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  • Hey, happy 2017 and happy lunar new year.

  • This is the brand new addition to

  • Positive Tunes 好歌學英文 and just in case you're new to my family, to my show..

  • Well this is where we teach and sing

  • songs that have positive lyrics and

  • meaning to it. So feel free to have your

  • children listen to it. No bad language, that's a guarantee.

  • The song we've chosen today is from the

  • animation soma wanna just I am to hear

  • the truth he shoots how far I'll go to

  • the movies been absorbed in America for

  • quite a while

  • this last November as a recall and

  • however just recently it's finally hit

  • theaters here in taiwan china to that I

  • wanted it you cannot hi I'm to you lata

  • all get you get your customer that wants

  • to buy the same things of frozen and

  • utopia

  • Oh every time i hear that song i'm just

  • wondering if marijuana will make that's

  • like the box office student I bet

  • there's a lot of pressure off his

  • shoulders like seeing songs how far I'll

  • go somebody alessia cara and I know a

  • lot of people might have the wrong

  • exercise because a lot of people are

  • nothing like we should care of like I

  • this first it's actually pronounced my

  • lips yes

  • cara cara is your last name she is

  • Italian joke since your last name touch

  • with Cara I think unless your voice

  • every time

  • Mac kind of resembles amy winehouse talk

  • about rehab

  • no no no no okay

  • however the person selling in the movie

  • the person behind mawana is Ali alive

  • original hello my name is ali caballo

  • from Disney's new moving wanna all the

  • provide your belly caballo already great

  • value because I owe on the car by le

  • caballo crumble on you so hard

  • it's Hawaii when all these things that

  • he really brings out that disney

  • princess feeling and by the way she is a

  • princess in the movie she's the daughter

  • of a tribal chief wants to sail the seas

  • and just travel the world but she's not

  • allowed to i think we get that a lot of

  • disney right

  • ok time for us to see and i will teach

  • you the English Stanford other woman

  • being time to enjoy the day you are

  • adverse to see standing at so this is

  • the part where we started thinking to

  • solve and later on teaching vision which

  • cipher machine sometimes good that hona

  • Johnny meeting with I gotta say first

  • that i'm not a professional singer

  • yourself

  • yeah going to have to put up with me for

  • business I been standing at the edge of

  • the water dog and stock and remember

  • never really know in laughs i wish i

  • could be the perfect daughter but I come

  • back to the water no matter how hard I

  • child

  • ok let's take a look at the lyric in

  • this diverse so it starts singing I've

  • been staring at the edge of the water

  • long as i can remember never really

  • knowing why long as i can remember the

  • way you lie to you i I've been staring

  • at the edge of the water edge to seeing

  • you at these beautiful didn't know you

  • were being at the edge of my computer

  • screen

  • edge of the desk the edge of the table

  • edge of tomorrow

  • use your engines that would be I like it

  • by the way it appears that you have

  • already thought I don't you bring

  • something to talk about and of this edgy

  • she's still w I feel a little bit edgy

  • right now because I got the camera

  • pointed at me are never really knowing

  • why she's just to torment intelligent

  • recently i wish i could be the perfect

  • daughter we do she won't be until we not

  • want me to New York but i always come

  • back to the water and what don't show a

  • cuidar shape in no matter how hard I try

  • well normally time she ok here goes

  • every turn that take if you train a live

  • track if you pass that make every road

  • leads back to the place i know where i

  • can not go where I long to be every turn

  • I take what you're trying to make a

  • while to get into that every trail I

  • track trail Sookie tracksuit couldn't on

  • the east what is it little shots with

  • you have been continually that you see

  • that's what I'd using guises everytrail

  • I track with trades on the mega to g.o

  • or it can be that you co can assist

  • little shadow make it to G everytrail I

  • track either way ok then it goes on

  • saying every path I make every road

  • leads back to the place I know where I

  • cannot go on a diet and then it goes to

  • the changes you can want a handicapping

  • w county times with a good suit that's

  • in a handful of tiredness you hello to

  • the tallest tower every path i'm a quilt

  • or that made her losing every road leads

  • back maybe he'll lose your power you

  • think without the place i know where i

  • cannot go was so he actually open and go

  • to look at the file where I long to be

  • so nations will cut moved to love

  • somebody that's a long to suspicion

  • console I long to be praised by my

  • friends when making and co-ops they were

  • the pocket said that

  • all right let's get to the course

  • tonight also could actually do without

  • joining the key point even lying with

  • the sky meets the city it cause me and

  • no one the hose for it go home if the

  • wind in my sails on the CCA's but had me

  • one day I'll go home if I go there's

  • just don't tell it now far algo

  • ok so i can have to go from girl the

  • chorus see the line where the sky meets

  • the sea

  • it calls me company how cinema just high

  • you tingle judgment house yet there who

  • runs the world and no one knows how far

  • it goes there a lot of aliens and

  • outdoor into sue if the wind in my sails

  • on the sea stays behind me okay

  • therefore that we were there were time

  • family men the wind song sales to 45 x

  • value stays behind me just home in

  • tissue to trade on the with a hot one

  • day I'll no don't we can't wait to

  • dollar if I go there's just no telling

  • how far I'll go we will shoot hot there

  • is sort of good without you could

  • totally agree

  • ok this is a key point that I want you

  • to take away today there's just no

  • telling well going to go kill you

  • I there's no telling just it all sounds

  • simple that is impossible to get America

  • to hide out in here you see there's no

  • telling that's an inch on your cheese

  • look there's just no telling just

  • married so it's not just me and celebs

  • ok so for example let's give you some

  • examples right here

  • how much more is he going to eat you

  • know what that size of his belly is just

  • no telling when you know how much more

  • is he going to eat anyhow thanks to

  • those are you know with the size of that

  • belly with the size of his belly have to

  • do with that I don't have to get a few

  • to it besides the harder that's the

  • short of it there's just no telling

  • where it stopped

  • okay that's one example give you another

  • example in 20 locations on that kind of

  • hardship and you a rule

  • how is Trump presidency going to expect

  • taiwan simple function of the

  • n-c-double-a chat line

  • how will trump presidency effect taiwan

  • it all there's just no telling dolla

  • special between us okay and that is

  • positive for this week this is how far

  • I'll go the theme song for awana hi I'm

  • community church how bago i hope you

  • liked the episode and i hope that our

  • next within 70 but will create a heart

  • with all right you're out five

Hey, happy 2017 and happy lunar new year.

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