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  • Hello, I am Steve Suggs, author of the book, Can They Sell. This video gives you 20 minutes

  • of free training, just like youll find in the book. To buy the book now, click on

  • the buy button on the right and watch this video later. After you buy the book, come

  • back to this page and enter your information, and in addition to this training video, I’ll

  • give you another 30 minutes of free recruiting training as a bonus for having bought the

  • book. It is recruiting training that will radically change the way you recruit salespeople.

  • It is training that my clients are paying thousands of dollars for. It further answers

  • the question, “What are the traits of the best salespeople.” Congratulations on wanting

  • to learn to recruit the best salespeople. Get ready to learn how to select the best

  • from the rest. Everybody who is recruiting salespeople wants to know these 3 things:

  • where do I find the best salespeople to interview, what are the traits and skills of the best

  • salespeople, and what tools and questionnaires do I use to look for the traits and skills.

  • The information I am about to give you is a sample of what’s in the book which has

  • been endorsed by over 20 great sales trainers like Jeff Gitomer, Brian Tracy, Jay Conrad

  • Levinson, Tony Allessandra, Jill Konrath and Jim Cathcart and many more. This is a sample

  • of the training that helped one of my clients increase sales by 70% in one year, just by

  • using this system to recruit better salespeople. You can view many testimonials below from

  • managers in a wide range of industries or go to my Linkedin profile to see over 30 endorsements

  • of this training. Today, I am going to begin to answer the question, “What do I look

  • for in the best salespeople.” I’ll show you why people make the mistake of hiring

  • someone they like, and then finding out later that they can’t sell. Before I answer that

  • question, I want to talk about Henry Ford. He didn’t invent the car. He invented a

  • system of production that made the car affordable to the common working person. His contribution

  • to mankind was efficient productivity. He created a system with Knowledge, Tools and

  • Skills. That’s what this book is all about. It’s a recruiting system that gives you

  • knowledge of human behavior, recruiting tools and recruiting skills. Master this system

  • and you will begin to recruit superstars and become a great coach. Here is the system.

  • After we find enough people to interview we move them into stage 1, Screening. We screen

  • their resume, then by phone, by email, in-person and check references. We use structured interview

  • questions in this stage to help us measure for the top traits and skills. Then, in stage

  • 2, we use the science of a personality questionnaire. I use the Craft Personality Questionnaire,

  • the CPQ, to give me an accurate read on their hard-wired personality traits. In stage 3,

  • we conduct a final in-depth interview to help us get a final measure on the candidate’s

  • strengths and weaknesses. All along the way we use the Matching/Score Sheet to score all

  • of their traits and skills. Each stage gives us 20% of the information that we need to

  • make a great hire. As you can see, this system is a balanced approach. Were not just using

  • interview questions, or just a personality assessment. It’s all of these tools working

  • in concert with each other that helps us measure each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses.

  • After we hire someone, we know what to coach. Having a system like this is useless unless

  • we know exactly what the top traits and skills of the best performing salespeople are.

  • This brings us to the question, “What do we look for in the best candidates?” Over

  • the past 11 years of working with sales mangers to recruit salespeople, my business partner,

  • Lance Cooper, and I have discovered the 5 Dimensions of the Best Salesperson Profile.

  • When you create a profile on Facebook or Linkedin, you put information about yourself on your

  • profile for the world to see. You put your best foot forward. You work to impress. That

  • is what candidates do when they interview to come to work for us. Our job is to see

  • through the spin and get to the real person. If we don’t know what to look for, then

  • we don’t really know the difference between the all-talk-no-action salesperson and the

  • great salesperson. We are emotional beings. When were faced with a decision, if we

  • do not have the knowledge to make a decision, our default way of making that decision is

  • to use our emotions. When we don’t have a recruiting system based on knowledge, tools

  • and skills, we use our gut to make hiring decisions. We hire people we like. We measure

  • for all five dimensions in order. If a person does not pass the test on the first one, we

  • stop the selection process and move on to the next person. We look for Attitudes first,

  • then Motivations, then Character Traits, then Personality Traits and then Sales Skills.

  • I’m going to briefly cover these 5 dimensions in the rest of this video. If you buy the

  • book and come back to this page and enter your information along with your purchase

  • code, I will give you more free training that will go into these 5 traits in greater detail.

  • Let’s first talk about Attitudes. Top salespeople have 2 attitudes. First, they have a passion

  • for solving the problems of their customers using the product they are selling. Secondly,

  • they have a positive image of themselves as a salesperson. If you sell insurance and financial

  • services, you must recruit people who have a passion for helping people make the hard

  • decision to purchase a product that protects people from an unexpected financial disaster

  • and to make financial plans for the future. If you sell wireless phones and devices, you

  • recruit people who have a passion for helping customers buy communication, convenience and

  • entertainment. If you sell products to businesses, you must recruit people who have a passion

  • for helping your customers use your product to increase your customer’s profits and

  • gain more free time. Without a passion for solving these problems, it is impossible for

  • your salespeople to reach high levels of success in their field. Secondly, we must have a positive

  • image of ourselves as a salesperson. Selling is one of the hardest jobs in the world. We

  • have to get up everyday and battle in a market place full of tough competition, and in an

  • atmosphere of high rejection and high activity. If we don’t respect and admire the professional

  • services that salespeople bring to us, we will not respect ourselves as a person of

  • value to our clients. If the candidate you are interviewing buys most everything on the

  • Internet in order to avoid interaction with salespeople, there’s no way they can have

  • a positive attitude about themselves as a salesperson. So, the best salespeople have

  • the two attitudes of a passion for the product they sell and a positive image of themselves

  • as a salesperson. The second Dimension in the Best Salesperson Profile is Motivation.

  • The best salespeople have some IMMEDIATE needs and a DESIRE to make the future better. They

  • have things in their life they want to change, and by working hard for you, and earning the

  • money from sales, they can bring about these changes. Changes like paying current bills,

  • paying off debts, buying a house, saving for retirement, education and many other things

  • that require money. The job of sales is just too hard to do it at a high level unless people

  • have MONETARY NEEDS that can be satisfied by doing well in sales. The third dimension

  • is Character. The top character traits are Concern for Others, Honesty, Work Ethic and

  • Responsibility. Character is built in our past. When parents and mentors teach us, from

  • a young age, correct ways to behave, we become bonded to these character traits. We all have

  • varying degrees of these traits. It all depends on how much training we received, beginning

  • at a young age. It also depends on how willing we are to work on our own personal development

  • as adults. We measure Character Traits with interview questions which are specifically

  • developed to measure the level of each character trait during the interview. The forth Dimension

  • of the Best Salesperson Profile is Personality. In the Recruit the Best System, we use the

  • Craft Personality Questionnaire, the CPQ, to measure 8 traits. The 4 that have the greatest

  • impact on mastering sales skills are Social Drive, Social Confidence, Goal Orientation

  • and Need for Control. These 4 traits measure a person’s natural desire to be social to

  • accumulate lots of casual relationships for the purpose of doing business, how confident

  • we are when asking for appointments, asking tough fact-finding questions, asking people

  • to buy, handling objections, handling rejection, being disciplined to set and reach goals with

  • a creative and restless pace of work and the desire to control conversations and situations

  • that lead to getting the sales process completed. Doesn’t that sound like the person you want

  • to hire? These four traits measure that entrepreneurial, fire in the belly personality of top salespeople.

  • We are born with these traits, and science proves, that most people who perform at high

  • levels of sales, have a certain, hard-wired combination of these traits. The fifth Dimension

  • of the Best Salesperson Profile is Sales Skills. The best salespeople are great at Prospecting,

  • Setting and Holding Appointments, turning an appointment into a Fact Finding interview,

  • making effective Presentations, and Handling Objections in a way that closes the sale.

  • All of this sales activity must be done in a high activity, high rejection environment.

  • Managers often say, “The salesperson you have described in this profile is hard to

  • find and doesn’t exist in my market.” And, they make a good point. What I have described

  • is the perfect salesperson. We must know what perfection looks like so that we can measure

  • everyone were interviewing against perfection. It’s sort of like the time that I tried

  • out for the track team in high school. The first year we had a track team, our coach

  • was a football coach who recruited a bunch of us football players to be on the track

  • team. It came time to choose the long jumper. He pulled a few of us skinny guys over the

  • sand pit. The first guy jumped 15 feet. The second 16, then I jumped a surprising 19 feet.

  • We all thought I was a sure thing to win the next meet. When we get to the track meet.

  • I was up first. I jumped my personal best of 20 feet. I waited for the applause, but

  • no one was impressed but me. My competition jumps and flies through the air with this

  • spectacular form of swinging arms and legs that I had never seen before and landed at

  • 22 feet. He gets a huge applause and wins the event. I thought this guy was incredible

  • until the next day when I went to the library and discovered the world record at the time

  • for the long jump was around 26 feet. You see, until I did my research, I didn’t have

  • a point of reference as to how good or bad I really was. It’s the same with recruiting.

  • Unless we know what perfection is, well compare each candidate against the best candidate

  • in our small pool of current candidates. If we have a pool off all mediocre candidates,

  • we pick the best of the worst salespeople, and don’t realize we made a bad choice until

  • our new salesperson is out in the field getting slaughtered by the competition. What I am

  • about to tell you next changed my world as a sales manager. This simple piece of knowledge

  • of human behavior will help move you to the next level of selecting salespeople and coaching

  • those on your current team. Are you ready, here goes. The degree to which a person has

  • the first 4 dimensions will determine the level at which they will master the sales

  • skills. If you want to become a great recruiter and great coach, it is critical that you learn

  • how to measure the level at which each person youre recruiting and coaching has of the

  • right Attitudes, Motivations, Character Traits and Personality Traits. As you can see from

  • this picture, the fewer amounts of the first four dimensions, the lower the capacity to

  • master sales skills. The higher the amount of these four dimensions, the greater the

  • capacity to master sales skills. That is what the book, Can They Sell, is all about. It’s

  • about a recruiting system that gives you the knowledge and tools you need to measure these

  • 5 dimensions in the people you are considering to hire. A manager in one of my training classes

  • told me that he’s convinced that the quality of the salespeople he recruits will determine

  • the kind of coach he becomes. He’s right. There’s one thing that sets the great coaches

  • apart from the good coaches. If you look at all the great coaches throughout history,

  • they all have a system they use to recruit great players and a system to coach them by.

  • Let’s review. To answer the question, “What do I look for in the best salespeople?”

  • We use a system with 3 stagesScreening, Profiling and Interviewing. We use the 5 Dimensions

  • of the Best Salesperson Profile. We look for these in order. FirstAttitudesWe

  • want to hire candidates who have a passion for solving the problems of your customers

  • using your product. We want them to have a positive image of themselves as a salesperson.

  • SecondWe want to hire candidates who have immediate and long-term financial needs

  • that can be met if they are successful selling your product. ThirdlyWe want candidates

  • with the Character Traits of Concern for Others, Honesty, Strong Work Ethic and Responsibility.

  • We want candidates with high scores in the personality traits of Social Drive, Social

  • Confidence, Goal Orientation and Need for Control. All 4 of these dimensions will determine

  • the level at which they will master the 5th dimension, the sales skills of Prospecting,

  • Holding Appointments, Fact Finding, Presenting, Handling Objections and Closing Sales. We

  • use tools, interview questionnaires and personality assessments to measure these traits. With

  • this system we make a logical decision rather than hiring someone because we like them,

  • and we don’t really know why we like them. As you begin to learn more of this human-behavior

  • knowledge, your recruiting and coaching skills will grow. What youve heard here is obviously

  • just a small sample of the training in the book. If you like what youve heard here,

  • if you haven’t already, what I’d like for you to do is click on theBuybutton

  • on the right side of the screen and buy the book. After you buy the book, enter your name,

  • email address, and company name in the box below, and I’ll send you a bonus of three

  • more valuable recruiting videos just like this one. While youre waiting on your book,

  • youll get a head start on improving your recruiting skills. It’s recruiting training

  • that will radically change the way you recruit salespeople. In the first video, I’ll give

  • you more information about the relationship between character traits and personality traits.

  • Youll learn how our personality determines which character traits we are most likely

  • to struggle with. This information will help you determine the true strengths and weaknesses

  • of the salespeople you hire. Youll learn why the best salespeople are usually a bit

  • more of a challenge to coach and why many candidates mean well but can’t close sales.

  • Youll learn how character is developed so you can accurately score candidates on

  • all four character traits. In the second video, I’ll answer the question, “Where do I

  • find enough quality candidates to interview.” I’ll show you more than 30 places to find

  • quality candidates. Youll learn how to build a network of trusted people who will

  • send you top candidates on a regular basis. In the 3rd video, I’ll answer the question,

  • How do I look for the traits and skills in candidates?” Youll learn secrets of

  • great interviewers that get great salespeople to shine during the interview and cause weak

  • candidates to struggle. Youll see exactly how you can quickly put these interviewing

  • skills to practice. I’m excited to bring this training to you. Youre going to become

  • great at recruiting and coaching. Sales will grow. Youll become more productive with

  • less time and stress. To get this free bonus training, simply enter your name, email address,

  • and company name in the box below. Also, please share this video with others who will benefit

  • from this training by clicking the email button or on any of the social networking buttons.

  • They will thank you for it. Congratulations for wanting to become a great recruiter. I

  • look forward to seeing you on the training videos. Now go recruit the best. I hope youve

  • benefitted from this training. All the knowledge I’ve shared during these videos can be found

  • in the book. The tools I’ve mentioned are available in a Field Manual I’ve built for

  • you. This Field Manual is normally only sold to companies who contract us to train their

  • salespeople on the Recruit the Best system. We charge these companies $295 each for the

  • training manuals that contain these tools. I’m making the Field Manual available to

  • you for $49.95. Once you buy this field manual, it is yours to use forever. It contains the

  • checklist, the complete phone interview questionnaire, and the email questionnaire. It also contains

  • the complete initial interview and in-depth questionnaires with dozens of skillfully crafted

  • interview questions that help you measure the traits and skills in the best salesperson

  • profile. Youll get questionnaires to use when calling references and a questionnaire

  • other team members can use while interviewing candidates. All the tools you need for this

  • complete recruiting system are in the Field Manual. What I’d like for you to do now

  • is click on the Add to Cart button to the right and get your Field Manual today. When

  • your book arrives, youll have the complete Recruit the Best system. Youre getting

  • access to this complete system at a discount of over $200. As youre using the system,

  • and you order a CPQ, call me and I’ll give you some personal coaching on your candidates.

  • One quick noteplease keep in mind, the Field Manual is copyrighted material. Please

  • protect yourself from copyright infringement by not forwarding the file to friends and

  • colleagues. Simply tell them to go to and get their copy of the book and Field Manual

  • today. Now go recruit the best.

Hello, I am Steve Suggs, author of the book, Can They Sell. This video gives you 20 minutes

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