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("Black Magic" by K. Sparks feat. Ahmad)
(bassy hiphop instrumental)
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Chris Ramsay here.
Thanks for tuning in.
Today, we're gonna have a look at
the Cyclone tutorial.
Cyclone is a card toss from the deck hand to the other hand
and there are multiple applications for it
including bouncing a card off a wall,
catching it with the same hand
or just looking like a bad ass.
There's also a magic trick that I'm going to show you
that uses that principle, so thanks for tuning in
and let's get right into it.
So before we begin, I'm using the Verts
spring/summer 2015 edition.
These are cool cards because when tossed and spun,
they have this cool, sorta back design
that leaves a circular motion in the air
which looks kinda neat, so whether you're using these
or Tallyho circle backs,
any circular design, I think it looks cool
when tossing a card as well as when you flourish.
So here is the overlook on what this move should look like.
You should pop it down here with the pinky.
Slip your middle finger in,
release the pinky and flick these two fingers,
making the card spin out like that.
So in principle, it looks really simple.
It's a bit of a knack but I'm sure you guys will
get the hang of it.
And if you put the time and effort into learning this,
you're gonna be using it all the time.
Now, previously, there's been a card spin.
I don't know where this originated,
but this original card spin was using the index
and middle finger much like we're gonna do,
but without the pinky, and just tossing it like that
which is kinda weak.
It spins the card a little bit sloppily
and you can't necessarily control exactly
the momentum of the card.
Using Cyclone, you'll be able to toss it
anywhere very accurately, but also very quickly.
So the spin actually builds up with the pinky here
and as I slip my middle finger under,
it creates this bow.
Now that bow creates the tension,
and as soon as I release the pinky,
and I flick the index and middle finger,
the card spins uncontrollably.
So this is how this is done.
Let's get a closer look.
So what you want to do is
you want to grab the deck in this position,
which is not a dealers' grip,
where all four fingers are on the side of the deck
and the thumb is here.
You're holding it deep, in a deep grip.
And you're going to use simply your pinky
and your index finger at first.
So here's what you're gonna do.
You're gonna pull down with the pinky.
So much like you're doing like a Cardini change
or any of this type of move,
you're gonna pull down simply with the pinky
and you're gonna pull pretty deep
because you wanna create that gap.
This gap here is where your middle finger's
going to end up slipping under.
So do not use your whole hand.
You're only holding the deck here at this point.
You gotta kinda...
You got the velociraptor grip, alright?
So you pull down with the pinky.
Out pops one card up, just like that.
The middle finger then slips under that gap.
So your ring finger is not actually going under.
This, I think, is gonna be the hardest part
in learning is how to
only have your middle finger under there
and keep your pinky back.
So once again,
all you wanna do is pull down here with the pinky
and slip the middle finger under here,
creating that bevel.
Now we have this nice bow.
So once you practice this,
at first you might have a hard time getting only one card.
I use the thumb to prevent any other card
so if I'm going like this,
instead of having only two cards here,
I use the thumb, which goes over the corner of the deck,
which allows just one card to pop out.
Once you've done that,
and you got the middle finger under here,
what you're gonna do is simultaneously,
you're gonna build up the pressure here
between these two fingers,
so you're middle fingers forcing outwards at this point
to create that bow.
And as soon as my pinky let's go,
that's when the card is going to get tossed out.
So here are a few things you can do using Cyclone.
One of my favorite things to do is just to simply
toss one card from one hand to the other.
It's a nice way of sorta producing a card
saying alright, well here we'll use this card.
Let's say if you're doing magic.
You could even catch it on the back of the hand
once you've practiced.
Other things you can do is you can
catch it with the same hand
which is a little bit more tricky.
This move actually requires you to
pull back your arm at the same time
you're shooting out the card.
Now what that does, is it cancels out the momentum.
So as I'm shooting and the card's travelling this way,
my arm is travelling this way.
Therefore, the card should stay perfectly straight
and just spin on its own.
Just like that.
So with practice,
you'll be able to control exactly
the momentum of the card
and to not have it spin out either direction
but stay completely still,
or almost.
Here's another cool thing you can do
using Cyclone is you can actually bounce the card
off the walls like this,
and catch them.
Kinda hard to show you here but basically
all I'm doing is I'm doing Cyclone towards the wall,
and I'm not doing directly at the wall,
because that'll make it bounce straight off
but I'm sorta just doing it at an angle,
so that it hits here and it catches over here.
Just like that.
So the card actually never stops spinning
and you catch it, just like that.
Now this is something you can do with practice.
You can do this off of glass,
off a wall, off somebody's hand.
These are all cool things you can do with it.
So the last thing I'm gonna show you guys
using Cyclone is an effect I call fingered.
And fingered is where you toss a card
and stab it in mid air so it's basically a karate card.
What's really cool about this is that
you actually catch the card in palm
and the sound of that sort of imitates
the sound of you piercing the other card,
which is quite fooling when you hit it,
so let's have a look how to do this.
Alright, so to do this effect,
you're going to need a duplicate card.
So in this case, I chose the jokers
and by the way, I got a little tip when doing Cyclone.
The stiffer the cards, the more spin you're gonna get.
Because you're building up that pressure,
if you use very, very stiff cards,
in this case I'm using cards from
Expert Playing Card Company,
which are very stiff, very hard.
These'll actually spin a lot faster than thinner cards.
So if you wanna practice and if you wanna really
toss them with a really crazy amount of velocity,
use stiffer cards.
You're going to need a duplicate.
You're gonna have one on top of the deck
and the other is gonna be in your back pocket.
Now you need it faced toward your butt,
so like this.
So basically, all I'm gonna do
when the time is right,
is I'm gonna take my hand back here
and I'm gonna poke that hole
just like that.
And I'm gonna have it in my hand like this.
So you wanna just prepare it right there.
Make sure the hole's big enough to get your finger through
about that far.
You don't want it slipping off either
because you want to be able to catch the card
while you're doing this.
So, we'll leave that right here.
So what you're gonna do basically without the card,
this is the action.
You're gonna toss it.
And you're gonna catch it in palm.
Now I've caught it here in cop,
and that's usually what it'll end up as.
It's very rare that I'll catch it in a perfect palm,
but it also happens,
which makes everything very, very clean.
But catching it in cop is very, very common.
Literally, three out of four times,
this is how I end up catching it.
And you point downward so therefore,
they're not seeing anything.
All they're seeing is the card on your finger
and then you can take the card off and ditch.
So let's try this in full speed.
Just like that.
And I pull away, now I have this card over here.
One more time.
Card goes in the back pocket.
Just like this.
I get ready to toss this card.
I move over here.
I'm putting my finger in the card right now
and as I go to toss,
It looks like I've pierced the card with my finger.
This hand comes down and now
I can go ahead and ditch this while I hand this out
very cleanly.
I don't know how to go into detail
more than that.
It's just one of those things you're gonna
have to feel out.
So if you wanna practice,
just flick the cards off
and catch them in palm.
Just keep trying that.
You'll eventually catch on to where you need
to catch that card.
Sometimes it'll happen that the card will be sticking out.
But with a quick motion of you slapping down,
having that card, you can pull the card off,
you can ditch and you're all good.
Because the focus is no longer on this card
because it's basically disappeared.
The focus is gonna be on the card around your finger.
That with the sound of the penetrating card
creates a great illusion for the spectator.
There you have it.
Alright, guys.
So that was the Cyclone tutorial.
I hope you enjoyed it
and I hope you guys practice this move a lot.
Send me a link to your video performing it.
I would love to see it.
It's something that you can make your own.
You can use it in any type of way.
I had an idea, now this is just an idea,
of someone doing an anaconda dribble,
one of these things,
and I would Cyclone the card off the anaconda
and catch it.
So that's just an idea that I had.
I have yet to find someone to do that with,
but soon.
Remember to share this video if you liked it.
Like it, comment.
Let me know what you thought.
And let me know what you come up with.
I'd love to hear your thoughts.
So thanks again for tuning into this channel
and I'll see you guys next time.
Peace out, family.