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That religion is just absolutely uncalled for.
We are just mere things floating on a rock in space.
(Neil deGrasse Tyson) We are not only figuratively, but literally stardust.
You don't have to go to church on Christmas,
and it is about being good,
and that's what all religions are about anyway.
(Ray Comfort) Are you an atheist?
- Gonna kill yourself? - Yeah, I'd like to.
- So, you're an atheist? - Yes.
I need to know what to believe in.
(Stephen Colbert) Like, what happens when you die?
Yes, I don't want to be a bag of dust.
(Ray Comfort) David, are you an atheist?
(Ray Comfort) When did you become an atheist?
Around age 12.
Believing in God makes no sense.
To me, it's the dumbest thing.
It's for people who can't accept the fact that they're going
to die and rot in the ground like I'm going to do,
and it gives them some relief from that thought,
because that's not the nicest thought in the world.
(Ray Comfort) Are you an atheist?
- Yes, I am. - Yes.
- Yes. - Yes, sir.
- Are you an atheist? - I am.
- Yeah, I'm an atheist. - Yes, I am.
(Ray Comfort) Alex, do you believe in God's existence?
No, I do not.
(Ray Comfort) How long have you been an atheist?
I would say probably since I was about 15 years old.
(Ray Comfort) So, you don't believe in the existence of God?
No, not really.
(Ray Comfort) What happened when you were 15?
I started questioning things, and I really just started
to think about the logic behind everything.
For the most part, we are not shown the evidence
for there being a higher power.
If we were, I almost guarantee that almost every atheist
would immediately agree to there being a higher power.
(Ray Comfort) Are you atheists?
- Yes. - Yes.
(Ray Comfort) Why?
Well, I just haven't seen enough evidence I suppose.
I grew up in a Christian family
and, just over the few years during high school
and as I grew up,
I just realized that there wasn't a lot of evidence
to support that belief system.
(Ray Comfort) Are you open to evidence?
I think I am open to evidence.
It just would have to be extraordinarily compelling,
like out of this world compelling.
(Ray Comfort) If you could be given evidence, reasonable evidence,
would you listen to it?
Yeah, I would.
(Ray Comfort) You're someone who has no faith or no belief
in a higher power or a creator, but if you were shown evidence,
you would change your mind, because you're open.
(Ray Comfort) Flick through the pages of the book
I just put on your lap.
Look at the color pictures and I'll ask you a question.
Do you believe that book could happen by accident?
That nothing produced the color pictures in the book?
That red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo, violet ink fell from the sky
and formed itself into those beautiful pictures,
and then black ink fell from the sky, or from nowhere,
and formed itself into coherent words,
and sentences, capitals, and periods,
and commas, making sense?
Page numbers fell from the sky, all in order,
and then it bound itself and formed itself
into a cover without work?
And there we have a book.
Obviously, intelligent design designed the book.
- Wouldn't that be correct? - Yeah.
(Ray Comfort) Can you see where I'm going with this?
(Ray Comfort) Tell me, what is DNA?
(female) What is it, Deoxyribonucleic acid?
And it's what makes up our bodies, and our cells,
and everything that makes us who we are.
DNA is like our biological code,
kind of like binary zeros and ones.
Information about us, who we are, what makes us us,
parts of us, how we look, how we're built,
everything like that.
(Ray Comfort) Your genes instructed your cells how to make your eyes,
and what color your eyes should be
and your hair and your height and your personality.
Scientists call it the instruction book for life.
(Joe Hanson) Everything that you are or ever will be made of
starts as a tiny book of instructions
found in each and every cell.
Every time your body wants to make something,
it goes back to the instruction book,
looks it up, and puts it together.
The book of you would have 46 chapters,
1 for each chromosome.
Each of our books' 46 chapters
is between 48 and 250 million letters long.
That's 3.2 billion letters total.
This is the secret language of DNA.
This is the book of life.
- Instruction book for life. - Yes.
- Instruction book for life. - Yes.
(Ray Comfort) DNA is made up of genes, and genes give instructions
to the cells as to how your body should grow.
Did you know that if those instructions,
the instruction book of your DNA, just your DNA,
was laid out end for end,
it would go to the sun and back a number of times.
That book of instructions is so comprehensive.
DNA is the genetic information encoded in the cell
of every living thing that instructs our cells
how to grow and how to function.
It's our genes that determine
whether our skin will be dark or light;
have brown or blue eyes, or red, or green, or yellow;
have red hair, be brunette, or blonde;
be tall or not so tall;
or the color of our feathers if we're a bird.
Whether we're humans, fish, animals, insects, or plant life,
the way our bodies look and operate has all been pre-written
in the amazing book of our DNA.
(Ray Comfort) What do you think of the mentality of someone
who believes a book fell together without a book maker?
Well, they would be crazy.
(Ray Comfort) Do you think a book could make itself?
No, I don't.
Of course not.
- Utterly impossible. - Yes.
Anything could happen by accident.
(Ray Comfort) I mean, from nothing.
Um, wow.
- Couldn't happen, could it? - I don't think so.
(Ray Comfort) That'd be impossible.
It would be like saying an explosion caused everything
that makes a 747 airplane
to all just come together by accident
without some intelligent thought behind it.
(Ray Comfort) That's a good point.
(Ray Comfort) Do you believe DNA happened by accident?
No, I think that it developed over the course of many,
many millennia of evolution and development.
(Ray Comfort) DNA exists in every living thing.
Its origins don't matter.
The fact that there is intelligent information
tells us there must be an intelligent designer.
Is this making you think?
It is, and I do think about it from time to time.
It's just--yeah, it's complicated, definitely.
(Ray Comfort) Well, DNA's complicated,
but the point I'm trying to make is very simple.
Book, book designer or book maker.
DNA, intelligent designer, God.
- Does that make sense? - Yes.
- Are you an atheist? - I am.
(Ray Comfort) What would you think of the mentality of someone
who thought a physical book could make itself?
I think they'd be silly.
Of course it can't make itself.
(Ray Comfort) What would you think of the mentality
of someone who believed the instruction book for life,
DNA, made itself?
Well, I think it'd be silly as well.
It would need investigation.
(Ray Comfort) That's atheism.
(Ray Comfort) And what would you think of the intelligence of someone
who believed the instruction book for life made itself?
Low. Low intelligence level.
DNA happened by accident?
Probably not too smart.
(Ray Comfort) DNA couldn't make itself. It's impossible.
- Does that make sense? - Yes.
- Is this making you think? - Yes.
(Ray Comfort) And what would think of the person who believed that DNA,
the instruction book for life, happened by accident?
'Cause we're not just talking about human beings,
we're talking about every form of life:
fleas, cats, dogs, elephants, cows, horses, trees, plants.
Everything has DNA, the instruction book for life,
which makes the book in your hand
just seem feeble compared to the infinite intelligence that
must have put the instruction book for life together.
Can you see what I'm saying?
(Ray Comfort) Do you believe DNA happened by accident?
I believe it could.
(Ray Comfort) Explain it to me, how a program could make itself
out of nothing on how to make a human eye, giraffe's eyes,
elephant's eyes, cats, dogs, puppies, flowers, birds, trees.
Every living thing has DNA that's so complex,
it's mind-boggling.
There must have been a genius beyond any human reasoning
that put it together.
And to say it happened by chance is infinitely sillier
than saying a physical book happened by chance.
All I'm doing is reasoning with you.
I'm not--I don't want to win an argument.
I'm just saying I want you to concede something
that's absolutely common sense.
You're an atheist, so you believe
the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything?
I mean, it can't be nothing.
We all have to start from some point.
I wouldn't say nothing created it.
There had to be something there in the beginning.
(Ray Comfort) You like Richard Dawkins, don't you?
Well, I mean, you know, yeah, I like him.
(Ray Comfort) Do you believe nothing created everything,
a scientific impossibility, which is what he believes?
(Ray Comfort) You don't believe in a creator of all things?
If he says that, I think it's a very strange thing to say.
(Ray Comfort) Well, he says it.
It's insane.
Nothing can create anything, 'cause it's nothing.
There has to be something in the beginning.
Nowhere in our history of human reality
has something kind of just appeared out of nowhere.
(Ray Comfort) Do you believe that nothing created everything?
No, because nothing can't perform actions.
That makes no sense.
(Ray Comfort) It's a default position.
If you're saying nothing created everything,
then you're agreeing with Richard Dawkins.
You're mischaracterizing Richard Dawkins,
because Richard Dawkins, I'm sure he didn't say that.
That seems ridiculous.
(Ray Comfort) Professor Richard Dawkins, arguably the world's
most high-profile atheist, believes that in the beginning
there was nothing, and that nothing created everything.
As he attempts to justify this belief,
admitting that it defies common sense,
the learned professor calls nothing something.
Watch the reaction of his audience.
Of course it's counter-intuitive
that you can get something from nothing.
Of course common sense doesn't allow you
to get something from nothing.
That's why it's interesting.
It's got to be interesting in order to give rise
to the universe at all.
Something pretty mysterious had to give rise
to the origin of the universe.
But exactly what's meant by nothing,
but whatever it is, it's very, very simple.
[audience laughing]
(Richard Dawkins) Why is that funny?
(George Pell) Well, I think it's a bit funny to be trying to define nothing.
Richard Dawkins, I'm sure he didn't say that.
That seems ridiculous.
(Ray Comfort) The audience reaction confused the normally
eloquent professor because he's not used to
being the object of laughter.
What he didn't realize was he was talking to people
who were endowed by their Creator
with a virtue of common sense.
This was just another case where the emperor has no clothes.
Someone should tell this man who has deceived millions,
"You're talking foolishness."
(Ray Comfort) Is that what you believe?
I mean, it can't be nothing.
We all have to start from some point.
(Ray Comfort) But there has to be something that created everything.
It just wasn't God.
Is that what you're saying?
It's just evolution,
how things became from one organism into many.
(Ray Comfort) But that doesn't solve your dilemma of the initial cause.
There has to be initial cause.
If there was a big bang in space that, from there
issued cats and dogs and horses and cows,
the sun, the moon, the stars, the seasons,
and all this marvel of creation came from a big explosion,
what caused the explosion,
and where did the materials come from for the explosion,
and why is there such incredible order from the explosion?
Every explosion I've heard of creates chaos, not order.
That make sense?
Well, yeah.
(Ray Comfort) This is what you're looking for.
If you were looking for truth, this is your information
that you need to say, "Whoa, that's logical.
How could all this design from the atom to the universe
and incredible order just happen by accident?"
'Cause an atheist actually believes
nothing created everything,
which is scientifically impossible.
I'm trying to say, "Hayley, I just want you to think."
You're not just a blob of nothing
that came from an explosion
which created order, which is against nature.
That means that you've got purpose and meaning
in the universe, so it's not altogether bad news.
I just want a relationship with whoever built me.
This is too much, too weird that it happened by accident.
It didn't happen by accident. I don't feel it did.
(Ray Comfort) In June of 2016, I interviewed theoretical physicist
Professor Lawrence Krauss and asked him
the same questions I asked the university students.
I was limited to only asking questions,
but he was very gracious and it was an honor to meet him.
Lawrence, why are you an atheist?
Well, you know, I don't call myself an atheist
any more than I call myself an a-leprechaunist.
In fact, I don't label myself as -ist.
The only -ist I might use is a scientist,
and that's really important to me,
because as a scientist,
I don't accept things without evidence,
and there's certainly no evidence for God.
And all the stories about the different gods,
as there have been thousands of them,
all seem equally ridiculous.
There's millions.
Yeah, probably at least millions.
Are you open to evidence?
I'm absolutely open to evidence.
In fact, I change my mind all the time.
That's the great thing about being a scientist.
Unlike religion, we don't assume we have all the answers.
In fact, we ask the questions
and we let nature tell us the answers.
I notice you picked up this book before.
Do you believe this book could make itself?
Let me give you this scenario.
That ink fell on the pages?
Colored photos just manifest when ink fell out of nowhere?
The sentences became coherent with periods and commas?
No, but--which is one of the reasons
why the way that the Bible was written by humans,
'cause it didn't make itself.
There was some bunch of largely literate Iron Age peasants
who were trying to understand the world,
and didn't know much about science,
and they wrote, in different forms, books.
Okay, so the fourth question--
Could a book arise spontaneously from nothing?
But could it make itself? No.
There's two very different things.
Because you're implying design, intent, et cetera,
which is what, of course, you do.
DNA is called the book of life.
Could DNA make itself?
Well, see, that's where the question is ridiculous,
because in fact,
DNA doesn't make itself any more than a snowflake makes itself.
A snowflake is a beautiful, beautiful thing
and it's assembled by nature.
It doesn't make itself.
It's the laws of physics and chemistry, polar molecules,
that make this incredibly complex, beautiful structure.
Now, the same thing with DNA.
DNA is an amazing structure and the laws of physics,
chemistry, and ultimately biology,
which derives from that, will, in principle,
explain how DNA first arose.
You give me the laws of polar molecules
and I'll give you a snowflake.
There's no intent, no grand purpose,
no design behind it, even though they look designed.
The illusion of design is an illusion.
(Ray Comfort) Natural law does indeed produce
complex structures like snowflakes,
but the law that produces that kind of complexity
is simply the same chemical reaction
repeating over and over.
That is not information.
What's stored in the DNA molecule
is specified information
like the information found in a book or a computer program.
The fact that a book requires an author
and a program requires a programmer is not an illusion.
It is factual, as seen in the real world around us.
It isn't apparent design, it is real design,
as any college student can tell you.
(Ray Comfort) Do you believe the instruction book for life
happened by chance?
(Ray Comfort) So, it couldn't happen by chance, could it?
(Ray Comfort) So, where did the intelligent information
to selectively arrange
the building blocks of DNA come from?
That know-how and forethought does not exist
in any of the materials from which life is made,
and the laws of nature have no purpose for capacity
to write a book or arrange its pages.
So, where did that specified information come from?
Its origin is certainly supernatural.
What Professor Krauss completely overlooks
is the external nature of the information
encoded into the DNA molecule,
a complete set of software instructions
directing the formation and reproduction of human beings,
both male and female, and all other living things.
Bill Gates once said,
"DNA is like a computer software program,
but far, far more advanced than any software ever created."
(Ray Comfort) Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
I'd have to say the chicken.
- The chicken. - What do you think?
- The chicken. - Chicken.
- Chicken? - Chicken.
- And what about you? - The egg.
(Ray Comfort) Egg, okay.
- Was the egg fertilized? - You got me.
You got me there. There ain't no way.
Maybe God created the chicken,
so then that's how the egg came.
But you got me, I don't know.
I didn't think that far into it I guess.
Maybe most likely the chicken, I would say.
(Ray Comfort) So, if the chicken came first, it then laid an egg, okay?
Was the egg fertilized?
Don't know.
- The egg. - The egg?
(Ray Comfort) This chicken that produced the first egg,
was the egg fertilized?
It would have to be.
(Ray Comfort) So, there's a rooster?
So, there was a rooster.
(Ray Comfort) So, there's a rooster and a chicken.
Where did they come from?
They all came from the stars.
(Charlie Rose) You said, "I am, we are, stardust."
- Yes. - What does that mean?
For me, the most astonishing fact is that the molecules
that comprise our body are traceable--
are traceable to the crucibles of the centers of stars.
And we are not only figuratively
but literally stardust.
(Ray Comfort) Okay, so where did you come from?
I came from the stars.
(Ray Comfort) No, no, you came from your parents.
Ha ha, obviously I did, yeah.
(Ray Comfort) Where did they come from?
They come from their parents?
- And where did they come from? - From their parents.
(Ray Comfort) Right back to Adam.
(Ray Comfort) And Adam was created by God, and He made male and female,
and He made the birds of the air and made them male and female
so they could reproduces after their own kind.
Okay, explain this to me
if you really believe in evolution.
Before it had eyes, how did it see?
'Cause the eyes have to evolve,
'cause the thing's evolving from stardust.
Correct. So, they probably didn't see.
- They felt. - Felt?
(Ray Comfort) Did it have a brain?
Or it couldn't have a brain until a brain evolved.
So, how did it think to look for food?
And where did the food come from?
And why did the food evolve? And did they have lungs?
Do you think the chicken thing,
before it evolved into chicken, had lungs?
I'm not too sure.
It's all about survival instinct, so, you know.
(Ray Comfort) It's not going to survive if it didn't have lungs.
And if it breathed air, was the air 20% oxygen as it is now?
And why did the air evolve? And why did it evolve lungs?
And how did it survive before it had lungs
and see before it had eyes and think before it had a brain
and eat before it had an appetite?
Doesn't really make sense when you think about it,
'cause you go to translate that
to elephants, horses, cats, cows, human beings.
Every living thing apparently evolved from stars
had to evolve eyes and ears and a mouth and a nose
and lungs and heart and kidneys.
Let's go back to something more simple
regarding that first chicken that came from the stars.
Which came first in the chicken: was it its blood or its heart
or its blood vessels?
Which evolved first?
I do not know that answer.
(Ray Comfort) Well, if it was the heart,
why did the heart evolve when there was no blood?
If it was the blood, why did the blood evolve
when there was no heart to pump it around?
If there were no blood vessels,
how did the blood get around the body of the chicken
to keep it alive if there was no heart to pump it?
(male) I've always had the doubts.
It's like, we've been here for how long
and we still haven't evolved,
or what are we going to evolve into?
(Ray Comfort) Can you think of anyone that isn't fully evolved,
anything on earth?
Dogs have four legs.
They have a tongue and eyes and ears.
Everything's fully evolved.
People have--they don't have a half-evolved leg.
You don't see someone with a semi-evolved leg
or half an ear or half a nose, half an eye, half teeth?
Everything's fully evolved, 'cause the Bible says
when God created all things, it was finished.
So, everything's finished.
The fruits, the flowers, the birds, the trees,
the nuts, the giraffes, horses, cats, cows,
everything is fully finished.
And what it does is disproves evolution
and establishes the Bible
in saying that God created everything
fully finished with the ability to reproduce
after their own kind as male and female.
[singing in foreign language]
(Ray Comfort) Do you think God exists?
A designer?
I'm open to the idea, of course.
(Ray Comfort) Do you trust your eyes?
To an extent, yes.
(Ray Comfort) Is there such a thing as a sunrise?
No, it's an illusion.
We move and thus giving the illusion that the sun moves.
(Ray Comfort) So, there's no sunrise, no sunset.
Don't trust your own heart, because your heart--
your eyes will tell you
there's water on the highway on a hot day.
You'll see it shimmering. Well, do you stop?
Do you wash and clean your teeth or have a drink?
It's not even there. Your eyes are lying to you.
Any sleight of hand magician will say don't trust your eyes.
And the Bible says,
"He who trusts his heart is a fool."
(Ray Comfort) Do you believe in God's existence?
In a sense, I guess.
(Ray Comfort) What sort of sense?
I would say that there's some kind of governing unity
that binds humanity and such, but I don't think of, I guess,
a divine leader or something like that.
God itself can't be described as a person or a being.
It's more of a all-encompassing energy if you will.
- Like an energy drink? - Yes, absolutely.
(Ray Comfort) You are a moral being. You're not like a dog or a cat.
You care about justice and truth.
That's why you're upset about little kids
getting killed and molested,
because you're made in God's image.
If you were a dog, you couldn't care less,
but you're created in God's image
with a knowledge of right and wrong.
(Ray Comfort) The reason most people aren't Christians
is because of what's called idolatry.
They've got a wrong concept of what God is.
Take Richard Dawkins. Have you heard of him?
Of course, yes.
(Ray Comfort) Richard Dawkins is not an atheist,
he's an idolater.
What an idolater normally does is pick out the--
like, treat God like a buffet.
When you go to a buffet, you take the nice things,
the sweet things that you like.
Well, an idolater normally says
God is merciful, love, and kind,
and they just create a false God with no sense of justice.
Richard Dawkins, instead of doing that,
he goes through the Old Testament
and takes the judgments of God, the wrath of God,
and he creates a monster
with no sense of mercy or justice.
Richard, in your books,
you've been pretty scathing
about the God of the Old Testament.
Let me just quote you, if I may.
"The most unpleasant character in all fiction.
Misogynistic, homophobic, racist, genocidal,
megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic," and you go on.
To argue for intelligent design is one thing.
To use it as evidence
of the truth of Christianity is another.
(Ray Comfort) Have I given you something to think about today?
I would say you have.
It doesn't change my viewpoint.
(Ray Comfort) This has given you something to think about.
But I don't believe in God or the Bible.
(Ray Comfort) Do you now believe in God?
(Ray Comfort) So, you're still an atheist.
You still think the book made itself.
(Ray Comfort) Are you now no longer an atheist?
Yeah, I still am.
(Ray Comfort) You're holding on to, "The book made itself"?
Why would you do that?
(Ray Comfort) Are you no longer an atheist?
I would still go as an atheist.
(Ray Comfort) You know in your heart God's exists.
I know you know for many reasons.
One was, unlike you, I was running from God too.
And two, the Bible says God has given light to every man,
and when you put that light out, when you dull that conscience
and your inner knowledge of God's existence,
Jesus said,
"When that light is put out, how great is that darkness?"
You're like a man
who takes the batteries out of a smoke detector
'cause he doesn't like being alarmed by the smoke detector.
And all he's doing is doing himself a tremendous disservice,
'cause when he goes to sleep and there's a fire,
there's nothing to warn him.
And you're going to go to sleep without that conscience
telling you what to do 'cause you've dulled it.
You've taken the batteries out.
And I'm saying, let it be renewed today.
Stir up your conscience.
Think about your mortality, your death.
When the Bible calls an atheist a fool,
it doesn't mean a clown or a court jester.
When it calls him a fool, it's because he's denying
the inner light that God's given to every man,
the knowledge of right and wrong.
It says, "Their foolish hearts were darkened
and they embraced a lie rather than the truth."
They believed a lie rather than the truth,
which is what atheism is, it's a lie.
I'm giving you evidence and facts.
Just as a physical book, by logic and reason,
has a maker, so the instruction book
containing infinite wisdom and intelligence
and instructions beyond any human comprehension
is evidence of the existence of an intelligent designer.
But the reason you want to fight it is the same reason
a thief doesn't want to phone a policeman.
The last thing you want is God in your life
because you love your porn,
you love your premarital sex, your fornication.
In a sense, I'm preaching to the choir
because I know that you know that the Creator exists.
The Bible says you're given the truth by God,
but you suppress it in unrighteousness.
You hold it down.
Every single one of us know that there's a Creator,
but we don't know the truth of Christianity,
and that's what we're called to do as Christians,
bring the truth of Christianity so that you can live forever.
This Creator became a person
and made it so you can have everlasting life
if you're interested.
If you're not, it's your choice,
but I know that you want to live.
So, the argument for intelligent design
isn't to convince people of the Christian message.
It's just to show them the insanity of atheism.
Isaac Newton said, "Atheism is so senseless."
That's the father of science.
And it is.
It's senseless, 'cause you're given senses:
seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling.
Think of your taste buds, how incredible they are,
sitting there waiting for food to come.
They all rejoice and leap for joy
when there's good food and it gives you pleasure.
And think of what you're able to look on,
the flowers and the birds
and hear the birds in the morning
and see the trees raising their arms in praise to God
and the blueness of the sky and the warmth of the sun.
That sun's 93 million miles away.
We're spinning in space 1,000 miles an hour,
round and round.
We're going through space at 63,000 miles an hour.
And that sun is sending rays 93 million miles,
and it's just warm enough to ripen your tomatoes.
(Ray Comfort) This is very clear evidence.
It's like there's nothing to think about.
It's either nothing made everything
or something made everything.
Some things made everything, not something in particular,
not one--like, not one specific thing.
(Ray Comfort) You know what you're trying to do?
You're trying to get away from moral responsibility to God.
That's really your argument, and that's what the Bible says.
(Ray Comfort) There has to be an intelligent mind
beyond human reasoning to put DNA together.
Does that make sense?
That makes sense.
(Ray Comfort) So, why can't we make the leap from there across to saying,
"Yeah, atheism can't be true"?
I don't know, to be honest. I'm not really too sure.
(Ray Comfort) Examine your motives. There must be a hidden motive.
Let me see if I can guess what it is, okay?
Let's see if I can put my finger on it.
If you acknowledge that God does exist,
you're admitting you're ultimately responsible to Him.
I'm going right to why you've got
such a big problem with this.
This is so simple. Someone made the book.
Someone created DNA.
You don't want to say someone who's intelligent,
because you're into porn,
you're into sex with your girlfriend.
It gives you so much pleasure
and you don't want to give it up.
And if God exists, then that's going to put
a big wet blanket on everything.
And that's not an exciting thought for someone
who loves pornography and fornication
and all the things that come with it,
'cause there's incredible pleasure
in fornication and pornography.
And so what you do is you deny the existence of God
because it gives you license to do those things
without a feeling of guilt.
If God does exist, wow, you're in big trouble,
so what you do is deny His existence.
Am I touching a raw nerve? Am I close?
In a way, yeah.
- Make sense? - Makes sense.
(Ray Comfort) That makes sense. I'm still an atheist.
Makes sense. I'm still an atheist.
The book made itself. It couldn't make itself.
- Can you see what you're doing? - Yeah, I'm lying to myself.
(Ray Comfort) Yeah.
- Say that again. - I'm lying to myself.
(Ray Comfort) The Bible puts it this way: "And this is the condemnation,
that the light has come into the world,
and men love darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil.
For everyone practicing evil hates the light
and does not come to the light,
lest his deeds should be exposed."
So, why don't you check your own heart and say,
"Am I really seeking truth here,
or am I trying to run like Adam did from God?"
You know?
(Ray Comfort) 'Cause it's not--Andrew, it's not altogether bad news
for an atheist if God does exist.
I'll tell you why.
It means that you are not just a nothingness that happened
because of an accident in space.
It means you've got worth. You've got purpose.
There's right and wrong.
It means there's a way past the thing you have to face,
this thing called death that consumes everyone.
(Stephen Colbert) What do you worry about?
- I mean, midlife crisis-- - I fear death.
- Death? - Yes.
Okay. Maybe you'll go to Heaven.
- You'll die and go to Heaven. - Okay, that's--I need help.
(Ray Comfort) The Bible says that we're tormented by a fear of death,
but we're so proud we don't mention it
because it makes us seem vulnerable and weak.
It's very rare to speak of this in private, let alone in public.
I need to know what to believe in.
(Stephen Colbert) Like what happens when you die?
Yes, I don't want to be a bag of dust.
None of us are really sure
of anything that happens after we die.
(Ray Comfort) Oh yeah, I'm absolutely sure, 100%.
Fifty-four million people a year die.
A lot die young.
And if God exists, then there's possibly a way past death.
And I'm saying, man, there is.
There really is.
What you gotta do is get to square one
and soften your heart and say, "Okay, this is evidence.
I'm no longer an atheist.
Tell me what you want to say."
That make sense?
(Ray Comfort) The book that I handed to the atheists is called,
"Made in Heaven,"
a publication that explores 32 modern inventions
who designs were copied from nature.
Among other things, scientists studied
the shape of birds to design an airplane,
the mosquito when creating a syringe,
and the earthworm in building the machine
that dug the English Chunnel.
In 2015, world surfing champion Kelly Slater
and his team of technicians produced a man-made wave.
They too copied nature's design.
They called it man made,
but they actually used existing water,
existing ground under the water,
and pre-existing laws of energy to create the wave.
It took years for a team of very intelligent designers
to create this one wave.
(male) I'm 100% positive our team built
the best wave that anyone's ever made.
It's a freak of technology.
(Ray Comfort) Here is their blueprint.
The Scriptures say that God gave the care of the earth
into the hands of mankind
and that He's given us richly all things to enjoy.
(Ray Comfort) Of course, atheists believe no such thing.
They're convinced that all these pleasures
came about by pure chance,
that it was fortunate that after the Big Bang,
the earth just happened to form and began circling the sun,
that gravity also came into being
to keep us from spinning into space.
They believe it was fortunate that the atmosphere
formed itself around the planet and that the sun ended up
at just the right distance to support life.
It was also an amazing coincidence that water appeared,
and even more miraculously that inanimate matter
somehow came to life.
And then, inexplicably, that first simple cell
reproduced itself and became increasingly complex
to create all the plant, animal, and human life we see.
They believe it was just happenstance
that over 1 million species evolved
with both male and female,
each with the corresponding reproductive parts,
and that thousands of different types of trees evolved,
and not only to furnish us with wood to build houses,
but to breathe in our carbon dioxide
and breathe out the oxygen essential for our life.
What a happy coincidence that cows give us meat,
leather, milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, and ice cream,
and that chickens give us finger-licking good food
and protein-packed eggs,
and that sheep give us wool and meat.
Atheists also believe that it was by chance
that there are thousands of delicious plants,
fruits, vegetables, and nuts
that are beneficial to the health of humanity.
How kind God is to give us all these things,
and on top of that,
to give us the ability and the pleasure
to reproduce after our own kind.
All the combined atheists in the world,
shaking their tiny, rebellious fists at their Creator,
are together like a minuscule bug
on the face of this massive earth
that is nothing but a tiny dot
in an unspeakably immense universe,
created by Almighty God.
(male) I'm assuming you study anthropology
quite well to say this.
(Ray Comfort) Have you ever heard of an atheistic tribe?
They always worship something, a totem pole, the sun,
or something, because God has given light to every man.
That's because we, as humans, we try to make sense of things
that we don't know, and that's-- and most of the time,
that's where we make our mistake.
(Ray Comfort) I couldn't say that for them.
I say they are making sense of something they do know.
They look at creation or nature and know.
Look at the order of everything.
We're on a great, big piece of dirt,
flying through space at 63,000 miles an hour,
circling the sun once a year.
Seasons come 'round, winter, spring,
summer, autumn, every year.
Everything's clockwork.
We can predict the sunrise 100 years from now
to the very second because there's such order in nature.
(Ray Comfort) You know how many people die every year?
Millions and millions.
(Ray Comfort) Fifty-four million people every year.
People just like you and me with a will to live
saying in their heart, "Oh, I don't want to die.
I love life. It's so precious."
And acknowledging that God exists
is the first step in that area.
And to acknowledge that God exists,
you've just got to have a humble heart and say,
"Okay, I'm going to be open."
You know the Bible's full of scientific facts
that weren't discovered til thousands of years later?
I didn't know that.
(Ray Comfort) Yeah, it says the earth hangs upon nothing
in the book of Isaiah.
(Ray Comfort) That's written 800 years B.C., which shows divine inspiration,
because how could they know in those days
about the earth's free-float in space?
The earth hangs upon nothing. The earth's free-float in space.
Wash your hands under running water
before we understood the diseases.
Spoke of quarantining.
It said the earth is round.
It says in Leviticus the life of the flesh is in the flood.
We didn't know that.
You give your doctor a vile of blood
and he can tell you how your flesh is doing,
your whole body, tell you what's going on in there,
'cause the life of the flesh is in the blood.
You know something, I don't even want to get any older.
I hope I got enough guts
to get myself out of this stinkin' planet.
(Ray Comfort) You're going to kill yourself?
Yeah, I'd like to.
- Please don't do that, Richard. - No, no, if I--
(Ray Comfort) You've got worth. You've got worth.
There's a reason for your existence.
Anymore--I can't--
(Ray Comfort) Only as an atheist you believe like that.
Creation is enough for you to know God exists.
Conscience is enough to know that it requires morality.
The commandments condemn you.
And the last thing is conversion.
All you have to do is repent, trust Christ,
and you'll come to know God.
And that's the gauntlet I throw right in front of you.
I say, "Richard, you've got nothing to lose."
You're going to die.
It could be tonight. It could be tomorrow.
Every year 54 million people die.
What have you got to lose but your pride?
You think Hell exists?
No, that I don't.
(Ray Comfort) Okay, see if I convince you of that, all right?
If a man rapes your mother and cut her throat,
he should be punished.
He should be.
(Ray Comfort) So, if you feel like that, where do you get it from?
It's because you were created in God's image.
God believes in right and wrong.
He says He set aside a day in which He'll judge
the world in righteousness.
Think of a man like Hitler, what he did.
He slaughtered 11 million people,
6 million of them Jews.
Men, women, and children that were subjected
to horrors beyond words.
Hell is God's prison, the place where people
receive justice without parole, damned forever,
which is a terribly scary thought.
This is the problem.
We find it difficult to reconcile God being good
and He creating Hell.
How can He be loving and kind and good?
I wrote a book called, "Hitler, God, and the Bible,"
and I studied the Holocaust in research for the book
and I saw things that just made me weep,
horrors beyond words.
Young girls, teenage girls, who were hung by the neck
just because they didn't agree with the Nazi politics.
They were called Partisans.
They hung them with thin rope to make it more agonizing,
and as they were in the death struggle,
there's pictures of Nazis laughing at them
as they hung by the neck and died.
And I thought to myself, "If God is good,
how can there not be a Hell?"
There must be punishment for wickedness.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, it makes complete sense.
(Ray Comfort) So, what are you going to do on Judgment Day?
How do you think you'll do? Are you a good person?
I don't know that I'm a good person.
I don't really lie, cheat, or steal, so.
(Ray Comfort) You don't lie?
You know what? Never mind.
(Ray Comfort) I'm going to move away
from your intellect to your conscience, all right?
(Ray Comfort) Do you think you're a good person?
(Ray Comfort) Do you think you're a good person?
If there's a Heaven, are you going to make it there?
If there is a Heaven, I hope I'd make it there.
(Ray Comfort) Where are you going when you die?
I don't know.
I believe I'll go to Heaven, but--
(Ray Comfort) Why would you go to Heaven?
What did you do to merit everlasting life?
That's the question.
That's the question.
I--wow, I don't know what I did, but I--
(Ray Comfort) It must have been pretty big to get everlasting life.
Well, wow, that's interesting. That is a big thinker.
- Are you a Christian? - I'm currently a Catholic.
(Ray Comfort) Have you been born again?
I'm not sure what that means.
(Ray Comfort) Well, Jesus said in John chapter 3,
"Unless someone's born again, they'll not enter Heaven,"
so this is real important.
It's like the difference between believing in a parachute
and actually putting one on.
Things are fine until you jump, you know?
So, the Bible says, "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ,"
and you do that through the new birth.
The only way you'll see a need to be born again
would be probably the same way
you see a need to put on a parachute.
If you didn't want to put a parachute on,
probably the best thing I could do for you
is hang you out the plane by your ankles for 2 seconds.
You'll come in and say, "Give me that parachute."
(Ray Comfort) Now, Hayley, I'm going to change gears
and just talk about the same thing
from a different angle, okay?
- Can you handle that? - Yes.
(Ray Comfort) You're not going to get upset?
(Ray Comfort) So, let's do that.
I'm going to hang you out the plane for a second, okay?
(Ray Comfort) Hayley, do you think you're a good person.
I do.
(Ray Comfort) Do you think you're a good person?
I mean, I think so.
I would like to think so.
I'm a good person.
I think I'm a very good person.
- What about you? - Sure.
(Ray Comfort) How many lies do you think you've told in your whole life?
Too many.
Ha-ha, plenty of white lies,
but I don't think anything serious.
I'd say about 1,000.
(Ray Comfort) The download of music off the Internet that's not yours.
Say, from, like, a website?
Then yes.
Music off the Internet's stealing.
Yeah, it certainly is.
- You ever stolen something? - Not really.
(Ray Comfort) Come on. What do you mean not really?
Sort of half a diamond?
(Ray Comfort) You ever stolen something, even if it's small?
- We're all sinners. - You've lied and stolen?
I've lied, but I've never stolen.
(Ray Comfort) You ever downloaded music off the Internet that's not yours?
- That's theft. - Yeah, ha-ha-ha.
Yeah, I've stolen.
(Ray Comfort) You've got a multitude of sins. You're just like me.
Every thought you've had that's been godless,
you've stirred up as wrath.
(Ray Comfort) Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust,
you commit adultery with her in your heart.
- Did you know that? - No.
(Ray Comfort) Do you lust after women?
- Look at pornography? - No.
(Ray Comfort) Tell lies?
All the time.
(Ray Comfort) Ha-ha, so you do look at pornography?
I mean, everybody does.
It's not like nobody does, but--
(Ray Comfort) So, you do?
Yeah, sometimes.
(Ray Comfort) Have you ever looked at a woman with lust?
All the time.
The thing is, about that, I do have trouble with that,
with that concept, with that idea.
Because this is now no longer a sin of what you do,
but rather what you think.
It's a thought crime.
(Ray Comfort) You think murder, God says you've committed murder.
You think adultery, you've committed adultery,
'cause God considers the desire the same as the deed
'cause He knows you'd do it if you had a chance.
Lady next door says, "Come on over, honey,"
you'd be over like greased lightning
if you had the opportunity.
God knows.
He knows the thoughts and motives of the heart,
because we love darkness and hate the light.
(Ray Comfort) Do you look at pornography?
No, I have a girlfriend, actually,
and she'd be really [bleep] if she found out.
(Ray Comfort) You ever look at pornography?
I've looked at pornography, yeah.
Treated women like candy.
You didn't ask me that at first.
You asked me do I currently, and I said no.
(Ray Comfort) You don't need to, because you're fornicating.
(Ray Comfort) Have you had sex out of marriage?
Oh yeah.
(Ray Comfort) Have you ever used God's name in vain?
- What about you? - Yeah.
(Ray Comfort) Have you ever used God's name in vain?
- OMG. - Then yes.
- Oh yeah, all the time. - That's blasphemy.
(Ray Comfort) Jesus said if you look with lust,
you commit adultery in the heart.
- Have you ever done that? - Absolutely.
(Ray Comfort) So, Hayley, I'm not judging you, but you've just told me
you're a lying thief, a blasphemer.
(Ray Comfort) Fornicator, an idolater, an adulterer,
and you've violated all His commandments
if you study them.
It comes so naturally to me.
(Ray Comfort) That's exactly what the Bible says.
We naturally do that which is wrong.
He made me that way!
(Ray Comfort) You can't blame God for your own moral--
If He made me with a sinful nature,
then how is He going to blame me?
It's like you make a car and it doesn't run,
and then you get mad at the car.
(Ray Comfort) No, it's not, 'cause a car isn't a moral agent.
You've been given a conscience. You know right from wrong.
"Con" is with, "Science" is knowledge.
So, every time you have fornicated, lusted,
looked at pornography, lied, or stolen,
you've done it with knowledge that it's wrong.
(Ray Comfort) So, Leigh, you've just told me you're a lying thief and--
A blasphemous adulterer at heart,
and that's only four of the Ten Commandments.
You have to face God on Judgment Day,
whether you believe in Him or not.
Well, now you believe.
If He judges you by the Ten Commandments on Judgment Day,
do you think you'd be innocent or guilty?
Most likely guilty.
I suppose guilty.
I would be 100% guilty.
I'd be guilty just like everyone else.
Everybody does bad stuff,
so I would be guilty of those things.
- Heaven or Hell? - Hell.
Well, if there is a Hell, I would say
I would be making my way down there.
- Does that concern you? - A little bit, yeah.
How can He let some of the stuff happen
that we wouldn't let happen.
We'd go to jail for doing certain things
that he lets happen.
Why doesn't He have a little more--
show a little more compassion?
(Ray Comfort) When you look at what happened in Nazi Germany,
instead of saying,
"If God is good, how can He create Hell?"
you've got to come out saying,
"If God is good, how can there not be a Hell?"
There must be retribution for murder and justice.
And the Bible says God is so good,
He's going to punish those murderers,
but He's going to punish rapists and thieves
and liars and fornicators.
He's going to punish sin wherever it's found
because He's good.
(Ray Comfort) The Bible says lying lips are abomination to the Lord.
Lying is incredibly-- so is blasphemy.
Using God's name as a cuss word.
I would go to Hell.
(Ray Comfort) Does that concern you?
It does, but at the same time, I would hope that
if there is a God, that He would be understanding
that I am doing my best
to try and be the best person I can every day.
(Ray Comfort) Well, you've blown it like the rest of us.
It's like standing in front of a judge and saying,
"Judge, I raped that woman,
but I'm really trying to be the best I can."
It's already done.
The judge is going to throw the book at him.
(Ray Comfort) Would you go to Heaven or Hell?
(Ray Comfort) Does that concern you?
If it was real.
(Ray Comfort) It is real.
I know it's real.
You know it's real.
God's given you knowledge of His existence.
Look at the genius of His hand all around you.
Your eyes have got 137 million light-sensitive cells.
Human beings can't make an eye from nothing.
Just think of the complexity of life.
You're not even in control of your life.
Do you realize that?
You can't stop yourself blinking, thinking,
breathing, dreaming.
Your bodily functions happen irrespective of your will.
You can't help but go to the bathroom every day.
You can't help but go to sleep at night.
You can't help but blink and breathe.
All these things are set in motion by God,
shaped by your DNA.
Your height, the color of your hair,
the color of your eyes, your personality
were all written in the instruction book of life
the moment you were conceived.
And within that psyche that you have,
there's a will to live.
Something in you says, "I don't want to die."
You're not an animal.
You're not a dog or a cat or a horse.
You're a human being made in the image of God
with a knowledge of right and wrong,
given a conscience by God
which is society-shaped but God-given.
You know right from wrong, and so on Judgment Day,
you can't say, "I didn't know."
You're a human being. You're aware of your existence.
That's what human being means. You're aware of your being.
And so, something in you says, "I don't want to die."
It's self-preservation.
The Bible says Jesus Christ has abolished death.
Now, if that isn't true, we shouldn't look into it.
But if there's one chance in a million that it is,
your good sense should just open your heart and say,
"I'll check it out."
Does that make sense?
I hear what you're saying.
(Ray Comfort) Now, do you know what God did for guilty sinners
so we wouldn't have to go to Hell?
Any idea?
He--oh gosh.
I don't think I know.
I don't know.
Would you mind telling me?
(Ray Comfort) Who could help you? Nobody.
Buddhism can't help you. Islam can't help you.
Hinduism can't help you.
Being religious can't help you. Being good can't help you.
You are hopeless.
The only thing that can help you is God's mercy,
and that was extended through the cross,
through the Savior.
There's no one on the face of the earth that can help you.
The Bible says, "Neither is there salvation in any other.
There is no other name under Heaven given among men
whereby we must be saved."
That's why Jesus said,
"I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No man comes to the Father but by Me."
You have no choice.
There's only one parachute being offered,
and that's the Savior Jesus Christ.
And the Bible says, "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ."
Jesus of Nazareth, a perfect, sinless man
who gave His life on the cross.
Now, you probably know that,
but you may not know the legal implications.
God's a judge.
The Bible paints Him as the ultimate judge,
the habitation of justice.
You and I are criminals, called sinners,
because we've violated His law, the Ten Commandments.
We're heading for God's prison,
a place called Hell, without parole.
We're under the death sentence,
but Jesus stepped in and paid our fine in full.
If you're in court, even though you're guilty,
if someone pays your fine, the judge can say,
"This person's guilty, but someone's paid his fine.
He's out of here."
And he can do that, which is just.
Well, the Bible says God can let you live forever
because Jesus paid the fine in full on that cross.
When He was on the cross, He cried out, "It is finished!"
On the cross, that was His last words.
In other words, the debt has been paid.
That means God can legally
grant you the gift of everlasting life.
And then He died and then rose from the dead
three days later.
And what you have to do to have your case dismissed,
to walk out of God's courtroom
and be gifted with everlasting life
because God's merciful, is repent of your sins
and trust in Jesus like you trust a parachute.
If you ever jump out of a plane,
don't just believe in the parachute.
Put your faith in it. Put your trust in it.
And that's what you must do with the Savior.
You repent and trust in Christ.
You don't have to get religious or do good works.
It's a free gift of God.
And the second you do that, Andrew,
God will dismiss every sin,
all those secret sins, the imaginations of your heart,
those sexual ones you thought no one saw.
God saw them and you stirred up His wrath.
If you stand in front of a judge and say,
"Judge, I raped that woman.
Very serious crime,
but I want to to tell you I do a lot of good things,"
judge is going to say, "What are you talking about?
You're not going to be judged by what you do that's good.
You're going to be judged on the crime of rape.
You're going to prison, buddy."
The judge won't judge you on your good works,
and God's exactly the same.
Good works are irrelevant.
We can't bribe God to forgive our sins and let us live.
All we can do is throw ourselves on the mercy of the judge
and say, "God, forgive me."
But the Bible says God is rich in mercy
and He provided a Savior,
and He'll forgive you in a second
because of what Jesus did on the cross.
It's called grace, and it's amazing.
The Bible says God is rich in mercy and He can save you
by His grace, His unmerited favor.
He can extend it to you.
You don't have to go to church on Christmas,
and it is about being good,
and that's what's all religions are about anyway.
Be a good person.
You don't think all religions have the thing of,
"Be a good person"?
(female) Not Christianity.
It's about by grace, through faith.
By grace, through faith you've been saved.
(Ray Comfort) It's called amazing grace.
Grace is God's unmerited favor,
and when you repent and trust Christ,
everlasting life is a free gift and death has no hold on you.
See, your beliefs are so imperative.
You may not think beliefs are important,
but if you're walking along a path and you believe
there's a land mine in front of you,
your belief will govern your steps.
If you don't believe, you'll walk right onto it.
So, what you believe certainly does matter.
And if you believe you're a good person when you're not,
you're a lying thief, and a blasphemer,
adulterer at heart, you won't repent.
So, that's the basis of all religion.
They think they can do something for everlasting life:
face Mecca, pray, fast, repent, lie on bed of nails.
They think they can earn eternal life from God,
merit His favor, and yet it can't be done.
I just want to say, Richard, I care about you.
I love you.
I want to see you on Judgment Day in heaven.
I don't want to hear of you being in Hell.
Nothing would grieve me more,
'cause you have a multitude of sins, and God's rich in mercy
and will forgive you if you'll humble yourself,
repent, and trust in Him.
Am I going to be bored in Heaven if I make it there?
- No. - I won't be bored?
(Ray Comfort) Let me tell you, Heaven is not people with wings
sitting on crowds playing rusty harps.
That's ridiculous.
God promises were going to inherit this earth
without the Genesis curse.
No more earthquakes, no more hurricanes,
floods, disease, pain, suffering, and death.
He's going to give it to the meek.
The meek'll inherit the earth.
So, when we talk of Heaven,
we're going to have Heaven on earth,
where the lion will lie down with the lamb,
the swords will be changed into plowshares.
No more wars, no more murder, rape,
kids being molested, no more sin.
And you can be part of that kingdom
if you repent and trust Christ,
and I want you to 'cause I care about you, okay?
Well, I'm a total stranger to you.
Why do you care about me?
(Ray Comfort) 'Cause I love you. I'm a Christian.
I'm not filled with hate like some religions.
This is more serious than a heart attack,
so please don't put it off.
Just give it serious thought
as you lay your head on your pillow tonight.
Listen to your heart beat in your ear
and realize if that heart stops, you're suddenly in eternity
facing a holy God without a Savior.
You're jumping without a parachute.
So, I want you to consider those thoughts,
because there's nothing more important
than where you'll spend eternity.
My heart breaks for you. You're 18.
You've got your whole life ahead of you.
You don't know when you're going to die.
You've got temptations everywhere to do wrong
and God offers you everlasting life.
And the Bible says,
"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth."
Don't put it off, because you'll become self-righteous
and harden your heart to the Lord.
When you're tender and soft,
when you're thinking about these things,
just cry out to God in humility and--
God'll forgive your sins in an instant.
You don't have to get religious or do good works.
It's a free gift of God.
Did the information I gave you about DNA
make you think deeper?
Yes, it did.
(Ray Comfort) Are you now no longer an atheist?
I suppose when you present to me the technical definition,
I would say no.
I am open.
When you came up to me and said atheist,
that's what I identify as,
but I believe that there are things
that probably can't be explained
and it is possible that, you know, there's a Creator.
I'll definitely consider this.
This will leave an imprint in my mind.
It's definitely made me think about it.
It's been eye-opening.
(Ray Comfort) Do you now believe in God's existence?
Yes, I do.
(Ray Comfort) But have I given you proof today
that there is an intelligent designer behind DNA?
True. Yeah, you did.
For lack of a better word, yes, I am no longer an atheist.
I'm no longer an atheist.
(Ray Comfort) Does this make sense?
(Ray Comfort) So, Andrew, if you were to die today
and God gave you justice, you'd end up in Hell.
There are two things you have to do to be saved.
You gotta repent and trust in Jesus.
When are you going to do that?
As soon as I have a strong, firm belief
and I'm ready to adhere to what God would like me to do.
- Does this make sense? - Very much, yeah.
- Yes, it does. - Yes.
- Yes, it does. - Yeah.
- Yeah.
(Ray Comfort) You going to think about this?
Yeah, I'll think about it.
(Ray Comfort) You going to think about this?
Yeah, definitely.
Yeah, it was really informative. Thank you, yeah.
(Ray Comfort) You going to think about this?
I definitely will.
(Ray Comfort) Has this made you think today?
It definitely has. It definitely has.
I'm glad to talk with you, because I think I'm sure
you're a lot more intelligent,
or somewhat more than the average person
I talk to about religion.
(Ray Comfort) You going to get right with God today?
- Is that what you're saying? - Yeah.
(Ray Comfort) So, you'll come to the Lord, just apologize for your sins,
put your faith in Jesus
and then pick up that Bible and read it daily and obey it
and God'll never let you down, man.
This is more serious than a heart attack,
so today would be the day.
And please don't feel pressured by me.
It's your life and it's your will,
but it's just a matter of saying:
God, you gave me life. You gifted me life.
I've used your name as a cuss word.
I've sinned against you. I've violated your commandments.
Please forgive me and transform me
and grant me the gift of everlasting life.
It's gotta come from your heart. I can't pressure you.
- Does that make sense? - Yes.
(Ray Comfort) When are you going to do that?
Almost immediately.
(Ray Comfort) You serious?
Yeah, I'm serious.
(Ray Comfort) You realize what you're doing?
You're giving up your will.
You're saying, "Not my will, but Yours be done.
You gave me life. I've sinned against You.
Please forgive me. And I yield my life to You."
(Ray Comfort) Things are going to change from now on?
- You serious? - I'm serious.
I will take a closer look at God.
(Ray Comfort) You really mean that you're repenting of your sins
and trusting alone in Christ?
Yes, I am.
I would like to go to church actually.
(Ray Comfort) So, please think about this. Will you at least do that?
- Do you have access to a Bible? - Yeah.
(Ray Comfort) You have over 20,000 on your phone.
- Did you know that? - That's a good selection.
(Ray Comfort) So, when are you going to get right with God?
I guess as soon as I can.
(Ray Comfort) You mean, like, today?
(Ray Comfort) You realize what you're doing?
You're laying down your will and you're saying,
"God, I'm not going to play the hypocrite.
I'm going to repent of my sins and trust alone in Christ."
- You understand that? - Yes.
(Ray Comfort) You must repent and trust alone in Jesus.
When are you going to do that?
(Ray Comfort) When are you going to do that?
As soon as possible.
- Like today? - Yes.
(Ray Comfort) The Bible says, "Today is the day of salvation,"
so don't even presume
that you've got til tonight, you know?
Just, in the quietness of your heart, say, "God, I'm a sinner.
I'm a rebel.
Please forgive me," and He'll do so
the instant you put your faith in Christ.
That's what a Christian is, someone who's given up
the rebellion and says,
"Lord, I surrender to You, and I'm going to obey
and love and serve You from now on."
Is that what you're saying?
That's what I'm saying.
(Ray Comfort) Can I pray with you?
Of course.
(Ray Comfort) Father, I pray for Augusto, that this day,
he'll truly repent, be genuinely sorry for his sins,
and trust in You,
and pass from death to life because of Your mercy.
(Ray Comfort) You can't help but blink and breathe.
All these things are set in motion by God,
shaped by your DNA.
Your height, the color of your hair,
the color of your eyes, your personality
were all written in the instruction book of life
the moment you were conceived.
Nearly 3,000 years ago, the psalmist wrote
that when he was conceived in his mother's womb,
before he was even formed, every part of his very substance
was written in a special book.
"For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother's womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works.
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they were all written."
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