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  • He has been labeled as a genius, a prophet, a visionary

    - 他被稱為天才 先知 有遠見的人

  • and sometimes, as an eccentric, and dismissed as a Utopian dreamer.

    有時 被當做一個怪人 被視為一個烏托邦式的夢想家 而被世人忽略

  • But in the end, no matter what they say

    但不管如何 無論人們說什麼

  • he's Jacque Fresco, the creator and the mind behind The Venus Project

    他是雅克·法斯科 維納斯計劃背後的智多星

  • a monumental work of several fields of knowledge


  • that unifies the concept, a new future for the human civilization.


  • Fresco's entire life is perhaps the definition of a second chance

    法斯科的一切工作 也許是人類的第二個機會

  • a new opportunity for social progress


  • in harmony with our planet and technology.


  • Mr. Fresco, thank you for being with us today. - Thanks for the privilege.

    法斯科先生 感謝你今天與我們分享 - 我的榮幸

  • - Can you give us a brief description of what is The Venus Project?

    - 你能不能簡要解釋一下 什麼是維納斯計劃?

  • - The Venus Project is an attempt to bring world peace

    - 維納斯計劃旨在實現世界和平

  • and all the nations together.


  • If you don't want war, killing, most crimes

    如果你不希望看到戰爭 殺戮 大規模的犯罪

  • you have to redesign the way society works.


  • You have to declare all the earth's resources


  • as the common heritage of all the world's people.


  • Then, we have to remove the money system, which is basically corrupt.

    然後 我們要消除基本上完全腐敗的金融貨幣體系

  • After that we have to gradually outgrow the need

    之後 我們必須逐漸超越

  • for all the artificial boundaries that separate people.


  • So we have one world working cooperatively


  • toward preserving the environment and all life as we know it.


  • - And what is the single most important aspect of this project?

    - 這個計劃最重要的方面是什麼?

  • A Resource-Based Economy to declare all the resources

    資源導向型經濟 宣告所有的資源

  • the common heritage of all the world's people.


  • - Can you explain the distinction between a money-based economy

    - 你能解釋一下 貨幣導向型經濟

  • and a resource-based economy?


  • - A money based economy produces incentive

    - 貨幣導向型經濟產生激勵制度

  • but it also produces incentive for corruption


  • payoffs, paying off Senators

    拿回扣 各大公司賄賂參議員

  • various corporations "buying" Senators.

    拿回扣 各大公司賄賂參議員

  • It's never been a democracy.


  • We've never had a democracy; no nations have ever had it.

    從來沒有真正的民主 任何國家都一樣

  • If you don't have equal purchasing power, you can't have a democracy.

    沒有平等的購買力 就不可能實現真正的民主

  • - How does The Venus Project compare with communism?

    - 維納斯計劃與共產主義如何區分?

  • Communism uses money. It has social stratification.

    共產主義使用貨幣 存在社會階級

  • It has banks. It has armies and navies

    存在銀行 陸軍 海軍

  • prisons and police. We don't have any of those.

    監獄 警察 維納斯計劃沒有這些東西

  • - Now let's talk about society. In many of your lectures, you imply

    - 現在讓我們來談談社會 在你的許多講座中

  • that we are conditioned to think in a certain way. Is that correct?

    你談到了我們受限於特定的思考方式 對嗎?

  • - Well, if you were raised by the headhunters of the Amazon as a baby

    - 是的 如果你從小成長在亞馬遜的一個獵頭部落

  • and you never saw anything else, you would be a headhunter.

    而且你從未見過其他的事情 你將會成長為一個獵頭人

  • If you were raised in Nazi Germany, where all you see is

    如果你在納粹德國 你所看到的皆是

  • "Heil Hitler, Deutschland über alles!"

    "希特勒萬歲 德意志高於一切!"

  • You'd be a German. So, I think all people

    你會變成一名納粹分子 因此我認為所有人

  • are perfectly well adjusted where they're coming from.


  • There is no such thing as good or bad people.


  • You're taught to hate certain people.


  • But where they're coming from is normal.

    但是 對他們的地區而言 他們是正常的

  • If you're brought up in the South, uneducated region

    如果你成長在美國南方 沒有受過教育的地區

  • you might become a member of the Klu Klux Klan.


  • You speak with a Southern accent. Where do you get that from?

    你說話會帶點南方口音 口音是從哪裡來的?

  • The environment. Where do you get:


  • "I'm gon' get me a nigga, and I'm gon' kick his ass!"?

    你可能會說:"我要揍死那個黑鬼 踹他的屁股!"

  • You get that from the environment. It's not that people are good or bad.

    這是從特定環境學來的 這並不能說明他們是好人 或是壞人

  • They are raised in an aberrated, or twisted environment.

    因為他們是在畸形 扭曲的社會環境中長大的

  • - Do you feel that we live in a world of damaged communications

    - 你覺得我們生活的世界中溝通不良

  • that sometimes restrict the language and expression of emotions

    有時侯我們的語言 情感表達

  • as well as thinking. Is that correct? -Yes.

    思想被限制了 對嗎? - 是的

  • Today, our language is hundreds of years old.


  • That makes it extremely difficult to talk to one another.

    這使得不同語言之間 難以真正互相交流

  • We talk at each other. That means


  • sometimes a person will say "Have a nice weekend!"


  • Why don't they say "Have a nice life? " Why just a weekend?

    他們為什麼不說:"祝你生命愉快?" 為什麼只是一個週末?

  • Because our language is so old, it's automatic and has no meaning.

    因為我們的語言是如此古老 呆板 沒有任何實質意義

  • There has to be a language that's not subject to interpretation.


  • When you read the Bible, you say "Jesus meant this...," and he says

    當你讀"聖經" 你說"耶穌是這意思..." 他說:

  • "No, he meant that," and another person... "He meant this."

    "不 耶穌是那意思..." 另一個人說:"耶穌其實是這意思..."

  • So you have the Lutheran, the Seventh Day Adventist


  • because it's subject to interpretation.

    所以會出現路德教 安息日等等分支

  • A language that is not subject to interpretation


  • mathematics, engineering, chemistry

    如數學 工程 化學

  • physics, structural engineering...n ot subject to interpretation.

    物理 結構工程... 則不受主觀詮釋的影響

  • You couldn't build a bridge if one engineer says:

    如果一個人這麼說 另一個人那麼說

  • "I think he meant this. " The other says, "No, he meant that..."


  • It's possible to develop a language, not subject to interpretation.

    開發一種不需要解釋的語言 是十分必要

  • - And how do you feel about the term 'democracy'?

    - 你是怎麼看待"民主"?

  • - Democracy is a 'con game'. It's a word invented to placate people

    - 民主是一個"騙局" 是一個用來唬弄群眾的詞彙

  • to make them accept a given institution.


  • All institutions sing "We are free!"


  • The minute you hear, 'freedom and democracy', watch out!

    當你聽到"自由和民主"的那一刻 小心!

  • Because in a truly free nation


  • no one has to tell you you're free.

    沒有必要告訴你 你是自由的

  • - I heard that you said that as powerful systems start to collapse

    - 我聽你說過 當強大的社會系統開始崩潰

  • they tend to defend themselves with fascism


  • in order to defend the 'status quo'.


  • Is that the situation that we live right now?


  • - Well, this system right now is moving toward fascism.

    - 對 現在這個系統正在走向法西斯主義

  • cutting back on the freedoms, what little freedoms we had.


  • We never had complete freedom


  • because the word 'freedom' has no meaning.


  • When an Arab comes to this country with 10 wives


  • they say you can only come in with one. So don't use the word freedom.

    他們說 你只能有一個妻子而已 所以不要用"自由"這個詞

  • Say, there's a certain range of behavior we permit in this society

    也就是 這個社會只允許我們在一定範圍內的行為自由

  • and this is what it is. Don't use the word 'freedom'!

    這就是原因 不要使用"自由"這個詞!

  • - How do you feel about the recent economic crisis in the United States

    - 你如何看待美國最近的經濟危機

  • and the global recession? Is that a lesson to be learned?

    以及全球經濟衰退? 是否應吸取一些教訓?

  • - No, because it takes a recession, loss of job

    - 不是的 因為經濟原本就有一個衰退的情況 比如失業

  • and loss of respect for your elected leaders.


  • When that happens, you get social change.

    當發生這種情況 你會想到社會變革

  • Social change cannot come about due to intellect.

    紙上談兵對社會變革 並無實際益處

  • It comes about by people suffering;


  • and the more people that are laid off, the more they lose respect


  • for an existing government, they will seek another direction.


  • If there are too many people seeking a new direction


  • then the existing government calls upon the military and police


  • to manage society. That's called fascism.

    來管理社會 這就是所謂的法西斯主義

  • - Now let's talk about war and technology. In 1961

    - 現在 讓我們談論戰爭和科技 1961年

  • President Eisenhower advised against the military complex.


  • Is this a prophecy to be taken care right now, at this point in time?


  • - Well, I would say that he didn't push it enough

    - 嗯 我認為他的觀點還不夠深入

  • He should have explained it from many points of view.


  • Just saying "Beware of the industrial-military complex" is not enough


  • because people don't know what that means exactly.


  • - Yes, but we have seen the images of the Twin Towers

    - 是的 但我們看到了雙子塔

  • being collapsed to the ground on 9-11.


  • We also have seen the bombs going into the ground


  • of these Middle Eastern Countries, like Afganistan and Iraq.


  • How do you feel about this, and what's your perception of the future

    你覺得這些意味著什麼 以及你對未來的看法是什麼

  • in the war? - Each system wants to perpetuate itself.

    是戰爭嗎? - 每個體系都希望讓自己持續下去

  • We don't go to another country to bring democracy.


  • We go there for their resources: oil, metals, cheap labor.

    而是為了他們的資源:石油 金屬 廉價勞動力

  • We don't go there to bring democracy. We took this land from the Indians.

    我們沒有去那裡帶來民主 我們從印第安人手中奪取這片土地

  • We stole it. After we took the land

    或是搶奪 之後 我們在墨西哥手中

  • we took New Mexico from Mexico.


  • Then we took California from Spain.


  • After we stole all the land we need, we put up the sign:

    我們掠奪了所需要的土地後 我們提出的口號是:

  • "Thou shalt not steal."


  • All nations are corrupt. All of them.

    所有國家都淪為腐敗 無一例外

  • Not one nation


  • knows enough about ecology to handle the problems.

    有足夠的認知 去處理好生態問題

  • All politicians are basically ignorant men.


  • All of them. All the way back in history. Our problems are not political.

    無一例外 重複著過往歷史的問題 我們的問題在一百年前

  • They were good a hundred years ago, but today they are technical:

    或許還能依靠政治解決 但現今的問題得依靠科技解決:

  • safe transportation, production of an abundance

    運輸安全 生產豐足

  • making things available for people without the use of money.

    提供足夠的東西給人們 而無需使用金錢

  • As long as money exists, you are going to have corruption

    只要存在金錢 必將產生腐敗

  • no matter how many treaties you sign, no matter how many laws you make.

    無論簽訂了多少條約 不管制訂了多少法律

  • 90% of man-made laws are irrelevant.


  • It isn't laws that we need.


  • People need access to the necessities of life;


  • when that's arranged, they don't steal.

    得到充分安排後 他們不會再去偷竊

  • - Some people say that always, always come back: ambition, violence

    有人會說:野心 暴力 仇恨 這些是避免不了的

  • hatred. What do you think about that? - There is no such thing

    你對此如何看待? - 沒有所謂的"人性"

  • as human nature. Otherwise, we'd still be living in caves

    - 沒有所謂的"人性" 否則 如果"人性"沒有被改變

  • if human nature couldn't be changed. It's learned.

    我們仍會住在山洞裡 這些都是習得的

  • When your mother says "You're a Lutheran.


  • You don't play with that little Catholic boy."


  • So, parents indoctrinate their children.

    因此 家長把這些觀點灌輸給了孩子

  • In the future, parents will be educated in how to raise children.

    在未來 家長會被教導如何去撫養孩子

  • You have to raise children, because children can learn

    你需要引導孩子 因為孩子們可以學到任何事情

  • anything at all. They can learn geology, physics, chemistry.

    他們可以去學習地質 物理 化學

  • But we give them garbage! We have Mickey Mouse Clubs in America.

    但我們卻教給他們一些垃圾! 我們在美國有米老鼠俱樂部

  • How shameful! We have children, and we read to them

    多麼令人羞恥! 我們給孩子們灌輸

  • 'Dickey Dare and his sheep. On the way he met a cow.'

    "迪基戴爾和他的羊 在路上遇到一頭牛"(童歌歌詞)

  • "Moo moo", said the cow. That's no way to raise children.

    牛在說"哞哞"... (童歌歌詞) 這不是撫養孩子的方法

  • - Do you know? They won't listen to you.

    - 你知道嗎? 大多數的人們不會聽你的

  • So, why persist on these ideals?

    那麼 為什麼要堅持這些想法呢?

  • - Well, because they are brought up not to. They're brought up to:

    - 呃 他們的思維已經固化了 他們從小被教導:

  • "What's the greatest country in the world? The USA!"

    "世界上最偉大的國家? 美國!"

  • "What's the most inventive country in the world? The USA."

    "世界上最具創意的國家呢? 美國!"

  • But they don't tell us where the printing press came from

    但老師們並沒有告訴我們 印刷術來自哪裡

  • that all the foreigners that came to this country


  • brought with them language, religion, ideas, technology...

    他們帶來了語言 宗教 思想 技術等等

  • So we owe so much... For example, if you don't know this

    因此 我們虧欠太多了... 例如一個簡單的例子 如果你沒聽過的話

  • an Arab, named Al-Jabr, gave us algebra.

    一個阿拉伯人命名了"Al-Jabr" 才有後來的代數(algebra)

  • The great museum in Egypt, years ago


  • had a library of world knowledge.


  • So we owe so much to so many nations.

    因此 我們欠了那麼多國家

  • The separation of nations is dangerous, wrong

    把國家區別看待是很危險的 錯誤的

  • and the failure of nations to work together, that's what war is.

    世界大同將因此失敗 從而導致戰爭

  • War is a supreme failure of bridging the difference

    國家之間處理歧見時 戰爭是最大的敗筆

  • between nations. There'll be no military in the future.


  • There'll be people who will learn.


  • See, soldiers are killing machines. You teach them to kill.

    士兵們是殺人機器 你教他們殺人

  • And the other nation teaches its soldiers to kill.


  • What I would do is teach soldiers


  • send them back to school free of charge


  • to learn to become problem solvers.


  • How do you bridge the difference between Saudi Arabia and this country?


  • How do you bridge the difference between Venezuela


  • and another country? That's what's needed.

    以及其它國家之間的差異? 這才是我們需要做的

  • Science applied to government.


  • So far we have opinions from

    到目前為止 我們從政客口中

  • politicians that know nothing about ecology, safety, engineering

    得到諸多意見 但他們卻不熟悉生態 安全 工程

  • increasing the agricultural yield. They are totally incapable.

    增加農業產量等領域 他們完全不能勝任這些工作

  • And the future will look back, the children of the future will say:


  • "Couldn't you see that the money system had people paid off?"


  • "Couldn't you see, wasn't it obvious to you?"


  • You say "Well, no, we were brought up in it. We didn't know the difference."

    你答道:"哦 不 我們是從中長大的 我們不瞭解其中的差異"

  • Kids will not understand that in the future.


  • - Mr Fresco, I want to thank you for your time.

    - 法斯科先生 感謝你抽時間到這裡

  • I'm sure our viewers enjoyed our conversation

    我敢肯定 觀眾們喜歡我們的談話

  • as much as I did. Thank you. - Thank you for the privilege.

    就像我一樣 謝謝你 - 這是我的榮幸

He has been labeled as a genius, a prophet, a visionary

- 他被稱為天才 先知 有遠見的人

Subtitles and vocabulary

Click the word to look it up Click the word to find further inforamtion about it

B1 國家 民主 自由 社會 語言 維納斯

雅克-弗雷斯科在《今日俄羅斯》上。美國從來不是一個民主國家 (Jacque Fresco on Russia Today: US has never been a democracy)

  • 151 14
    王惟惟 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary