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The Cambridge English Scale is the new and enhanced way we will be reporting results
Cambridge English Scale 是全新進階的成績報告方式
for some of our exams from 2015.
適用於2015 年起的特定考試
It builds on the way we currently report results and is based on many years of research.
It will provide simpler, clearer and more detailed results.
What is the Cambridge English Scale?
何謂 Cambridge English Scale?
The Cambridge English Scale is a range of scores used to report results
Cambridge English Scale 為成績報告專用的分數級別
for Cambridge English exams.
為 Cambridge English 考試量身打造
You may be familiar with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
您可能熟知歐洲語言共同架構 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
or CEFR.
It is the international standard for describing ability in languages
CEFR 是表示語言能力的國際標準
and is a broad reference scale of language proficiency.
The Cambridge English Scale is designed to complement the CEFR.
Cambridge English Scale 旨在使 CEFR 更加完善
The difference is that the scale gives a more detailed result than the CEFR alone.
See how both of these candidates are at level B2
這兩名考生的程度都是 B2
but their scores on the scale show that one has a higher level of English than the other.
Results for almost all Cambridge English exams
幾乎所有 Cambridge English 考試的成績
will be reported on the Cambridge English Scale,
都會呈現在 Cambridge English Scale 上
starting with Cambridge English First including First for Schools,
從 Cambridge English First 開始,包含First for Schools
Cambridge English Advanced and Cambridge English Proficiency.
Cambridge English Advanced 與 Cambridge English Proficiency
IELTS is mapped to but will not be reported on the Cambridge English Scale.
IELTS 與 Cambridge English Scale 相連結, 但成績不會呈現在 Cambridge English Scale 上
Our exams are focused on different levels of the CEFR
我們的考試著重於不同程度的 CEFR
and they are mapped to particular points on thescale.
No matter which exam is taken the same level of ability is represented by the same score.
無論參加哪種考試, 相同的語言能力程度會呈現相同的分數
So, a candidate who scores 185 taking Cambridge English First
因此在 Cambridge English First 上獲得 185 分的考生
would be expected to achieve 185 in Cambridge English Advanced.
在 Cambridge English Advanced 中也應該會得到 185 分
This will make results easier to understand.
It will also be clear to see how a learner progresses through our exams.
How does it work?
Scores on the Cambridge English Scale
Cambridge English Scale 的分數
replace the standardised score and the candidate profile.
Candidates receive an overall score on the Cambridge English Scale
考生會收到 Cambridge English Scale 的總級分
which determines the grade and CEFR level they obtain.
此級分決定他們的 CEFR 等級與分數
Candidates also receive scores for each language skill they are tested on
reading, writing, speaking and listening
and use of English.
Looking at the new statement of results
you can see what the candidate has achieved in each of the different skills
and how their performance in one skill compares to performance in another.
These detailed results make it simple to describe the level of language skills needed
for university admission or employment.
Candidates and teachers also benefit from having better information about performance
making it easier to identify areas for improvement.
Want to know more?
The Cambridge English Scale is based on our extensive research
Cambridge English Scale 建基於我們廣泛的研究
and has been developed in response to feedback from users of our exams.
To find out more go to