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  • I am proposing a universal basic income that would replace the entire welfare system we

  • have now, and one of the first questions that would come to anyone's mind is, "Can we really

  • afford this? $10,000 a year for everybody aged 21 and older until they die?" And the

  • surprising answer is it would several hundred million dollars cheaper than the system we

  • have now. And guess what, by the year 2020, it will be in the order of $900 billion cheaper.

  • By the year 2025, we're going to be looking at well into 1.5 to 2 trillion dollars cheaper

  • than the current system. The right question is not, "Can we afford universal basic income?"

  • The right question is "How are we going to sustain the current system for the next decade?"

  • Something has to be done to deal with an oncoming fiscal crisis. A universal basic income is

  • not only a better system for Americans, it's also a lot cheaper.

I am proposing a universal basic income that would replace the entire welfare system we

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美國能否負擔得起全民基本收入?| 60秒內 (Could the United States afford a universal basic income? | IN 60 SECONDS)

  • 44 6
    王惟惟 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary