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  • We are all followers of the Lord Jesus.

  • Why is this not enough to gain the way of eternal life?

  • The words of Lord Jesus in the Age of Grace were the way of repentance.

  • The returned Lord Jesus will express the truth

  • and give man the way of eternal life.

  • Only Christ of the last days can bestow the way of eternal life,

  • and only if we believe in Almighty God can we gain this truth and life.

  • Amen!

  • Everyone,

  • during this time, I've listened to the fellowship of the Church of Almighty God

  • and have read many of Almighty God's words.

  • When it comes to the inner truth of the Bible,

  • the relationship of God and the Bible, and how we should treat the Bible

  • as well as the true meaning of faith in God,

  • God's management plan to save humanity,

  • how to experience God's work,

  • how to seek truth and attain salvation and perfection,

  • and the right way to practice our faith

  • about all these things, I began to understand. (Amen.)

  • What Almighty God expresses is the truth and is the voice of God. (Amen.)

  • It is the word of the Holy Spirit to the churches. (Amen!)

  • I believe Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus. (Amen.)

  • This is great! The Lord has returned? This is so great!

  • Elder Liu, has the Lord really returned? (Yes!)

  • It's really true? (The Lord has returned.)

  • The Lord really has returned!

  • Impossible.

  • Amazing! I can't believe it!

  • If this is true, why didn't I see Him?

  • Please settle down, please settle down, I'll explain it.

  • Today, I've invited preachers of the Church of Almighty God

  • to talk to us, (Good! Great!)

  • to help us seek the truth and examine the true way,

  • so we can hear the voice of God, be brought before His throne,

  • be purified before the judgment seat of Christ and attain salvation.

  • Amen!

  • Welcome them!

  • If you have any questions, please ask any time.

  • They will fellowship and answer them for us. (Okay.)

  • Brother Gao. (Mm.)

  • Everyone, thanks be to God for giving us this opportunity

  • to gather together and fellowship. (Thanks be to God.)

  • Feel free to ask questions at any time.

  • Almighty God's word can resolve all our difficulties at any time.

  • Amen!

  • Brother Gao, in our last fellowship,

  • we learned about the true relationship between the Bible and God.

  • The Bible is the Bible, God is God.

  • They are different, and they can't be thought of as the same.

  • Praise God!

  • We should all hold God to be great and worship Him, obey Him, fear Him.

  • We can't use the Bible to replace Him. (Right.)

  • Man has blind faith in the Bible, seeing the Bible as equal to God.

  • This is simply blasphemous to God.

  • Yes.

  • But many people might be confused by this.

  • Since the Bible's a record of God's word and man's testimony,

  • why can't we receive eternal life from reading the Bible?

  • The Bible is a testimony to God's work and has been so beneficial to mankind.

  • Through reading the Bible,

  • man comes to acknowledge God as the Creator of all things;

  • he comes to learn of God's omnipotence and deeds how great they are.

  • Amen.

  • So since the Bible contains God's words,

  • why is the way of eternal life not found in the Bible?

  • Yes. Right. Why?

  • Everyone has yet to understand this aspect.

  • Brother Gao, please fellowship with us on this.

  • Yes, please fellowship with us.

  • That's right. Seeing as the Bible is so important to man,

  • why doesn't it have the way of eternal life? (Yeah, why?)

  • You say the Bible can't give eternal life,

  • so why do I have some doubts?

  • Please discuss this with me. (I do wonder that.)

  • You know, I also wonder this. Please fellowship with us.

  • Please let's hear it.

  • Brothers and sisters, with the Bible,

  • we understand that God is the Creator of all things.

  • It lets us see His wondrous deeds.

  • That's because the Bible is a testimony to God's past works.

  • It is a record of His word and work

  • and the testimony of man in the first two ages.

  • So of course, the Bible is important to our faith. (Yes.)

  • It's true, if not for the Bible,

  • how would man come to understand the words of the Lord?

  • How else could man know God's deeds and begin to develop his true faith?

  • Yeah.

  • If we don't read the Bible,

  • how else would we find the testimony of all the saints

  • throughout the ages obeying God?

  • So reading the Bible is essential to practicing faith,

  • and no believer of the Lord should go without reading it.

  • You could say he who goes astray from the Bible could not believe in the Lord.

  • Yeah. That's right. That's true.

  • The saints throughout the ages have verified this fact.

  • No one denies the value of the Bible when it comes to practicing faith.

  • So then, saints through the ages all agreed the Bible is very important

  • and should be read.

  • Some would say reading the Bible and praying are essential,

  • just like our two legs both are needed.

  • Mm. Yes, of course.

  • But the Lord Jesus has said,

  • Yes. Amen.

  • Well, some people are confused.

  • They think that since the Bible contains God's word and man's testimony,

  • reading the Bible should give man eternal life. (Right. Yes.)

  • Why is it the Lord Jesus said eternal life is not in the Bible?

  • Yeah, why did He say this?

  • What is that about?

  • Actually, it's not that hard to understand.

  • Just as long as we understand the inside story of God's work

  • in the Age of Law and Age of Grace

  • and what they each achieved,

  • we'll come to understand why we can't receive eternal life in the Bible.

  • First, let's look at the Age of Law.

  • In this age, Jehovah issued laws and commandments for man to follow.

  • His words were a guide for humanity which was newly born.

  • These words did not involve changing man's life disposition.

  • So God, during the Age of Law, aimed to make people follow and abide

  • by the laws and commandments.

  • And although these words were truth, this truth was superficial.

  • During the Age of Grace,

  • the Lord Jesus' words and work focused more instead on redemption.

  • His words were about redemption,

  • and they taught people they should confess their sins

  • and repent and refrain from evildoing,

  • and they taught how to pray

  • and demanded that man must love the Lord with all their heart and soul,

  • love their neighbor as themselves,

  • be tolerant and patient, and forgive others seventy times seven times, etc.

  • These are all included in the way of repentance.

  • Yes.

  • So then, by reading the Bible,

  • man understands the work of God in the Age of Law and the Age of Grace.

  • They learn that all things are created by God

  • and learn how to live on earth and how to worship God.

  • They understand what is sin, who are God's blessed and who are cursed by God.

  • They come to know how to confess their sins and repent.

  • They learn humility, forbearance, and forgiveness,

  • and how to take up the cross and follow Lord.

  • They learn about unlimited mercy and compassion of Lord Jesus, (Amen!)

  • and learn that only by coming before Lord Jesus in faith

  • will they enjoy His abundant grace and the truth.

  • Amen!

  • The words and work of God during the Age of Law and the Age of Grace

  • as written in the Bible

  • were the truth spoken by God according to His management plan

  • and the needs of mankind at that time.

  • These truths caused man to adopt some good behaviors,

  • but they were unable to solve the root of sin,

  • to change man's life disposition

  • or allow mankind to attain purification, salvation, and perfection.

  • Thus, the words said by the Lord Jesus in this age

  • can only be called the way of repentance,

  • not the way of eternal life.

  • Amen.

  • The Lord Jesus gave way of repentance, not way of eternal life.

  • You know, it all makes sense now.

  • Then what is the way of eternal life?

  • Well, let's hear his answer.

  • Brothers and sisters, so what is the way of eternal life?

  • The way of eternal life is the way of truth that lets man live forever;

  • the way that allows man to cast off the binds of his own sinful nature,

  • change his own disposition and gain the truth, the truth as life,

  • break free of Satan's influence and become compatible with Christ.

  • It allows man to know, obey, and revere God

  • so as to never again sin or oppose or betray God.

  • Only with this effect can it be called the way of eternal life. (Amen!)

  • Amen.

  • Man dies as a result of sin.

  • If man attains the truth as life and resolves his sin,

  • then of course God will bless him with eternal life. (Thanks be to God.)

  • So then, only by receiving salvation in the last days

  • can man enjoy the way of eternal life that God has given us.

  • Amen!

  • Thanks be to God.

  • I finally understand why the way of eternal life isn't in the Bible.

  • As it turns out, the Bible only records God's words and work

  • during the Age of Law and the Age of Grace,

  • is not the way of eternal life God expresses in the last days.

  • Of course you're right.

  • Without this fellowship today, we might never have realized.

  • Thanks be to God! (Right. Yes!)

  • The fellowship is clear today.

  • Thanks be to the Lord. This fellowship has been a great help to me.

  • The Bible is merely a record of the first two stages of God's work.

  • So if we only read the Bible, we cannot gain eternal life. (Yes.)

  • The Bible can't give eternal life. Of this, there is no doubt.

  • Thanks be to God.

  • But we believe, by following the Lord, we can achieve it. (Right.)

  • The Lord's own words back this up.

  • Amen.

  • This passage is the Lord Jesus' promise. (Yes.)

  • The Lord Jesus can grant eternal life.

  • His way is the way of eternal life. (Amen.)

  • However,

  • you testify that Christ of the last days brings us the way of eternal life.

  • I don't quite understand this.

  • We are all followers of the Lord Jesus.

  • Why is this not enough to gain the way of eternal life?

  • We can gain the way of eternal life this way, right?

  • My brothers, please fellowship on this issue.

  • Yes, fellowship. Let us know, please.

  • He's right. The Lord Jesus is Son of man. Is He not Christ?

  • The Bible says,

  • Didn't Lord Jesus have the way of eternal life?

  • By believing in the Lord Jesus,

  • we should then also have the way of eternal life.

  • So why do we also have to accept the words and work of Christ in the last days?

  • I'm also unsure of this. I'd like to learn more about this.

  • Yes, fellowship, please. We'd like to learn more.

  • Alright.

  • Everyone, the Lord Jesus is God become flesh, is God's appearance.

  • Amen.

  • The Bible says,

  • All these words are truth. They are fact.

  • Lord Jesus is God become flesh.

  • He has God's substance and identity.

  • He Himself is the way of eternal life. (Amen.)

  • All He says and does is a manifestation of God's life.

  • All He expresses is truth and what God is.

  • Amen.

  • So Lord Jesus Himself is eternal life

  • and can grant the way of eternal life. (Amen.)

  • He can bring the dead back to life.

  • By believing in Lord Jesus, the one true God, we can receive eternal life.

  • This is known fact. (Amen.)

  • There is proof in the resurrection of Lazarus,

  • proof that Lord Jesus can give us eternal life,

  • and He has this authority. (Amen!)

  • Then, why did Lord Jesus not grant way of eternal life in the Age of Grace?

  • Yeah. Right. Why is that?

  • Because Lord Jesus had to be nailed to the cross to redeem mankind,

  • not for the work of purification and salvation in the last days.

  • The Lord Jesus' work of redemption only pardoned man's sins,

  • but it did not rid man of his satanic nature and disposition.

  • So yes, with belief man was pardoned for his sins,

  • but his satanic nature was never cleansed.

  • Man still sins in spite of himself and betrays God.

  • Isn't this undeniable? (Indeed.)

  • Mm. Having said this, let's be clear on something.

  • Lord Jesus' work during the Age of Grace

  • paved the way for the judgment of the last days

  • so that after Lord Jesus completed the work of redemption,

  • He promised He would come again. (Oh …)

  • The Lord Jesus once said,

  • Amen!

  • From the words of Lord Jesus, we can see

  • only when the Lord comes again will He express all truth that saves man.

  • Here,

  • These truths are exactly the truths

  • that Almighty God of the last days expresses

  • in purifying and saving mankind. (Amen!)

  • They are the words the Holy Spirit says to the churches, (Amen.)

  • also the way of eternal life

  • which God in the last days gives to mankind. (Amen!)

  • That is why the Lord's followers

  • were unable to obtain eternal life in the Age of Grace.

  • Amen!

  • Oh

  • I see. Only the returned Lord Jesus can give the way of eternal life.

  • Yes, this fellowship made it so clear. (Yes, thanks be to God.)

  • Yes, praise Almighty God.

  • And the Bible also says,

  • However, the Lord said this to testify that He is God's appearance,

  • and only He can grant man eternal life.

  • The Lord Jesus' promise that those who believe in Him would never die

  • is a testimony to God's authority.

  • God Himself is the way of eternal life, (Amen.)

  • and He can grant us eternal life. (Amen!)

  • That's not to say

  • man receives eternal life only upon accepting Lord's work. (Right.)

  • I trust everyone understands this. (Yes.)

  • But many religious people think that

  • as long as their sins are forgiven, they'll enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • Is there basis for this found in the word of God?

  • No. There's not. There isn't.

  • Right. Lord Jesus never said anything like that.

  • Why don't we really think about it.

  • According to our imagination,

  • as long as our sins are forgiven, we can enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • But why did Lord Jesus prophesy that He would come again?

  • Yeah.

  • And why did He tell His disciples so many prophecies, so many parables?

  • These are things He is going to accomplish when He returns.

  • Can we believe in the Lord for years and still not know this?

  • Ah, yes.

  • We need this fellowship to understand.

  • If man only accepts the Lord but not His return, that's an issue.

  • Isn't this betraying the Lord? (It's true.)

  • No wonder Lord Jesus said,

  • Amen!

  • And now, the Lord's words come completely true.

  • If you accept the Lord Jesus but don't accept His return,

  • do you really believe in the Son? (No, we don't.)

  • This is betrayal of the Lord.

  • True believers in the Son refer to those

  • who not only believe in the Lord but accept His return,

  • following Christ to the end.

  • Only they can gain eternal life. (Amen!)

  • Those who believe in Lord Jesus but reject Almighty God

  • are people who betray Lord Jesus.

  • They believe in the Lord

  • but because they don't follow God to the end,

  • their belief is for nothing, and they fail.

  • Yes, of course.

  • The Lord Jesus has determined that they are evildoers

  • because they only acknowledge His name,

  • but they don't accept His return.

  • He had said,

  • Amen.

  • Those people who are condemned and cast out by the Lord,

  • those who only keep His name,

  • how can they gain eternal life? (No, they can't. It's impossible.)

  • Yes. It is known they'll gain nothing.

  • They will descend into hell and suffer.

  • This is proof of God's righteous, holy disposition.

  • Don't you think that's the case?

  • Yes!

  • Brother Gao was right.

  • We once read the Lord's words,

  • I always thought belief in Lord Jesus gave man eternal life.

  • But after this fellowship, I understand more now. (Yes. Thanks be to God!)

  • Not only must we believe in Him, we must also accept His return.

  • Then we'll have eternal life! (Amen!)

  • Now I see how important it is to accept the work of the returned Lord Jesus.

  • That's right, we can't miss this opportunity! (That's right!)

  • We can't! Praise God.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • we all know this fact that even though man accepted Lord's redemption,

  • and their sins were forgiven and they were given the right to pray to God

  • and enjoy His grace and blessings,

  • it can't be denied that man is still being controlled

  • by their nature of sinning.

  • Yes, that's right.

  • And they're incapable of practicing Lord's word, obeying and revering God.

  • Man often still lies and deceives God, (Yes.)

  • they seek fame and fortune,

  • lust for wealth and follow worldly trends. (Mm.)

  • Especially when the work of God is not in line with man's notions,

  • mankind blames, resists God, judges God.

  • These people can't even really repent.

  • So can they obtain the Lord's approval?

  • Absolutely not.

  • How can they gain Lord's approval without repenting? (I agree.)

  • Though many men are able to testify and be martyred for the Lord,

  • and all have even truly repented,

  • in all honesty, have they been cleansed so that they may attain holiness?

  • No, they haven't. Definitely not. They haven't.

  • So have they truly known the Lord? (No.)

  • Are they rid of Satan's influence and gained by God? (No, they are not.)

  • Right, they are not. This is known fact.

  • This proves the work of Lord Jesus in the Age of Grace was for redemption,

  • not salvation and perfection of the last days.

  • The words of Lord Jesus in the Age of Grace were the way of repentance,

  • not the way of eternal life. (Amen.)

  • That's why Lord Jesus said that He would come again.

  • The returned Lord Jesus will express the truth

  • and give man the way of eternal life. (Amen!)

  • So then, they can break free from Satan's influence and gain truth as life,

  • and they become men who know God, obey God, and are compatible with Him.

  • So they can enter the kingdom of heaven. (Amen!)

  • Based on Lord Jesus' redemption,

  • Almighty God has commenced the work of judgment starting from God's house

  • and has expressed all truths to purify and save mankind.

  • He has revealed God's righteous, majestic, unoffendable disposition, (Amen!)

  • judged and exposed man's corruption by Satan.

  • He has unearthed the root of man's rebellion

  • and told man all of God's intentions and requirements.

  • Also, He's told mankind all truths we need to achieve salvation,

  • including the inside story and essence of three stages of God's work

  • and the relationship of these stages,

  • the difference between the work of God and the work of man,

  • the truth of the Bible,

  • the mystery of the judgment of the last days, the rapture of the wise virgins,

  • perfecting people into overcomers before the disasters,

  • and God becoming flesh, what is to truly believe in, obey, and love God,

  • how to revere God and shun evil, be compatible with Christ,

  • and how to live a life of meaning and so on.

  • These truths are the way of eternal life

  • and are all bestowed by God to mankind in the last days. (Amen!)

  • The truths from Almighty God are the way of eternal life.

  • Within the religion, that's something we could never attain. (Yes.)

  • So then,

  • if we want to attain truth and life, salvation, and also be perfected,

  • then we must accept and obey the words and work of Almighty God. (Amen!)

  • This is the only way that man may attain truth and life. (Amen!)

  • Thanks be to God!

  • Let us look at the words of Almighty God. (Yes.)

  • Brother, may we have a book of God's word? (Of course.)

  • The word of Almighty God.

  • Brother Chen, can you please hand these out? (Certainly.)

  • We'd like one over here, please!

  • Sister, yeah, we need some over here! (Oh, thanks.)

  • May I have one as well?

  • This is wonderful.

  • The word of Almighty God!

  • This is God's word.

  • Please turn to page 1459. (Yes.)

  • Amen.

  • Turn to page 1460.

  • Amen!

  • Amen.

  • Amen!

  • Almighty God has explained the path

  • for us to gain truth and the everlasting life so clearly,

  • and told us explicitly what will be the end result for us

  • if we only cling to the Bible and don't accept Christ of the last days. (Yes!)

  • How ignorant would we be to not accept Almighty God! (Yes! Indeed.)

  • Yes. Because we have heard the voice of God,

  • we can't cling to the Bible anymore. (Amen!)

  • We must accept and obey the words and work of God in the last days! (Amen!)

  • Yes.

  • Now, I understand what the Bible means

  • by "He that believes on the Son has everlasting life."

  • Thanks be to God!

  • "Believing on the son" also means

  • believing in the second coming of the Lord Jesus, (Amen!)

  • accepting all the truths of Christ of the last days. (Amen!)

  • Only in this way can we gain the way of eternal life. (Amen!)

  • Thanks be to Almighty God!

  • Thanks be to God!

  • Almighty God has expressed truths

  • which will purify and save mankind in the last days. (Amen!)

  • These words are abundant, comprehensive and give all the sustenance we need.

  • They open our eyes and give us knowledge, (Amen.)

  • letting us see Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. (Amen.)

  • Christ is the way of eternal life. (Amen!)

  • The words that God expresses in the Age of Kingdom reach far beyond anything

  • that was said in the Age of Law and the Age of Grace. (Mm. Yes.)

  • Especially, as in "God's Utterances to the Entire Universe"

  • in The Word Appears in the Flesh,

  • God makes Himself known for the first time.

  • It is also the first time

  • humankind hears the Creator's utterances to all of man. (Amen!)

  • This has sent shockwaves through the entire universe

  • and opened the eyes of man.

  • This is the work of judgment

  • before the great white throne in the last days. (Amen!)

  • The Age of Kingdom is when God does His work of judgment,

  • and God's righteous disposition is made manifest to all mankind. (Amen!)

  • So, in the Age of Kingdom,

  • God expresses His word, judging, purifying and perfecting man.

  • He'll send down disasters.

  • The bad will be punished, the good rewarded.

  • We will see God's righteousness, majesty, and wrath.

  • Amen!

  • Truths from Almighty God aim to purify, save and perfect mankind

  • and are the way of eternal life in the last days. (Amen!)

  • These truths are the water of life which flows from the throne. (Amen!)

  • It's great! (So great.)

  • Thanks be to God. (Mm. Thanks be to God.)

  • So then, to attain the way of eternal life

  • and rapture into the kingdom of heaven,

  • man must accept the work of judgment of Almighty God,

  • Christ of the last days, (Amen!)

  • as well as the judgment and chastisement of His words. (Amen.)

  • This way, they can gain the work of the Holy Spirit, (Amen.)

  • understand and gain the truth,

  • and then be purified and be saved. (Amen.)

  • Only those who undergo God's judgment in the last days

  • are entitled to enter the kingdom of heaven. (Amen.)

  • This is absolutely a fact. (Amen.)

  • Therefore, if some continue to hold onto their religious notions,

  • in the end, they will suffer loss. (Right.)

  • The wise virgins focus on the truth and hear God's word,

  • and the foolish virgins keep to the letters of the Bible

  • and their own imaginations.

  • Those men don't hear God's voice, they don't seek the truth.

  • But one day, they'll fall into disaster, and they will suffer.

  • They won't be able to escape. (Yeah.)

  • Those who do not accept Almighty God will all fall into disasters and suffer.

  • God has ordained this. It cannot be changed. (Amen!)

  • Those who condemn the work of Almighty God in the last days

  • have been revealed by God to be antichrists in the last days.

  • They will be punished for all eternity,

  • and they have lost their chance to ever meet God. (Yes. That's right.)

  • It is clear the work of Almighty God is to classify man according to kind

  • and bring the age to an end. (Amen!)

  • Today, we are able to accept Almighty God's work,

  • and we have received His grace and mercy.

  • We have been raised up by Him. (Amen!)

  • We should give thanks to Almighty God. (Thanks be to God!)

  • Praise God.

  • Praise Almighty God!

  • We should truly thank Almighty God.

  • We are really blessed. Amen!

  • I thank God for His grace.

  • Recently, with the help of the fellowship here,

  • I've come to understand the truth.

  • As for God's three-stage work of salvation, substance of Christ

  • and the source of truth and life as well as the way of eternal life,

  • all of these I understand finally! (Amen!)

  • Truths of Almighty God are abundant for us, are full sustenance from God.

  • I know no matter what difficulties and questions we have,

  • we can always find the answer and resolution in the words of Almighty God.

  • The more I read these words, the more I am sure

  • Almighty God is the embodiment of the Spirit of truth. (Amen!)

  • He guides us to understand the truth in a practical way, (Amen!)

  • and provides for our every need. (Yes.)

  • Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, (Amen!)

  • and comes bearing the way of eternal life. (Amen!)

  • Thanks be to Almighty God! (Thanks be to God!)

  • Praise God!

  • Praise God!

  • I've learned so much from the words of Almighty God

  • just in the past few days alone.

  • You could say, I learned more now than in decades of faith before.

  • Almighty God has opened the door to every truth and mystery

  • and clarified His management plan, mystery of the incarnation,

  • and the inside story of the Bible for all of us to finally understand.

  • Yes.

  • The words of Almighty God have solved so many things for me in faith,

  • lettingletting me no longer be blind, blindly worshiping the Bible,

  • but learning the Bible does not have eternal life.

  • Only Christ is the life, the truth, and the way. (Amen!)

  • Only Christ of the last days can bestow the way of eternal life,

  • and only if we believe in Almighty God can we gain this truth and life. (Amen!)

  • And now I … I feel very strongly

  • that only belief in God incarnate and experiencing His words and work

  • qualifies as true belief in God.

  • It lets us know the truth, truly understand Him and obey Him. (Amen!)

  • In this way, we'll receive God's approval. (Amen!)

  • Praise God!

We are all followers of the Lord Jesus.

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福音電影《聖經與神》(5)--末世的基督帶來了永生之路。 (Gospel Movie "The Bible and God" (5) - Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Way of Eternal Life)

  • 39 9
    Fabre Maria posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary