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Welcome to Phone Mart
How may I help you? I heard you are part of The Zeitgiest Movement
What is that?
It is the activist arm of The Venus Project
What is that?
It is a social vision unlike any political, economic
or social system
that has been proposed before
it is based on a resource based economy
What is that?
It is a system in which all goods and services are available to everyone without the use
of money
debt or servitude
also known as work
Why do we need the resources based economy?
Our current monetary economic system is not capable of providing a high standard of living
for everyone
nor can it ensure the protection of the environment
since the major motive of industry is profit. What do you mean by a high standard of living?
all members of society would have access to all of the necessities to sustain life
such as medical care
education, food, clothing
leisure time and more. Sounds great
But don't we have to have the money? If all money in the world were destroyed
as long as we have sufficient arable land
the factories
the necessary resources and technical personnel
we could build anything and even supply in abundance
But it would take the economic collapse
to get world to stop using the money. What do you mean
It’s happening right now
The bank bailouts
record foreclosures, student debt defaults
increasing unemployment
QE1, QE2
global currency debasement
and entire countries going bankrupt.
Looks like economic collapse to me
Unfortunately social change
has always been brought about by economic collapse, corruption in government, and/or
abuse of the population
Won’t the rich people want to stop this kind of system?
Yes they would
But if they keep using automation in their industries in order to compete for market share
while preserving profits
millions of people will be replaced by machines
as unemployed workers lose purchasing power
the very industries
that depend on these consumers can no longer function
this will bring an end to the outdated monetary system
Won’t all the nations have to agree to give up the money?
Yes, our problems today are global in their scope and impact
they cannot be solved by any one nation. What are the benefits of the resources based
Without money
no one can sell anything and with everything in abundance
it would not be profitable to steal anything from anyone
Without scarcity
and differential advantage, the basis for unhealthy human aggression will be outgrown
People will no longer be burdened by mortgages
health care costs
insurance, recession
depression and taxes
People would be free to pursue whatever constructive endeavour they choose without the economic
pressures, restraints
and taxation from the monetary system
When education and resources are available to all without a price tag
there will be no limit to human potential
With these major alterations
people would eventually live longer
more meaningful and healthier lives
The measure of success would be the fulfillment of one's individual pursuits rather than the
acquisition of wealth
and power
How do you plan to make the resources based economy happen?
First, enhance public awareness of the need of a solution through education
like I’m doing with you right now. Second
utilize an experimental research facility to blueprint the initial technologies and designs
that are required
Third, build a theme facility to appeal to the masses and engage them in an immersive experience
that will entertain and inform visitors
the rest of the plan will emerge as interest increases
I see
So what's stopping the project from advancing? Simple
Social and cultural lag
Unfortunately most education today is designed as propaganda
rather than information related to the physical laws
that govern all living and non-living systems. Do we have the technologies to do all this?
We’ve had the technology since 1920.
Do we have the materials to do all this
There are more than the necessary materials available for the construction and maintenance
of such eco cities right now
What will the government look like?
Only during the transition to a resource based economy would it be necessary to utilize the
services of systems analysts
computer programmers, designers
etc. to govern the implementation
But this will not be political governance. What do you mean
How will the decisions being made?
Decisions would not be based on local politics
but on a holistic problem-solving approach
For example
With electrical sensors extended into the agricultural region
computerized systems would manage and control agriculture
by monitoring the water table, insects
plant diseases
soil nutrients, and so forth
the information processed
will enable us to arrive at more appropriate decision making
based on feedback from the environment
Isn’t it just decent people
that we need in the government? Even with the election of men and women of impeccable character
in the government
without available resources and advanced technology
war, poverty
and corruption will prevail no matter how many new laws are passed or treaties signed
Isn’t this just the communism/socialism?
Communism has armies
social stratification
money, banks
a labour class
and is managed by appointed leaders
Most importantly
communism did not eliminate scarcity
nor do they have a blueprint or the methods for the production of abundance
Don’t we need the laws?
We would need a government to make the laws. Social responsibility would not be a function
of artificial laws or force
Safeguards against abuse and harm
could be designed into the environment
and their systems
But I like the democracy
What happens to the democracy? This would be a democracy
Without vested interests and the use of money
there is little to be gained by squelching opinion
falsifying information or taking advantage of others
There are also no underlying rigid social barriers limiting the participation of anyone
or restraining the introduction of new ideas
Everyone would be able to share their ideas
This would in fact, finally, be a true democracy
I still don't understand
If there is no government who makes the decisions? No one does
What...what do you mean?
Decisions are not made
they are
arrived at
What do you mean?
The process of
arriving at decisions would not be based upon the opinions of politicians
or national interests
but rather all decisions would be arrived at
based upon the introduction of newer technologies and Earth's carrying capacity
I think I get it
But what about those that will abuse their power? In a resource based economy
we surpassed the need for money which is the basis for most corruption
the society we envision
makes all goods and services available for everyone without a price tag. There will be
nothing to gain
that they don't already have access to. We have passed the peak oil production
so where are we going to get the energy to eliminate the scarcity and achieve the abundance?
The potential of untapped energy sources is almost limitless
If we utilize geothermal
solar, wind, wave,
and tidal sources.
The potential of geothermal energy, alone, is almost limitless and can easily supply enough
energy for all of the world's needs
If there isn't the money,
what about incentive or motivation? Human beings need challenges
in order to evolve intellectually
and maintain a high level of curiosity and a need to overcome shortages
the incentive
which will propel people
is the end of war
territorial disputes
economic hardship, debt
and the basis for most crimes
as they will all be eliminated
If no one has to work for the money
what will people do with their time?
Are you actually asking me that question?
Children are curious about everything
and if nurtured could have a much greater range of interests and abilities
this culture does a wonderful job of limiting people's interests, opportunities
and abilities
and it conditions them to be lazy
People are not born that way
any more than they are born with bigotry, hatred, prejudice
or particular values
What about religion?
Religion is a great idea
we need to actually try to transform these lofty ideals into a working reality for the
inhabitants of our planet
This sounds like a Utopia
Isn’t this a bit idealistic? The Venus Project is not a Utopian concept
There is no such thing as a Utopian society
societies are always in a state of transition
the Venus Project only proposes a direction
Our future will emerge from the decisions we all make today. I don't think this Venus
Project is realistic
People did not think going to the moon was realistic
What is your point?
I don't know how we are going to get rid of the money
Just because you don't know where you're next meal will come from
doesn't mean you give up looking for food
Good point
Thank you for your time
I have to go but I still have more questions
Where can I get more information? Try a Google search