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Hi I'm Will Cristobal and I'm an emergency room nurse.
A typical day in the ER is not really that typical because it's always
it's different everything's different every day I mean granted you'll see
similar scenarios but each person is different.
So you have the
non-critical to the extreme critical.
I mean, for example I'll I'll get a guy with with the laceration.
I will clean it up and the doctor will stitch it up.
Nice. Or someone will come up with abdominal pain.
I'll put an IV line in them.
Get their blood work. Starts IV fluids
and give them pain medication to get them comfortable.
Or a guy will come in with complete cardiac arrest the whole team is inside
the the resuscitation room
and we're pumping were pumping were pushing medications.
Uh, we're putting IV lines and
shocking the patient's seeing if we'll bring them back to life
sometimes it successful sometimes it's not.
Nursing school is really cool.
I actually enjoyed it a lot.
At at first it's very nerve-racking
because you're interacting with patients, you're touching patients.
I was one of the very few men in the...
in the classrooms, but I mean it was no problem.
The perception in nursing is typically,
you think a nurse is a female, when there's a 10 percent in the profession are males.
I mean there's times when I've actually come in, saw my patient, "Hi doctor how are you?"
I'm like, "No I'm your nurse."
And then when the female doctor comes in
it's kinda like, "This is your doctor. I'm your nurse."
So I mean it's just really interesting
like, the dynamics with patients sometimes
and that I actually have to correct them.
And, they always go, "Hey, you never thought about going to medical school?"
And I'm like, "No."
(I want) I wanted to be a nurse. I enjoy nursing.
I enjoy being at the bedside and taking care my patients.
My career path after high school, I actually, um...
thought about doing physical therapy. I actual want to be in the health field.
I didn't want to be a doctor because I knew it was going to take so much time.
So I thought about physical therapy. So when I was in college I ended up
taking classes geared toward therapy and decided
I don't really like this stuff, but I still wanted to stay in health care.
After college I just ended up trying to find odd jobs, things to do.
I worked worked for health insurance.
I worked for HR - just trying to fit my personality.
At any rate, I thought it was boring and so, um,
one day my uncle, my wife's uncle was like, "Why don't you do nursing?"
He was a nurse. And so I said well let me look into it.
I volunteered at this hospital, observe the nurses and everything like that and
doctors and decided this is actually a cool gig. I'll do this.
And so I applied to nursing school and luckily I got in.
"So so this is going to bend out like this right. We we have to cock up it a little bit."
"There you go."
When it's really really busy you may have a critical patient in one room,
and then a person that's not so critical turn critical and in the other room
and you're trying to balance everything out while at the same time your doctor wants you to
you know, discharge a patient in the other room.
So, at at any given time I can have four patients but
all four patients can want something all at the same time.
You have to really, like,
people cause you have to deal a lot of personalities.
If you enjoy interacting with people, uh, helping people, make people laugh, make people smile.
I mean this is this is a great career for you. I mean, if you love math
if you love sciences, I mean this is this is a great career to get into,
'cause you use a lot of that stuff. I mean, you have to. You have to think about disease
processes and so you have to think about your anatomy and biology and
how the cells work and what not.
The advice I'd give for high school students, volunteer, go to a local hospital volunteer.
It will give you a chance
you know, to know whether or not you want to do this,
because you'll be in direct contact with nurses. You'll be in direct contact with patients.
You'll be in direct contact with doctors and so you get you get an
overall chance, uh, to see exactly what this is about.