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How long do you think it will take
before machines do your job better than you do?
Automation used to mean big stupid machines doing repetitive work in factories.
Today they can land aircraft, diagnose cancer and trade stocks.
We are entering a new age of automation unlike anything that's come before.
According to a 2013 study, almost half of all jobs in the
2013年的一項研究表明, 美國幾乎一半的工作可能在未來二十年內實現自動化
US could potentially be automated in the next two decades.
可是等等… 自動化不是已經存在幾十年了嗎?
But wait; Hasn't automation been around for decades?
What's different this time?
Things used to be simple.
Innovation made human work easier and productivity rose.
創新使人類工作變得更加容易 生產效率也隨之提高
Which means that more staff or services could be produced
這意味著在單位人數和時間內 可以生產更多的產品及服務
per hour using the same amount of human workers.
雖然減少了許多就業機會 不過同時也創造了更多更好的工作機會
This eliminated many jobs, but also created other jobs that were better
which was important because the growing population needed work.
簡單地說,創新帶來更高的生產效率 減少了舊工作,但同時帶來更多更新更好的工作
So, in a nutshell, innovation, higher productivity,
總體而言,大家都適應了這個模式 生活水準也有所提高
fewer old jobs, and many new and often better jobs.
人類的發展是可以很明顯區分的 在很長一段期間裡,我們大多從事農業的工作
Overall, this worked well for a majority of people and living standards improved.
工業革命後,某些農民走向製造業 而當自動化機械普及後,人類又走向了服務業
There's a clear progression in terms of what humans did for
a living. For the longest time, we worked in agriculture.
剎那間,所有的規則都被改變了 我們的工作被比過去更有效的機器給取代了
With the Industrial Revolution, this shift into production jobs and as
這顯然令人擔憂 不過…創新一定會拯救我們的,對吧?
automation became more widespread, humans shifted into service jobs.
雖然新資訊時代產業蓬勃發展 但是他們創造的新工作卻越來越少
And then only a few moments ago in human history, the Information Age happened.
1979年,通用汽車雇用超過80萬工人 賺取約110億美元
Suddenly, the rules were different. Our jobs are now being
在2012年,Google賺取了約140億美元 卻只聘請了58萬人
taken over by machines much faster than they were in the past.
你可能覺得這種比較沒什麼意義 但Google就是一個創造新就業機會的——新興產業
That's worrying of course... but innovation will clearly save us, right?
舊行業逐漸失去動力 單以汽車行業為例 - 當100年前他們新興時
While new information age industries are booming,
他們創造了許多巨大的行業 汽車改變了我們的生活方式
they are creating fewer and fewer new jobs.
In 1979, General Motors employed more than 800,000
數以百萬計的人也因此直接或間接找到工作 幾十年投資維持了整個趨勢
workers and made about $11 billion US dollars.
In 2012, Google made about $14 billion US dollars while employing 58,000 people.
在汽車行業的創新已經不能像新興時創造那麼多就業崗位 雖然電動車還是非常有潛力的
You may not like this comparison, but Google is
那也不會突然創造數百萬個新的就業機會 那等等……網路呢 ?
an example of what created new jobs in the past:
一些資訊專家認為 網路是電力普及衍生的產物
Innovative new industries.
如果用此作為對照,我們可以看出 新時代創新與舊時代創新的區別
Old innovative industries are running out of steam. Just look at cars.
When they became a thing 100 years ago, they created huge industries.
Cars transformed our way of life, our infrastructure, and our cities.
Millions of people found jobs either directly or indirectly.
百視達(一家錄影帶出租公司)在巔峰期 2004年 聘請了 84,000名員工,並獲得 60億美元的收入
Decades of investment kept this momentum going.
但在2016 Netflix公司只有有4、500多名員工 卻可盈利 90億美元
Today, this process is largely complete. Innovation in the
或以我們自己為例,雖然全職的員工只有 12人
car industry does not create as many jobs as it used to.
While electric cars are great and all, they won't create millions of new jobs.
But wait; what about the internet?
Some technologists argue that the Internet is an
這已經夠糟糕了 但現在新一代的自動化潮流正在慢慢取代人們的工作
innovation on a par of the introduction of electricity.
If we go with this comparison, we see how our
要了解這一點,我們需要先理解自己 人類的進步是基於勞動的分配
modern innovation differs from the old one.
The Internet created new industries,
即使現在的智慧機械 在處理某些複雜的事情上表現仍不理想
but they're not creating enough jobs to keep up
with population growth or to compensate for the industries the Internet is killing.
At its peak in 2004,
Blockbuster had 84,000 employees and made $6 billion US dollars in revenue.
我們會發現,其實它們都是由許許多多 簡單重複的小工作一件接一件地串聯下來的
In 2016, Netflix had 4,500 employees and made $9 billion dollars in revenue.
現在的機器已經差不多能夠有效地把大而複雜的事物 打散成各種重複性高的工作
Or take us, for example.
With a full-time team of just 12 people, Kurzgesagt reaches millions of people.
A TV station with the same amount of viewers needs way more employees.
3C產品通過機器學習 以大量訊息及通過分析數據獲取技能
Innovation in the Information Age doesn't equate to
the creation of enough new jobs, which would be bad
enough on its own but now, a new wave of automation and
a new generation of machines is slowly taking over.
當你在網上購物時 它會慢慢學習並提示一些你可能感興趣的物品 從而讓你買更多東西
To understand this, we need to understand ourselves first.
Human progress is based on the division of labor.
As we advanced over thousands of years, our jobs became more and more specialized.
While even our smartest machines are bad at doing complicated jobs,
they are extremely good at doing narrowly defined and predictable tasks.
我們已意外的建立了一個巨大的圖書館 而機器可以使用它來學習人類如何做事
This is what destroyed factory jobs.
以及如何做得更好 這些數位化的機械可能是所有工作的最大殺手
But look at a complex job long and hard enough,
它們可以快速的複製 你還可以免費的升級它們
and you'll find that it's really just many narrowly
defined and predictable tasks one after another.
Machines are on the brink of becoming so good at
如果你的工作涉及到使用現今電腦的複雜程式 那麼你可能會早於在工廠工作的人失去工作
breaking down complex jobs into many predictable ones,
that for a lot of people, there will be no further room to specialize.
We are on the verge of being outcompeted.
Digital machines do this via machine learning,
which enables them to acquire information and skills by analyzing data.
This makes them become better at something through the relationships they discover.
而哪些需要專業人士完成 然後在網路上招募一個由自由業者組成的團隊
Machines teach themselves.
We make this possible by giving a computer a lot of
data about the thing we wanted to become better at.
直到這個項目完全完成 好的,這聽起來貌似不算太壞
Show a machine all the things you bought online,
這台機器只取代了一種職業 卻為許多自由業者創造了工作機會,不是嗎?
and it will slowly learn what to recommend to you, so you buy more things.
其實在自由業者完成他們任務時 學習演算法會追蹤他們
Machine learning is now meeting more of its potential because in recent years,
然後收集有關他們工作的數據 以及這些任務實際由什麼組成
humans have started to gather data about everything.
所以實際發生的是 自由業者正在教會機器如何取代他們
Behavior, weather patterns, medical records, communication systems,
travel data, and of course, data about what we do at work.
而在第二年減少25% 這只是許多例子中的一種
What we've created by accident is a huge library machines can
現在在許多領域 機械和程式可以做的與人類一樣好甚至更好
use to learn how humans do things and learn to do them better.
從藥劑師到分析師 記者到放射科醫師
These digital machines might be the biggest job killer of all.
收銀員到銀行櫃員 或是翻漢堡肉的非技術人員
They can be replicated instantly and for free.
所有這些工作都不會一夜消失 但做這些工作的人會越來越少
When they improve, you don't need to invest in
big metal things; you can just use the new code.
And they have the ability to get better fast. How fast?
If your work involves complex work on a computer today, you might be out
一個舊的職業被一個新的職業替代是完全不夠的 我們需要不斷創造新的工作崗位
of work even sooner than the people who still have jobs in factories.
因為世界人口在不斷增長 過去我們透過創新解決了這個
There are actual real-world examples of how this transition might be happening.
A San Francisco company offers a project management software for big
corporations, which is supposed to eliminate middle management positions.
When it's hired for a new project, the software first decides which jobs
為了平衡人口增長 一個國家每個月需要創造150,000個新的就業機會
can be automated and precisely where it needs actual professional humans.
這是一個壞消息 而且它正在影響人類的生活水準
It then helps assemble a team of freelancers over the Internet.
The software then distributes tasks to the humans, and controls the quality
更多更好的就業機會將被創造 但是數據卻告訴我們一個不同的故事
of the work, tracking individual performance until the project is complete.
Okay. This doesn't sound too bad.
While this machine is killing one job, it creates jobs for freelancers, right?
Well, as the freelancers complete their tasks,
這意味著儘管生產效率大幅增長 且數以千計的新業務被開拓
learning algorithms track them, and gather data
而美國的人口增長超過4000萬人 工人的工作時間在15年後的今天卻沒有絲毫的增長
about their work, and which tasks it consists of.
與此同時 美國新畢業大學生的工資在過去十年一直在下降
So what's actually happening, is that
the freelancers are teaching a machine how to replace them.
On average, this software reduces costs by about 50%
in the first year, and by another 25% in the second year.
創新的實質與資訊時代 與我們之前所遇到的不再相同
This is only one example of many.
這個改變在好幾年前就已經開始 並且已經很順利地推展了
There are machines and programs getting as good
即使沒有新的科技出現 像自動駕駛汽車或機械會計師
or better than humans in all kinds of fields.
這次自動化看起來是不同的 這一次機械可能真的會取代我們的工作
From pharmacists to analysts, journalists to radiologists,
cashiers to bank tellers, or the unskilled worker flipping burgers.
但如果越來越少的人有體面的工作 誰來負責消費呢?
All of these jobs won't disappear overnight,
我們的生產將會越來越廉價 當生產廉價到一定程度時
but fewer and fewer humans will be doing them.
We'll discuss a few cases in a follow-up video.
或者未來我們將要看到 少數擁有機械的大富翁主宰其他剩餘的人
But while jobs disappearing is bad, it's only half of the story.
It's not enough to substitute old jobs with new ones.
這部影片的基調是比較黑暗的 在現實中完全無法確定事情會朝悲觀那面發展
We need to be generating new jobs constantly
資訊時代和現代自動化技術 可能是一個巨大的機會
because the world population is growing.
In the past we have solved this through innovation.
But, since 1973, the generation of new jobs in the US has begun to shrink.
我們將在這系列的影片中的第二部分 討論這種潛力和可能性,如全民基本收入
And the first decade of the 21st century, was the first one, where
the total amount of jobs in the US, did not grow for the first time.
機械不會慢慢走進我們的生活 因為他們已經在我們的生活中了
In a country that needs to create up to 150,000 new jobs per
month, just to keep up with population growth, this is bad news.
This is also starting to affect standards of living.
沒有您在patreon.com的贊助 製作這樣的影片是不可能的
In the past, it was seen as obvious that with rising
如果您想支持我們並獲得Kurzgesagt客製化小鳥作為禮物, 您的贊助能大大地幫助我們
productivity, more and better jobs would be created.
But the numbers tell a different story.
《The Rise of the Robots》 以及《The Second Machine Age》
In 1998, US workers worked a total of 194 billion hours.
Over the course of the next 15 years, their output increased by 42 percent.
But in 2013, the amount of hours worked by US workers was still 194 billion hours.
您可以在我們的DFTBA商店中 購買這款海報和許多其他的商品
What this means, is that despite productivity growing
這部影片是一個大的、 講述科技已經或將永久改變人類生活的系列的其中一部
drastically, thousands of new businesses opening up, and the
如果你想繼續了解這方面的知識 這裡有一個小的播放列表
US population growing by over 40 million, there was no
growth at all in the number of hours worked in 15 years.
At the same time, wages for new university graduates
in the US, have been declining for the past decade,
while up to 40 percent of new graduates, are forced
to take on jobs that don't require a degree.
Productivity is separating from human labor.
The nature of innovation in the Information Age is
different from everything we've encountered before.
This process started years ago and is already well underway.
Even without new disruptions like self-driving cars, or robot accountants.
It looks like automation is different this time.
This time, the machines might really take our jobs.
Our economies are based on the premise that people consume.
But if fewer and fewer people have decent work, who will be doing all the consuming?
Are we producing ever more cheaply only to arrive at a point where
too few people can actually buy all our stuff and services?
Or, will the future see a tiny minority of the super rich who own the machines...
dominating the rest of us?
And does our future really have to be that grim?
While we were fairly dark in this video, it's far
from certain that things will turn out negatively.
The Information Age and modern automation, could be a huge opportunity
to change human society, and reduce poverty and inequality drastically.
It could be a seminal moment in human history.
We'll talk about this potential, and possible solutions like
a universal basic income, in part 2 of this video series.
We need to think big, and fast.
Because one thing's for sure, the machines are not coming;
They are already here.
This video took us about 900 hours to make,
and we've been working on it for over nine months.
Projects like this one would not be possible
without your support on
If you want to help us out and get a personal
Kurzgesagt bird in return, that would be really useful.
We based much of this video on two very good books:
You can find links to both of them in the video description; highly recommended!
Also, we made a little robot poster.
You can buy it and a lot of other stuff in our DFTBA shop.
This video is part of a larger series about how technology
is already changing and will change human life forever.
If you want to continue watching, we have a few playlists.