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Lonely Planet presents how to survive a free-falling elevator.
Lonely Planet 為您帶來「如何在下墜的電梯中存活」。
Contrary to what you heard in the school yard as a child, do not attempt to jump just before landing.
The reduction in force will be so small as to be insignificant.
Instead, if you have bags or suitcases with you, stack them up and stand as high as you can.
Create whatever space possible between you and the floor to allow your body time to decelerate once the elevator lands.
If there are handrails, spread your weight across them to help slow the rate of impact.
If the elevator is small or crowded, brace yourself by standing with slightly bent knees.
In either scenario, the key word is "survive".
Your extremities may not forgive you anytime soon, but your vital organs will send you flowers and a thank you card.
To learn to avoid such a predicament yourself as well as how to overcome nuclear explosions, bumping into your ex,all you can eat buffets, a zombie attack, getting kidnapped, a job you hate, hangovers, a failed parachute, writer's block and more, get your own copy of Lonely Planet's How To Survive Anything.
欲學習如何預防這種困境及如何戰勝核爆、撞見前任、吃到飽、殭屍攻擊、被綁架、一份爛工作、宿醉、壞掉的降落傘、創作時毫無靈感等等,買一本 Lonely Planet 出版的《 How to Survive Anything》吧!
A visual guide to laughing in the face of adversity.
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