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  • (Applause) Everyone please think of your biggest personal goal. ok. For real. Take a second, you have got to feel this to learn it.


  • Take a few seconds and think of your personal biggest goal. OK. Imagine deciding, right now, that you are going to do it.


  • Imagine telling someone that you meet today what you are going to do. Imagine their congratulations and their high image of you.


  • Doesn't it feel good to say it out loud? Don't you feel one step closer already like it's already becoming part of your identity?


  • Uh. Well. Bad news. You should have kept your mouth shut because that good feeling will now make you less likely to do it.

    呃,好吧壞消息。你應該閉上你的嘴,因為這種好的感覺 現在會讓你不太可能做到這一點。

  • Repeated psychology tests have proven that telling someone your goal makes them less likely to happen.


  • Anythime you have a goal there are some steps that need to be done. Some work that needs to be done in order to achieve it.


  • Ideally you would not be satisfied until you had actually done the work but when you tell someone your goal and they acknowledge it


  • Psychologists have found that, it's called a social reality, the mind is kind of tricked into feeling that it's already done.


  • and then because you have felt that satisfaction you are less motivated to do the actual hard work necessary. (audience laughs)

    然後因為你已經感受到了這種滿足感 你就沒有動力去做實際的艱苦工作了。(觀眾笑)

  • So this goes against the conventional wisdom that we should tell our friends our goals, right, so they hold us to it.


  • So let's look at the proof. 1926: Kurt Lewin founder of social psychology called this substitution.

    那麼,讓我們來看看證據吧'。1926:社會心理學的創始人Kurt Lewin稱這為替代。

  • 1933: Wera Mahler found that when it was acknowledged by others it felt real in the mind.

    1933:維拉-馬勒發現,當它被別人承認時, 它感覺到真實的心靈。

  • 1982: Peter Golwitzer wrote a whole book about this and in 2009 he did some new tests that were published and it goes like this.

    1982:Peter Golwitzer寫了一本關於這個的書 2009年,他做了一些新的測試,並發表了,它是這樣的。

  • 163 people across 4 separate tests. Everyone wrote down their personal goal. Then half of them announced their commitment to this goal to the room and half didn't.

    163人橫跨4個獨立的測試。每個人都寫下了自己的個人目標。 然後一半人向房間宣佈他們對這個目標的承諾,一半人沒有。

  • Then everyone was given 45 minutes work that would lead them directly to their goal but they were told that they could stop at any time.


  • Now those who kept their mouths shut worked the entire 45 minutes on average and when asked afterwards said that they felt that they had a long way to go still to achieve their goal.


  • But those who had announced it quit after only 33 minutes on average and when asked afterwards said that they felt much closer to achieving their goal.


  • So if this is true what can we do? Well, you could resist the temptation to announce your goal, you can delay the gratification that the social acknowledgement brings.


  • and you can understand that your mind mistakes the talking for the doing. But if you do need to talk about something you can state it in a way that gives you no satisfaction.


  • Such as I really want to run this marathon so I need to train 5 times a week and kick my ass if I don't, OK.


  • So audience the next time you are tempted to tell someone your goal what will you say? (silence) Exactly! Well done. (Laughs)


  • Subtitles by iicaptions

    Subtitles by iicaptions

(Applause) Everyone please think of your biggest personal goal. ok. For real. Take a second, you have got to feel this to learn it.


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