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- Oh, man, bro. I'm like totally high, dude - Yeah, homie
I'm (sweezedy?) wasted like an atom bomb - Hell what?
- I have no idea - Can't believe "Furious Fancy Pants 9" is out already - Hell (Swag?) bruh
- What are we, like an hour early? - Uh...
- Oh shit, it starts in four minutes. You better...
*Together* Hit the nos, baby! Whoooo!
*The car crashes*
*A woman screams*
- Another tragedy caused by marijuana. Idiots smoke marijuana. It's a fact
But did you know that other kinds of people also use marijuana?
Take Bill Gates, for example
- Hi, there. - Bill here is what you might call a genius. He co-founded the largest computer company in the world
and he's worth over eighty billion dollars.
- You smoke weed, don't you Bill? - Well... Th... Back in college I... guess...
- Occasionally I... - See? He totally does. Idiots smoke marijuana
It's a fact, but so did geniuses like Bill Gates.
Geniuses smoke marijuana.
It's either that or Bill Gates is an idiot?
Are you prepared to say that? To say "Bill Gates is an idiot"? Once more, Bill Gates is an idiot - Uh...
- Are you gonna look Bill Gates right in the eye and say "Hey, idiot. Yeah, Bill, you.
- Idiot. You moron". -Hey
- Wearing those stupid glasses - Ehm...
- I (owe?) to punch them right off your stupid, idiot, moron face. - Hey now. Just a darn second!
- Personally I wouldn't dare say such a thing -Oh
- I'm scared of Bill Gates - Oh
- He'd have no trouble tracking down any one of us through, say, a Youtube comment
-I'll bet he has more information stored on you than you know about yourself. -Oh
We don't do anything like that. - He's bluffing. He has your location. Hell, with all that computer money Bill could easily hire
Ninjas to slit your throat while you sleep and pay your parents to pin it on your little sister
Are you prepared to take that chance? Not me, man. Not fucking me
Bill Gates. You, Sir, are a weed genius
- Now hang on, guys. This isn't what we talked about...
- See, Ryan? now everyone will think we're the smart kind of weed smokers. - Damn, Chase. That's genius!