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Xinying has loads of parks! 新營有許多美麗的公園
There’s Nanying Green Park 有南瀛綠都心
and Swan Lake Park! 天鵝湖公園
It also has an art park filled 還有著許多可愛裝置藝術的
with many charming art installations. 美術園區
Of course, you wouldn’t want to miss out 來到新營當然不能錯過
on some bean sprout noodles, a Xinying delicacy! 在地美食 豆菜麵
The historic Japanese-style Officers’ Residence 新營縣府日式木造官舍
has just finished restoration, 才剛修復完成
and is something worth checking out. 非常值得一看
Let’s hop on a bus and explore Xinying together! 讓我們一起搭公車去探訪新營吧!
Parks are like lungs of a city. 公園就如同城市的肺
In fact, Xinying has plenty of excellent parks 新營有許多漂亮的公園
providing a breath of fresh air for its residents, 清新的空氣
as well as ample space to walk around in, 提供民眾散步
and beautiful sights to behold. 踏青的好去處
Nanying Green Park is such as park in Xinying, 來到新營一定不能錯過「南瀛綠都心」
conveniently accessible by public bus. 而且搭公車也會到喔!
Take the Brown Line 2 or 3 on the Tainan City Bus 搭乘大台南公車【棕幹線】、【棕2】或【棕3】
Take the Brown Line 2 or 3 on the Tainan City Bus 搭乘大台南公車【棕幹線】、【棕2】或【棕3】
Alternatively, take the Yellow Line 6 或者搭乘公車【黃幹線】或【黃6】
to the Xinying District Office, 到《新營區公所站》,
and you will arrive at Nanying Green Park 散步一小段就可以到達
after a short stroll. 南瀛綠都心公園
Hi David here, and welcome to Xinying! 哈囉,我是大衛。歡迎來到新營!
I’m in front of one of the many, many bus stops in Xinying, 我現在在新營的公車站
and in fact, Xinying is 其實,新營是
a major transportation hub in this area, 這個區域重要的交通樞紐
and this bus stop happens to be right 而這個公車站剛好就在
in front of Nanying Green Park. 南瀛綠都心公園前面。
So, let’s go! 我們走!
This is Nanying Green Park, and in many ways, 這裡是南瀛綠都心
It’s actually one of the oldest parks in Xinying, 而它其實可以算是新營最老的公園之一。
and it’s the lung of Xinying. 它也是新營的肺,
It has a lot of trees for example, 因為這裡種了很多樹,
and a lot of history behind it. 而同時 它也充滿了歷史。
So, let’s go and see what it’s got for us! 我們快去看看這裡有什麼好玩的吧!
This park has more than eighty years of history. 這個公園大約有八十多年的歷史
Despite several name changes and renovations, 雖然經過幾次的更名、整修
this place is still the mutual memory of the Xinying residents. 但我相信 這裡絕對是新營人的共同記憶
The park has on display art installations of sika deer, 公園內的梅花鹿公共藝術
so as to remind us the 提醒著人們
significance of these gentle creatures 這些溫馴的動物必有其生存意義
and the role nature plays in the city. 以及自然生態對城市的重要
A herd of deer galloping reflects the 成群奔跑的梅花鹿,
importance of making the city green 代表了城市綠化的重要性
and the different design and postures 而這群以不同姿態與設計
of each individual deer represents 所呈現的梅花鹿,
a step away from traditional public art. 也擺脫了傳統公共藝術框架。
Each deer is a work of art 每一頭梅花鹿都是一件藝術品,
and brings with it a unique story. 也是一個獨特的故事。
Not only is Nanying Green park green because of all the trees, 南瀛綠都心 綠的不只是樹木,
it’s green because of its sustainable design. 在設計上也運用了永續綠能設計
For example, behind me there is a pavilion, 例如,在我背後有一個亭子
And on top of the pavilion, 亭子頂端
it’s actually covered with hundreds of sloar panels 覆蓋著幾百片的太陽能板。
and supposedly, 聽說這個公園
it actually powers some of the facilities in this park. 有部分設施就是由它來發電的。
There is an observatory in the park, 公園裡設有觀景台
and a beautiful lake view can be 可以爬上二樓
appreciated from the second floor. 欣賞中央景觀湖的美景
In the middle of the park, they’ve got an observatory, 在公園的中間有一個可以
and it overlooks this lake, 眺望湖水的觀景台。
and they’ve got some humongous fish in this lake, 這湖裡有超大的魚,
and turtles as well. 還有烏龜。
There is a pavilion in the middle of the lake. 在湖中央還有回音亭
Its echoing acoustic makes for 它獨特的回音特性
an interesting auditory experience. 是一個很特別的聽覺體驗。
Come to Xinying and stroll around the park. 來新營可以到這裡散步
Enjoy the scenery, 欣賞這裡的風景
and relax a bit, 放鬆心情
after which, mouth-watering local snacks 逛完了公園,
are just a short walk away. 可以到附近品嚐美食喔
You know, Xinying has loads of delicacies 新營有超多的美食
and street food, and I’m really hungry! 與小吃,我現在好餓啊!
I smell something really nice down the street, 我聞到對面有好香的味道
let’s go check it out! 我們去瞧瞧!
Look at that! That’s a champion’s breakfast. 快看這! 這是冠軍的早餐。
It’s for days when milk and cereal just doesn’t cut it. 當牛奶和穀片還嫌不夠時,就要吃這個。
These sticky salty rice cakes, they are really savory. 這些鹹粿真叫人回味無窮啊。
And it’s kind of interesting, 蠻特別的,
because they are really, really crispy on the outside, 因為它們外酥
but it’s very tender inside, and it’s got a lot of fillings. 內軟,餡料也很豐富。
There’s little shrimps, there’s radish for example. 例如它裡面有小蝦米跟蘿蔔。
It really makes an awesome breakfast. 真的是很棒的早餐呢。
Never thought I’d be eating 沒想到一大早就可以吃到
salty rice cakes and sausages for breakfast. 鹹粿和香腸
Don’t people usually have these as afternoon snacks? 印象中這都是下午的點心
It really is quite something eh? 真的非常特別
If you want to have a nibble at everything, 如果各個口味都想吃一點
try GETTING the variety platter. 也可以點綜合拼盤喔
It’s not something you’d want to miss in Xinying. 來新營別錯過這美味的早餐
I’m at Xinying Art Park, 我現在在新營美術園區,
and rumor has it that there’s a lot of mice in this area, 聽說這裡有很多隻老鼠?
so, let’s go find them and count how many there are! 我們快去數數看有幾隻吧!
Xinying Art Park 新營美術園區
is about a 15 minute 距離新營文化中心
walk from the Xinying Cultural Center. 步行大約15分鐘左右
Of course, you can choose to take a public bus 當然你也可以選擇搭乘公車
on the Brown Line 1, getting off at Xinying Fish Market. 棕1線 到新營魚市場站
After disembarking, the park is only 400 meters away. 下車步行大約400公尺左右就到了
The vibrant colors here make it perfect 哇!這裡的顏色真的非常繽紛
for photo opportunities. 很適合拍照
There is a popular Rainbow Path 在新營美術園區裡
in Xinying Art Park 有一條彩虹步道
where you can spot different adorable figures 沿途可以看到不同的公仔
that are positioned on the ground, 有些在地面上
on steel structures, 有些在鋼構上
and even on a rock climbing wall. 甚至還有攀岩的
They are very cute, 都非常可愛
and attract a large number of visitors. 吸引了很多遊客
Besides having adorable figures, Xinying Art Park 新營美術園區除了有可愛的公仔外
also has a plethora of art installations. 還有其他公共藝術
The park sits adjacent 園區位在
to a branch of the Chainan Irrigation Canal, 嘉南水圳支線旁
so, you can also listen to the sound of nature, 也可以在欣賞藝術品的同時
while appreciating the art work. 聆聽大自然的聲音
Xinying Art Park really is a fantastic spot 新營美術園區非常適合
for the whole family. 闔家出遊
It’s great fun for kids, of course. 小朋友當然也會喜歡
And it’s very very photogenic. 這裡真的非常適合拍照,
In fact, it’s a great place for selfies. 其實,這裡最適合自拍了。
Don’t you agree! 妳說是不是!
Hey, we are at the Cultural Center bus stop 嘿,這裡是新營文化中心前的
for the Yellow Line buses, 黃線公車站,
and it’s conveniently located in front of where else? 很方便的,這個公車站就在
The Cultural Center. 文化中心的正前方。
Let’s go check it out. 走,去看看!
The Xinying Cultural Center is right next to Nanying Green Park. 新營文化中心就在南瀛綠都心隔壁
It’s just right around the corner. 轉個彎就到了
Nanying Green Park straddles both 南瀛綠都心公園位在
Minzhi Road and Zhongzheng Road. 民治路和中正路
Tainan City Bus operates the Brown Line along Minzhi Road, 民治路的大台南公車是棕幹線
while Zhongzheng Road is served by the Yellow Line. 中正路則是黃幹線
So, the Yellow Line isn’t your only bus option in Xinying, 所以來新營文化中心除了搭乘黃幹線外
the Brown Line is another great alternative. 也可以搭棕幹線喔
Hey, I’m at the Xinying Cultural Center, 嘿,我在新營文化中心。
and just recently they finished their new renovation, 不久前 這裡才完成了整修和增建,
and they’ve got a brand-new performance hall. 所以現在多了一個全新的表演廳
And each year, they actually invite a lot of international 每年,他們會邀請國際的
artists and performers to this place to showcase their art. 藝術家和表演團體來這裡演出
On the plaza in front of this place, 在前方的廣場,
they’ve got lots and lots of art installations. 有很多的藝術裝置,
For example, there’s a giant red paper airplane 例如,我面前有一個
right in front of me. 很大的紅色紙飛機。
In addition to tons of outdoor art installations, 除了大量的公共藝術品以外,新營文化中心
there are many large-scale outdoor performances here as well. 也舉辦許多大型戶外表演活動
As an example, the annual Tainan Arts Festival 例如每年的臺南藝術節
invites performers from all over to perform on closed roads. 會邀請表演藝術團體封街演出
It has become much like an Art Carnival, 好像參加藝術嘉年華會一樣
and it’s a great chance for visitors of 很適合大朋友小朋友
all age groups to party together. 一起來參加熱鬧的Party
It’s very popular indeed. 非常受民眾歡迎喔
A simple bowl of plain noodles 一碗平凡的油麵
topped with garlic soy sauce 淋上簡單的蒜頭醬油
and a handful of bean sprouts 再加上少許豆芽菜
makes a famous name for itself. 居然能變得這麼有名
These are bean sprout noodles, 就是所謂的豆菜麵
a very simple street food. 一碗簡簡單單的小吃
What is so special about this dish, 究竟這份餐點為什麼會如此特別,
and why is it so famous in Xinying? 並在新營那麼的有名呢?
Follow us as we find out! 那一定要跟我們去看一看!
Hey, this is the bean sprout noodles of Xinying, 嘿,這個是新營的豆菜麵。
and it’s very simple. 它真的很簡單,
It’s just bean sprouts and noodles, that’s it! 真的就是麵和豆芽菜。
But the story doesn’t end there, 但它當然不只是這樣而已
because it’s a bit of an DIY affair. 還需要自己DIY
In fact, you are supposed to put in your own garlic soy sauce, 其實你還要自己加入蒜頭醬油。
and if you like spicy food like myself, 若你跟我一樣愛吃辣,
a bit of really really spicy chili sauce. 也可以加入很辣的辣椒醬。
Oh yeah, look at that! 喔耶,看看這個!
And this is the final product. 這就是完成品。
I guess in a way, the simplicity of the bean sprout noodles, 我想,這簡單的豆菜麵,
really makes it a…in a way it’s like a blank canvas, 其實就像是...一張白色畫布
because it actually takes 因為它會
in all the flavors of the sauce. 吸收醬料的味道
And it’s perfect for when you are feeling 很適合在你
just a bit peckish, but not too hungry. 嘴饞,卻又不是很餓時吃。
Hey, what better way to compliment your bean sprout noodles 嘿,有什麼比一碗熱騰騰的豬血湯
then a bowl of hot pork blood soup? 更適合搭配豆菜麵的嗎?
Next, take the Tainan City Bus, 接下來還可以搭乘大台南公車
and board either Yellow Line 6 or 6-1, and hop off at Piliao. 【黃6】 或【黃6-1】到《埤寮》站下車
The nearby Swan Lake Park is only a stroll away. 散步到《天鵝湖公園》。
This is Swan Lake Park, 這是天鵝湖公園,
and on its shores, there is a statue of two swans. 在岸邊可以看到兩隻天鵝的雕像。
The view looks amazing by the way. 喔對,這裡的風景也很美,
So, let’s go! 走,去瞧瞧!
Hey look! There is a duck! 嘿,你看! 有一隻鴨子!
Bye! 掰!
The wooden walkway here is perfect for 這裡有舒適的木棧道
an easy walk around the lake while appreciating the view. 適合散散步 欣賞湖景
It really is a pleasant experience. 都是一種享受
The walkway leads to the middle of the 木棧道可以走到湖中央
lake where a pavilion awaits. 這裡有座涼亭
Here, you can relax your feet, 可以在這裡乘涼
and take in the picturesque view of the park, 欣賞公園的景色
as well as a neo-classical stone arch bridge, 還有仿古的石造拱橋
whose guard rails are decorated 橋上兩側護欄
with small white lions. 有白色的小獅子造型
Remember to visit the park whenever you are in Xinying. 有空來新營別忘了到公園走走喔
Just when you think we’ve seen all of Xinying’s delicacies, 當你以為我們已經看盡新營美食時,
here we are, with the duck chowder. 這裡還有鴨肉羹。
And this duck chowder has more than 這碗鴨肉羹的背後有著
seven decades of history behind it, 70年的歷史。
so, let’s give it a go. 我們吃吃看。
This little bowl is 70 years in the making. 這一碗可說是傳承70年的老味道
As a traditional street food, 一般對傳統小吃的印象
it’s difficult not to picture this place 多半就是
as a small roadside affair. 小小的路邊攤
But this old shack 但是這一家老店
now looks more like an upscale restaurant. 看起來卻像是高級餐廳
Even if it’s only street food, 即使是小吃
we think it should still be enjoyed elegantly. 我們也要吃得很優雅
So, we try to serve it in beautiful tableware, 所以說我們會找一些精美的食器
and we strive to make the environment very clean. 然後把環境整理得非常非常乾淨
The duck is really really good! 鴨肉好好吃!
And you know it’s fresh when its springy 這鴨肉的口感很有彈性也很嫩,
and tender and not dry at all. 代表它很新鮮。
And when you pair it with the bamboo shoots, 搭配筍子一起吃,
it’s a match made in heaven. 更是天作之合
Besides passing down their traditions, old shops 老店除了傳承傳統口味
need to be inventive when it comes to their recipes as well. 也開發新的創意料理喔!
An example of this would be deep-fried duck in taro batter. 例如芋泥酥鴨
This combination of both taro and duck, 將芋頭和鴨肉結合
creates a unique experience 迸出新滋味
that marries the crunchy goodness of duck meat 可以同時享受鴨肉的酥脆
with the pillowy soft consistency of taro batter. 和芋頭綿密的口感
Everything is just right. 非常對味
True connoisseurs highly recommend the “drunken duck”. 還有饕客大推的醉鴨
It’s also very delicious. 也非常美味
Duck chowder and other creative duck dishes 來新營千萬不要錯過這美味的鴨肉羹
are something you shouldn’t miss in Xinying. 和創意的鴨肉料理
Taizih Temple is another renowned attraction in Xinying. 新營非常有名的還有太子宮
Xinying Tazih Temple 新營太子宮
was founded in 1683 在西元1683年的時候
when five Chinese forefathers 由大陸五位先祖
offered the “Marshal of the Central Altar” 奉請中壇元帥的金尊
and his sacred throne 和神轎
to come to Tainan from Fujian. 從福建到臺南
Taizih Temple isn’t just a temple. 太子宮不只是 一座廟
It’s also a community. 而是一個社區─太子社區
The residents here are unified through a common faith, 信仰凝聚了在地居民
and their daily activities seem to revolve around it as well. 成為當地的生活重心
Besides providing space for activities, Taizih Temple 「太子宮」不僅提供社區居民活動空間,
often offers both monetary and hardware support 對社區各項設備、會務、
for many local events. 活動經費均提供相當有力的支援,
By giving back to the community, 而為了回饋社區
the community also happily assists 當地各團隊人力也會隨時支援
the temple with its own events. 廟會活動
Besides having ceramic collages, 太子宮除了剪黏
the wooden structures 無論是木刻構建
and murals of Taizih Temple are also full of stories. 或壁畫彩繪都充滿了故事性
There are also several historical plaques here, 碑匾文物也非常有歷史感
and the oldest one in the collection is from 1883. 目前保存最古老的是光緒九年(1883年)的牌匾
The ridges that stem from the top of its gable walls 山牆上的脊墜是鵝頭墜
are decorated with 是泥塑作品
beautiful goose-head motifs carved from clay 也非常漂亮
that’s worth checking out. 很值得一看
Many pilgrims come to Taizih Temple on Sundays, 週日太子宮會有許多人來朝聖進香
and sometimes the temple invites troupes to perform as well. 有時候也會邀請藝陣團體來演出
It’s packed with activities. 非常熱鬧
If you happen to be in Xinying on a Sunday, 如果星期日來新營
drop by Taizih Temple, 也可以到太子宮走走
and experience Taiwanese temple culture firsthand. 欣賞臺灣的廟宇文化
If you are lucky, you may even be able 如果幸運的話,還有機會看到
to catch a performance or two. 藝陣的表演
This is a Japanese-style officers’ residence 這是一個剛剛修復完成的
that’s just finished restoration. 日式的官員宿舍。
Let’s see what it’s like on the inside. 我們進去看看裡面長什麼樣子。
The Japanese-style Officer’s Residence of Xinying County 新營縣府日式木造官舍
was built in 1935, 在昭和10年(1935年)完工
and in 2010, it was designated 2010年登錄為
as a historical heritage building. 歷史建築
The building was built using predominantly cypress, 官舍大部分為檜木材,
with incredibly intricate details. 構造相當細緻
The building is well preserved, 保存得相當完整
and will become an art and cultural 修復後
space after renovation. 作為藝文空間使用
If you happen to like Japanese architecture and culture, 喜歡日式建築及藝文的朋友
this place is a must-see. 千萬不可錯過這個地方
Xinying truly is an awesome place to visit. 新營真的是一個了不起的地方。
The parks here are amazing, 這裡的公園非常棒
the art scene is fantastic as well, 藝文活動也很活躍。
not to mention the food. 美食當然就更不用說了
So, next time you guys come to Xinying, 下次大家來到新營,
make sure to indulge in its artistic and culinary excellence. 記得要好好沉浸在藝文和美食中喔