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  • Hey there! Do you feel you are very fluent in spoken English or very comfortable while

  • in speaking in English but are not sure when it comes to writing or reading something in

  • English, especially,if the words contain the letter E in them?

  • Hi, my name is Emmelda and today we will explore how to use the letter E in various English

  • words. Before we get started on this, we have to explore the sounds the E makes. Notice

  • my name on board; Emmelda. Some people call me imilda. I am not Im, I am Emmelda. Some

  • people Call me em-ilda. I am not…I am not Imilda, I am Emmelda. So the first sound we

  • have is, the sound of ae. Echo ae-cho. Engine, it’s ae and not in-gin. it’s not ingine.

  • You are not aningineer but you are an engineer, engine. Bed,led, shed. So we have echo, engine,

  • bed or shed. So, its takes the ae sound. Usually, if you have the letter E in the beginning

  • of the word,it will take the ae sound. However, if you have E at the middle, right in the

  • in the middle of word, it will take the ae sound provided, it is the only vowel and it

  • comes right in between. For example if you use the worder..sorry! Disposed. Here it’s

  • not dispo-zed, or dispo-sed it is disposed. However, here it is led, led. Okay?So ae takes

  • sorry E takes the ae sound either if it is right in the beginning of the word or the

  • middle of the word but provided it is the only vowel in the word. Echo, engine, etcetera,

  • eggs. So the ae sound is clear, now let’s move on to the EE sound. This is probably

  • the sound why the letter E was actually invented. Its ee..yeah it is ee soundit’s

  • seed, read, re-cei-ve. It is seed, read, receive. But do you notice something special about

  • this? The Ee actually comes if it has another vowel; EE EA EI. So, more often than not if

  • you have two vowels and one of them is E, usually, it will take the ee sound.Its ee.

  • Likeee I don’t like this but you need to like it”. Its EE sound. A lot of Europeans

  • mispronounce this words as Mey. It’s not Mey. Yes the usage of the wordmeor

  • Mey in European language means pretty much the same. “Give it to me!” You know that’s

  • how the usage is, but its not mey it's me… “give it to me!” It’s notgive it

  • tomey!”okay it’s me. So let’s start again, seed, read receive or me or we or she,

  • he; so it has the EE sound.He, she, we me are few exceptions where there is no extra

  • vowel. It’s just one E. Me! The next sound is the most confusing sound but it is the

  • aw sound. Notice my mouth, aw. Wondering how do we associate E with aw? Yeah, quiet confusing

  • but let’s get there. Its Entre, its on-tray, ohn-tray and not entry. It’s not entry. It’s entre.

  • Entre is the part of meal through which you start having your meal. It’s at the beginning.

  • The British call it as astarter and Americans call this as an appetizer. Basically, it will

  • increase your appetite, you want to eat more. Entre! Entry is something different. It’s

  • a passage or doorway through which you enter. For example, you say “I have to give an

  • entrance exam or this is how you need to enter the room.” Entry is wrong; Entre aw awn-tray

  • entre. The next word is Envelop. Yes, its Envelope and not in-velop or aen-velop.When

  • I was a small child I used to read this word as aen-velop. wrong. Just because it is right

  • in the beginning, doesn’t mean it’s ‘ae’. It is still considered as ohn-velop. “Give

  • me the envelop!” The next word is entrepreneur. Awn tray pre nyor, entrepreneur. It’s a

  • fancy word for people who own/ who have their own business. Entrepreneur. An entrepreneur

  • had an entre` at a French restaurant. Entrepreneur, entre, envelop. Moving on to the last but

  • not the least sound is the uh or actually thenosound. Basically you don’t

  • hear the letter E or anything in the word. For example, Simple, people! do you really

  • hear the alphabet E in this?It’s not Simpl-ey or notpossibl-ey. It’s not possibley. Yes

  • that’s the right word it’s notpossibleybut possible.Europeans tend to pronounce this

  • word aspossibleyas they have this wordpossibleybut it’s possible in

  • English. Possible simple people. It is possible for simple people to thrive and live better.

  • Live! Again you don’t hear the e sound, you hear only this portion. Live! Let’s

  • look let’s look at this word farmer. Do you hear the E? Not really! Fah-muh. Its far-muh, farmer.

  • Govern:Gov-urn. Govern! Possible, simple, live, famer, govern. So these are words where

  • E is actually consumed by other words. You don’t really pronounce them. So this brings

  • us to the end of the lesson. Let me do a quick recap. E take four sound Ae-, ee, aw, or uh

  • or no sound. If E comes in the beginning of the word it takes the ae sound or if comes

  • in the middle of word and but no other vowel, it still takes the ae sound. I hope you really

  • enjoyed learning this lesson with me. Keep practising as this will be very confusing

  • in the beginning. It happens to everyone. But as you practice or if you are able to

  • spell or read the E correctly you will get your pronunciation and accent straight. But

  • the key is you need to practice. Read or probably watch some English videos. Until I come with

  • my next video on some really cool lesson, keep staying healthy and have fun learning

  • English with us. See you! bu-bye!

Hey there! Do you feel you are very fluent in spoken English or very comfortable while

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如何正確閱讀 "E"?口音和英語發音課程 (How to read ‘E’ correctly? Accent & English pronunciation lesson)

  • 38 6
    pipus posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary