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Welcome to How To Cook That I'm Ann Reardon and today we are having fun with chocolate!
歡迎來到How To Cook That, 我是Ann Reardon, 今天我們從巧克力找樂趣!
First up, we're going to make cake pops and swirl them in chocolate and then we're are
going to make these gorgeous chocolate truffles.
Now if you've never made cake pops before you'll need some cake scraps.
現在,如果你從來沒製作蛋糕棒, 你需要一些蛋糕碎片。
These ones I've cut off a carved cake but you could just make up a fresh cake for this.
這些是我從一個刻了的蛋糕剪,但 你可以只製作一個新的蛋糕。
And then you'll also need some chocolate and some cream.
然後你還需要一些巧克力和 一些奶油。
Pour your cream over the chocolate and microwave it until it is melted and stir that all together.
And then crumble up your cake into fine crumbs.
Just rubbing it between your thumbs and fingers.
Then mix in the ganache that we just made.
You can just use buttercream frosting for this but ganache tastes so much yummier.
你可以在這裡用奶油糖霜 ,可是伽納徹味道更美味。
Take tablespoons of the mixture and roll it into a ball and then place those onto a baking
用湯匙以混合物的把它卷 進了一個球,然後把那些放到烤盤
Dip a cake pop stick into some melted compound chocolate and then push it into the ball.
蛋糕棒沾到熔化的複合 巧克力,然後將它推入了球。
This just glues the ball to the stick so that it doesn't fall off when we do the next step.
Temper some real white chocolate, and I'll link you to the Chocolate Secrets video at
緩和有些真正的白巧克力,我會 連你的巧克力的秘密視頻在
the end of this one which shows you several ways to temper at home.
這一年底這表明你幾個 如何在家裡緩和。
My favourite is using freeze dried cocoa butter, I just find that quickest and easiest to do.
我最喜歡的是用冷凍乾燥可可脂, 我剛剛發現這是最快,最簡單的事情。
Place some of your chocolate into two small bowls and add some oil based food colouring.
將你的一些巧克力分成兩個小 碗,並添加一些油性食品著色劑。
You can get this as a liquid or a powder.
And you just mix those in and it colours the chocolate nicely but you can't use gel or
而你只是混合它們,它很好地將 巧克力填滿顔色,但你不能使用凝膠或
liquid food colouring for this because if you do it will seize up your chocolate and
液體食品著色的,因為如果 你這樣做會抓住你的巧克力,
make it go all lumpy.
Take your big bowl of white choclate and drizzle the coloured chocolate over the top.
把你的白巧克力拿出來小雨的大碗 彩色巧克力在上面。
You can make as many colours as you like here.
Now take a cake pop and dip it in and swirl it around and pull it out.
Just dip it in, swirl it around and pull it out and then you'll want to hang those upside
將它浸入,圍繞漩轉,並把它拉 出來,然後你會想要把它
down to set.
I just have a piece of wood that I drilled holes in the size of the cake pop sticks so
我只有一塊木頭,這是我 在大小孔的蛋糕棒鑽洞,所以
it just sits in there snuggly and tight so it doesn't fall off.
它只是舒服地和緊緊地坐在那裡,所以 它不脫落。
Add more colour on top and continue just to push them in, swirl them around and then pull
在上面添加更多的顏色,並繼續 推他們,周圍地漩轉他們再拉
them out and hang them up.
These would be great in your sports team's colours or to go with the theme colours at
這些將利於你的運動隊的 顏色或去一個派對的
a party.
They just look gorgeous.
Now let's move on to the truffles.
Colour some chocolate again, making sure that you're using oil based colouring.
再次在一些巧克力著色,確保 您正在使用油性色素。
Don't use liquid and then tell me in the comments that your chocolate went all lumpy and it
不要使用液體,然後在評論告訴我 你的巧克力全部凹凸不平,它
didn't work.
You have to use oil-based colouring.
If you want to you can also smear some coloured cocoa butter onto the molds.
如果你願意,你也可以塗抹一些彩色的 可可脂到模具上。
And then fill them up with your chocolate.
Spread it up the sides using a spoon so there's no gaps.
用勺子傳播它的邊 ,令那裡沒有間隙。
And then flip it over and give it a little shake and let the excess drain out so you
然後將其翻轉過來,並給它一點 搖勻,多餘的排放,所以你
end up with just a nice coating of chocolate over your mold.
完了會有一個不錯的巧克力塗層 在你的模具。
Scrape off the top edge to make it even and flat and then leave that to set.
刮去頂部邊緣,使其均勻及 平,然後留下來設定。
For the filling for one half we are going to make another ganache so for that you need
對於填了的另一半,我們打算 再製作另一個伽納徹,所以你需要
some milk chocolate and cream.
I'll put all of the recipe quantities on the website for you.
I sit down each week and type out all of the details for each recipe so that if you want
我每星期坐下,然後輸入所有的 每個配方細節,因此,如果你想
to make it you can go there and you can also get some extra tips.
做它,你可以去那裡,你也可以 得到一些額外的指示。
And if one particular question is being asked again and again (in the YouTube comments)
如果一個特定的問題被問了 一遍又一遍(在YouTube的評論)
we'll add that in on the website so that you've got the answer to that too.
我們會添加在網站上,所以 你得到那個問題的答案。
For the other half, we are going to use the juice of half a lemon, just squeeze that out,
對於另一半,我們將使用 半個檸檬榨汁,只擠它,
and add that to some frozen raspberries with some sugar to taste.
並添加一些冷凍樹莓和 一些糖調味。
Now you want to heat that over a high heat until the raspberries all just start to bread
現在你想高溫地煮熱 直到樹莓一切開始瓦解
down, so you don't get those lumps anymore.
Pour that through a sieve to get rid of the seeds.
Now you can leave it just like this if you want or you can add some bloomed gelatin to
that raspberry sauce to make it set.
I think I'll do that.
Once your fillings are cooled, fill one half of the shells with ganache ... that looks
一旦你的餡料被冷卻,用伽納徹砲彈填補一半 ......看起來
yummy, I think I'd like to eat one just like this, but I'll wait.
And place that in the fridge to firm up.
And then fill the other half with raspberry gel and leave to set as well.
然後用樹苺凝膠填滿的另一半 並設置。
Once they are set take some chocolate and spread it out on some baking paper.
一旦它們被設置,拿一些巧克力, 鋪在一些烘焙紙。
Take one half and put it down in the chocolate to get a good coating on it and then join
取一半,並把它倒在巧克力,來 得到良好的塗層,然後加入
two halves together.
So just dip it in and then join them together.
Now take some warm compound chocolate and dip in your cake pop stick and rest it on
現在需要一些溫暖的複合巧克力, 蘸你的蛋糕棒的棒和放在
the top.
You don't want this chocolate to be hot, we don't want it to melt into our shell, it should
你不希望這個巧克力是熱的,我們 不希望它融進我們的外殼,它應該
just be warm so it's just about to set on our cold chocolate.
只是溫暖,所以它預備設置 我們冷的巧克力。
Carefully lift them up and poke them into some oasis foam (the sort of foam that you
小心地提起他們,並捅到 一些綠洲泡沫(那種你
use for flower decorating) that's wrapped in foil.
用於花卉裝飾的泡沫),並是包裹 在箔。
Pipe over some tempered dark chocolate.
And then immediately follow that up with some white chocolate and let it drip down over
然後立即處理 白巧克力,讓它往下淌在
the sides and that's how we are going to get this nice pattern that comes up around them.
邊,這就是我們將如何獲得 他們身邊出現這個漂亮的圖案。
You could just leave them as the one colour of chocolate if you like but I like the combination
of the two just dripping down.
You can give it a third coat of white if you want or go back over it with the dark, just
play with it until you get something that you like.
Turn it the right way up and push the stick sideways until the chocolate just breaks off.
以正確的方式打開它,並以側身推棒 ,直到巧克力剛剛脫落。
And you can of course make these all different colours and different designs.
你當然可以使這些各不相同 顏色和不同的設計。
These ones are inspired by a French chocolatier Martin Diez, he's amazing go look him up.
這是由法國巧克力製作人Martin Diez 啟發的,他很棒的,去看看他。
They look epic and they ares super yummy inside.
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Make it a great week and I'll see you on Friday.