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  • The Hungarian capital, Budapest,


  • is situated on the banks of the Danube in Central Europe.

    坐落在中歐的 多瑙河岸

  • It’s the political, economic and cultural heart of the nation,

    布達佩斯是匈牙利的政治、經濟 與文化中樞

  • and one of the most beautiful and livable cities on the continent.

    也是歐洲大陸最美麗宜居的 城市之一

  • For centuries this has been a tale of two cities,


  • the city of Buda rising from the steep western hills,


  • and Pest, stretching away into the flat plains of the East.

    和東邊寬廣平原上的城市 佩斯

  • The Danube kept these two cities apart until 1873,

    多瑙河將這兩座城市一分為二,直到 1873 年

  • when the first of Budapest’s seven bridges began stitching the two halves into one.

    布達佩斯七座大橋中的第一座 開始將這兩座城市連結為一

  • This tale of two cities has been one of destruction and renewal too.

    兩座城市的故事也記載了拆毀 和重建的歷程

  • Just as the Danube’s waters have coursed through Budapest,

    如同多瑙河流經 布達佩斯

  • so too have the great tides of European history, often gracefully,

    歐洲歷史的浪潮也同樣沖刷過這座城市 浪潮時而優雅平靜

  • but sometimes with ferocious force.


  • Budapest is a big city, and navigating its


  • patchwork of districts can be as challenging


  • as understanding its complex history.


  • For a sweeping overview, head to the Citadella on the Buda side of the Danube,

    如果想鳥瞰城市全景,可以到多瑙河西邊的布達 登上蓋勒特山

  • and take in the views from the 19th century ramparts on Gellért Hill.

    在茲塔德拉這座 19 世紀壁壘上 一覽城市風貌

  • Just upriver from the Citadella is Budapest’s oldest area,

    從茲塔德拉再往上游走 就是布達佩斯最古老的區域

  • The Castle District, which is filled with medieval,


  • baroque and 19th century buildings.

    巴洛克風格和 19 世紀建築

  • Ride the 150 year-old funicular up Castle Hill to Buda Castle.

    搭乘有 150 年歷史的登山纜車登上城堡山 來到布達城堡

  • First built in the 13th century the castle has been home to Hungarian kings,

    這座城堡最初於 13 世紀建造 曾經是匈牙利國王的住所

  • a stronghold for Ottoman armies, and headquarters for an elite German Commando Unit.

    鄂圖曼帝國軍隊的堡壘 還有精銳德國突擊隊的總部

  • Over the last seven hundred years,

    過去 700 年來

  • the castle complex has been reduced to rubble by wars and rebuilt in peacetime many times over.

    城堡建築群曾多次遭戰爭摧毀,淪為廢墟 又多次在承平時期重建

  • At the northern end of castle hill rises the


  • defiant spire of Matthias Church,


  • which served as a mosque during the 150 years of Ottoman rule.

    在鄂圖曼統治的 150 年間 曾做為清真寺使用

  • Step from the church and onto the terraces of Fisherman’s Bastion,

    從馬加什教堂可以漫步到 漁人堡的看臺

  • whose seven towers represent the seven Magyar Tribes

    這裡有 7 座塔樓代表在 19 世紀建立匈牙利的

  • who founded the Hungarian nation in the ninth century.

    7 個馬扎爾人部落

  • In medieval times, fishwives peddled their wares here;

    在中世紀時期 魚販會在這裡兜售漁獲

  • today the fanciful terraces are yet another great place to catch views across the city.

    而現在,這座精雕細琢的看臺是另一個 鳥瞰城市景色的好地方

  • Once youve explored the heights of Castle Hill,


  • stroll across another of Budapest’s iconic landmarks to the Pest side of the city.

    可以橫越多瑙河來到東邊的佩斯 造訪城市另一邊的知名地標

  • Crossing the Danube wasn’t always this easy,


  • for centuries travellers were at the mercy of the watersmoods.

    幾世紀以來,人們只能看河水 陰晴不定的臉色

  • In 1820 a young count vowed to create a bridge after winter ice flows prevented him

    在 1820 年冬天,河上布滿浮冰,一位年輕伯爵 因此來不及參加敬愛父親的葬禮

  • from attending the funeral of his beloved father.

    因此他誓言要建造一座 跨河大橋

  • Thirty years on, The Szechenyi Chain Bridge was completed.

    30 年後,塞切尼鏈橋 完工啟用

  • Hailed at the time as one of the world’s engineering wonders,

    塞切尼鏈橋當時被譽為 世界工程奇觀

  • the bridge was just one of many achievements which earned István Széchenyi the title of

    除了這項造橋工程,伊斯特凡·塞切尼 還有許多偉大成就,人們因此稱他為

  • The Greatest Hungarian.


  • Once youve crossed the river,


  • follow the riverbank upstream to Hungary’s Parliament Building.

    沿著河岸往上游走,可以來到 匈牙利國會大廈

  • Lovingly constructed from 40 million bricks,

    這座建築是由 4,000 萬塊磚頭

  • half a million precious stones and 88 pounds of gold,

    50 萬顆寶石 和 88 磅黃金精心打造

  • this architectural masterpiece holds the hopes and dreams of the nation.

    這座建築鉅作承擔了國家的 希望和夢想

  • It’s also the home of The Hungarian Crown Jewels, which have been hidden,

    而匈牙利王權的象徵物也珍藏於此 王權珍寶曾多次遭藏匿

  • lost, stolen and returned many times over.


  • Join a tour to see the crown of Hungary’s first king, St Stephen,

    不妨來趟導覽行程,參觀匈牙利第一位國王 聖伊什特萬的王冠

  • which after being kept in America’s Fort Knox for safekeeping

    在冷戰期間 此王冠曾由美國的

  • throughout much of the Cold War,


  • now takes pride of place beneath the Parliament’s central dome.

    現在安置在國會大廈最重要的位置 即其中央大圓頂的下方

  • The Parliament Building is home to around 100 statues,

    國會大樓內外有大約 100 座雕像

  • but none is more cherished than that of former Prime Minister, Imre Nagy.

    其中最受人民珍愛的就是前總理 納吉·伊姆雷的雕像

  • In 1956 Nagy enraged the Soviets by announcing his country’s withdrawal

    納吉在 1956 年宣布匈牙利 退出華沙公約

  • from the Warsaw Pact,


  • sparking a gallant but doomed uprising


  • which cost him and thousands of Hungarians their lives.

    納吉和上千匈牙利人 因此喪生

  • Just a short walk downriver from the Parliament Building


  • is a sobering memorial to another of the city’s darkest chapters.

    可以來到嚴肅的紀念地,這裡述說著城市的 另一段黑暗歷史

  • In 1944, thousands of Budapest’s citizens, many of them Jews,

    在 1944 年,上千名布達佩斯居民 大多為猶太人

  • were executed here by the ruling fascist party.


  • 60 pairs of iron shoes, lined up along the riverbank,

    60 雙鐵鞋 排列在河岸

  • pay tribute to those who were shot and swept into the night by the Danube’s currents.

    紀念那些遭槍殺並在深夜被丟入 多瑙河急流中的受害者

  • Despite the horrors of World War Two,


  • today’s Budapest has one of the largest Jewish populations in Europe.

    相較於歐洲其他城鎮,現今的布達佩斯 有著全歐洲數一數二多的猶太人口

  • Lose yourself in the Jewish quarter,


  • an area undergoing renewal thanks to its colorful cafe and bar scene.

    受惠於許多繽紛的咖啡館和酒吧紛紛冒出 使本區正以不同風貌蛻變新生

  • Then pay your respects at The Dohany Street Synagogue,

    接著可以到 煙草街會堂致意

  • the largest Jewish house of worship in Europe.

    這座會堂是歐洲最大的猶太 宗教場所

  • Budapest is home to over 200 museums.

    布達佩斯還有超過 200 間的博物館

  • The nation’s most important, The Hungarian National Museum,

    全國最重要的博物館 匈牙利國家博物館

  • lies just to the south of the Jewish Quarter.


  • Here you can explore over 1000 years of Hungarian history,

    您可以在此探索超過 1,000 年的 匈牙利歷史

  • from the days of the Magyars, to the Stalinist era and beyond.

    從馬扎爾人時期 史達林時期到近代

  • But this is more than just a building dedicated to the past,

    匈牙利國家博物館不只 紀念過去

  • this is a place where history was made.


  • In 1848 the first calls for revolution rang out from these very steps,

    在 1848 年,第一波革命聲浪 就始於博物館前的階梯

  • inspiring Hungarians to rise and throw off the shackles of their Austrian overlords.

    鼓舞匈牙利人起身,勇敢要求脫離 奧地利帝國的統治

  • Like so many of this city’s historic buildings,


  • the story of St Stephen’s is filled with drama.


  • The basilica took 54 years to complete.

    這座聖殿共花了 54 年才蓋造完畢

  • It would have been finished years earlier had a storm not caused the dome to collapse,

    原本應該早好幾年完工 但一場風暴侵襲,導致聖殿圓頂倒塌

  • forcing the builders to demolish the entire basilica and start from scratch.

    迫使建築工人拆除整座聖殿 重頭開始建造

  • Thankfully the new dome has held firm now for over a century,

    幸好新的圓頂 100 多年來 都屹立不搖

  • a reassuring thought as you take in the views from its top.

    您儘管放心在聖殿頂部俯瞰 城市美景

  • From St Stephen’s, allow yourself to be swept up Andrassy Avenue,

    離開聖伊什特萬聖殿後 不妨逛逛安德拉什大街

  • a world heritage listed boulevard


  • lined with exquisite neo-renaissance architecture and grand cafes.

    隨處可見精緻的新文藝復興建築 和宏偉的咖啡館

  • Not far from St Stephen’s is another temple,


  • this one celebrating the European gods of music.


  • Even though the curtains first opened at The Hungarian State Opera House over 130 years ago,

    雖然匈牙利國家歌劇院 早在 130 多年以前就開幕啟用

  • the acoustics here are still considered among the world’s finest.

    但表演廳的音響效果仍維持極為出色 且全球頂尖的水準

  • Andrassy Avenue continues to flow to the north-east,


  • through Franz Liszt Square,


  • dedicated to the city’s most revered musical son,


  • before finally opening out onto Heroes Square.


  • Gaze up at Hungary’s seven founding Magyar chieftains,

    抬頭仰望 7 位創建匈牙利的 馬扎爾族長雕像

  • and pause for a few moments at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

    在無名戰士墓前駐足 哀悼片刻

  • Heroes Square is the gateway to City Park,


  • which in 1896 was the centerpiece of Hungary’s millennium celebrations.

    全城在 1896 年曾以此為中心 慶祝匈牙利建國千年

  • As part of festivities, Vajdahunyad Castle was created,

    為了慶典活動,布達佩斯還修建了 沃伊達奇城堡

  • a temporary attraction made from cardboard and wood

    這個臨時景點最初是由紙板和 木材打造

  • showcasing the evolution of Hungarian architecture.


  • The castle proved so popular that it was later rebuilt in stone,

    由於這座城堡大受歡迎 後來便用石頭重建

  • and today houses an agriculture museum,


  • a fascinating tribute to the Hungarian peoplesclose connection with the land.

    紀念匈牙利人民與這片土地 密不可分的關係

  • City Park is also the home of The Széchenyi Thermal Baths,

    城市公園內還有 塞切尼溫泉浴場

  • a vast water palace of pools, saunas, steam cabins and massage rooms.

    這是由游泳池、三溫暖、蒸氣室 和按摩室組成的大型溫泉宮殿

  • Budapest lies across a network of over 125 thermal springs.

    布達佩斯坐落在由 125 座溫泉 組成的溫泉群上

  • The Romans took advantage of these warm medicinal waters over two thousand years ago,

    羅馬人在 2,000 多年以前,就知道如何利用 此地具療癒效果的溫泉

  • as did the Turks who later built lavish bathhouses on the Buda side of the city at Gellért.

    後來土耳其人也在布達市這一側 修建了蓋勒特浴場

  • By the 1930s, Budapest was known throughout the world as the city of Spas.

    到了 1930 年代,布達佩斯溫泉之城的稱號 已舉世聞名

  • For many in Budapest, “taking the watersis a weekly ritual.

    對許多布達佩斯居民來說,泡溫泉已是 每週例行活動

  • These are the places locals go to rejuvenate their bodies, spirits,

    當地人會在溫泉浴場讓身體和心靈 都好好充電

  • and connections with loved ones and friends.


  • Whether it’s the sparkling Danube or the thermal springs,

    無論是波光蕩漾的多瑙河 或是復甦身心的溫泉

  • there’s something truly special in the water here that’s helped Budapest absorb some

    水泉特有的療癒和洗滌功效 幫助布達佩斯度過了

  • of history’s most turbulent passages,


  • and re-emerge renewed.


  • So when youre ready to experience moments of reflection,

    如果您想要體驗沉靜反思 靈感湧現的感覺

  • inspiration, and sublime beauty, come to Budapest,

    或是欣賞壯麗美景 不妨來一趟布達佩斯

  • one of the world’s great cities.


  • Youre sure to come away rejuvenated too.


The Hungarian capital, Budapest,


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