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  • In a Moment of Vision...


  • It's 1905, Northern California.

    時值 1905 年的北加州。

  • Frank Epperson is eleven years old.

    法蘭克.愛普森是一位 11 歲的男孩。

  • He's sitting on his front porch making a sort of DIY drink that's very popular at this time.


  • He has just poured a sugary soda powder into a glass of water and is mixing enthusiastically with a wooden stir stick.


  • We don't know exactly how the next 24 hours play out, but we can imagine that something catches Frank's attention and he abandons his drink mid-stir.

    我們無從得知接下來 24 小時發生了什麼事情,但是可以想像某件事讓法蘭克分心,讓他拋下了攪拌到一半的飲料。

  • After a cold Bay Area night, Frank rediscovers his mixed drink the next morning.


  • It's frozen solid.


  • But instead of throwing it out, Frank pulls the icy block of soda out of the glass by the embedded stir stick and, in a moment of vision, licks it.


  • Delighted by his invention, Frank begins making the frozen treat for friends,


  • and as he grows older, begins selling them as Eppsicles, a contraction of his last name and the word icicle.


  • It is rumored that later, Frank's own kids dubbed the icy delicacy, Pop's 'cicle.


  • Others claim the name is a combination of lollipop and icicle.


  • Regardless where the name comes from, the popsicle is here to stay.


  • Approximately 2 billion popsicles are sold each year.

    每年都約有 20 億根冰棒被售出。

In a Moment of Vision...


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