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  • As the internet continued to grow in the mid-to-late 1990s it would come to transform society on


  • a global scale. The biggest change came in the form of instant communication. As long


  • as you had an internet connection you could talk to anyone on earth, assuming, of course,


  • they were also connected to the internet. And around the millennium-shift you had over


  • 350 million connected people to choose from. The thing is, the internet was not designed


  • with things like anonymity and privacy in mind so everything you do and say online can


  • and, in many cases, will be tracked, recorded, and traceable back to you. Some people are

    隨著互聯網在90年代中期至末期的普及 全世界的生活習慣隨之改變

  • very concerned about their privacy and in the mid 1990s one such group of people was


  • the United States federal government. A team of computer scientists and mathematicians


  • working for a branch of the US Navy known as the Naval Research Laboratory, abbreviated as NRL,


  • began development of a new technology known as onion routing. Onion routing would allow for anonymous


  • bi-directional communication where the source and destination cannot be determined by a mid-point.


  • This is accomplish by creating something known as an overlay network. An overlay network

    所以你在互聯網上的所作所為,在多數情況下 都是可以被跟蹤、紀錄或追溯你的位置的

  • is simply a network that is built on top of another network, in this case the internet.

    有的人很在乎自己的隱私 而在1990年代有這樣一群人,叫做美國政府

  • So instead of using the normal unencrypted internet, also known as the surface web, your

    在美國海軍的美國海軍研究實驗室裡,簡稱NRL 有一個由資訊工程學家和數學家組成的團隊

  • traffic goes trough an overlay network. Now, there are many different types of overlay


  • networks but a network using onion routing technology would be classified as a darknet.


  • A darknet can only be accessed via specific software and/or authorization. In case that

    通過這種技術創建的網路被稱為覆蓋網路(Overlay Network)

  • was hard to follow, all you you need to know is that people working for the US government


  • created a system which would allow for anonymous communication over the internet.

    所以,不使用普通的未加密互聯網,又稱表層網路 你的訊息將會通過覆蓋網路進入

  • However, the people over at NRL soon realized a major limitation.

    如今有許多不同類型的覆蓋網路 不過使用洋蔥路由技術的網路都統稱「地下網路」

  • ROGER DINGLEDINE: ...the United States government can't simply


  • run an anonymity system for everybody and then use it themselves only because then

    在這種難以遵循的情況下,你需要知道的是 這套系統是由位美國政府工作的人所創造的

  • every time a connection came from it people would say "Oh, it's another CIA agent looking at my website!"


  • if those are the only people using the network. So you need to have


  • other people using the network so that they blend together.


  • So what he's saying is that for the network to be truly anonymous it has to be available


  • to everyone and not just the US government. So the NRL was forced to release their onion


  • routing technology to the public. The technology was eventually released under an open source


  • license and became TOR. TOR stands for The Onion Router and is the software you need


  • to download to be able to access this network of onion routers. Today, millions of people

    他的意思是,若要做到在網路上真正的匿名 那就必須將技術提供給大家,而非只有美國政府使用

  • across the globe use TOR for a multitude of purposes. Everything from innocent daily browsing


  • to criminal activities. And while it is the most popular, TOR is but one among numerous


  • darknets. Together they all make up the dark web. Subsequently, the dark web forms a small


  • part of the deep web. The deep web is everything on the web that can not be indexed by search engines.


  • It's nothing like the dark web as most of us use the deep web all the time.


  • If you visit this link, you will find an unlisted YouTube video on my channel. This can be classified


  • as deep web content. I know it's a bit anticlimactic but, yeah, this video exist on the deep web


  • simply because no search engine can find it. Other examples of deep web content includes


  • online banking, Netflix, web mail, dynamic pages, databases, and everything that's password-


  • or paywall-protected. As you can imagine, the deep web has a lot more content than the surface web.

    深層網路並不像暗網那樣神秘 實際上我們大多數時間都在使用深層網路

  • How much more? Well, we don't know because by its very nature it's near-impossible to determine.


  • A paper from 2001 estimated that the deep web is 500 times the size of


  • the surface web but, then again, that estimation is over a decade old. All we can say for certain


  • is that deep web content accounts for the vast majority of the content on the world wide web.

    但,沒錯,這部影片就是定義在深層網路中 因為沒有搜尋引擎找得到它

  • So, to summarize. The surface web is content that can be indexed by search engines.

    其他深層網頁的例子包括網路銀行、Netflix、網頁信箱、 動態網頁、資料庫以及一切受密碼或付費所保護的內容

  • The deep web is content that can not be indexed by search engines. And the dark web is a fraction of the


  • deep web consisting of numerous darknets which require specific software and/or authorization to access


  • Okay, we know what's on the surface web and we know what's on the deep web.


  • But what do we find on the dark web? More specifically, the darknet known as TOR.


  • As mentioned, you can use TOR for almost anything. Browsing the web, checking your email, posting


  • on forums, instant messaging, watching YouTube videos, you name it. But the dark web aspect

    我們所能肯定的是,深層網路的內容 佔了全球資訊網(www)的絕大多數內容

  • comes in the form of hidden services. A hidden service is essentially a website that can


  • only be accessed via TOR and the address for a hidden service will always end in .onion.


  • So if I attempt to access this hidden service using Google Chrome, nothing happens. It will


  • only connect using specialized software such as the TOR browser. This is the dark web.

    暗網則是由大量地下網站所組成,需要特定軟體或授權訪問 同時也是深層網路的一小部分

  • Well, one site on the dark web. This specific site is known as The Hidden Wiki and attempts


  • to list as many publicly known hidden services as possible. Facebook operates a hidden service.

    但我們要如何在暗網中找東西? 更具體一點,在Tor這個暗網中

  • The search engine DuckDuckGo is another. But this is about as far as I will go because


  • there is definitely a darker side to the dark web. Anonymity attracts a vast variety of

    看網頁、看郵件、滑論壇、用即時通訊軟體、看Youtube 你能講出來的它都能做到

  • people and can be used for both licit and illicit purposes.


  • In October of 2013, the FBI took down the online drug marketplace known as Silk Road.

    隱藏服務只能通過Tor來閱覽 並且訪問隱藏服務的網址都是以.onion來結尾

  • The website had been in operation since the beginning of 2011 with a total revenue estimated

    所以,如果我們試圖用google Chrome來瀏覽這個隱藏服務,不會有任何反應

  • at $1.2 billion. News about the Silk Road website brought the dark web out of the dark


  • and right into public eye. This graph shows daily traffic over the TOR network before


  • Silk Road was mentioned in mainstream media. This is after. Only a few months after Silk


  • Road had been taken down ex-administrators of the site launched Silk Road 2.0.


  • However, in late 2014, the FBI arrested the admins and the second marketplace was taken down as well.


  • A few hours after that, Silk Road 3.0 was launched and the seemingly endless


  • spiral continues. And keep in mind that Silk Road was just one website among many.

    匿名性質吸引了各式各樣的人們,這個性質可以用於合法 也可以用於非法的目的上

  • You can find numerous others just like it, selling every illegal drug you can imagine and more.


  • The FBI also claimed that the owner of the Silk Road website had attempted to have six people


  • killed by using deep web murder-for-hire services. While the assassinations themselves are unlikely


  • to have occurred, these websites can definitely be found on the dark web. The problem is a


  • lack of evidence. Anyone can set up a darknet website claiming anything for any reason.


  • Especially if there's money involved. One such website was recently hacked and several

    在絲綢之路被撤下的僅僅幾個月後 網站的前管理員就推出了絲綢之路2.0

  • emails by the admins would suggest the website is indeed a scam set up to make money.


  • One message reads: "We receive orders to kill people from all over the world, however our


  • site is fake and we don’t have any hitmen. We forward the orders to police departments


  • where the targets are located." And in yet another email they bluntly state:


  • "...this website is to scam criminals of their money."

    你同樣可以找到許多跟它一樣販售各種非法藥物的網站 甚至比你所想的更多

  • Then again, this supposed hack could've been faked as well so there's no way to be absolutely certain.

    FBI還聲稱,絲綢之路網站的所有者曾試圖利用深層網路的 雇傭殺手服務暗殺六個人

  • Unfortunately, the dark web has some much more depraved and gruesome extremes.


  • Many websites contain various forms of sexualized torture and killing of animals and child pornography


  • sites are a huge problem on the dark web. A site known as Lolita City which has now been


  • taken down contained over 100 GB of photos and videos and had around 15,000 members.


  • Another website known as Playpen was taken down by the FBI in 2015 which may have been

    前陣子就有這樣一個網站被駭客入侵,公布了幾個管理員的電子郵件 並指出這個網站其實是個為錢所設的假網站

  • the largest child pornography site on the entire dark web with over 200,000 members.


  • There's somewhat of an urban legend known as red rooms. A red room is a livestream of


  • a person being tortured and/or murdered for the entertainment of others. Supposedly, the


  • viewers may event interact by typing down instructions. Again there's no evidence of


  • this ever taking place but the myth persists. Not too long ago, a .onion link appeared on

    不過話說回來,這個所謂的駭客可能也是偽造的 所以也沒辦法絕對肯定消息的真實性

  • various forums which take you to a page claiming that a red room-style livestream


  • would shortly begin. The victims where supposedly captured ISIS terrorists and the soon-to-be-killers


  • promised hours of torture. Though the first hour would be family friendly. You know, for


  • all the kids staying up late to watch a person being brutally murdered live on the dark web.


  • After much morbid anticipation, the livestream went live and viewers where greeted by a plate of bacon.


  • Mainstream media would have you believe that the surface web is just a thin layer on top

    另一個網站Playpen在2015年被FBI撤下 它可能是整個暗網中最大的兒童色情網站,擁有超過20萬的會員

  • of an enormous criminal underground but it couldn't be further from the truth.

    有幾分傳奇色彩的都市傳說Red Rooms

  • And it's no wonder as they frequently confuse the dark web with the much, much larger deep web.

    Red Rooms是一個直播折磨或殺害他人為樂的網站

  • A recent study from early 2016 found that, out of 2,723 active .onion websites on the TOR


  • network 1,547 contained illicit content. So that's over half. This includes pornographic material,


  • drugs, money laundering, cyberterrorism, contract killers, trading of firearms and weapons, etc.

    不久之前,有一個.onion的連結開始出現在各大論壇 並聲稱Red Rooms將在不久後直播

  • But only 3-6% of all TOR users actually use these hidden services.

    據說被害者是ISIS恐怖分子和即將成為殺手的宣誓者們 他們將被虐待長達數個小時

  • So only 3-6% use the dark web. The vast majority exclusively use TOR to protect their privacy and to


  • browse the surface web anonymously and have never visited a .onion website.


  • So while there's no question that the dark web contain some of the most horrific content on the entire web,

    (伊斯蘭教是不吃豬肉的,他們強灌生培根以示破戒) 在經過許說病態的期待後,直播開始,映入觀眾眼簾的卻是一盤培根

  • it's nowhere near as extensive as some make it out to be.


  • Okay here's a question then...


  • How do you prevent criminals from using these services while still alowing lawful citizens to protect their privacy?


  • The answer is simple, you don't.

    一份2016年初的研究發現,在Tor網中的2723個.onion網站裡 有1547個是包含違法內容的

  • You can't restrict something that is, by it's very nature, meant to be unrestrictive.


  • That's the problem with anonymity. Anyone can do or say anything so we have no choice but to take


  • the good with the bad. Even if law enforcement agencies had the ability to shut the entire network


  • down completely, they wouldn't. Because the US government need TOR as much as anybody else.


  • Remember, they created this technology.

    絕大多數人只是使用Tor來保護自己的隱私和匿名瀏覽網頁 從來沒有訪問過這些.onion網站

  • And they did not create this technology just so they could release it to the public for free.

    因此,毫無疑問的,暗網中包含一些整個網路上最恐怖的內容 但它遠不及實際付諸行動的人

  • It was only released to the public as public usage is an essential part of what


  • makes TOR anonymous. It takes us right back to this:


  • ROGER DINGLEDINE: ...the United States government can't simply


  • run an anonymity system for everybody and then use it themselves only because then every


  • time a connection came from it people would say "Oh, it's another CIA agent..."


  • Who do you think funds the TOR project? In 2007, 100% of the TOR project's funding came


  • from the US government. In 2008, 86%. In 2009, 90%. In 2010, 94%. In 2011, 78%. In 2012, 81%. In 2013, 94%.


  • A government agent working undercover is as much in need of


  • online anonymity as a terrorist, pedophile, or whistleblower.


  • It's everyone or no one. That's the unfortunate truth.


As the internet continued to grow in the mid-to-late 1990s it would come to transform society on


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