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  • Hi, I'm Margot Robbie


  • and I'm gonna teach you some Aussie slang.


  • Bludger, okay, a bludger is like, someone who's lazy.

    Bludger 就是「懶人」

  • Fair dinkum, kinda like, oh far out.

    Fair dinkum, 有點像「太棒了!」

  • Good on you.


  • "Oh, good on you, mate", like that.


  • So, it was a ripper of a party

    ripper of a party (很棒的派對)

  • or like he's a ripper of a bloke.

    或是 ripper of a bloke (不錯的小伙子)

  • Good.


  • Hard yakka?

    Hard yakka?

  • Hard yakka's like hard work.

    Hard yakka 就是指「勞動工作」

  • I've never used the word doovalacky in my life.


  • I have no idea what it means.


  • Oh, so if you can crack on to someone,

    喔,如果說你 crack on somebody

  • you're hitting on them.


  • If you kiss too much and like your face is all red,


  • you say you've got pash rash.

    你會說:「You've got pash rash.」

  • What you call a thong, we call that a G-string or G-banger.

    你們俗稱的丁字褲,我們叫它 G-string 或是 G-banger

  • But thongs to us are your flipflops.

    Thongs 在澳洲指的是「夾腳拖」

  • He's a crook, he's a criminal.

    Crook 指的就是「犯罪」

  • I'm feeling crook, I'm feeling sick.

    如果你說:「I'm feeling crook」,表示你覺得不舒服

  • Chuck a sickie?

    Chuck a sickie?

  • If you chuck a sickie, you're like calling in sick.

    Chuck a sickie 就是指「請病假」

  • A bottle-o is a liquor store.

    Bottle-o 就是「賣酒的地方」

  • Tinny can either be a boat or a beer can.

    Tinny 指的是「船」或是「啤酒罐」

  • Stubby, that's a bottle of beer.

    Stubby 就是「一瓶啤酒」

  • You're frothing for it, you're excited for it.

    You're frothing for it 表示你很期待某件事情

  • You froth those, you really like those.

    You froth those 就是你很喜歡這些東西

  • Chunder?


  • Vomit, spew, throw up.


  • Barbie, barbecue.

    Barbie 就是「烤肉」

  • Avo for avocado, arvo for afternoon.

    Avo 是「 酪梨」,arvo 指的是「下午」

  • So yeah, like, this arvo, we're gonna go to the bottle-o.

    所以我們會說:這個 arvo(下午),我們去 bottle-o(賣酒的地方)

  • Get a couple of tinnies.

    買些 tinnies (啤酒)吧!

  • Daks are your pants, like trousers.

    Daks 就是「褲子」,俗稱的 trousers

  • And so, if you daks someone,

    然後 daks someone 的意思就是

  • it's like when you run up behind them


  • and you pull their pants down.


  • Whinge, so if you're whinging, you're complaining,

    Whinge 就是「抱怨」

  • like you're whining.

    就是 whine 的意思

  • If you're a dag, yeah,

    如果說你是個 dag

  • you're kind of a dork or a goof or whatever.

    表示你很呆,就是俗稱的 dork 或是 goof

  • A bog is a shit or poop,

    Bog 就是「大便」

  • as you would say in America.

    美國俗稱的 shit 或是 poop

  • A ute is a pick-up truck.

    Ute 是那種小型的載貨卡車

  • Jump in the back of the ute!


  • Togs, your bathing suit.

    Togs 就是「泳衣」

  • Put your togs on!


  • Ratbag, my nephew's a ratbag,

    Ratbag,好比我外甥就是個 ratbag

  • like a cheeky, little so and so,


  • someone who's kinda like misbehaving.


  • Fanny? (laughs)


  • In America,


  • I think you guys call fanny like your bum is your fanny.

    他們所說的 fanny 指「屁股」

  • In Australia, your front bum is your fanny,


  • if you're a girl.

    ... 如果你是女生的話

  • Esky, I think you call it a cooler.

    Esky 就是「保冷箱」,所謂的 cooler

  • A cuppa, cup of tea.

    Cuppa 就是「一杯茶」

  • A dunny is a toilet.

    Dunny 是「馬桶」

  • Sitting on the dunny, sitting on the toilet.

    Sitting on the dunny 就是「坐在馬桶上」

  • Durry, is a cigarette.

    Durry 是「香煙」

  • You can have a durry, have a darb.

    Durry 跟 darb 都是「香煙」

  • Sheila,


  • I think everyone knows that one.


  • A woman, a female.


  • Snag, is a sausage.

    Snag 是「熱狗」

  • A sook, someone who's having a cry,

    Sook 就是「愛哭鬼」

  • like having a sook.

    Having a sook 就是「哭」

  • Slab, slab of beers.

    Slab,slab of beers 就是「一箱(24瓶)啤酒」

  • I think you'd say carton of beers.

    就是美國人口中的 carton of beers

  • If you're in a room and you say, "It's chockers in here."

    如果你在一個房間然後你說 It's chockers in here

  • It's like you can't move,


  • "There's so many people, it's chockers in here."


  • (bleep)wit, yeah, like a (bleep)wit.

    f***wit 就是「腦袋燒壞了的人」 (類似中文的「北七」)

  • Doodle's like,

    Doodle 就是

  • it's like kinda what you would call a penis if you were young.


  • A bogan's kinda like white trash.

    Bogan 就是指「低俗的白人」

  • Mozzie, mosquito.

    Mozzie 是「蚊子」

  • Dogs eye, I don't know what's dogs eye.

    Dogs eye? 我不知道那是什麼意思

  • I've never said that.


  • If you're a tosser,

    如果人家說你是 tosser

  • you're a dickhead, bit of a jerk.


  • Hooroo, I don't say hooroo.


  • I feel like that's kinda like an older person thing to say


  • but hooroo, I think that means like hello and goodbye.


  • Rackoff, like piss off.

    Rackoff 就是「滾開」

  • Grommet's a young surfer.

    Grommet 就是指「衝浪的年輕人」

  • Shithouse, toilet.

    Shithouse 就是「廁所」

  • Kinda makes sense.


  • Old fella, I guess fella comes from fellow.

    Old fella,fella 這個字應該是從 fellow 演變來的

  • Like so an old man, like, "Some old fella pranged my car. What a wanker", that sort of thing.

    就是指「老阿伯」,你可以說:「有個 old fella (老阿伯)撞爛了我的車,爛爆了」

  • Reg grundies, I've never heard that in my life.

    Reg grundies,我這輩子還沒聽過這個詞

  • I mean if you chopped out this part, and had it,


  • just as undies, that's what I call underwear.

    只看 undies 的話,那就是指「內褲」

  • Spit the dummy, like have a tantrum.

    Spit the dummy 有點像「發怒」

  • Crazy, totally off your rocker.

    Totally off your rocker 就是「瘋了」

  • Come a guster...?

    Come a guster...?

  • I don't know what that means.


  • I think that's enough slang for one day.


  • Any Aussie's watching,


  • I'm sorry if I described them incorrectly.


  • And for anyone not Aussie, I hope you learned something!


Hi, I'm Margot Robbie


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