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[Camera Whirring Noises]
Look. See. Supply run to the vending machine complete. Zero creepiness. I don't need a babysitter.
This is still the Library. I’m not letting you wander off because the last thing we need is you -
I could have sworn the hallway back was over this way...
- to get lost. [Sigh] Case and point.
Well, maybe we just got turned around?
Something like that.
Look at all this creepy stuff! Ugh, what in the name of Kreuger is this for?
Interrogation. Torture. For all I know. Never been here before. We should go...
Mmmmm. I wonder what else is back here though?
Why yes, that is the exact question you shouldn’t ask
Laura, no! Don’t go rooting around back there, ok? You're just going to end up getting -
- hurt.
... Sorry.
Uhh no problem. I just tripped over... these old VHS tapes?
I wonder if this is from that camera, or if there’s anything on them...
Well, If they were recorded in here probably nothing good. We should go back to finding our way back now.
Well, maybe the Library trapped us here for a reason? Maybe there’s something on these tapes that it needs our help with.
Like a cold case to solve! C'mon. There’s even a VCR right there!
Please. God. No.
Look. We might be trapped here, but we are trapped with snacks. It’ll be like a movie night!
This isn’t our fault! We were just there for the Fizzy Dagons! I mean, look at us, we’re-
- we're harmless!
You can’t do this! This is a University!
Not some isolated backwater where you can just take girls and drag them into some-
- some underground dungeon with a- a-creepy light!
Why are you doing that?
I’m, uh, blessing our... accommodations. All the yelling and screaming earlier was bad for my aura.
This is an interrogation torture room.
Why are you whispering?
Look. You do realize that we- we are in the Robespierre building
Okay? In an In an interrogation room. Right?
And we're surrouunded by a mountain of, of pads and tampons and, and...what are those?
Thong liners!
And you know we're probably going to be expelled when the, the Inquisitor gets here.
I had noticed some, um, less than positive vibrations, but they cannot expel us. We had nothing to do with what
happened to that very very disturbed young lad.
I had wondered where the administration had stashed these when they took them away.
[Scary pterodactyl-like screams...]
I mean, I don't even know why they're so worked up.
So yes, we've got a distinct lack of...periods on campus.
But we've got frat boys who drink too much and try crude stunts all the time.
Just because we happened to be nearby when-
It's probably because of that, that one Zeta who, you know, lost the ability to speak.
And then started crowing like a rooster. And then fell into the pool when he failed to take off from the
top of the cabana.
Yes. That. That was- odd. But it was really sweet of you to jump in to save him like that.
Sweet? Yeah. Now I'm probably going to be expelled because a bunch of Jackass-wannabes with a truly weird goat fixation.
As if not having our periods for three months wasn't weird enough...
Do you know, they are calling this, this epidemic, the "Great Redwing Migration."
Why did I come to this school? You know I could've gotten into Wellesley.
Oh! No no no! Silas is amazing!
Did you know that we have the most comprehensive occult and supernatural research program in the world?
I mean, did you see all the tomes and artifacts on the campus tour?
Just being here is like this invitation to step into the magical mysteries of the Universe.
You really believe all that stuff?
Oh! 100%! All I have ever wanted was to step into the Otherworld.
Full of spirits and fairies...
I mean, you don't want to be like my friend Susan who's all "The specimens in Bio 101 are monstrous"
and "Help me, I’m trapped in the Psychology Maze".
So yes, okay, this does look a little bleak, but if we ask the universe for help, I'm sure it will send it!
A positive being of pure white light. Pure white light and-
[knocks at the door]
Okay. Let’s get this over with. Which one of you two nitwits am I gonna throw under bus for this mess?
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