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Thank you.
Well, it's great to be here.
I'm Anita Woolley.
I'm a professor at Carnegie Mellon University.
And I want to start out by just giving you
a bit of an intuition for how we got interested in that
what I'm going to tell you about.
So I'm going to start off by giving you two examples.
In each pair I describe, I want you to think about,
which team do you think is going to be successful.
So the first example consists of two men's ice hockey team
from the Olympics.
So the first team is made up of stars
from professional leagues, from all around the world.
Their home country is hosting the Olympics,
prominent politicians in the country
have said that the billions of dollars
they spent to prepare for the Olympics
would all be worthwhile if this team brought home gold.
So that's motivation.
Compare this to the second team.
This team was actually convened less than a
year before the Olympics-- can we
go back one-- made up of amateur and collegiate athletes.
And nobody really expected much.
They just hoped that they wouldn't embarrass the country
since they were also hosting the Olympics that year.
So most of us would expect that the team on the left
would be more successful.
But those of you who know hockey know
that this is the Russian men's team from the 2014
Olympics, who was eliminated from contention
before the medal rounds even began.
And this is the 1980 US men's hockey team,
who brought home the gold medal despite all
that was working against them.
All right, so let's think of another example.
This one from presidential cabinets.
So you might think, it's election season,
you're electing a person.
Well, in fact, you're electing a person and his or her team
of advisors.
So in this cabinet, this cabinet was made up
of what one historian termed the best and the brightest,
highly accomplished Ivy League educated individuals,
strong interpersonal relationships,
including even some family members of the president.
Compared to this cabinet, made up
of men who lacked some formal education in some cases,
and were bitter rivals in a hotly contested
presidential primary.
Most of us, again, would expect that the team on the left
would be the more successful, but scholars
of American history will know that this is the Kennedy
cabinet, which was responsible for some huge decision making
This is the Lincoln cabinet, who passed historic legislation
despite being in a deeply divided country.
What these examples really illustrate is that a,
we're really bad at predicting which
teams are going to perform well in the future, in part
because we have a tendency to focus
a lot on individual attributes and less
on how the group actually works together.
So a question that's important to ask
is, why were these team successful.
And what my colleagues and I would put forth to you
is that one potential answer is collective intelligence.
And so some of the research I'm going to tell you about
will support this idea and, hopefully,
leave you with about two different ideas for how
you can build smarter teams.
We have a strong tendency to focus
on hiring smart individuals, but we
don't know enough about how to build smart teams.
And one of the reasons why we focus
on individual intelligence is because there's
some very good metrics for it.
So where we're all familiar with G for general intelligence.
This is the idea that underlies IQ tests
and is highly predictive of how individuals perform
in a variety of domains.
We started our research wondering
if there is an analogous factor, c, for collective intelligence.
Are there teams that are consistently
good at working together across many different domains?
And can we use that information to predict which teams will
perform well in the future?
So we started our research to explore
if collective intelligence even exists.
We had teams come to our lab.
They spent many hours together performing
a whole variety of tasks.
We found that teams that did well on one kind of task,
let's say a creativity task, were also good
at mathematical tasks and other sorts of problem solving tasks.
When we calculated a score based on how they performed
on all of these tasks, we were able to then predict
with a pretty high degree of accuracy
how they performed in the future when
we brought them back to perform another more complex task.
And we were able to do so much better
than simply knowing the individual IQs of the team
members themselves.
So we've replicated this finding a few different times.
And repeatedly find that collective intelligence
is a much better predictor of how teams perform
than individual intelligence, whether you look
at the average intelligence of team members
or even the intelligence of the smartest person in the room.
So then we set about trying to figure out, well,
if it's not individual IQ that determines
collective intelligence, what does.
And some of what we found was rather surprising.
So one of our first observations was
that the proportion of women in the team
is related to collective intelligence.
And at first we thought it was a linear relationship,
but now that we've collected data on several hundred teams,
we find that it's more of a curvilinear relationship.
So on this graph, this is average collective
intelligence, and what you'll notice
is that when teams include less than 50-50 females,
they tend to oscillate around average.
But once you have more than half of the group female
is when you see that teams are consistently above average.
However, there's still a benefit to diversity.
It's not the case that all-female teams are always
way above average.
So one of the reasons, though, as we dug deeper
into this, why we see this relationship is
another trait that we measure, which is social perceptiveness.
So social perceptive is an ability
to pick up on subtle, nonverbal cues from other people.
We give all of the participants in our studies a test
called the reading the mind in the eyes test.
In this test, they see only the eye region of the face
and they have to draw inferences about what
this person is thinking or feeling
based on a list of choices.
We find that women score higher on this task than men.
And that teams that include people
with higher scores on tests like these
are more collectively intelligent.
We also measure a number of attributes of communication
in the groups, and have particularly noticed
that the distribution of communication is important.
Specifically, if you have one or two
people who dominate the conversation,
the team is much less collectively
intelligent than if you have more equal distribution
of conversation.
We've also conducted these studies
with teams working together online and collaborating
by a text chat, and we find a very similar results.
Equality in communication is still important, even when
they're using text chats.
It's also important even when you
look at who's contributing what to their shared products.
And similarly, in these online teams,
we surprisingly find that social perceptiveness is just
as important.
So reading the mind in the eyes test
is predictive of collective intelligence
even when team members are not seeing one
another's facial expressions.
Research that's just coming out from a team in the Netherlands
further shows that collective intelligence is really
driven by the lowest scoring member on tests
of things like reading the mind in the eyes.
In other words, including somebody
who has really poor ability in that domain
really seems to drag down a team that otherwise would be high
So with that, I want to leave you with two ideas that are,
you know, based on the consistent findings
of the studies that I've told you about,
as well as others that we've conducted.
First, is that it's really important
when you're convening a team to set egalitarian norms.
Over and over again, we see that the equality of contribution
is important.
This really comes from convening a team in which there
are no stars, as well as no people who are slacking off
or loafing.
The second piece is, you really need
to pay attention to the skills, the collaboration
abilities of the people in the team,
and specifically avoid bringing in people who are
going to drag the team down.
People who are very negative, who are domineering
can exert a disproportionately negative effect
on collective intelligence.
You what the people who are really good, also,
but avoiding the people who really drag things down
is equally important.
So hopefully, by paying attention
to a few of these attributes, we can not only hire smart people,
but also create smart teams.
So that, thank you very much.