of infidelity will arise from the unbelievers...

  • ..and lead many of you astray.

  • See, the world is not going to end in a few short years.

  • No. But it will end.

  • And when it does...

  • ..are you prepared, sinner?!

  • Will you stand before the wrath of a holy God

  • as He looks upon the deeds behind which you cower,

  • and shouts, “Depart from me, ye that works iniquity!”

  • Then shall the hellfire lap at the heels

  • of those who turned away

  • because of Miller's ideas.

  • Oh, so much hotter the flames for him.

  • Please forgive my iniquities against Your name

  • and rescue me from the evil one.

  • What must I do to truly be saved?

  • Mother!

  • Have mercy.

  • Have mercy upon my wretched soul.

  • Please forgive my iniquities against Your name. Please forgive me.

  • What must I do to truly be saved?

  • Ellen, my darling, what is it? What's the matter?

  • What if I have been led astray, Mother?

  • Why would you say that?

  • I am so afraid.

  • Mother, the preacher said such bad things about Father Miller.

  • Don't you listen to any of that.

  • But I heard. We all did!

  • We were in a house of worship.

  • There is no comfort there.

  • Come to bed.

  • Come.

  • (COUGHS)

  • Your mother says that you were quite distraught last night.

  • I was taken with such fear.

  • Brother Stockman, I know that you believe in Father Miller's teachings.

  • Indeed I do.

  • As do many other Methodist ministers.

  • Father Miller shares the Advent hope.

  • His urgency is tempered with love.

  • Yet, now, all I can hear are the ministers

  • who speak of burning in hell forever.

  • What hope is there for me...

  • ..for any of us,

  • if our Heavenly Father is a tyrant who delights in eternal torment.

  • The very agony of your mind

  • is indication of God's Holy Spirit at work in your heart.

  • Our God does not rejoice in your destruction.

  • Nor is it His nature to condemn, but to seek that which is lost.

  • How can I be so sure?

  • Go free, Ellen.

  • Go free. Trust in Jesus.

  • For He will not turn His back on any true seeker.

  • Thank you, Brother Stockman.

  • Do not thank me, Ellen.

  • Thank the Lord, Jesus.

  • And share the Advent message with others.

  • (COUGHS)

  • Elder Himes and Brother Miller have announced a conference in Boston.

  • Does Elder Himes know that Papa's sick?

  • We sent him a letter.

  • Greetings, friends!


  • He well should know.

  • He cannot travel, Joshua.

  • He cannot travel!

  • No. No, no, no. Of course not.

  • Typhoid is serious. It's very serious.

  • I know you have both put... great effort into this occasion.

  • It's the first time we will all be together in the same place,

  • with common purpose -

  • Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians -

  • all understanding the Advent is near.

  • So, YOU shall meet them.

  • And then you will return and tell William all about the conference.

  • I would like to see him, just to give him a word of encouragement.

  • Yes?

  • (SIGHS)


  • Well, hello, dear friend. How are you feeling today?

  • (GROANS) Not much better, I'm afraid.

  • Well...

  • ..then I shall leave you two...alone, for a little while.

  • But, Joshua, only a few moments.

  • He's not up to visitors.

  • Of course. Absolutely!


  • Are you certain that you cannot ride in the carriage?

  • I can make a marvellous bed for you in the back, thick with blankets...

  • - No... - ..and the fresh air would...

  • No, Joshua.

  • At the conference, people could come to you.

  • I was thinking we could arrange an area...

  • No, Joshua... This is bigger than one man.

  • (COUGHS)

  • This is God's power. Hundreds of pastors have awakened.

  • You do not need me there.

  • Yes.

  • Of course. I... You're right.

  • You will be in my prayers.

  • Thank you.

  • Are you absolutely certain...?i

  • Go! Go now!

  • (COUGHS)

  • (GROANS)

  • Oh!

  • Joseph Bates, as I live and breathe!

  • - How long has it been? - Too long, Brother Himes. Too long.

  • (LAUGHS) I have heard much of your work on temperance

  • with the Christian Connection.

  • But you have made quite the name for yourself

  • speaking on the evils of slavery as well.

  • I am but a humble servant, Joshua. God speaks and I obey.

  • Nonetheless, your reputation is well deserved.

  • Is it true?

  • Brother Miller could not make it?

  • Yes. Uh, typhoid fever.

  • It is more than a shame.

  • Oh! Oh, Brother Bates, may I introduce you to Hiram Edson?

  • Uh, you may know Brother Edson through Pastor Finney.

  • Oh, yes.

  • Brother Finney's work on the causes of temperance and abolition

  • are well known.

  • Pleasure to meet you, sir. This is Owen Crosier.

  • Pleased to make your acquaintance.

  • BATES: I've followed Miller's ideas

  • since I heard him last year in New Bedford.

  • As a sea captain, I've travelled the world.

  • But today, I was transported farther than across an ocean.

  • I'm committing myself to the Advent message.

  • EDSON: I feel the same call.

  • As do I.

  • What is your name, brother? Where are you from?

  • Samuel Snow, sir.

  • I work for The Investigator. I live here, in Boston.

  • You're not here, doing an exposé, are you?

  • Uh, no, sir.

  • Now, I will admit, I was a sceptic at first.

  • But I have studied Miller's ideas

  • and I believe they hold a wonderful truth.

  • JOSHUA: Ah!

  • (LAUGHS)

  • The conference is finished and, yet, I see the discussion continues!

  • I was just telling these good men that I am fully committed.

  • Well, I'm so pleased to hear it.

  • I'll share that with Father Miller when I see him.

  • You may also share that I will put my money

  • into spreading the Advent message.

  • Oh, this is momentous news! (LAUGHS)

  • I mean to stand behind Father Miller and his work -

  • not to start a new church, mind you,

  • but to proclaim that the Second Advent is near.


  • WILLIAM: So, the conference was a success?

  • They came from Maine, New York City, Connecticut, Vermont,

  • New Hampshire, Rhode Island!

  • So many ideas were put forth!

  • It was a real exchange of thought and enthusiasm!

  • And we have many pledges of financial assistance

  • and almost immediately, we will do it again.

  • Next time, you will be a part of it, as will Joseph Bates.

  • Bates. I recall meeting him last year.

  • A tall fellow. Did not use any tobacco.

  • Struck me as...peculiar.

  • Well, that he is, but he's going to be very important to us!

  • We will have the resources now!

  • More cities! More printing!

  • Your words will touch many, many souls.

  • Please, Joshua, remember,

  • it is not our work - it is God's.

  • Of course.


  • Now...might be the time.

  • Mm.

  • (WHISPERS) We can't compromise.

  • The words of Mr Miller and his followers are false.

  • Those who are seduced by his candied tongue

  • have no place in this house of worship.

  • So...

  • must, in the name of the Lord,

  • renounce these radical ideas.

  • If you do not...

  • will not be welcome here, in this house of worship.

  • You may believe you are casting us out.

  • But Father Miller's understanding of Christ's soon return

  • cannot be ignored.

  • We must follow the Word of God over the rule of men.

  • We will not keep this good news quiet.

  • And if that means we must leave...

  • ..then leave we shall.

  • My family feels an unspeakable joy at the hope of Christ's return.

  • We feel love, the love of Jesus.

  • lifts us up, it carries us forward.

  • And it will guide us home.

  • How can they speak to us that way?

  • We must not let one bad apple spoil the bushel.

  • We'll announce their removal from fellowship next Sunday.

  • They'll be an example.

  • Our traditions must be honoured.

  • On this holy day of Communion,

  • I would leave you with a charge

  • to love the Lord, your God, with all your heart,

  • to keep all of the Commandments of God,

  • and honour Him by keeping His Sabbath holy.


  • I want to speak to him.

  • Mother...

  • Mother, no.

  • I mean, if you must. But we're new here.

  • I...

  • Keep in mind that we are outsiders.

  • Elder Wheeler will be interested in what I have to say.

  • No...

  • Excuse me. I'm sorry.

  • I'm wanting to talk to you specifically

  • about a Commandment that's in the Bible...

  • Yeah.

  • I've been giving it a lot of thought, particularly about the Sabbath.

  • - Yes, Mrs Preston. - According to Scripture...


  • MRS PRESTON: He heard what I had to say.

  • He really listened.

  • And will he change his day of worship from Sunday to Saturday,

  • as the Commandment suggests?

  • He was impressed by what we shared from the Bible.

  • Meaning...?

  • He promised that he'd give the idea much thought and investigate...

  • - MAN: Morning, Mrs Preston. - ..the idea more fully.

  • Hello.

  • And from that statement, you declare victory?

  • Saturday...

  • the seventh day of the week.

  • It IS the Lord's Sabbath.

  • That is just so.

  • Mother!

  • There are those who believe

  • that waiting for the Advent and Judgement Day

  • is of greater importance than which day we worship.

  • MAN: Good morning, ladies.

  • Perhaps the day won't matter shortly.

  • I've planted a seed.

  • As a teacher, my dear, you, of all people,

  • should understand how knowledge grows.

  • BOY: (SHOUTS) Read all about it!

  • Read all about Christ's return!

  • Read the latest news about Christ's return!

  • MAN: Vegetables!

  • WILLIAM: I'll take a copy, lad.

  • Well, you have to give them credit. I do look very handsome.

  • Why do they insist on making me so fat?

  • So, how many people do you expect?

  • It's the largest tent ever erected on American soil!

  • It's been expanded to seat 6,000!

  • And they are assembling, plus more!

  • Giant tents. What next?

  • I'm the last person on earth who saw this coming.

  • I think you were one of the first.

  • We must be on our way.

  • There is a smaller meeting taking place. I...wish to stop there first.

  • But the giant tent! We are expected there.

  • Joshua, the world is filled with expectations now.

  • Not everything follows an exact plan.

  • I told Brother Bates I would join him.

  • But...

  • ..he should be at the big tent too!

  • Whoa, whoa!

  • I'm looking for Joseph Bates.

  • Do you know where I might find the meeting?

  • MAN: Over here.

  • BATES: It is true - 1843 has now passed.

  • Many of you grow anxious.

  • You ask why our Saviour has not returned

  • and want to know when will be our blessed hope?

  • I can only tell you that it is in these times

  • that our faith is tested.

  • When I was the captain of a ship at sea,

  • we didn't throw ourselves into the ocean in anguish during a storm.

  • No.

  • We held fast to the moorings.

  • We called, “All hands on deck.”

  • Even now, brothers and sisters, let us not despair,

  • but redouble our effort.

  • The Bridegroom cometh.

  • We do not labour in vain.

  • Yes, we had hoped that, by now, our blessed day...

  • - (HORSE APPROACHES) - ..would have come.

  • And...yet these final moments are our most precious.


  • I have news.

  • Let my brother speak. He comes to us with news.


  • Brother Snow has truth for us from the Lord.

  • Let him come and deliver his message.

  • Please...

  • Our Blessed Lord has promised us...

  • ..He will come again...

  • take His people unto himself.

  • Now, when Jesus came the first time,

  • the Gospels tell us

  • the time was fulfilled.”

  • What time was fulfilled?

  • Prophetic time!

  • Indeed. Indeed.

  • Historians confirm that Christ died in the spring of AD 31,

  • precisely in the middle of Daniel's 70th week.

  • Now, the Bible shows us

  • that spring is the Passover event.

  • The Day of Atonement comes in autumn.

  • And what did the high priests do on the Day of Atonement?

  • Cleansed the sanctuary.

  • Exactly.

  • Thank you, Brother White.

  • He cleansed the sanctuary!

  • Does it not then follow

  • that He will return to cleanse the sanctuary

  • on that precise Day of Atonement?

  • - Yes! - (MURMURING)

  • Leviticus says the Biblical Day of Atonement

  • falls on the 10th day of the 7th month.

  • Brethren, we were wrong to expect Christ's return by the spring.

  • According to the Jewish calendar,

  • the 10th day of the 7th month falls this year...

  • ..on October 22nd.


  • SNOW: We know the date.

  • October 22nd, 1844.


  • WOMAN: Wonderful! Oh!

  • He is so certain.

  • And you are not?

  • Setting an exact date is foolish.

  • No. Not now, brother. We...we are not in favour here.

  • Let us hope that God will reveal more in time.

  • The master of the house cleaning out his own barn.

  • This setting of a date must have you upset.

  • Our hope is not a specific day or hour,

  • but that Christ's return is near.

  • What does Joshua think?

  • We both resist.

  • Yet people are demanding clarity.

  • I was wrong about 1843.

  • I should not have counted the zero when counting from BC to AD.

  • And what doubt did I cause amongst the brethren?

  • So, you will not endorse a specific day?

  • No. I will not.

  • But Brother Snow's study of the sanctuary does cause me to think.

  • Well, then, you must seek the present truth

  • and clarity from God on this, William.

  • The Bible is clear.

  • However, Samuel Snow is a trusted brother in the Lord.

  • I'll give his date over for study and prayer.


  • My wife and I are pleased to have purchased your property.

  • If you don't mind my asking,

  • where will you and your wife go from here?

  • To Heaven.

  • But if the end of the world does not come to pass,

  • you have a plan...

  • The Lord has a great design in store for all of us.

  • Yes, sir. Absolutely.

  • So...even the house is sold to finance the message.

  • The children believe we are foolish.

  • Hmm!

  • Yet you are so firm in your conviction.

  • Yes, my dear.

  • The clock is ticking.

  • God's appointed time is almost here.

  • You seem to have regained your appetite, Ellen.

  • We're just happy just to see you this way.

  • We're almost home.

  • Just the thought gives me strength.

  • Until then...

  • ..we must do everything to let as many people as we know the good news.


  • MAN: Ah, Mr White. I have your pamphlets ready for you.

  • You people are turning into my best customers.

  • Ah. Good morning.

  • So, you too are working to spread the good news?

  • Yes, sir. James White with the Christian Connection.

  • Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Brother White. I'm Robert Harmon.

  • That'll be $1.20, please.

  • - Thank you, sir. - Time is short.

  • Shall we go together, young man, and see if we can make a difference?

  • Of course.

  • MAN: Good luck, gentlemen.

  • Young man, our Lord and Saviour is returning in two weeks.

  • (SIGHS)

  • The coming of the Lord.

  • Please...gentlemen...

  • Christ returns in two short weeks. Prepare your hearts.

  • Oh. Well, tell Him He's buying the next round when He gets here.

  • I'm sad for those men.

  • You, sir...

  • - Sir, please. - Thank you, my friend.

  • Sir...

  • WILLIAM: “October 6th, 1844.

  • Dear Brother Himes,

  • After much study and prayer,

  • “I see a glory now in the seventh month,

  • which I never saw before.

  • We are almost home.

  • Glory, glory, glory.”

  • WILLIAM: Come to Jesus Christ,

  • the Lamb that was slain,

  • and now lives, that you may live.

  • Obey His word...and believe.

  • There is no time for delay.

  • Put it not off, I beg of you.

  • No. Not for a moment.

  • Do you not want a house made with hands eternal, in the heavens?

  • ThenSeek first the Kingdom of Heaven,” says Christ,

  • and then all these things

  • shall be added unto you.”


  • BOY: Then damned I will be!

  • My ship sails tomorrow and my decision is final!

  • I will not stay here and beg while you stare up at the skies!

  • BATES: Jesus is coming tomorrow, my son!

  • Well, when He arrives, tell Him He can find me on the high seas!

  • Joseph, please...go after him.

  • Our son will be lost forever!

  • Do something!

  • Holy Father, in these final moments before Your return,

  • heal our broken family.

  • Have mercy on our boy.

  • Return our son to us, that we may meet You together.

  • It is so fitting that we should all be here together,

  • in these last hours.

  • We did our best, sir.

  • Did we?

  • Oh...

  • Thank you...

  • ..for telling the world before it was too late.

  • And what if we are too early?


  • Gentlemen, free ale till the end of the world!





  •'s too bad the good Lord Jesus

  • couldn't join us tonight...

  • ..'cause we've always got room for one more!



  • PIANIST: (SINGS) ♪ Funniest thing I ever saw

  • ♪ A little tune called Turkey in the Straw. ♪






  • WILLIAM: God's message was never meant to be about a single date.

  • All is not lost. Look at the movement you have begun.

  • You have won thousands.

  • And to what, Brother Himes, have I won them?

  • Disappointment? Despair?

  • To the truth of God's word.

  • Setting a date has now made that appear untrustworthy.

  • Why was I so weak to endorse one?

  • We will keep waiting.

  • For how long?

  • For as long as it takes.

  • (COUGHS)

  • I see you're still with us this morning, Hiram.

  • The chickens, too.

  • Maybe Jesus will come if you fix Him some breakfast!


  • Is this but a cunningly devised fable, Esther?

  • Hiram, no. Don't say that.

  • There is no reality to our fondest hope....

  • Oh, Hiram...

  • What are we to do?

  • We need to pray.

  • Brothers, will you join us to pray for guidance?

  • Guidance?

  • Open your eyes, Hiram.

  • But this is the time that we need to be together.

  • We have been deceived.

  • Do you suggest that we continue in this delusion?

  • If you would just give God a chance...

  • I did that already.

  • HIRAM: Our Father, how You have blessed us

  • as we have waited upon Your return.

  • Our hands have healed the sick.

  • Our hearts have been lifted by the sight of so many others

  • believing in You, in the hope of Your great return.

  • Lord, we have not lost our faith,

  • but we seek wisdom to understand why You have not returned.

  • We need You to show us the way forward.

  • Accept our prayer, Father, and send us your light

  • that our great disappointment may be explained.

  • All these things we ask in the name of Your loving Son, Jesus Christ.

  • Come, brothers.

  • Surely God has not forsaken us.

  • Owen, come with me to the neighbours.

  • Surely they must feel the sting of this sadness.

  • We should all find comfort if we share in this experience.

  • Of course.

  • Hiram.

  • Hiram!

  • The Lord is answering our morning prayer.

  • He gives light to our great disappointment.

  • The early Christians thought that Jesus came

  • to set up an earthly kingdom, not a heavenly kingdom.

  • After His death on the cross, they were bitterly disappointed

  • just as we are now.

  • Clearly, we got the date wrong, Hiram.

  • No, Dr Hahn, I think the day was correct.

  • Then why has the Saviour not returned?

  • Maybe we were wrong about what was supposed to happen on October 22nd.

  • The early Christians got the date right for the Messiah,

  • but their expectation was wrong.

  • Perhaps the same is true for us.

  • Daniel's prophecy states that at the end of the 2,300 days,

  • the sanctuary will be cleansed.

  • And what if we mistook the meaning of that word 'sanctuary'?

  • - But the sanctuary is the earth. - Is it?

  • Daniel says, in chapter seven,

  • And behold, one like the Son of man came to the Ancient of Days.”

  • Not to the earth, as we believed.

  • So, where is the Ancient of Days?

  • In heaven.

  • After His death on the cross, Jesus became our High Priest,

  • and the work of redemption

  • moved from the earthly sanctuary to the Heavenly Sanctuary.

  • That would make sense...

  • the light of what it says in Hebrews chapter eight -

  • We have such a high priest,

  • “a minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle,

  • which the Lord pitched, and not man.”

  • So, Jesus is still coming back soon then.

  • We just don't know how quickly.

  • Exactly, and it's there, in the most holy of places

  • that His work of cleansing takes place.

  • (SIGHS)

  • (SIGHS)

  • Lucy, what have I done?

  • You have spoken from your heart and from the Bible,

  • words that have softened thousands of others' lives.

  • And will they harden their hearts again?

  • Perhaps.

  • And it's also possible that Brother Snow

  • will again arrive on horseback with a...

  • ..another selection of dates.

  • What is really important about the message God gave you?

  • That is what you should be thinking about.

  • Yes.

  • Hold fast.

  • Let no man take your crown.

  • “I have fixed my mind upon another time,

  • and here I mean to stand until God gives me more light.

  • And that is today, today, today, until He comes,

  • and I see Him, for whom my soul yearns.”

  • MRS HAINES: Keep our faith strong in Your promises, Father.

  • Though we do not know why You did not come,

  • still we pray that You will do so quickly.

  • For our loved ones who have given up the Advent hope,

  • we ask a special measure in Your mercy.

  • Give us insight, oh, Lord...

  • Oh, no! Ellen! Ellen! What's wrong?!

  • WOMAN: Is she breathing?

  • ELIZABETH: I can't tell.

  • Ellen! Ellen!

  • Ellen!

  • ETHEREAL VOICE: I am the messenger of God. Look again.

  • A little higher.

  • Not the end, but the beginning.

  • Are you alright? Ellen, I was so worried. I thought we'd lost you.

  • I saw things.

  • I was taken to another place,

  • high above this world, and I...I...

  • ..I heard a voice.

  • The voice spoke to me.

  • Who spoke to you? Ellen, I was praying for you.

  • - Was it my voice you heard? - No.

  • I think it was an angel speaking.


  • I've never heard anything like it.

  • She must have bumped her head, the poor dear.

  • I saw the Advent believers walking on a path toward the heavenly city.

  • And as long as they kept their eyes on Jesus,

  • who was leading them to the city...

  • ..they were safe.

  • You are safe here now, Ellen.

  • This world is so dark.

  • I have seen a greater world and it has spoiled this one for me.

  • I feel as if my strength was renewed today, Elizabeth.

  • I saw such wondrous things. I heard things.

  • So you claim.

  • Elizabeth, I've never lied about anything.

  • I'm not saying you're lying now.

  • You collapsed from your illness. You are not of sound mind.

  • - You know not what you speak. - No.

  • Elizabeth, the Holy Spirit showed me a view of the Midnight Cry

  • and He explained our disappointment.

  • He encouraged our Advent hope.

  • There were people who didn't listen and they fell off the path.

  • You had an accident when you were young. It left you weak.

  • You won't have a regular life, Ellen. We understand that.

  • You won't marry. You won't be able to contribute.

  • But this is hardly a way to get attention.

  • Why are speaking to me like this?

  • I pledge to you that I'm telling the truth.

  • Well, here's my truth - Christ will not return to earth any time soon,

  • and I am done with prayer groups.

  • - But Elizabeth... - No, you heard what I said.

  • Consider me someone who's fallen off the path.

  • MRS PRESTON: With all this fuss about Jesus not returning in October,

  • it seems to me that I am alone in my commitment

  • to worship on the Sabbath.

  • Ah, but Mrs Preston,

  • I fear there are no churches here that meet on Saturday.

  • Hmm. If only Elder Wheeler in Hillsboro were closer.

  • Mother, please!

  • The Farnsworths have been so generous to let me stay here while I teach.

  • You'll likely offend them.

  • What is offensive to God is that we worship on the wrong day.

  • Good Elder Wheeler understood

  • that Saturday - Saturday - is the seventh day of the week.

  • It is written in the Commandments that we should rest and keep it holy.

  • What difference does it make to God

  • if we should worship Him one day or another?

  • Difference enough, William, to chisel it onto stone

  • and send it down the mountain with Moses.

  • Sabbath comes to us as a gift - we cannot stop or change it.

  • He even used the word 'remember'.

  • Even if Elder Wheeler's church were nearby, he's a Methodist,

  • and we belong to the Christian brethren.

  • His denomination matters not to God,

  • only that Elder Wheeler believes they're called Commandments.

  • If these were but the 'Ten Suggestions',

  • we may feel free to honour God whenever we please, or not at all.

  • Ah, the carriage is ready.

  • We may be headed to worship on the wrong day, but we shan't be late.

  • Along with the others gathered here,

  • I, too, was greatly disappointed, even ashamed,

  • that Jesus did not return last year.

  • I do not understand why He did not come,

  • but I still believe in the many promises in the Bible

  • that one day He will.

  • That is why I hold fast to the Advent hope.

  • Thank you, Mrs Cooch.

  • Does anyone else desire to speak today?

  • I choose to cast my lot

  • with those who keep God's holy Sabbath on the seventh day each week.

  • From this day forth,

  • I pledge to keep the Saturday Sabbath...

  • God has commanded us to do.

  • And I, too, shall be a Sabbath-keeper...

  • ..from this day forward.


  • “I gave them my Sabbaths to be a sign between me and them

  • that they might know that I am the Lord.

  • Therefore, the Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath,

  • and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it,

  • because that in it He had rested from all His work,

  • which God created and made,

  • for in six days, the Lord made heaven and earth

  • and rested on the seventh day.”

  • You have my word. I will return with fresh enthusiasm.

  • Spending time with Reverend Wheeler is what I need.

  • What we need is a way out of this predicament.

  • We're penniless, Joseph.

  • Where's all this Sabbath business going to lead you?

  • I'm following my heart.

  • I'm being convinced by the Word of God.

  • I know no other way to test error from truth.

  • Elder Wheeler shared the Scriptures with me,

  • and I found much peace that he is right.

  • Christ kept the seventh day. Following him is most important.

  • I support the Sabbath.

  • And what of this girl?

  • The one having visions in Maine.

  • Hmm.

  • I venture to make no opinion without seeing for myself first-hand.

  • However, I would say she is doubtful to me.

  • Quite doubtful.

  • We're here today, people of many faiths,

  • gathered together because of our commitment to Jesus

  • and our acceptance of the Bible as the Word of God to guide us.

  • This morning, a member of our community, Miss Ellen Harmon,

  • has been asked to speak to us.

  • She will share some of what God has blessed her with of late.


  • I don't think that I can do this.

  • Have faith.

  • Just being here is an act of courage.

  • Miss Harmon.

  • I was in prayer at the house of Mrs Haines in Portland.

  • I lost consciousness and I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit.


  • I rose high above the dark world

  • and I looked for the Advent believers, but I couldn't find them.

  • A voice, an angel, said to me,

  • Look again, and look a little higher.”

  • I then saw a straight and narrow path far above the dark world.

  • The Advent people were travelling on a path

  • toward a bright and holy city.

  • There was a light behind the believers,

  • which the angel told me was the Midnight Cry.

  • The angel confirmed that Father Miller's message was light,

  • and that this date was the beginning of our journey, not the end.

  • And all were safe who kept their eyes fixed upon Jesus,

  • who was leading them to the Holy City.

  • Some grew weary - the city was a great way off,

  • and that they had expected to enter it before now.

  • But Jesus would encourage them... by raising His right arm,

  • from which came a wondrous light,

  • which poured over the Advent band,

  • and as it did, they shouted, “Hallelujah!”

  • OTIS: But Brother Sargent, if Miss Harmon's visions are from God...

  • Her visions do not come from God, Mr Nichols.

  • But, my friends, how can you be so sure?

  • Brother Otis, if Almighty God had a message for his people,

  • would he choose to send it in such a frail mouthpiece?

  • The girl can barely walk.

  • She stands yea high. Her father is a hat-maker.

  • She doesn't come from any kind of ministry background.

  • Brothers, our Lord Jesus Himself warned us, “Beware of false prophets,

  • which come to you in sheep's clothing,

  • but inwardly, they are ravening wolves.”

  • I have heard the visions overtake her, like a trance.

  • I'm acquainted with a neighbour. She found her to be credible.

  • Have either of you seen the young woman?

  • No! And we shall not.

  • Ellen Harmon's visions are a lie of the deceiver.

  • She would not dare to have one in my presence.

  • Aye, she COULD not, Mr Robbins!

  • The power of our faith would bind the Devil's work.

  • She speaks with great tenderness of the Word of the Lord.

  • Brother Nichols, do not be fooled.

  • Did you speak with them? Are they persuaded?

  • If only they would meet Ellen,

  • I believe they'd be convinced of God's truth.

  • Invite them here, then.

  • - Sargent and Robbins? - No, Ellen.

  • She travels with her older sister, Sarah.

  • Invite Miss Harmon here.

  • But what would Robbins and Sargent say?

  • We must let our friends hear her words for themselves.

  • She will minister hope to their hearts.

  • Yes.

  • If Ellen's message is of God...

  • opposition from Sargent or Robbins will drown her out.

  • It's such a joy to have you with me today, Sarah.

  • There's no place I'd rather be, little sister.

  • So many are anxious to hear you.

  • I would be just as happy to stay home and take no part in this.

  • But you grow stronger every day.

  • You've said so yourself.

  • 'Tis true.

  • But I do not want to add to our family's burden.

  • Ellen, do you not realise that the message God has given you

  • lifts up our hearts and spirits?


  • Have you yet had a chance to meet the Harmons yet?

  • Brother White, I said have you met the Harmons yet?

  • I've had tea, sir. Thank you for asking.

  • Why don't you go meet the ladies

  • before you get any more tongue-tied, lad.

  • What a pleasure to meet you again, Miss Harmon.

  • You might remember, I am James White.

  • I'm a pastor with the Christian Connection.

  • I've made the acquaintance of your father.

  • We distributed pamphlets together before...

  • Well, it's a pleasure, Mr White.

  • I've heard many good things about your work for the Lord.

  • I have heard such a thing before,

  • yet it comes as a true surprise to me.

  • Is it wrong for me to ask your age, Miss Harmon?

  • I will be 18 on my next birthday.

  • And you, Mr White - how old would you be?

  • I'm 23 years old.

  • And you have put yourself in the service of the Lord?

  • Yes.

  • I left teaching to spread the Word.

  • Hmm.

  • Welcome. Welcome. We are so honoured to have you here with us.

  • Thank you. The honour is ours.

  • Surely this humble, gentle girl is no child of Satan.

  • Mr Sargent, Mr Robbins, what a happy surprise.

  • We thought we might impose upon your generosity

  • and lodge with your family tonight.

  • I prayed that you might meet Ellen Harmon,

  • and God has answered my prayers.

  • - Come in, come in. - The Harmon girl...

  • here?

  • She arrived a few days ago to share with us.

  • Uh, Mr Robbins, um...

  • ..we've forgotten visit your sick friend.

  • Oh, uh, yes!

  • I have a friend. He is sick. And we had made a previous commitment.

  • You cannot come in, just for a few moments of introduction?

  • - Not possible. - No. With deepest regrets.

  • If you cannot stay, I could bring Miss Harmon worship with you.

  • This Sunday. We could take her to meet you in Boston.

  • - We would not allow... - Uh, uh...

  • Why, yes! That sounds like a fine plan.


  • Yes, yes. Bring the young Harmon woman to Boston.

  • We will, uh, meet with her on, uh, Sunday!

  • Travelling mercies, my brothers.

  • We shall...say a prayer of healing for your friend.

  • ETHEREAL VOICE: I am the messenger of God...

  • Go to Randolph... Follow the light before you.

  • Good morning, Ellen.

  • Did you sleep well?

  • I... Well...

  • What is it, dear? Tell us.

  • We are so grateful for your hospitality.

  • I know that you feel that we should go to Boston.

  • But I have been instructed to go to the township of Randolph.

  • Why...'tis nothing in Randolph for you,

  • unless you desire a new pair of leather boots.

  • Do you need new boots?

  • I would love new boots.

  • All I know is that I have been instructed in vision by the Lord.

  • We must go to the Thayer home in Randolph.

  • But to what end? Help us, Ellen. We do not understand.

  • Nor do I.

  • I have only enough light to see the step before me,

  • and that is to go to Randolph.

  • God has promised me that when I arrive there, He shall reveal why.

  • Why, it's the Nichols!

  • What brings you to Randolph?

  • - The Word of the Lord. - Oh!

  • We have Ellen Harmon and her sister, Sarah, with us from Maine.

  • I... Well...

  • We...

  • What can I say?

  • Welcomewould be a start.

  • Oh...

  • SARGENT: Brothers and sisters, our Lord Jesus Himself warned us,

  • Beware of false prophets who come in sheep's clothing,

  • for inwardly, they are ravenous wolves.”

  • Our brother, Otis Nichols, and his wife, Mary, have brought guests.

  • Ellen Harmon and her sister, Sarah.

  • I thought you said they wanted us in Boston?

  • It is clear they do not want us at all.

  • Well, uh, brothers and sisters, as I was saying,

  • the Lord impresses upon my heart that we should adjourn.

  • After luncheon, we shall continue to...speak God's Word.

  • MR THAYER: Before you arrived,

  • they carried on for some time about Miss Harmon.

  • They said that her visions came from Satan.

  • Ellen Harmon can speak for herself.

  • It's all so confusing. I do not know what to believe.

  • Mr Sargent said that she would not dare have a vision in his presence,

  • because he walks uprightly.

  • And Mr Sargent told me just a few days ago

  • for me to bring Ellen to meet him and Mr Robbins today in Boston.

  • Then what has brought you to Randolph?

  • Ellen had instruction from God last night.

  • Oh...

  • ♪ O, when shall I see Jesus

  • And reign with Him above

  • And shall hear the trumpet sound in that morning?

  • And from the flowing fountain drink everlasting love

  • And shall hear the trumpet sound in that morning?

  • ♪ O, shout, glory!

  • For I shall mount above the skies... ♪

  • Glory...


  • ELLEN: Glory.

  • Is she...?

  • Glory.

  • Let's sing!

  • ♪ O, shout glory! For I shall... ♪

  • Stay clear of her!

  • Let us read from God's Word!

  • Thou shalt...have no other gods before me.

  • Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,

  • or any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above,

  • or that is in the earth beneath,

  • or that is in the water under the earth.

  • Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them for I, the Lord...”

  • - Oh, be quiet, you fool! - You are bowing to an idol!

  • Don't you see? You are worshipping a golden calf!

  • I have heard that visions from Satan

  • can be stopped by placing a Bible on the person...

  • Here. You place it on her.

  • No. No...

  • Very well. I will do it, then.

  • This is the inspired testimony of God.

  • Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing.

  • Thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness.”

  • Oh!

  • There is a way which seemeth right unto a man,

  • but to the end thereof are the ways of death.”

  • She quotes from the verse beneath her finger!


  • Hallelujah.

  • I can make out none of the letters.

  • Shall I read it for you, my dear?

  • Brother Miller,

  • although a stranger to you, I have desired to write you a few words.

  • “I have always believed that God called you

  • to preach the definite time of the Lord's coming in 1844,

  • and that it was just as it should be.

  • And if the time had not been preached then,

  • the church and world would never have been effectually warned.

  • “I have enclosed part of a vision of Ellen Harmon of Portland.

  • “I fully believe that her visions are from Heaven.

  • Sister Harmon has been a resident in my family home

  • much of the time for about the past eight months.

  • The spirit of God is with her and has been seen in a remarkable manner.

  • “I would ask you to lay aside prejudice and suspend judgement

  • until you have read and compared them with the Scripture, and present truth.

  • Yours, waiting, for the return of the Lord, Otis Nichols.”

  • Hmm.

  • Brother Nichols sounds sincere.

  • Surely they are just grasping at straws.

  • The Bible says that, in the last days,

  • some will receive visions from the Lord.

  • Soon, we shall see our smiling Saviour's face - of that I am certain.

  • PRUDENCE: Yet another letter?

  • Fanatics are out there spreading all kinds of nonsense to the people.

  • In this, you mean Ellen Harmon?

  • From all reports, she is sincere - a true believer.

  • But I'm alarmed about these so-called visions.

  • They say her longest vision lasted four hours.

  • But visions?

  • Condition of her poor health is more likely the explanation.

  • Will you seek her out?

  • She's invited to speak now with regularity.

  • I'm certain our paths will cross.

  • Joseph, I don't have enough flour to bake even one loaf of bread.

  • How much do you need?

  • At least two more cups.

  • Out searching for Jesus are we, Mr Bates?

  • - (MEN LAUGH NEARBY) - I think he went that way.

  • No, wait, maybe over there...


  • What can I do for you today, Joseph?

  • Just some flour.

  • However much this will buy.

  • Is this our evening supper?

  • It is that.

  • Do we have any jam or apple butter?

  • Not unless you picked some up while you were out.

  • Prudy...

  • I spent the last money I have on earth to buy that flour.

  • First the farm to the Millerite cause.

  • Then our friends and family to scorn us.

  • Our son to the sea.

  • Now all of our money is gone?

  • How much more of this do you think we can take?

  • We must pray. The Lord will provide.

  • Joseph, please...

  • ..have you nothing more to offer?

  • Perhaps the earth should swallow me whole.

  • Is that what I should pray for?

  • Do you have any mail for me, Mr Drew?

  • Oh, yes, Mr Bates. As a matter of fact, I do.

  • There's, uh, five cents postage due.

  • Sir, I...

  • ..I do not have the money.

  • You can bring it in when you see fit.

  • That would be wrong, sir.

  • I have not five cents to my name.

  • Joseph, I'll take your word that you'll find a way to repay the debt.

  • Matthew, if you... if you would open it...

  • ..I would be more comfortable.


  • “I send you this in the name of the Lord...”

  • When you deliver these goods to my home,

  • my wife will say you've made a mistake, but pay her no mind.

  • Certainly, Captain Bates.

  • Prudy!

  • (LAUGHS)

  • - Joseph, it's a miracle. - Indeed.

  • MAN: I now pronounce you husband and wife.

  • Mr and Mrs James White.

  • Congratulations.

  • Thank you.

  • Ellen White. It has a lovely ring to it, don't you think?

  • Yes, it does.

  • The name fits you well...

  • ..Mrs White.


  • What's wrong?

  • I had always imagined this moment in a church.

  • But we have none to call home.

  • What Brother Bates writes here stirs my heart.

  • Indeed. Everything he affirms is supported by Scripture.

  • Well, he traces the Sabbath back to its creation

  • and then reminds us it is at the heart of God's Ten Commandments.

  • If the early Church kept the seventh day as Sabbath,

  • then we shall cast our lot with them.

  • JOSEPH: It is clear that in the final days before Jesus returns,

  • the keeping of the Commandments will become a significant issue.

  • John, in Revelation, chapter 12, verse 17, describes a people,

  • who keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.”

  • In the last days, these people are to become the objects of Satan's wrath.

  • Then chapter 14, verses 6 through 11,

  • John describes God's last warning message

  • to be given to the world before Jesus comes,

  • symbolised by the messages of the three angels.

  • Verse 12 tells of the people that will take that message to the world -

  • Here are they that keep the Commandments of God

  • and have the faith of Jesus.”

  • It is not one or the other.

  • Jesus himself says in the Gospel,

  • If you love me, keep my Commandments.”

  • Thank you, and bless you, my brethren.

  • Thank you, Mr Bates.

  • That was truly inspiring, Brother Curtis.

  • We are so delighted to have you and your new husband here, Sister White.

  • The Lord has shown us the truth

  • in Brother Bates' message on the Sabbath.

  • Glory to God.

  • Ellen...

  • MR CURTIS: Give Sister White some room.

  • ELLEN: Twinkling lights.

  • Stars.

  • As many as the sands upon the shore.

  • ETHEREAL VOICE: Look upon the glory of God's creation.

  • - How is she? - Fine.

  • The visions never weaken her.

  • Often, in fact, she's healed.

  • The things she spoke of tonight, without ever leaving New England.

  • I...I spent 20 years at sea to learn the half of it.

  • You have been one of her loudest critics.

  • Until now, Brother White.

  • There's no way she could have known

  • about the stars and planets she described tonight,

  • except that God showed her.

  • You can count me in the camp of her strongest supporters.

  • BATES: I studied the Sabbath

  • with Brother Edson and Brother Crosier in Port Gibson,

  • then travelled on to the Curtis home in Topsham and met the Whites.

  • Did Mrs White have one of her fainting spells?

  • I was wrong to doubt her, Prudy.

  • She had a vision right in front of me.

  • I believe God is using her

  • to confirm the truths He is revealing in our study of Scripture.

  • I still have my doubts.

  • Perhaps reading my written account will better explain.

  • You're going to write of her visions?

  • Yes, and on the seventh-day Sabbath.

  • This is all Miller's fault.

  • Has anyone seen old William?

  • To think he started this madness.

  • Ah! There were lunatics long before him.

  • And many more after.

  • I hear he's been ill, doesn't leave his farm.

  • I'd say a prayer, but...then I'd be a hypocrite.

  • Why don't these disappointed Millerites

  • just go back to the churches they came from?

  • Some of them have.

  • But the others wouldn't go back even if they could.

  • Most of them still believe that Jesus is coming at any moment.

  • Still setting dates and searching the skies, I hear.

  • Poor William. What a shame all his hard work has come to this, eh?

  • At least he and that Himes chap had an organised movement.

  • - I mean, this is just... - A mess.

  • There's no leadership, no churches.

  • I hear there's a young woman having visions in Maine,

  • and a sea captain holding prayer meetings on Saturdays.

  • Saturdays? Well, that's one mob I won't be joining.



  • Bates has printed about the Sabbath again.

  • But how did he have the money?

  • JAMES: I... He didn't.

  • We still have to raise funds to pay the expenses.

  • How will we get $7.50?

  • The hour of judgement has come. The year's harvest...


  • - Amen. - Amen.

  • Amen.

  • ELLEN: We work so hard to study God's work,

  • and yet I still cannot understand the Scriptures

  • that you and the others wrestle over.

  • I feel as if I am always on the outside, looking in.

  • Ellen, when we come into an impasse,

  • God gives you, in vision, the clarification from His Word.

  • But when I am not in vision,

  • it is as if my mind is locked to understanding the Scriptures.


  • JAMES: This may be a blessing.

  • Perhaps God is protecting you

  • so that people cannot falsely claim our message

  • is based on your visions instead of on God's Word.


  • We have already attended three gatherings

  • in search of our Bible truth.

  • Must we go to Connecticut for this conference at the Beldens'?

  • I think it would be wise to attend.

  • But we have no money for it, James.

  • I am to be paid next week for cutting wood.

  • I expect $10 for my labours.

  • I cannot mind my child and travel, James. I cannot.

  • Our Father has called us to this work. He will never leave us nor forsake us.


  • We had some very passionate discussions this morning.

  • We must keep our heads.

  • So many of the signs of His return

  • that Jesus gave to His disciples in Matthew

  • are being fulfilled around us, today.

  • Agreed. And we've made much progress.

  • Four years ago, who would have imagined worshipping on Saturday?

  • 'Tis true. Common ground can be found when we come together.

  • We keep the Commandments not to BE saved, but because we ARE saved.

  • Exactly. As Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my...”

  • And if you love me, you'll wait till everybody's ready to eat.


  • Bates. (LAUGHS)

  • OTIS: You and Ellen have spent so much time traveling to spread the word,

  • but you cannot be everywhere.

  • And neither do we wish to be.

  • Leaving our son behind each journey makes the wagon light,

  • but our hearts heavy.

  • The Lord has shown me a way that we can reach the Advent believers

  • without having to travel so frequently.

  • We must establish a newspaper.

  • But Brother Bates believes that we should put our efforts

  • towards pamphlets and books,

  • not to an ongoing paper.

  • Brother Nichols, two paths are but one.

  • We have no quarrel with his approach.

  • But my husband is prepared to start immediately on a periodical,

  • as books often suffer neglect on the shelf.

  • Where will the funds comes for this?

  • We'll let the paper be small at first.

  • As our people read, they will send means by which to print.

  • From a small beginning, God has shown me

  • that this little paper will go round the world.

  • ANNIE: How much did it cost?

  • $652, Annie.

  • 600...

  • Oh, Lord have mercy.

  • Hiram Edson paid for it?

  • Yes.

  • But word has gone out in theReview”,

  • and already funds are coming back to pay the loan.

  • It's a miracle.

  • JAMES: Yes.

  • And news of miracles travels fast.

  • Roll up your sleeves...

  • ..because our work has really begun.

  • ELLEN: They should call this paper the Messenger of Deception.

  • This article is filled with lies about God's work!

  • They have poisoned many hearts, James.

  • Good men whom we once published in the Review

  • now misinterpret Scripture, spreading error.

  • Here's more bad news.

  • In Wisconsin, the meeting tent has gone missing.

  • - We cannot allow this! - We cannot stop it.

  • We are not organised. We have no authority.

  • (COUGHS)

  • We must find a way to treat your lungs.

  • Here's another letter from John Andrews and John Loughborough.

  • - That can't be bad. - Read it.

  • They're both exhausted.

  • Brother Andrews labours all week to earn a living.

  • His eyesight is going.

  • His voice is nearly lost from preaching on weekends.

  • And I wish those were our only troubles.

  • What do you have to tell me?

  • The landlord has sent a notice regarding next year's rent.

  • $14.50 a month.

  • What are we to do?

  • We could move.

  • To Vermont?

  • Some have suggested Michigan.

  • You would pack up and go west?

  • You have visited before.

  • You, yourself, said the people were so kind.

  • The Battle Creek brethren want the responsibility of publishing.

  • Battle Creek.

  • Hardly sounds inviting.


  • Haven't you been battling most of your life?

  • Could suit you well to live in such a town.

  • Is that so?

  • The sisters are bringing over mattresses,

  • and a table with two chairs.

  • The building down the street has more room for the boys to run about.

  • Our first house of worship will be ready in a few weeks.

  • Thank you, Uriah.

  • You are a blessing to our family.

  • Before I go, I borrowed some money

  • to get several cakes of maple sugar and two bushels of wheat.

  • We will pay it all back.

  • (COUGHS)

  • Come.

  • Do you want to show Dad the window?

  • ELLEN: “Little heed is given to the Bible,

  • and the Lord has given a lesser light to lead men and women

  • to the greater light - the Bible.

  • “I do not ask you to take my words.

  • Lay Sister White to one side.

  • Don't quote my words until you can obey the Bible.

  • “I exalt the precious Word before you.

  • Our position and faith is in the Bible.”

  • JAMES: I want you to know, I have put our house here in your name.

  • I will not hear such talk.

  • Hmm.

  • What choice have you now but to listen?

  • (COUGHS)

  • If you rest, your health will improve.

  • I have deeded the house to you.

  • If God should bid me rest in my grave,

  • I will not leave a widow with three children and no home.

  • I will not.

  • I have faith that the Lord will not take you from us.

  • There is much work left for you to do, Mr White.

  • We can now count more than 2,000 believers.

  • Ellen, I have tried to make this work...

  • No, you have succeeded.

  • We shall continue to wait upon the Lord.

  • (COUGHS)

  • Ownership must be taken out of the hands of the individuals.

  • I alone own the printing press, Brother Bell, and that is not right.

  • And I own the land the church is built on.

  • Under whose name should it stand?

  • No one man's, I think.

  • Brother Andrews has made the suggestion

  • that we need not organise legally as a church.

  • But we could be incorporated under the laws of Michigan

  • as an association.

  • An association?

  • The earliest of all Christians were set up as such.

  • The discussion must be had.

  • We shall call a conference to meet here in Battle Creek.

  • An agreement must be found,

  • even if we have to sit until the Lord returns to do so.



  • Do I have a motion to create a publishing association?

  • MEN: Aye. Aye. Aye.

  • ANDREWS: Gentlemen, under the laws of Michigan,

  • we cannot incorporate our publishing work until we choose a name.

  • - (OTHERS MUTTER) - MAN: Brother Andrews is right!

  • MAN: I agree with Brother Andrews.

  • Gentlemen, let us not back down from what we have spent two days resolving.

  • This child of ours has been created,

  • and is now so grown that it is exceedingly awkward

  • to have no name for it.

  • We have been called the people of the shut door...

  • ..because we believe that the door to the Holy Place was closed,

  • and the door to the Most Holy Place in the Heavenly Sanctuary was opened.

  • Should that be part of our name?


  • Whatever name we choose...

  • should not be objectionable to the world at large.

  • We've had two days of discussions.

  • And, yet, you are no closer?

  • Progress has been made.

  • But there are still objections.

  • It's important that everyone be heard, James.


  • Yes, John Herbert, especially you.

  • Our fourth son is perhaps the loudest.

  • Now, where would he get that from?

  • (SIGHS)


  • BATES: Gentlemen... Brothers, come to order.

  • I say we call our association The Church of God.

  • Others have that name already.

  • And doesn't that sound a bit boastful?

  • Tis the case.



  • Perhaps we should look to our two pillars of faith -

  • the Sabbath and the Second Coming of Jesus.

  • What do we say to being called the Seventh-Day Adventists?


  • Do I have a motion?

  • I make a motion that we call ourselves Seventh-Day Adventists.

  • ALL: Aye!


  • Wondrous day. Wondrous day, sir.

  • It has been a long, long time coming.


  • The infection spreads, and I can do nothing.

  • Only pray.

  • - (CONTINUES CRYING) - But our poor son is hot as fire.


  • (CRIES)

  • Shhh...

  • ELLEN: James...

  • (SOBS) Not our son!

  • James...

  • ELLEN: 29 days ago...

  • ..we lost our baby boy, John.

  • I understand now the grief of King David, when he lost his child.

  • My son... My son, would God I had died for thee.”

  • And yet I cling to the Father’s promise

  • thatall things work together for good to them that love God.”

  • But I come before you today, January 12th 1861...

  • tell you I have been shown in vision

  • that more States will join South Carolina in the secession,

  • and a terrible war will result.

  • I saw large armies raised by both North and South.

  • I saw the battle raging, I heard the booming cannon.

  • The dead and wounded falling on every side.

  • And I was taken in vision to the homes

  • of those who lost brothers, sons and husbands in the war.

  • And there are...

  • and women in this house today,

  • who will lose their loved ones in the days to come.

  • This war will be fought over slavery

  • and the stubbornness of those who refuse to see the truth of God.

  • The law requiring us to return a slave back to his master,

  • we must never obey.

  • Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States,

  • by virtue of the power in me

  • vested by the Constitution and the laws,

  • have thought fit to call forth,

  • and hereby do call forth...

  • “..the militia of the several States of the Union,

  • to the aggregate number of 75,000...

  • “ order to suppress said combinations,

  • and to cause the laws to be duly executed.”

  • JAMES: This war is a terrible tragedy for our nation.

  • JOSEPH: That it is. How I wish man would heed the Word of God.

  • How is your health, Brother White? You need more rest.

  • Today, six local conferences voted to form a general conference

  • with John Byington as our first president.

  • That fact alone steadies my step.

  • God’s work can truly move forward without hindrance.

  • The Lord leads and we follow.

  • But he seemed fine when we left him. And that was only days ago!

  • - He WAS fine. Yes. He... - The doctor says it’s pneumonia?

  • Are you certain?

  • Mother! Thank goodness you're both here.

  • Henry?

  • Henry, can you hear me?

  • Promise me...Mother...

  • that if I die...I'm laid by the side of my little brother, John Herbert...

  • ..that we may come up together...

  • the morning of the Resurrection.

  • God will do all things well, my son.

  • I cannot bear it.

  • To lose sweet baby John three months after his birth...

  • It was as if we had only borrowed him from God. But this!

  • Mother...

  • ..I will meet you in Heaven,

  • for I know you will be there....

  • (SOBS) No, Henry!

  • Henry!

  • Henry! (SOBS)


  • Still, you are writing.

  • It seems months you've been at that desk.

  • I understand it better when I put the ideas on paper.

  • It was a vision concerning our health.

  • Will you read me some of it?

  • The heart of the message received

  • is the connection between caring for our souls and our bodies.

  • So many of us are nearly used up in our service of the Lord.

  • I saw that tobacco in any form is a slow and malignant poison.

  • Buttis often said tobacco has healing value...

  • I am only telling you what I have seen. (CHUCKLES)

  • Alcohol, tea and coffee are to be avoided.

  • Ah. Continue.

  • We should dispense of meat,

  • and return instead to the diet of Eden -

  • grains, vegetables, nuts, fruit.

  • JAMES: Did the Lord really show you that?


  • How are we to live without meat?

  • - It gets worse. - Ah.

  • Rich cakes and sweet pies are to be avoided.


  • You will have the butchers, the smoke-shop owners,

  • the saloons...all after us, now.

  • - Oh, the bakers, too. - There’s more.

  • Our body requires pure water, exercise and clean air.

  • Caring for our health is a spiritual matter.

  • I have seen that it is a sacred duty to care not only for our own health,

  • but to teach others how to care for theirs.

  • ELLEN: Edson!

  • Hands.

  • Our Heavenly Father,

  • we thank You for blessing us with this nourishment

  • and this delicious meal.

  • In Your name, we thank You. Amen.

  • BOTH: Amen.

  • Edson, why don’t you eat?

  • Because he’s full of all the food he shouldn’t be eating.

  • Now, Willie, stop trying to get your brother in trouble.

  • Our focus should not be on a list of bad foods.

  • It is more important that you understand

  • your body is the temple of God, and you must treat it accordingly.

  • Do you understand?

  • - Yes. - ELLEN: Good.

  • Father, will you pass the onions?


  • ELLEN: James. James!

  • - James! - Father!

  • Boys, go get the doctor. James!

  • James...

  • Hey, hey. I'm right here. I'm right here.

  • James, look at me.

  • Your husband has had another stroke.

  • - He's already much improv... - (JAMES MUMBLES)

  • No, don't try now. You have facial paralysis.

  • It's common after this kind of incident.

  • Tell me now what we must do.

  • Well, rest is the most important thing. Lots of it.

  • And then I’m in favour of bloodletting.

  • Bloodletting? I don't think that that is an option.

  • The barber on Main Street will receive my instructions.

  • He has the proper instruments for the incisions.

  • Draining blood is known to be most effective treatment following stroke.

  • We shall consider that avenue

  • once James is well enough for such a procedure.

  • You are not a physician, Mrs White. Now, I’ll be back in the morning.

  • A stroke is a powerful thing. You are lucky to be alive, Mr White.

  • ELLEN: Thank you. Boys, please show the good doctor to the door.

  • I have put two sons in the ground, Mr White.

  • You are going nowhere.

  • The good Lord has borrowed the use of your right side to see to that.

  • He will find the best way to bring you back to good health.


  • Today we inaugurate the Western Health Reform Institute.

  • We have only to look for inspiration in this project

  • at the progress in health made by our dear brother, James.

  • Sister White, using principles given her in vision by God,

  • has demonstrated that we have much work to do.

  • Moving forward, health care will be a principal concern for our church.

  • I have seen that complete rest alone does not bring healing.

  • It needs to be linked with exercise, diet and faith in God.

  • And many of you already know the importance of water,

  • and using fruit, grains, nuts and vegetables.

  • What we eat is of paramount importance.

  • These plans are not only for healing but for prevention.

  • May God bless our obedience,

  • and give us the inner strength to continue His work

  • of spreading the good message of the Second Coming to the world.



  • That is Bourdeau.

  • B-O-U-R-D-E-A-U.

  • Brother Loughborough and Brother Bourdeau have gone to California,

  • but where are the others who will say, “Here I am, Lord. Send me”?

  • We should not turn away those in need.

  • Education and healing go hand in hand.

  • How can we heal the body and leave the mind to waste?

  • Jesus spent much more time healing than he did preaching.

  • 'Tis true.

  • We need more able workers.

  • (SIGHS) Yes.

  • We must train more young men for service.

  • Our young people begin work right after grammar school.

  • There should be a way to give them a better education.

  • I could use a little help stacking this wood.

  • Thank you kindly. I'm Bell. Goodloe Bell.

  • How'd you get stuck chopping this wood?

  • - I'm not stuck, Master... - States. He's George States.

  • I'm Edson White.

  • Chopping wood's good for my health.

  • My wife died last year.

  • And I stopped caring for my health.

  • Sorry to hear that.

  • But...well, how does chopping wood help?

  • Instead of being dosed with compounds, I've learned to use my limbs outdoors.

  • And now you're here, doing chores?

  • Sharp mind is as good a tool as a sharp axe.

  • What did you do before you came here to chop wood?

  • I was a teacher for many years.

  • And then a school inspector.

  • I met a fine man at the Health Institute this week.

  • - Mm. - His name is Goodloe Bell.

  • - I believe I've seen him. - Yes.

  • He arrived in poor health, with frayed nerves.

  • Chopped wood for better than an hour.

  • Mm, yes - exercise and being outdoors is a wonder for good health.

  • After we talked to him, George and I got to thinking...

  • ELLEN: Mm-hm?

  • About chopping wood?

  • No, Willie - about going to school.

  • ELLEN: “Teaching is the most precise work ever assumed by men and women

  • to deal with youthful minds.

  • The greatest care should be taken in the education of youth -

  • to so vary the manner of instruction

  • as to call forth the high and noble powers of the mind.”

  • John Harvey Kellogg.

  • William K. Kellogg.

  • George States.

  • Edson White.

  • William White.

  • ETHEREAL VOICE: Your house is the world.


  • It has been two years

  • since the death of our pioneering brother, Joseph Bates...

  • ..and 30 years since God raised up this pioneering people.

  • In my most recent vision, the heavenly messenger said,

  • You are entertaining ideas that are too limited for this time.

  • Your house is the world.”

  • We have just placed many resources into publishingSigns of the Times”.

  • MAN: What of our plans for the Pacific Press?

  • Have we sent Brothers Loughborough and Bourdeau to California -

  • at great cost -

  • only to have it stretch across the ocean?

  • - (MURMURING) - Where's the money coming from?


  • Surely our resources are better used here - at home.

  • Your house is the world.”

  • We are to hold forth so that all may have an opportunity

  • to receive the truth.

  • The message we bear is a worldwide message.

  • It will go in power to distant Oregon,

  • to Europe, to Australia, to the islands of the seas,

  • to all nations, tongues and peoples.


  • Order!

  • ANDREWS: How can we question this duty?

  • Souls are perishing that may now be reached.

  • Brother Andrews, I move that we take up the issue

  • at our general conference in August.

  • We shall put to a vote expansion into the foreign field.

  • In order to expand, everyone will feel the stretch.

  • They're sending Brother Andrews to Switzerland!


  • (SIGHS)

  • An adventure on the high seas - how Brother Bates would have loved that.

  • Indeed.

  • We feel confident that the Lord is leading us.

  • JAMES: Well, travel safely, Brother Andrews -

  • you will be in our family's prayers.

  • Mind your step.

  • Farewell.

  • He will spread the good news of Christ's soon return to Europe.

  • And beyond that, we must tell the world.

  • ELLEN: “We have nothing to fear for the future

  • unless we forget the way the Lord has led us,

  • and His teaching in our past history.”




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