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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that you,
yes, YOU, watching this right now, are an introvert.
How do I know this?
Because you're watching YouTube videos instead of being outside.
*rip computer xd*
Don't worry, I'm an introvert too.
I got an email from an 8 year old once,
he said he liked my videos,
it was one of the worst emails I ever got. (wow james)
So I'm just gonna briefly explain what introvert means to
all the 8 year olds watching this.
Hey, kids!!
Are you ready to learn? (no)
An introvert is a person who doesn't really like to play with other kids.
This doesn't make them sad that they're lonely-
They just would, rather play by themselves.
Think of it this way;
has your friend ever asked you to play with them
but you didn't really want to
so you asked you mum to make up a reason for you not to go
If so then you're probably an introvert.
Or you just need better friends.
Me and my mom had a code-word
so if a friend was on the phone who wanted to hangout
I would say, "Let me ask my mom"
and when I asked her and I said the code-word it meant;
"Mom, make up an excuse so I can't go."
I'm not gonna say the codeword because I still plan on using it.
I actually made a comic kinda similar to this
back in 2014, and it's one of my most popular comics
so thanks for liking it.
Obviously it would be one of my most popular comics,
I mean look how great it is. (p.s. It's not that great.)
Michael, the creator of VSauce-
-Hey VSauce! Michael here.
has this new YouTube Red show called mindfield.
And as of right now, it's the best YouTube Red series.
And in the first episode,
Michael goes into an isolation room for 3 days.
He has no technology, he is all by himself for 3 days. (a.k.a. torture)
When I first saw this, I thought - *thinking James activated*
Hey, maybe I should try that!
YEA! 3 days of nothing but your own thoughts.
I could think of comic ideas, I could write a book...
And I don't even have to write any of these ideas down,
because everything I say is being recorded!
Also, speaking of YouTube Red...
Hey, Susan, I heard you had a new spot open for a Red series!
I have this great idea called "YouTuber swap",
it's like wife swap, but with YouTubers.
Just hit me up if you're interested. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Now, don't get the wrong idea that I'm someone who hates people.
*plot twist alert* I don't.
It's just, if we're strangers,
then I would rather not talk to you.
Unless you're a stranger who's a fan of my videos.
Ok, we can talk about me ALL DAY.
Bringing up a point from the last video,
don't be afraid to talk to me.
You know, every YouTuber is in a weird position
with their fans, because if you meet me,
you already have a pretty good idea of who I am as a person.
For instance, you know how long I wet the bed. ( until you were 8)
But for me, I have no clue how long YOU wet the bed.
What are we talking about?
I'm okay with having a conversation with people.
It's just that, I'm never the one who starts
the conversation.
But again, this doesn't apply to fans.
I like to think that I'm decent with conversation,
but I don't really know how good I am at it.
I did fail public speaking.
But on occasion,
there are times when it's awkward NOT to talk
to a stranger.
One time in my college years,
I got on an elevator to go to a class,
and another person got on with me.
I live a pretty crazy life, I know.
And I did what anyone SHOULD do in that situation.
I didn't say anything to the other person.
But then when we got on our floor-
You know how the elevator doors are suPPOSED
to open?
Well this time, it didn't.
The doors didn't open.
And it wasn't one of those elevators
that you could fit a king-sized bed into,
this elevator was about the size of a redbox. ( thats a small elevator)
Is the... is the door gonna open?
*smacks lips*
Seems like it should open by now.
What do you do in that situation? (press the emergency button)
You can't NOT talk to the person
you're now trapped with.
So... what class are you going to?
Oh, that makes sense,
'cause this is a science building.
*chuckles nervously*
Enough time had passed where we started looking up
the school's number to tell them that we were stuck.
Which is what you're supposed to do, right?
There's not like, a button on the elevator
that you can press to call for help, right? (Mhmm)
But luckily, while we were doing that for WHATEVER reason,
after a solid 2 minutes, the door decided to open.
And just the WAAAVE of relief that went over me
and this kid.
-I hope I never see you again.
And that's why I'm never going in an elevator again.
It's too risky.
I think the problem I have
is that I'm bad at STARTING coversations.
Normally, if I'm talking to someone who I don't know,
I'll ask, "So, how was your day?"
But if your day was anything BUT good,
I don't wanna hear it.
*Deep sigh*
-My dog died :(
Yeah, they do that.
Why is starting a conversation so hard?
I only know like, 3 good conversation starters.
The first one is,
"How was your day?"
And if that doesn't work,
I start talking about all this CRAZY weather we're having.
And in Arizona, there's really only one weather;
Although it DID rain like 2 weeks ago.
And lastly, if I have NOTHING else to ask,
I hit them with the really hard question.
"What colour's your toothbrush?" (lol)
Mine's red.
To start a conversation,
sometimes people will ask,
I have nothing against these type of questions,
I think it tells you lot about the person you're talking to,
but there's one form of this question that I REALLY hate.
And it's the question...
What's your favorite candy bar?
And I hate this question,
because my favorite candy bar-
and I will stick by my answer no matter what you think-
... is M & M's.
That's not a candy bar...
*T R I G G E R E D*
What an astute observation!
I'm a very simple man, alright?
I like my chocolate pure.
Sometimes when people ask this, I think,
"Aagh, I should just say 'Twix', people won't get mad
if I say 'Twix'."
But then I remember,
SCREW Twix, I like M & M's.
-But James, why don't you just say 'Hershey's' bar?
Because Hershey's makes a mess on your hands,
and they don't come in a convenient bite-sized pieces,
while M & M's hard outer shell improves their overall TEXTURE!
I had a friend tell me,
"Well James, I really like Smarties, (gross)
but I know they're not a bar,
so I don't say they're my favourite candy BAR."
First of all dude,
Smarties, really? That's your favourite candy?
And second of all,
the person asking the question honestly doesn't care
what my answer is.
Why are you asking such a specific question?
You're excluding so much other candy.
Candy BARS are exclusively chocolate.
What if my favourite candy ISN'T chocolate?
What if it's-
Smarties? (no)
Woah, did you guys just see what I just did there?
I was talking about M & M's for like, a whole minute!
I was having a CONVERSATION! (congrats!)
All because I was arguing why M& M's
are my favourite candy bar!
So that's it!
That's how you talk to people.
You disagree with everything they say and then
argue about it. (great way to make friends)
So everyone watching,
argue about your favourite candy bar down in the comments.
Here's some fun little Odd 1s Out trivia!
I record the audio for these endcards LAST.
Also, you might notice some caterpillar fanart,
and if you don't get that reference,
then you should probably follow me on Twitter.
Okay, it's not that much of a reference.
I just drew this picture of a caterpillar
and I posted it on Twitter.
I don't know if you can tell, but I'm a little sick right now.
I wanted to finish this video and post it yesterday,
but then I thought,
"I'm sick, I can take sick days."
So my crappy immune system delayed this video
a whole DAY.
So thanks for nothing, immune system.
I don't know if you saw the store update video,
but I got 2 new plushies, it's pretty crazy.
If you buy both of them together then it's only $20.
What a deal.
Also, I just wanted to say hi to my friend-
"SomeThingElseYT", I think he's a cool dude.
I asked him to voice one of the characters in my video.
So that's why my voice got all deep and sexy
for a little bit.
Also, I just want to say hi to "TimTom".
I've mentioned him before, and I've even
drew him in the background of a couple of my videos.
Well, he made the "James' Clubhouse" intro
with all the sparkles at 0:26,
And it actually took him 2 hours to do that.
He's a pretty slow dude.
So instead of paying him ACTUAL money,
I'm just gonna say, thanks TimTom!
And that'll be worth 2 hours of his life.
Thanks, TimTom!
Alright, that's all I wanted to say.
Eat healthy, go to bed, and wear your seatbelt.