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  • hi you're on lava

  • I can't even get from here to here without buying a rock

  • I'm sad. How did this happen?

  • Fuck this, I want to be gay

  • and that's exactly where it started.

  • What's it made of? ♫ Plastic

  • Ah, that's a thing, in a place.

  • Don't like it? Try a new place, at a different place.

  • The world is gonna get bigger, and emptier, and sad.

  • Great news! Some of them even doubled up.

  • Great news! Some of them even doubled up. [again]

  • Great news! The electrons doubled up.

  • Congratulations! The world is now a star!

  • Shit some stars have no friends

  • Bigger stars burn out and die in a tornado

  • So now stars have cool stuff, like funny clouds,

  • which can make some things

  • [George W. Bush] We must stop the terror.

  • [George W. Bush] Now watch this drive [Narrator] Like this ball of flaming rocks for example

  • Holy shit we just got hit with a ♫ moon

  • Weather update: It's rainingthe moon

  • Weather update: Hot steam.

  • Weather update: Lava

  • Weather update: it's raining lava

  • SEVERE FLOODING ALERT the entire world isnow the moon

  • VOLCANO ALERT: That's land!

  • [very loud fish thing] GET OVER HERE!

  • What? Something's alive in the ocean.

  • A microscopic speck, it lives at the bottom of the ocean

  • and eats chemical soup made from GAY ingredients leftover from when it was raining

  • It has secret instructions written inside itself telling it how to build a thing inventor,

  • so that's pretty gay I would say

  • Tired of living at the bottom of the ocean? Eat sunlight!

  • ♫♫

  • Using a revolutionary technique you can convert sunlight into sunlight.

  • Taste.. the sun! ♫

  • Side effect: now there's lava everywhere and the sky is GAY

  • Then the earth might have been [inaudible due to firey noise]: HOT

  • [water splash sound] It's a sponge

  • It's a plant. It's a worm, and some other types of weird strange water bugs...

  • and strange fish. ♫ It's the Cambrian Explosion! ♫

  • [click click click] [selection sound] FINISH HIM!

  • We're still in the ocean. Hey can we go on land?

  • NO

  • Why? ♫ The Sun is a blanket. ♫

  • Okay will you learn to walk if there's plants up here?

  • NO

  • [fish panting noise whatever that sounds like]

  • [fred the fish:] MY LEG!

  • Okay so I can go on land but I have to go back in the water to have sexy times.

  • [click] Learn to use an egg [Fish:] I was already doing that

  • Use a stronger egg, put lava in it. Yeouch!

  • [Crack] Works for me. Bye bye Mississippi

  • Wanna see a map of the world? Sure. [Bang] Aw fuck now everything's dead

  • Just kidding, here are the survivors

  • Keep an eye on this one because it's about to become the dinosaurs.

  • Here's another map of the world [Bang] Aw fuck now everything's dead

  • It's mammal time, here come the mammals look at those breasts.

  • [JonTron:] God help us all.

  • Now they're gonna dominate the world,

  • and grab stuff at the same time, and bang rocks together to make rocks. [Ouch!]

  • And set rocks on fire [Yeouch!]

  • And make crazy sounds [unintelligible noises from narrator]

  • which can mean different things.

  • That's a human person! ♫

  • And now they're everywhere.

  • [Bang] Aw fuck now everything's dead

  • Let's review: There's people on the planet

  • Fuck look at this, I control the food now,

  • now everyone will want to be my friend and have no friends.

  • Let's all build houses except mine is bigger becauseCOMMUNISM

  • This is great

  • Tired of using rocks for everything? Use rocks.

  • Better farming was just invented in India and the Jews are helping.

  • Guess what happens next? ♫

  • More food, and more people who came to buy the food

  • there's more farming and more people to make more people for more people for more people


  • The horse is probably being tamed

  • Why is all my metal metal?

  • Tired of using metal?

  • Introducing rocks,

  • made with special ingredient Rocks from the Far Lands of Rockland

  • Also guess what? The Jews.

  • Meanwhile out in the middle of nowhere they figured out getting somewhere

  • Also elephants, did I mention?

  • Ah, the Buddha was just enlightened.

  • [Selection Noise] [DingDingDingDing] [Ding]

  • CHICO! ♫

  • The middle east is in the middle of the east.

  • Knock knock, it's the United States

  • Let's check in with the Indus River Valley Civilization

  • Died in a tornado.

  • Guess who's not gone? They wrote some stuff.

  • You could make a religio- no, don't

  • There's the bronze age collapse

  • Also can we switch to stones and bowls, thanks.

  • Look who came back to Israel. ♫ God! ♫ He's got like a 10-step program.

  • Here's some huge heads.

  • Here comes the Assyrian Empire.

  • Nevermind it's the Babyloni-, Medi-, ♫ it's ♫ Ohio.

  • Wow, that's big.

  • This guy sat under a tree so long that he figured out how to ignore the Jews.

  • You could make a religi- No, don't.

  • [Shatter] Whoops, China just broke,

  • but while it was breaking Confucius was figuring out how to die in a tornado.

  • Ah, The Greeks had the idea about thinking about the Greeks.

  • Right over here Alexander just had the idea of conquering the entire Persian Empire.

  • It was a great idea. He was... dead.

  • Knock Knock it's Chandragupta he says thanks.

  • Time to conquer Mississippi

  • But what about that part? That's the Tamil Kings no one conquers the Tamil Kings.

  • Who would like to buy nothing? Me, said the Arabians.

  • China is whole again...

  • [5x 8-bit ding sounds]

  • then it broke again. ♫

  • "Hey", said the Romans, eating breakfast.

  • "Thanks for invading our homeland" said the Jews who were starting to get tired of people invading their homeland.

  • [Door opening noise] "Hi everything's great" said some guy who seems to be getting very popular.

  • You could make a religi- No, don't.

  • Want silk? Now you can buy it from China.

  • They just made a road.

  • Hmmm that's a good place for an epic trading kingdom.

  • Has anyone populated America yet? Let's do it together.

  • Still can't camel? ♫ Hell yeah, now we've got sugar! ♫

  • said the Ghana Empire selling lots of slaves.

  • Hi I live in Jesus.

  • It's the golden age of the Gupta Empire

  • Not Chandragupta just Gupta. [Check!]

  • Guess who's in Rome? The Romans.

  • RIP Roman Empire.

  • The Mayans have figured outthe Romans.

  • Oh and here's a city.

  • Population: Woah. Okay.

  • Thektürks have taken over thektürks.

  • How's India? Broken.

  • How's China? Broken.

  • How's those trading kingdoms? Broken.

  • Korea? Broken. Japan? Broken.

  • ♫♫

  • Deep in Ohio, the real god whispers in Muhammad's ear.

  • So he goes down to the Cube and he tells them their gods are all fake.

  • And everyone got so mad he had to leave town and go to a different town.

  • You could make a relig- No, don't.

  • And maybe conquer the pope.

  • Plus there's new kingdoms, I wonder if there's room for Ohio.

  • Here's all the wisdom, in a house.

  • For the Islamic Golden Age. Whoops someone just attacked America.

  • The Franks have the biggest Kingdom in Europe, and the Pope is so proud that he invites the king over for Christmas.

  • Surprise! You're the new Roman emperor.

  • Then the Franks broke their kingdom into what will later be called France and not France.

  • It's actually Germany but don't worry about it.

  • And they find some land, two types of land, and they name them accordingly.

  • [shitty youtube pranksters:] IT WAS A JOKE IT WAS A JOKE

  • The Pope is ready to make some more emperors.

  • [ding!] Time to conquer England said William.

  • Aah! Hey pope can you help us get rid of the Seljuks?

  • Maybe take back the Holy Land on the way?

  • Yes I do actually want to do that. Let's do a crusade.

  • CRUSADE! ♫

  • They did many Crusades some of which almost didn't fail.

  • But at least the Italians got some rocks.

  • Goodbye Mayans. ♫ Hello, ♫ Mayans. Goodbye Mayans.

  • Hello broken, look at cliff.

  • Guess who's here? Khmer.

  • Vietnam unconquered itself.

  • Japan just became itself.

  • And Japan is China [which] just invented the thing inventor.

  • And the Mongols just invaded most of the universe but then died in a tornado.

  • I just found out where all the Swahili gets all their gold. ♫ Africa! ♫

  • The King of Mali is so rich he's going on tour to let everyone know.

  • Whoops, half of Europe just died.

  • Ming! ♫ China's back yay

  • Hey Khmer, time to share

  • Oh look who controls all the islands

  • It's the Mahajapit [Errn, (Incorrect)]

  • Majahapit [Errn, (Incorrect)]

  • Mapajahit [Errn, (Incorrect)]

  • Mahapajit [Errn, (Incorrect)]

  • Mapajahit [Errn, (Incorrect)]

  • Ma- Ja- Pa- Hit? [Errn, (Incorrect)]

  • Oh Italy's really rich, time for them to care a lot about rocks.

  • So you think you can conquer the Byzantine Empire?

  • NO

  • Don't forget to ban Europe.

  • What? That's bullshit.

  • "This whole thing is bullshit. That's a scam. Fuck the church, here's 95 reasons why"

  • Said Martin Luther in his new book.

  • "Wait!" said Christopher Columbus, smoking crack.

  • Hey Spain wanna hire me to find India?

  • Okay.

  • So he sails into the Ocean and discovers... more ocean.

  • But then died in a tornado.

  • WEATHER UPDATE: It's raining rocks.

  • Portugal had a dream with day control the entire Indian Ocean.

  • Spain realised that this is not India but they pillaged it anyway.

  • Damn said England and France we

  • We gotta start pillaging some stuff.

  • Damn said Amsterdam.

  • We gotta start pillaging some stuff.

  • Question 1: Can you get to India through North America?

  • No, but at least there's Beaver.

  • Question 2:

  • Die in a tornado.

  • That's not a question but the Dutch did it anyway.

  • Sugar

  • Slavery.

  • The next thing on Russia's to-do list is to get bigger.

  • Britain and France are having a friendly discussion about who should control Ohio.

  • Did they figure out who's boss? Yes they did, Britain.

  • Guess who's broke? Britain. Tax, fuck you. Independence.

  • France helps them win now France is broke.

  • And Britain will have to send their prisoners-

  • Let's overthrow the palace and cut all their heads off said Robespierre,

  • cutting everybody's heads off until someone eventually got mad and cut his head off.

  • Wait who's in charge of France now?

  • Mesaid Napoleon, trying to take over Ohio.

  • But he came back.

  • There goes Latin America, becoming GAY.

  • Britain just figured out how to turn steam into rocks.

  • Then they invent sunlight and conquer Ohio and maybe put some rocks there

  • "Hey China" said Britain, buy stuff from us.

  • "Nah dude we already got everything"

  • So Britain threw a hissy fit.

  • Britain and Russia are playing a game where they try to stop each other from conquering Ohio.

  • India just had a revolution. "Nope", said Britain.

  • [Morse code beeping]

  • United States finally figured out whether slavery is good or bad.

  • It's good, they decided.

  • Then they continued manifesting their destiny which is to kick out the Mexicans

  • Let's rapeAfrica! ♫

  • Hawaii, Cuba

  • Wait, Spain controls Cuba.

  • Well, blame something on them and go to war.

  • What should we blame on Spain?

  • [explosion]

  • Let's blame Spain on Spain.

  • So they blame Spain on Spain.

  • Now we're in business.

  • China is so tired of being bossed around that they delete their government.

  • Europe hasn't had a war

  • It's gonna be a great war

  • They blame Germany.

  • Communism

  • The Arabs revolt and Britain helps now the Ottoman Empire is gone...

  • Except Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey makes a brand new Turkey

  • [RingRing] Hello? Yes, it's the 1920s calling.

  • Let's get in the car and drive to a party,

  • and the economy's great and it'll probably be great forever just kidding.

  • Germany's back featuring Hitler, the angry moustache model, and he's mad at the jews for existing.

  • Ohio finally conquers the east and they're so excited.

  • Hitler's out of control so they explain why killing all the Jews is a good idea,

  • but he kills himself before they could explain it to him.

  • BONUS ROUND: Pacific Showdown

  • United States vs. United States.

  • FIGHT!

  • [clickclickclick] [dingding]

  • [explosion]

  • Let's unite all the nations and have someWorld Peace. ♫ Seems legit.

  • "hi I'm india and if britain doesn't get the hell out of india i'm going to get the hell out of india"

  • [gandhi threatens britain with nukes]

  • "Wow, that worked?"

  • The Jews and the Arabs figured out which one of them should live in the Holy Land.

  • Look out China, there's a new China in China. What's on the menu? China.

  • They're having a friendly debate over which economic system is good and which one is good.

  • FIGHT!

  • I'll race you to space. [rolling ding!]

  • Now let's make some more countries fight themselves.

  • Europe is tired.

  • United States decided whether racism was good. They decided it's good, and the world agrees.

  • Let's check the world population- woah. Sexy times. Okay.

  • The Soviet Union decides to fall apart.

  • Europe makes some money, except Britain.

  • Let's check the mail. Surprise! It's mail.

  • [George W. Bush] We must stop the terror. Now watch this drive. [smack]

  • Whoops, someone just attacked America.

  • Phone call: Surprise! It's in your pocket, in your phone, in your pocket.

  • Wanna learn everything? Surprise, it's on your phone.

  • [George W. Bush] Now watch this drive. [smack]

  • Whoops the economy just crashed.

  • And the Ocean is full of Communism! ♫

  • Let's invent a thing inventor said the thing inventor inventor after being invented by a thing inventor.

  • after being invented by a thing inventor inventor inventor.

  • after being invented by a thing inventor inventor inventor inventor.

  • after being invented by a thing inventor inventor inventor inventor inventor.

  • after being invented by a thing inventor inventor inventor inventor inventor inventor.

  • after being invented by a thing inventor inventor inventor-

  • By the way, where the hell are we?

  • hi, you're on lava.

hi you're on lava

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YTP - 岩石的歷史,我想。 (YTP - history of the rocks, i guess)

  • 122 15
    曹佑慈 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary