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Hi, I'm Margot Robbie
and I'm gonna teach you some Aussie slang.
Bludger, okay, a bludger is like, someone who's lazy.
Bludger 就是「懶人」
Fair dinkum, kinda like, oh far out.
Fair dinkum, 有點像「太棒了!」
Good on you.
"Oh, good on you, mate", like that.
So, it was a ripper of a party
ripper of a party (很棒的派對)
or like he's a ripper of a bloke.
或是 ripper of a bloke (不錯的小伙子)
Hard yakka?
Hard yakka?
Hard yakka's like hard work.
Hard yakka 就是指「勞動工作」
I've never used the word doovalacky in my life.
I have no idea what it means.
Oh, so if you can crack on to someone,
喔,如果說你 crack on somebody
you're hitting on them.
If you kiss too much and like your face is all red,
you say you've got pash rash.
你會說:「You've got pash rash.」
What you call a thong, we call that a G-string or G-banger.
你們俗稱的丁字褲,我們叫它 G-string 或是 G-banger
But thongs to us are your flipflops.
Thongs 在澳洲指的是「夾腳拖」
He's a crook, he's a criminal.
Crook 指的就是「犯罪」
I'm feeling crook, I'm feeling sick.
如果你說:「I'm feeling crook」,表示你覺得不舒服
Chuck a sickie?
Chuck a sickie?
If you chuck a sickie, you're like calling in sick.
Chuck a sickie 就是指「請病假」
A bottle-o is a liquor store.
Bottle-o 就是「賣酒的地方」
Tinny can either be a boat or a beer can.
Tinny 指的是「船」或是「啤酒罐」
Stubby, that's a bottle of beer.
Stubby 就是「一瓶啤酒」
You're frothing for it, you're excited for it.
You're frothing for it 表示你很期待某件事情
You froth those, you really like those.
You froth those 就是你很喜歡這些東西
Vomit, spew, throw up.
Barbie, barbecue.
Barbie 就是「烤肉」
Avo for avocado, arvo for afternoon.
Avo 是「 酪梨」,arvo 指的是「下午」
So yeah, like, this arvo, we're gonna go to the bottle-o.
所以我們會說:這個 arvo(下午),我們去 bottle-o(賣酒的地方)
Get a couple of tinnies.
買些 tinnies (啤酒)吧!
Daks are your pants, like trousers.
Daks 就是「褲子」,俗稱的 trousers
And so, if you daks someone,
然後 daks someone 的意思就是
it's like when you run up behind them
and you pull their pants down.
Whinge, so if you're whinging, you're complaining,
Whinge 就是「抱怨」
like you're whining.
就是 whine 的意思
If you're a dag, yeah,
如果說你是個 dag
you're kind of a dork or a goof or whatever.
表示你很呆,就是俗稱的 dork 或是 goof
A bog is a shit or poop,
Bog 就是「大便」
as you would say in America.
美國俗稱的 shit 或是 poop
A ute is a pick-up truck.
Ute 是那種小型的載貨卡車
Jump in the back of the ute!
Togs, your bathing suit.
Togs 就是「泳衣」
Put your togs on!
Ratbag, my nephew's a ratbag,
Ratbag,好比我外甥就是個 ratbag
like a cheeky, little so and so,
someone who's kinda like misbehaving.
Fanny? (laughs)
In America,
I think you guys call fanny like your bum is your fanny.
他們所說的 fanny 指「屁股」
In Australia, your front bum is your fanny,
if you're a girl.
... 如果你是女生的話
Esky, I think you call it a cooler.
Esky 就是「保冷箱」,所謂的 cooler
A cuppa, cup of tea.
Cuppa 就是「一杯茶」
A dunny is a toilet.
Dunny 是「馬桶」
Sitting on the dunny, sitting on the toilet.
Sitting on the dunny 就是「坐在馬桶上」
Durry, is a cigarette.
Durry 是「香煙」
You can have a durry, have a darb.
Durry 跟 darb 都是「香煙」
I think everyone knows that one.
A woman, a female.
Snag, is a sausage.
Snag 是「熱狗」
A sook, someone who's having a cry,
Sook 就是「愛哭鬼」
like having a sook.
Having a sook 就是「哭」
Slab, slab of beers.
Slab,slab of beers 就是「一箱(24瓶)啤酒」
I think you'd say carton of beers.
就是美國人口中的 carton of beers
If you're in a room and you say, "It's chockers in here."
如果你在一個房間然後你說 It's chockers in here
It's like you can't move,
"There's so many people, it's chockers in here."
(bleep)wit, yeah, like a (bleep)wit.
f***wit 就是「腦袋燒壞了的人」 (類似中文的「北七」)
Doodle's like,
Doodle 就是
it's like kinda what you would call a penis if you were young.
A bogan's kinda like white trash.
Bogan 就是指「低俗的白人」
Mozzie, mosquito.
Mozzie 是「蚊子」
Dogs eye, I don't know what's dogs eye.
Dogs eye? 我不知道那是什麼意思
I've never said that.
If you're a tosser,
如果人家說你是 tosser
you're a dickhead, bit of a jerk.
Hooroo, I don't say hooroo.
I feel like that's kinda like an older person thing to say
but hooroo, I think that means like hello and goodbye.
Rackoff, like piss off.
Rackoff 就是「滾開」
Grommet's a young surfer.
Grommet 就是指「衝浪的年輕人」
Shithouse, toilet.
Shithouse 就是「廁所」
Kinda makes sense.
Old fella, I guess fella comes from fellow.
Old fella,fella 這個字應該是從 fellow 演變來的
Like so an old man, like, "Some old fella pranged my car. What a wanker", that sort of thing.
就是指「老阿伯」,你可以說:「有個 old fella (老阿伯)撞爛了我的車,爛爆了」
Reg grundies, I've never heard that in my life.
Reg grundies,我這輩子還沒聽過這個詞
I mean if you chopped out this part, and had it,
just as undies, that's what I call underwear.
只看 undies 的話,那就是指「內褲」
Spit the dummy, like have a tantrum.
Spit the dummy 有點像「發怒」
Crazy, totally off your rocker.
Totally off your rocker 就是「瘋了」
Come a guster...?
Come a guster...?
I don't know what that means.
I think that's enough slang for one day.
Any Aussie's watching,
I'm sorry if I described them incorrectly.
And for anyone not Aussie, I hope you learned something!