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  • The Ugly Duckling

  • On a beautiful summer day, a family of ducks is taking a swim while another is enjoying

  • a stroll by the bank.

  • But one duck is sitting on her eggs among the tall leaves.

  • I wonder when my babies are going to come out.

  • They are taking so long to hatch!

  • It is so lonely, no one has the time to visit me.

  • But Mommy duck didn’t have to wait too long.

  • Soon the eggs started cracking and the little ducklings started taking small unsteady steps

  • out of the shells.

  • Quack quack, quack quack.

  • Oooh, my babies are so beautiful!

  • Now come and line up here all of you.

  • One..Two..Three..FourFive..Hey, there should be one more.

  • Mother duck looked around, and saw one egg which had not yet hatched

  • I think I will have to sit again on this egg till it hatches.

  • It seems pretty large.

  • Soon the last egg hatched, but the duckling that crept out was large and ugly.

  • This little fellow doesn’t look like his brothers and sisters.

  • The next day, Mother Duck leads her brood to the water.

  • Oh!

  • I am proud today that my ducklings are swimming so well!

  • And how well the youngest one is swimming.

  • Come on kids, that’s enough for today.

  • We must get to the farm before it turns dark.

  • The duck family makes its way to the farmhouse, where there are lots of other ducks.

  • What is that strange looking creature doing here?

  • The other ducklings are so cute but this one is so big and ugly.

  • He is ugly.

  • We don’t want him here.

  • That’s not a nice thing to say.

  • He is still small, and I’m sure he will grow up to be beautiful too.

  • But the other ducklings continued to bully and make fun of the ugly duckling.

  • I hope the ducklings stop this nonsense.

  • I can’t bear to see that poor child looking so sad.

  • But as days went by, things started becoming worse for the ugly duckling.

  • Wherever he went, everyone was mean to him.

  • Have you ever seen anything uglier than this?

  • Uff!

  • Seeing this creature in the morning, my day will also be as ugly as he is.

  • Ha..Hahe seems to be getting uglier by the day.

  • The Ugly Duckling just wanted to hide somewhere and cry.

  • Even his brothers and sisters were rude to him.

  • Don’t come near us.

  • Go away!

  • I wish the cat comes and takes you.

  • Mother Duck was very sad to see everyone treat the ugly ducking so badly.

  • Nobody wants to talk to me or play with me because I am ugly.

  • I will run away from here.

  • So the ugly duckling flew over the fence of the farmyard, and continued flying till he

  • spotted a large moor.

  • He decided to spend the night there.

  • I am so tired.

  • I think I will spend the night here.

  • Next morning, the ugly duckling woke up to the sound of loud quacking.

  • He opened his eyes and saw a flock of wild ducks.

  • Who are you?

  • What are you doing here?

  • Can I please stay here for a while?

  • I have nowhere to go.

  • You are ugly….(a long pause) Stay here, but don’t get in our way.

  • The Ugly Duckling stayed on the moor for a few days.

  • He felt lonely, but no one bullied him or hurt him because of his looks.

  • One morning, the duckling heard a noise like a big bang.

  • He lay still, too scared to move.

  • When he finally lifted his head and looked around, all the other ducks had fled.

  • The ugly duckling also fled from the moor as fast as it could.

  • It flew as fast as its young wings would take him.

  • However, suddenly there was thunder and lightning, scaring the little duckling.

  • Brrr.

  • I am so wet and cold.

  • That cottage there looks warm, maybe I can take shelter there.

  • The cottage belonged to an old lady, who lived with with her tomcat and hen, who found the

  • duckling the next morning.

  • Cluck cluck, meow meow What is happening here?

  • Why are you making so much noise?

  • What is this we have here?

  • Looks like a duck, though a very ugly one.

  • I know what I will do.

  • I will keep it with me and wait for it to lay eggs.

  • Then I will have eggs from my hen and from this duck too.

  • Ah, but I do hope this is a duck and not a drake.

  • So the ugly duckling stayed with the old lady in her cottage.

  • But here also, the tomcat and the hen made its life so miserable!

  • Hey you, don’t you get scared when you see your face in the mirror?

  • Look at me.

  • My coat is so silky.

  • Look at my whiskers, so long and beautiful.

  • The mistress says my walk is so graceful.

  • You are such a loser.

  • You cannot even lay an egg!

  • Look at my eggs, such lovely big and brown ones.

  • The ugly duckling continued to be lonely.

  • He would sit in front of the window looking at the small pond outside.

  • How I wish I could swim in that pond.

  • It used to be so nice when I swam in the cool water back home.

  • Are you mad?

  • The mistress is not going to let you go.

  • You have a safe house, what more do you want?

  • Behave yourself and don’t anger the mistress, the cat, or even me.

  • Want to swim, indeed!

  • The ugly duckling felt very, very sad, wondering what to do.

  • I know this place is safe, but I feel like a prisoner here, being punished by not being

  • allowed to swim.

  • I want to swim – I want to be free to swim and fly as I please.

  • I have to escape from here somehow.

  • So one night, the duckling quietly crept out of the cottage and went in search of a new

  • home.

  • Soon he found a beautiful lake where he could swim and dive.

  • Ahhhhh!

  • (Splash) This is such a lovely place.

  • It feels so good to swim after so long.

  • I hope the other animals and birds here are friendly so I don’t have to move away from

  • here also.

  • But alas, here too the other animals did not want to be friends with the ugly duckling.

  • Why does everybody keep avoiding me?

  • Just because I am ugly, it doesn’t mean everyone has to be mean!

  • No one wants to play with me or even talk to me!

  • So life continued in this miserabke way for the ugly duckling.

  • Soon, the seasons changed.

  • Autumn set in, and the colour of the leaves changed from red to orange and then gold.

  • Winter followed.

  • The forest turned white, and a very cold wind set in.

  • The dark clouds made the duckling feeling even more gloomy and sad, so the duckling

  • decided to go to the lakeside.

  • And what a lovely sight he saw there!

  • What are these beautiful birds?

  • I don’t think I have seen them before.

  • How beautifully they spread their large wings!

  • It looks like they are not flying but just gliding through the sky.

  • Though the winter grew colder and colder, the duckling continued to swim despite the

  • freezing water, and then finally took refuge in some bushes.

  • Finally, it was spring again.

  • Plants started sprouting and the sun peeped down from the sky.

  • The duckling was so happy that it was becoming warm again.

  • Everything around me has become so beautiful.

  • My wings have also become strong and I can now swim in the pond close by.

  • Suddenly, the duckling once again saw the same beautiful birds that he had seen at the

  • start of spring, and quickly ran and hid behind some bushes.

  • Those birds are so beautiful.

  • I better not go near them, or they too will make fun of me.

  • I am so scared that they might even kill me!

  • I am so tired of being picked on by everybody, first the ducklings at the farm, my own brothers

  • and sisters, the hen and tomcat at the cottage, and everybody else.

  • I wish I had never been born!

  • (Sob sob sob.)

  • The duckling went to a quiet spot on the lake where nobody could see him.

  • He was very, very sad, and big fat tears rolled down its face.

  • Suddenly, the duckling saw its own reflection in the lake, and couldn’t believe its eyes!

  • For staring at him in the clear water below was his own reflection, no longer a dark,

  • grey bird, ugly and repulsive to look at.

  • Instead, he had turned into a graceful and beautiful swan.

  • The ugly duckling had transformed into a beautiful swan!!

  • All the other swans came to greet the newcomer, and stroked his neck with their beaks.

  • Finally, the ugly little thing was accepted and loved by his new friends, to whom he belonged,

  • the beautiful and graceful swans.

  • A family with two children came to see the swans swimming.

  • Look, there is a new one.

  • Father, mother, come here, there is another swan.

  • A new one has arrived.”

  • The new one is the most beautiful of all.

  • Oh, he is so young and pretty!

  • The swan did not know how to react to so much praise.

  • He felt shy and tried to hide his face.

  • After being mocked and taunted and bullied for so long, he couldn’t believe he was

  • being appreciated and accepted!

  • And he was actually being called beautiful!

  • I never dreamt that I would see a day when someone would call me beautiful!

  • I wish I had received the same love and affection when I was the little and ugly creature, I

  • wouldn’t have spent such a sad childhood.

  • Why do people treat others according to their looks?

  • That is so, so sad!

The Ugly Duckling

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醜小鴨完整故事|兒童動畫童話|睡前故事 (The Ugly Duckling Full Story | Animated Fairy Tales for Children | Bedtime Stories)

  • 209 31
    Tori Yang posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary