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Hi everyone Master Wong here
I got ... coming in again
And you know what they ask me
Another question that some of you may have asked me already
So trollstation
trollstation boy here,
What your question today?
-Yeah I wanna know, yeah if someone wants to rob you at knife point
-What would you do? Like cus obvioussly, like this
-Ayo give me your phone
-Give me your phone man
-Give me your phone
Hold on hold on easy man easy
You been smoking or something?
-Yes I have give me your phone
Okay okay okay, not a problem man
It's alright man take it easy
Okay okay
That's how you do it
Because you got to understand these people here, there's a few things, let me explain
why we do that first so you understand because some of you thinking like "Oh you gonna do this"
You make a mistake here
And see he hold a knife
I cannot physically move here because as soon as he moves
That will come right in
Now for me to make the mistake is very high
The stomach, it will go right into my body
If he point the knife to me
If he point the knife like normally
Then easy for me to control
Okay have the phone here I can shove
In his throat or bash it on his eyes here and then from my arm I will
grab the knife tight like this, pull the knife away
I'm gonna break his godddamn arm off
And now here, I can knee his body
But reality time is, when he holds the knife
This is what I'm trying to say to people, when he's holding a knife like this
I go like this, make sure your eye contact is with him
If he go like this and try to stab me now, I'm fucked
Remember that yeah, so keep an eye on him
You been smoking now, easy man
-Give me your phone
Okay man, easy easy
Okay so the idea is you don't want to piss him off
You're not gonna say
You know some martial arts, you might turn around and say
You're not gonna have my phone, what are you going to do? Stab me, stab me <
What are you gonna do stab me stab me? See now you're fucked aren't ya?
You see you're dead, and when that happens
You know phone is only a few hundred quid
So you have to understand, is it?
Is it good to do it? You give him nicely eye contact
Give it to him and keep an eye like this
And he will see that and he'll move away
Now if he decides from here and he tries to stab me, now I
See my hand always ontop
It's easier now for me to move
If he starts to hit me this side it's easier for me to control the hand
Yeah, when he grabs hold of the hand
Pull the knife out the way
You fucking can you hit me I'll hit you
Get the fuck up here yeah, you fucking try to fuck with me?
-Take your phone, take your phone
You wanna fuck with me?
Give me the the fucking phone now fucking piss off
And have your knife aswell you fuck
And that's how you deal with those people, yeah?
Okay this is Master Wong here and Trollstation from Trollstation boys
If you don't know what they do they do so many pranks
-TrollStation we're about making people laugh
-Bringing the real pranks to you guys
We're here with Master Wong today showing you some real life experience
-Don't mess around when you see this you know?
You hear me? You'll get fucked!
Remember they got a knife and you have something, give it to them
Otherwise you're gonna have a problem, so if you don't know them check them out, subscribe to them
Before your enemy do! Or your enemy will go in and cut you up!
Bye Bye people
-bye bye ;)