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  • Most Fair Trade products are physically traceable.


  • That means, we know for example, where this banana comes from, and which farmers or workers benefit from the Fair Trade minimum price or premium.


  • Some products are produced under a system called "mass balance."


  • That means that even though each individual orange in this juice can't be traced, the orange farmers still get all the same Fair Trade benefits.


  • Take Maria, an orange farmer.

    看看橘農 Maria 的例子吧!

  • She's a member of a Fair Trade cooperative, which doesn't have its own processing plant.


  • So she's dependent on an external factory.


  • If Fair Trade required every single orange to be traceable, the factory would have to stop the processing of all other oranges in order to process only Maria's oranges.

    若公平貿易要求所有橘子都必須可以追蹤,工廠就必須停止對其他橘子的加工以處理 Maria 的橘子。

  • But this would be much more expensive and therefore only possible with large amounts.


  • That's why Fair Trade allows mass balance in such cases.


  • This way, Maria's oranges can be included in the ongoing manufacturing process, where her Fair Trade oranges are mixed with other conventional oranges.

    這樣 Maria 的橘子就能被包含在持續的加工過程中,她的公平貿易橘子跟其他一般的橘子混在一起。

  • Fair Trade carefully tracks how many oranges Maria has produced and how much juice is made from them.

    公平貿易會小心的記錄 Maria 生產了多少橘子,及做成多少果汁。

  • Only the corresponding amount of juice can be sold with the Fair Trade mark.


  • According to the exact volume she produces, Maria gets all the benefits of Fair Trade, including stable minimum prices, and the Fair Trade premium for the community projects.

    根據她所生產的量,Maria 就能受益於公平貿易,包含穩定的最低價格及社區發展金。

  • [Fair Trade International]


Most Fair Trade products are physically traceable.


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