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  • [Skiing guide (Jeff) calling out as he skis down the hill with a blind skier following

  • him]: Turn a left! Turn a right!

  • Turn a left! Turn a right!

  • Turn a left! Turn a right!

  • [Blind Skier (Erik Weihenmayer)]: I think in a blind person's daily life they don't

  • get speed and that's what I think the most exciting

  • part of skiing is when you're blind is that you're really moving fast

  • When you're blind, you're reacting to what you're feeling under your feet

  • So you're literally reacting instantaneously It's very exciting

  • or terrifying depending on how you look at life

  • [Music begins; Jeff and Erik skiing down the hill]

  • [Jeff]: Turn a left! Turn a right!

  • Turn a left! Turn a right!

  • [Erik]: In only eight simple words, Jeff tells me everything I need to know the

  • slope With each syllable, there's no guesswork.

  • I know exactly were to be

  • [Jeff]: Go towards me here. Back to the right, and check your speed, and here we go

  • We're going to start to ski to the left Turn a left

  • Erik: To become a blind skier, it takes an investment.

  • You have to have a good guide who you really trust and you have to build that relationship.

  • [Jeff]: I have to make sure that somebody up the hill

  • is not running out of control and is going to take Erik out, or myself out.

  • I cannot mess up. [Calling out while skiing] Turn and stop.

  • [Erik]: You can still in bumps, just get completely hammered every now and then, you know?

  • So it's just part of the, I guess, fun. Ha ha ha!

  • [Erik hits a snow bank and falls] Woah. I really did hit something there.

  • [Jeff]:Turn a right! Turn a left!

[Skiing guide (Jeff) calling out as he skis down the hill with a blind skier following

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盲目的滑雪者的邊緣 - 預覽 (Blind Skier's Edge - Preview)

  • 25 2
    alex posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary