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  • Purpose built as Australia’s capital city,


  • Canberra is a 3-hour drive from both the snowy mountains

    坎培拉距離白雪覆罩的 山岳

  • and the beautiful beaches of New South Wales.

    和新南威爾斯美麗海灘約 3 小時車程。

  • It is a city which honors Australia’s past and shapes its future.

    在這個城市可看見澳洲過去的榮景 也可看見未來的希望。

  • With an expansive bush beauty,


  • a relaxed attitude and colorful events,


  • Canberra is far more than a political capital.


  • Designed for a young nation that was just finding its feet,

    這個為剛站穩腳步的年輕 國家特別建設的城市,

  • this city is home to many of the country's most important stories;

    也是這個國家許多重大 歷史事件的發生地點;

  • stories that have come to define what it means to be Australian.

    這些故事的背後代表了 身為澳洲人的意義。

  • At the heart of Canberra’s creation story is Lake Burley Griffin.

    坎培拉的創建歷史 以伯利格里芬湖 (Lake Burley Griffin) 為中心。

  • A long-standing rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne

    雪梨和墨爾本兩個城市由於 長期競爭

  • meant that neither one could be the nation’s capital. Instead,

    致使兩者最後都無法成為 一國之都。 而

  • in 1911, the government launched an international design competition

    在 1911 年,政府發起了一個國際性 設計比賽

  • seeking a master plan for a brand new city.


  • The victor, Chicago architect Walter Burley Griffin,

    優勝者是芝加哥一位建築師名叫 沃爾特伯利格里芬 (Walter Burley Griffin),

  • won with a garden city design focused on a man-made lake which fits perfectly within

    他以一張花園都市設計圖獲勝, 特色是在造景之中完美鑲入

  • the landscape.


  • To understand the genius of the design, head to the lookout at Mt Ainslie,

    要深入了解都市設計特色, 前往安斯利山 (Mt Ainslie) 瞭望台

  • just a short drive from the center of town.


  • The shores of Lake Burley Griffin are home to the Parliamentary Triangle,

    國會三角區坐落於 伯利格里芬湖岸

  • a precinct filled with some of Australia’s most significant buildings

    這個行政區裡矗立著澳洲一些 最重要的建築物

  • that weave together Australia’s stories.


  • Parliament House, is a national icon,


  • that is instantly recognizable to all Australians.


  • Like the city itself, its design was the winner of an international competition.

    如同這座城市的設計一樣,該建物也是 國際競賽脫穎而出的優勝作品。

  • Although the center of political power in Australia,

    她雖是澳洲的政治 中心,

  • its approach to welcoming visitors is relaxed.


  • Take a tour and see history as it happens,


  • and then head up to the lawn-covered roof for sweeping views.

    然後前往草坪覆蓋的屋頂 一覽市景全貌。

  • Just a short stroll away is Old Parliament House.

    再走幾步路就可來到舊國會 大廈。

  • The corridors of this beloved building are a time capsule

    這棟建築物的走廊 仿佛是一個時間膠囊

  • of some of Australia’s most pivotal moments.


  • Walk into the Prime Minister’s office


  • which looks exactly as it did the day the government moved buildings in 1988.

    內部陳設和 1988 年政府剛遷入 這棟樓時一模一樣。

  • The building that houses the National Museum of Australia,

    澳洲國家博物館也 在此處

  • was designed around the theme of a jigsaw puzzle

    整個設計猶如一個 拼圖,

  • intertwining the many tales of Australia.


  • See a prototype of the Holden,


  • Australia’s first locally made car

    荷頓汽車 (Holden) 設計原型

  • and the enormous heart of Phar Lap,

    以及「發萊珀」(Phar Lap)

  • an Australian race horse that captured the imagination of the entire country.

    這匹引起全澳洲人注意的 傳奇馬王。

  • Throughout its history,


  • few characters have captured Australia’s imagination,

    也有幾位 傳奇人物,

  • like its most infamous outlaw, Ned Kelly.

    例如最聲名狼藉的逃犯奈德凱利 (Ned Kelly)。

  • Head to the National Gallery of Australia to see

    前往澳洲國立美術館 參觀

  • Sidney Nolan’s bushranger series

    西德尼諾蘭 (Sidney Nolan) 的叢林居民系列畫作

  • But for a true glimpse into the very essence of this land,

    但要看到本島的真正 精華,

  • spend some time amid the astonishing masterpieces


  • of some of the nation’s leading indigenous artists.

    國家級本土藝術家的 驚人傑作。

  • Visit the National Portrait Gallery to enjoy a stunning collection

    拜訪國家肖像畫廊 (National Portrait Gallery) 盡情觀賞一系列出色的

  • of portraits of prominent Australians


  • who have risen to the top of their fields.


  • From the talented duo behind the international fashion powerhouse Sass and Bide,

    從國際時尚工坊 Sass and Bide 背後 才華洋溢的天才雙人組

  • to Andy Thomas, the country’s most famous astronaut,

    到澳洲最著名太空人 安迪湯瑪斯 (Andy Thomas)

  • these pictures tell thousands of stories.


  • More incredible stories await, at the National Library.

    在國家圖書館還有更多不可思議的 故事等您去探索。

  • See Captain Cook’s original diary which accompanied him on his first historic voyage to Australia.

    查看隨庫克船長歷史性始航至 澳洲的日記原稿。

  • In 1770, Cook claimed this great southern land for England,

    在 1770 年時,庫克為英國奪取了這片美麗南方土地 所有權,

  • opening a European chapter in the country’s history.

    開啟了歐洲人登陸澳洲歷史的 篇章。

  • A little over 100 years later, the Commonwealth of Australia was established.

    100 多年之後 澳大利亞聯邦創立了。

  • At certain times of the year the National Archives of Australia

    在一年中的某些特定時間 澳洲國家檔案館會

  • display the original constitution, signed by Queen Victoria.

    展示維多利亞女王親筆簽名的 原版憲法。

  • Perhaps the most powerful monument in this city of stories,

    在這座城市的歷史中紀念性最強的 也許是

  • is the Australian War Memorial - a symbol of a young nation’s courage,

    澳大利亞戰爭紀念館 - 代表這個年輕國度勇敢、

  • sacrifice and willingness to defend its allies across the oceans.

    志願犧牲自我為跨海而來的 盟友提供防護的象徵。

  • Immerse yourself in the experience of war with a seamless blend of technology and storytelling.

    科技與故事陳述的無縫融合讓您 完全沈浸在戰爭體驗中。

  • With wall-sized touch screens and surround sound,

    整面牆的觸控式螢幕加上 環繞音效,

  • the heroic deeds that established Australia on the world stage come alive here.

    一件件將澳洲推向世界高台的 英勇事跡栩栩如生映入您眼前。

  • See a bullet-riddled landing boat from Gallipoli,


  • the campaign that gave birth to the ANZAC legend.

    澳洲與紐西蘭兵團 (ANZAC) 戰役的 登陸艇。

  • Experience a powerful reenactment of a bombing raid over Berlin featuring

    體驗當年轟炸柏林 的慘烈景況,主角是

  • G for George, a World War 2 Lancaster bomber.

    暱稱 G for George 的第二次世界大戰蘭開斯特轟炸機。

  • Stand before the Eternal Flame and the pool of reflection

    站在永恆的火焰 (Eternal Flame) 和 懷念池前

  • and read the roll of honour,


  • a poignant reminder of the tragedies of war.


  • If Canberra is passionate about honoring the nation’s history,

    如果說坎培拉在積極推崇 榮耀的國家史,

  • this young city is also creating new stories of innovation and cool.

    這座年輕城市同時也在創造 嶄新和酷炫的未來。

  • In inner-city suburbs like Braddon,

    在內城郊區如布拉登 (Braddon)

  • youll find innovative architecture,


  • hipster coffee shops, and microbreweries.


  • If you are traveling with kids,


  • Canberra also has many special things to offer.


  • Step back in time at the National Dinosaur Museum

    國家恐龍博物館將時間 拉回遠古時代

  • and see the animals that populated the earth around 150 million years ago.

    展示約一億五千萬年前 居住在地球上的動物。

  • Many of the country’s stories have been stamped into its currency.

    許多的國家歷史故事都 戳記在澳洲貨幣當中。

  • Visit the Royal Australian Mint to see where coins have been made for more than 50 years.

    拜訪皇家澳洲鑄幣廠 參觀看 50 年來鑄造錢幣的地方。

  • The nation’s future innovators could easily spend a day

    國家未來創新人才在 國家科學技術中心 (Questacon)

  • enjoying the interactive displays at


  • Questacon - the national science and technology centre

    盡情觀賞互動式 展示

  • When Burley Griffin designed this city,


  • he included many natural pockets to showcase the spectacular flora

    融入許多自然保護區 展現坎培拉多變季節

  • created by Canberra’s diverse seasons.


  • In autumn, see the city’s canopy explode in brilliant reds and oranges

    秋季時節從電訊塔 (Telstra Tower) 瞭望台觀看火紅亮橘的

  • from the viewing platform at Telstra Tower.


  • In spring, the whole city celebrates with Floriade,

    春季時節整座城市都在慶祝 花卉節,

  • an iconic event that has been going for almost 30 years.

    這個指標性的活動已有 30 年的歷史。

  • The city’s climate is also perfect for grape growing

    這座城市的氣候也很適合種植 葡萄,

  • and there are more than 30 boutique cellar doors on the city’s doorstep.

    在本城有超過 30 家精品 酒莊。

  • Enjoy a glass of wine overlooking this quintessentially Australian landscape.

    俯瞰典型的澳洲景觀時, 可一邊享用精釀葡萄美酒。

  • When, the nation’s Governor General stood in a dusty paddock in 1913

    當 1913 年國家總督 站在塵土飛揚的牧場

  • and announced the name of the new capital,


  • he told the nation that the city had, lying before it, a splendid destiny.

    他告訴全國人民眼前這座城市 會展開一個不同凡響的命運。

  • Over 100 years later, that destiny has been fulfilled

    100 多年後果然 在這個

  • in a city that preserves the great chapters of Australia’s history

    保留偉大的澳洲歷史篇章 的城市實現這個豪語

  • and continues to write the future pages of the nation’s story.

    並且繼續寫出國家末來 篇章。

Purpose built as Australia’s capital city,


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