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Here's a summary of what we just learned.
A string is immutable, which means it can't change once it's been created.
You have to create a brand new string object if you want a slightly
different string.
On the other hand, a StringBuilder is also a sequence of characters, but
it is mutable.
So it can change after you've created it.
Now, there are pros and cons of when to use each one.
But if you're trying to build up a longer text string gradually over
several steps, then StringBuilder is a much more efficient data type,
because it is mutable.
Otherwise, if you had to create a new string object at each intermediate step,
you'd be wasting memory on the device.
And those additional memory allocations would need to be cleaned up once those
string objects were no longer used.
It's much cleaner to have a single StringBuilder object and
then modify it as needed.
Okay, so let's look at the code for how to use the StringBuilder class.
We can declare and instantiate a new StringBuilder as usual, and
then proceed to put the word,
world spelled W-O-R-L-D into the builder using the append method.
Now, the StringBuilder is currently holding the sequence of characters
that spells world.
Actually, let's make that say word
instead of world by removing the L character at position three.
When we do this the builder now contains the characters W-O-R and D, or word.
Then the code appends more characters on the StringBuilder.
First, we add space builder and then finally a period.
Note that the append method returns a builder object, so what's neat
is that we can actually have multiple calls to append on a single line.
This sequence of multiple meta calls on a single line is known as method
chaining in programmer speak.
So as you can see, the second time we call append, we can add a period.
When we're done building we can get a frozen immutable string
by simply calling the two string method.
So as we finish we can see that the String variable built
now contains the contents word builder.