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  • The Deception of Perception, Stefan Kengen ZDay, Berlin Germany, March 14th 2015


  • [The Inspector] Clearly, somebody in this room murdered

  • Lord Smythe who, at precisely 3:34

  • this afternoon, was brutally bludgeoned

  • to death with a blunt instrument.

  • I want each of you to tell me your whereabouts

  • at precisely the time that this dastardly deed took place.

  • [Maid] I was polishing the brass in the master bedroom.

  • [Butler] I was buttering his Lordship’s scones, below stairs, Sir.

  • [Lady Smythe] Why, I was planting my petunias in the potting shed.

  • - Constable! Arrest... Lady Smythe!

  • - But... but how would you know?

  • - Madam, as any horticulturist will tell you,

  • one does not plant petunias until May is out.

  • Take her away.

  • It’s just a matter of observation.

  • The real question is how observant were you?

  • Did you notice the 21 changes?

  • (And action!)

  • - Clearly, somebody in this room murdered

  • Lord Smythe who, at precisely 3:34

  • this afternoon, was brutally bludgeoned

  • to death with a blunt instrument.

  • I want each of you to tell me your whereabouts

  • at precisely the time that this dastardly deed took place.

  • - I was polishing the brass in the master bedroom.

  • - I was buttering his Lordship’s scones, below stairs, Sir.

  • - Why, I was planting my petunias in the potting shed.

  • - Constable! Arrest... Lady Smythe!

  • It’s easy to miss something youre not looking for.

  • [Applause]

  • The Deception of Perception .

  • The Deception of Perception Or How Your Brain Fails You On A Daily Basis

  • Thank you very much. It's great to be here.

  • So, a quick show of hands, how many of you have seen this video before?

  • Ahh 3, 4 people, 5 maybe.

  • How many of you got any of the changes?

  • 3-4-5 people? How many have you didn't get any?

  • Ahh, OK. I rest my case: the whole room. It's fascinating, isn't it?

  • Ok, also erstmalchte ich mich vielmals bei Franky und TZM Berlin bedanken.

  • Es ist eine sehr große Ehre für mich, hier zu sein,

  • und hoffentlich werdet ihr nachher nicht zu enttäuscht sein.

  • And for those of you who didn't get that, it was his me

  • sucking up to the German chapter.

  • [Laughter]

  • Okay, speaking of me, I'd like to point out that I am not a scholar,

  • I'm not a scientist. I'm here to try do get your juices running.

  • I'd like to present you with a lot of information that I hope that you'll pick up on

  • and take to the next level. So if you think I'm full of shit,

  • please go ahead- debunk me. I want you to do that; I want to validate ...

  • all this information that I’m about to share you. Okay.

  • Now were going to do a brief introduction of neuroscience if you will,

  • which is just kind of a few pointers about the history.

  • Many people think neuroscience is kind of a new field, a new topic -

  • it's not really. People have been fascinated with the brain for thousands of years.

  • So we find for instance reports of the euphoriant effect of poppy plant seeds

  • in the old Sumerian records, and

  • many people would be familiar with Hippocrates

  • who discussed epilepsy as a disturbance of the brain way back when.

  • And back in the scientific era if you will, of the Muslim world in the year 900,

  • Rhazes describes seven cranial nerves and 31 spinal nerves

  • in his medical work of the time called 'Kitab al-Hawi Fi Al Tibb'

  • or something like that, I'm not exactly sure how to pronounce that -

  • please don't hold that against me.

  • 1543 - the Dutchman Andreus Vesalius posts his work called

  • 'On the Fabric of the Human Body'

  • and gives the fullest account of the brain anatomy to that time.

  • He got a lot of stuff wrong but he got an impressive amount actually correct.

  • Fast forward a little bit.

  • Can't really talk about science without mentioning this guy.

  • 1859 - Darwin ... comes along and shakes up the whole

  • scientific process from then.

  • Moving along...

  • In the year 1900, Sigmund Freud comes along and

  • tips the boat again if you will, introducing what is effectively the ...

  • field of psychology which is still debated today.

  • And of course, bringing it a little closer to home,

  • in the 1970’s Benjamin Libet at the University of California

  • did a series of studies that basically shows

  • that the brain is engaged in decision-making activity

  • long before were actually aware of it.

  • And this is of course very controversial stuff and he's been heavily debated.

  • One of his most verbal critics is Daniel Dennett,

  • who is in his own right really great guy - I recommend his work here.

  • He is a cognitive scientist and philosopher

  • and he's got a great bookConsciousness Explainedwhich I heartily recommend.

  • And this guy will be familiar to a lot of you; Peter just mentioned him -

  • one of my favorite scientists and science ...

  • how do you say that ... communicators.

  • I like his work because he's very good at

  • understanding how these causalities work and he’s very good

  • at describing to the rest of us who don't understand any of this stuff,

  • how it works. So I really recommend his stuff, and

  • these implications have far further reaches then we

  • tend to think on a normal average level.

  • So here he is in a small clip with Alan Alda, discussing the justice system.

  • [Alan Alda] So, what do you see as the...

  • the contribution of neuroscience at some point

  • to the justice system?

  • Does it start in the court room, or should it start

  • all the way at the beginning, reframing our laws?

  • [Dr. Robert Sapolsky] Well, you know we professor types state things

  • in these very cautious, qualified ways

  • so I'll do that here and just say...

  • the whole system has to go.

  • Modern criminal justice system is incompatible with neuroscience.

  • It simply is not possible to have the two of them in the same room.

  • [Applause]

  • Well he said it- must be true!

  • [Laughter]

  • Well actually, there's more evidence to support this claim;

  • it's not just taken out of thin air. Right here in Berlin you have something called

  • The Computational Neuroscience Centre in Berlin,

  • and this is John Dylan Hanes who is the leader of the theory and analysis

  • of large-scale brain signals,

  • and I think the way that he summarizes it just says it all:

  • Decisions don't come from nowhere

  • but they emerge from prior brain activity.

  • Where else should they come from?

  • In theory it might be possible to trace the causal pathway

  • of a decision all the way back to the Big Bang.

  • Our research shows that we can trace it back about 10 seconds.”

  • And then was some kind of usual scientific humility he goes on to state that

  • Compared to the time since the Big Bang that's not very long.”

  • He’s completely just validated all that Benjamin Libet did previous, so

  • this is interesting.

  • Okay so where does that leave us today?

  • It leaves us with a range of different kinds of neurostuffto look through.

  • Weve got Neuroendocrinology, Neurobiology,

  • which is kind of the hands-on stuff,

  • then you got Neuropsychiatry - the pathology of it all,

  • you got Neuropsychology, you know, "let's talk about it,"

  • and then you have Neurophilosophy - it’s likewhat's it all about?”

  • and then of course you have a lot of Neurobollocks! which you could call it.

  • There's a lot of interesting, interesting information floating around out there.

  • Now, how many of you are familiar with this statement?

  • We only use 10% of our brain capacity.”

  • Yeah? Oh, about half the room.

  • How many have you believe it to be true?

  • Ahh, not very many.

  • Thank god, you're on the right path here people, that's good.

  • Okay.

  • Well, in the words of Barry Gordon at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine,

  • "It turns out that we use virtually every part of the brain,

  • and that the brain is active almost all of the time.

  • Let's put it this way: the brain represents three percent

  • of the body's weight and uses 20 percent of the body’s energy."

  • And then he goes on to state...

  • Ultimately, it's not that we use 10 percent of our brains,

  • merely that we understand about 10 percent of how it functions.”

  • So if you're going to go with that 10 percent number,

  • use that one. It’s much more accurate. Okay?

  • Here’s another great guy I want to recommend to you,

  • his name is Christian Jarrett. He's a young British scientist -

  • cognitive neuroscientist. He’s a science writer, he’s got a great blog.

  • By the way all these links are available to you. I’ve got a PDF

  • with all of this stuff in it so if you want it,

  • it's gonna be in the video link, later on.

  • He’s got a great book, ‘Great Myths ... of the Brain

  • and among his peers, he's really well respected

  • for really grasping what this stuff is all about.

  • Okay, so let's move into some practical stuff here.

  • This is what I like to call Your Unreliable Brain.

  • Now, your brain is hit with approximately 400 billion bits of information

  • per second. You have about 100 billion brain cells.

  • About 10,000 neuronal connections connect each of these,

  • and you have about 1 trillion interactions going on in your brain per second.

  • 2,000 of these can reach your immediate consciousness,

  • and seven of these can reach your immediate memory,

  • one of which you can actually react upon!

  • So these are the odds people - that's what you're up against! Okay?

  • I'm gonna do some simple experiments here; it's not gonna be visible to everybody,

  • but this is known as selective perception

  • and here are a couple of visual examples of that.

  • I realize because of the size of the room

  • many of you are probably not going to perceive this,

  • but I mean, go home and check it out later on if you haven't already.

  • Now this first one is known as the Ebbinghaus Illusion,

  • and as you stare at this image you're probably going to

  • feel a little bit queasy because it kind of feels like it's wobbling all around.

  • Of course is doing no such thing, but your brain is telling you that it is.

  • This next one is the Herman Grid

  • and as you stare at this, you're gonna see strange little grey dots appear

  • in the cross-sections of this image.

  • And of course there's no such thing as a grey dot in sight but

  • your brain tells you that there is.

  • We've got these ambiguous images -

  • these go way back, several centuries -

  • and some of you might be seeing a young girl

  • with her head turned looking to the back of the room.

  • Others of you might see an old lady looking slightly to the left,

  • to the front of the room, and to help you a little bit,

  • here is the young girl- you can kind of see her eyelash,

  • a tiny little nose and chin there with her scarf,

  • and those have you who see the old lady, youre going to see

  • two eyes facing the front with what was a chin before is now the nose,

  • and the small nose is now a big wart on that.

  • So, these are interesting, interesting images.

  • Next are these physiological illusions which are really funny.

  • The Swiss artist M.C. Escher did a lot to popularize these back in the '80s.

  • These are kind of impossible

  • 3D images and of course the impossible cube -

  • some of you might be familiar with this -

  • and then you have the trickery of light. Most will agree that

  • the tile here marked with an ‘A’

  • is visibly darker than the tile marked with a ‘B’

  • but as as you see when you connect them they are in fact the same color,

  • and this is the trickery of light.

  • And speaking of trickery of light

  • does anyone even remember this one?

  • A of couple weeks back, this went viral all over the world.

  • This is from the Danish media- it was on the TV, it was in every newspaper,

  • and of course it's the infamous dress syndrome.

  • Here is the infamous dress - actually there is a both blue and a white version.

  • But, it all began with this guy,

  • one of my other favorite people on the planet, Doctor Neil Degrasse Tyson,

  • who is of course the theoretical astrophysicist and

  • the director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York,

  • a great science communicator,

  • and he tweeted this the other day in relation to this image.

  • "If we were honest about the shortcomings of human physiology

  • then 'optical illusions' would instead be labeled 'brain failures'."

  • And I think this says a lot.

  • We think it's kind of quaint and funny and all that,

  • but it's really stopping us from understanding what's going on around us.

  • And speaking of understanding what's going on around us,

  • has anyone noticed anything about this slide?

  • Use your perceptive powers.

  • The comment! Right.

  • What's that all about?

  • I swear wasn’t looking for it, I just went to the original tweet

  • and that was the first comment made in that section.

  • And I thought to myself- oh my god we've got a long way to go! I mean ...

  • Okay, so just break it down a little bit, I'm not gonna take you through

  • the whole physiology of it all but this is a cross section of the human eye.

  • I am gonna explain a little bit of what's going on.

  • You've got something called the fovea which is like the focal point of the eye.

  • What you have here is a graphic representation of the human left eye.

  • On the Y-axis you have the distance away from the eye,

  • on the X-axis you can see your visual acuity kind of dropping

  • to either side.

  • What's happening here is the brain can only ...

  • focus on one thing at a time so it kind of makes up stuff all the time.

  • So that's why you get this wobbling effect and the grey dots appearing

  • and all that, so your brain isn't really reliable at all.

  • Another way to look at it- the light spectrum is

  • completely immense yet the human visual ...

  • capacity is only between 400 and 700 nanometers.

  • So on the short wavelength we got stuff like deadly gamma rays

  • and X-rays that we cannot perceive until it's way too late and we're dying of cancer...

  • (huge amount of pain).

  • And the same thing goes on the longer side of the spectrum.

  • You've got stuff like microwaves.

  • We can't perceive radio waves or broadcast bandwidths at all so

  • we're really rather limited here.

  • Okay jumping forward a little bit, there's a great website out there

  • that I really recommended - it’s called AsapScience.

  • Theyve got a YouTube channel with a lot a great videos explaining a lot

  • of these physiological phenomenon so I really recommend that.

  • I’m just going to do a few here because I think they're really interesting.

  • This one is called the McGurk effect,

  • and it is theeffect of a perceptual phenomenon that

  • demonstrates interaction between hearing and vision in speech perception.”

  • And instead of just mumbling all about that I'm gonna play it to you.

  • [Announcer] Listen to Greg speaking.

  • bar bar bar bar bar bar

  • What do you hear? If you heard "bar bar bar" you'd be right.

  • But how about now?

  • far far far far far far

  • Chances are you've heard "far far far" this time, with an F, except

  • you didn't. In fact, the audio didn't even change between the two videos.

  • Strange as it may seem

  • what you hear depends on which video you're looking at.

  • Go ahead, take turns watching each video and see how the sound morphs.

  • This is a perfect example of something called the McGurk Effect

  • which shows how our visuals can alter but we believe we're hearing.

  • Fascinating, isn't it?

  • [Applause]

  • Right, here's another one that I totally love.

  • I'm not gonna even bother explaining it because it's gonna sound completely

  • like mumbo jumbo but youre going to get it once you actually

  • hear what's going on. Check this out.

  • [Announcer] Listen to this audio clip of the gradually climbing tune.

  • ♫ ♫ ♫ ...

  • And yet if I play the exact same clip back to you

  • it will sound like it's only continuing to climb higher and higher.

  • I swear this is the exact same clip I just played.

  • You can rewind that section of this video over and over and check for yourself.

  • Try it. Each time you start it over the tune is seemingly climbing even higher.

  • It's called the Shepard Tone Illusion, of which there are many variations.

  • It's true. I mean you have to have a long time pass and do other stuff

  • before you can actually reset that effect, so

  • be careful what you trust when you hear stuff.

  • Okay, just a little bit of fun facts about the human auditory system.

  • If you look at other animals,

  • elephants have been reported to be able to hear as low as 5 hertz actually;

  • it's not on this graph. Mice can hear upwards of 100,000 cycles per second and

  • dolphins up to as much as 200,000.

  • Now humans - we're here. Were between 20 and 20,000,

  • most a little less, and it will actually decline as you get older all the time.

  • So, we can’t hear what's going on around us either.

  • Okay I'm just gonna tie this into a little bit deeper topic,

  • something known as cognitive dissonance

  • and, I'm not gonna go into it too much,

  • just present you with the guy who actually coined the term

  • and recommend you the book which is fantastic - Dr. Leon Festinger,

  • and he also has a great quote I think just kind of summarizing his work

  • which is “I prefer to rely on my memory.

  • I had lived with that memory a long time. I am used to it,

  • and if I have rearranged or distorted anything,

  • surely that was done for my own benefit.”

  • That kind of ... summarizes that whole-

  • that's how we feel about ourselves and how we feel about

  • our way of perceiving things, but is very far from the truth.

  • Okay.

  • To wrap things up, how does is apply to TZM or anyone?

  • Well I think it applies in major, major huge ways actually,

  • because - what are we? Well, we're a social movement.

  • What does that entail? It entails social interaction.

  • And if you don't understand your own perceptions,

  • you have no chance of understanding everybody else’s perceptions.

  • So, of course, it's about communication,

  • and you need to understand what communication is,

  • what that entails, and that begins by understanding how your brain functions.

  • Also of course, were global in scope. We want to transcend borders.

  • We want to ... break down artificial borders that separate people

  • whether they are racial or sexual or national or whatever.

  • And in order to do that, we have to really understand what's going on,

  • on a cognitive level if you will.

  • And even though its global, top down in that sense, it starts with you!

  • Each and every one of you have to improve in order to

  • improve upon the rest of stuff.

  • So, I'm going to give you some recommendations here.

  • is a great training website.

  • It's not free but it's very, very well sourced and [a] very

  • scientific way of training different areas of how your brain works

  • and I recommend it to anyone.

  • It's just a small series a games- you spend 5-10 minutes on it every day

  • and you actually improve in a lot of areas.

  • Next, I also want to point out that most of the American and European universities

  • are now putting their curriculum out there for free,

  • at places like iTunes U, other places.

  • You can find most of what's out there absolutely free

  • and you can follow any course and some of them

  • you can even take a degree just by watching that.

  • It's not the same merit as actually going to the school but

  • I mean the info is out there

  • and again I would recommend Sapolsky’s work onhuman natureif you will,

  • because that's really mind opening.

  • Also, there's a great YouTube channel called TheraminTrees;

  • some of you may be aware of this.

  • It’s got a great series of what's known as transactional analysis,

  • which is a very good way of looking at conversational techniques on how you can

  • find yourself in a loop, not getting anywhere and how to get out of that.

  • It's very easy to understand and apply.

  • So, I’ve been with the Movement now for

  • the better part of 6 years anyway and

  • I've come to learn that patience really is not a virtue, it is a necessity,

  • because it's hard work. As Gilbert said, you kind of expect coming in,

  • changing the world tomorrow- doesn't work like that.

  • So, I'm just going to leave you with a little afterthought here:

  • If you improve upon yourself,

  • you can’t help but improving upon the world in the process.

  • So, thank you very much.

  • [Applause]


The Deception of Perception, Stefan Kengen ZDay, Berlin Germany, March 14th 2015

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