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Today, we're going to see what other food we can cut with an egg slicer
I'm using this metal one because i'ts nice and strong
We're going to start with something easy, like butter
Just open up the slicer,
and you can sit a nice big piece on top.
And, because it's relatively soft,
the slicer cuts through it like,
well, like butter.
it gives you these nice even slices
and you can pick them up, and put them in a dish
to serve on the table with breakfast
The next thing we're going to try is hot dog sausages
just lay one across the slicer,
and bring the arm down
it breaks off the sausage, and cuts the rest into nice even slices
then... you can do the same again
and keep going until you get to the end
these slices make a perfect pizza topping
next, we're going to try slicing up a courgette
sadly, you do need to use a knife to chop iti nto segments first
but then, you can take a piece, and run it through the slicer to give you these nice even pieces
and what is cool, is you can even chop it this way around to give you some variation
it does make chopping things really easy, and it gives you that nice uniform thickness
and you can even use it for canned potatoes, or if you've boiled your own
It cuts straight through them
And you can use these pieces to get a nice quick snack!
Heat up a frying pan
And melt a piece of your butter
Add some slices of potatoe
And abit more butter if you want too
slowly fry them off
Then throw in some courgette
and I'm also adding some slices of hot dog sausage
Fry it all of gently
and keep turning it
and after a few minutes it should be cooked and ready to serve!
pretty cool huh?
if you like you could take some feta cheese
break yourself off abit
and cut it into strips with your slicer
you can spread some out on top of your food to give it some extra flavour!
and its ready to serve
the whole thing is really quick to make and is really tasty
if you want to see what else you cut with an egg slicer
you can take a look at my other video!
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stay safe! have fun!
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