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  • Two women just graduated from Army Ranger school, starting the all-too-familiar debate

  • of women in combat. After more than 10 years of war, with women participating alongside:

  • is there any science that says they shouldn't be all that they can be?

  • When First Lt. Shaye Haver and Capt. Kristen Griest passed the nine-week training program

  • to become Army Rangers, they made history, but they also made the news. Ranger School

  • is the Army's most rigorous training program. 36 percent of attendees fail in the first

  • four days, and only 42 percent will finally walk away with the black-and-gold Ranger tab.

  • But even though these women passed all the tests, they still may not see combat. In January

  • of 2013, then-Sec of Defense Leon Panetta announced the end of male-only combat, requiring

  • women be allowed to serve in combat roles by January 2016. Many argue that women aren't

  • ready for frontline combat, or simply cannot manage the hell that is war, and as the equality

  • train hits the voting booth, the bedroom, the workplace, and onward: the theater of

  • war is yet another stop. After Panetta's order, the armed forces began conducting studies

  • and assessing standards to see if sex integration will be the future of our military. Women

  • have been part of fighting forces for decades in Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers, Ireland's IRA,

  • and soldiering in Sierra Leone. But now, the U.S. has to determine if they can open the

  • remaining 220,000 men-only jobs to women too. According to military data, three things are

  • important for combat readiness: mental health, physical capability, and proper training.

  • A National Center for PTSD study in 2011, found men and women developed mental health

  • issues equally after "combat, firing a weapon in combat, being fired upon, handling human

  • remains and witnessing injury and death," but men were more likely to fall into substance

  • abuse. Those findings were supported by another study in the Journal of Psychiatric Research.

  • But a 2006 study of women and men in combat, found emotional responses were different,

  • and quote "in stressful situations, men are more likely to resort to physically aggressive

  • responses than women," and according to a piece in TIME by Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter

  • Mark Thompson, "aggression leads to more accidents and injuries in men" It would seem, mentally,

  • women can hack it as well as men, and may handle some things better, as they don't abuse

  • substances, become aggressive, or injure themselves due to stress.

  • Physically, though, women have less upper body strength than men overall; according

  • to a 2004 U.S. Army study. Women do have smaller hearts, skeletons and muscle mass, and a greater

  • percentage of body fat relative to their male colleagues; which ups the injury rate significantly.

  • Injuries are anything that takes a servicemember out of combat. Pregnancy adds to women's injury

  • stats, but even if you remove it from the data -- women are hospitalized at 30 percent

  • higher rates than men. According to data from the Pentagon, men are hospitalized for general

  • injuries, poisonings, and disorders of the muscles, skin, or "connective tissues," while

  • women are hospitalized for genital and urinary disorders, mental disorder, and tumors. With

  • this data in mind, the military is working to design gender-neutral training programs

  • and understand injuries.

  • Even though women, on average, have less strength, not all women are weaker or prone to injury.

  • Some females are stronger than males, and they deserve an equal chance at a combat position.

  • That is echoed by Army General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

  • According to every statement I read, military requirements will not be eroded, lowered,

  • lightened or lessened in any way on the road to gender neutrality in combat. Instead, they'll

  • make it "about science and observation" and ensure people can perform needed duties. If

  • so, they get the job. Period. According to a 1980 paper assessing women in combat by

  • Major Thomas H. Cecil, people should be "allowed to serve in whatever role that could use best

  • the talent and capability each individual has."

  • After racial integration and the repeal of "Don't Ask; Don't Tell," the military is disrupted

  • at first, but they gets over it as long as people are perceived fairly and equally in

  • training and practice.

  • There is no evidence males break down when females are killed or injured in battle, or

  • are distracted by their fellow female warriors. As long as the training is equal, our armed

  • forces are trained to protect each other regardless of which chromosomes we possess. Of course,

  • there will be sex between members of the military, but that is not new at ALL. GIs in every war

  • we've ever engaged in found girls abroad, and that tradition continues with these women

  • too, but the fear comes from societal stereotypes about female sexuality, not fact.

  • In the end, they are servicemembers first and women second. Caliber and ability are

  • the currencies of our armed forces. As serving females are trained equally and prove they

  • can do anything fellow males can do; they will earn the same benefit: to serve their

  • country as a volunteer in America's armed forces.

  • If you want to show your support from home, start a website and showcase your support

  • your favorite female servicemember. No domain extension will help you tell your story like

  • a DOT COM or DOT NET domain name. And because you watch DNews, you can get 15% off Domain

  • Dot Com’s names and web hosting by using the code DNews when you check out.

Two women just graduated from Army Ranger school, starting the all-too-familiar debate

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科學對戰鬥中的女性的看法 (What Science Says About Women In Combat)

  • 80 12
    李柏毅 posted on 2021/01/14
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