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  • Hey guys, this is Aaron.

  • I want to show you something that may come in handy for you if you ever have to model

  • from reference images.

  • I have a model here of a jet I did, and as much as I would like to say that I modeled

  • this from scratch, that would be a lie.

  • I did use reference images.

  • So I actually have them on their own layer over here, if I turn my reference layer on,

  • you'll see I have a series of images that I used as references.

  • I have scenes up here at the top so I can jump to a top view, side view, front view

  • real quick while modeling, and I can actually see that projected reference so I can model

  • real quickly.

  • Jump between different views.

  • We're going to go ahead and create something like this, sort of a reference image cage

  • like this in a new drawing.

  • So I'm going to go ahead and go File>New.

  • I'm going to go ahead and blow that up nice and big so you guys can see everything I'm

  • doing.

  • And I'm going to let Chris leave.

  • He does not have to stick around for this.

  • Going to now go to Import and import my reference image.

  • So I have a Vespa image, I'm going to go ahead and import that and drop it on the ground.

  • I'm not really concerned with the scale at this point, we've done a lot of, we've talked

  • about scaling before.

  • At this point I just want to talk about setting up the cage.

  • So my reference image actually contains all of the different sides that I want to reference

  • on one image.

  • I don't have to do it this way, I could actually import a series of images: Top, Side, Front.

  • But what's important is that I do have the three reference images and that those three

  • reference images are about the same scale.

  • I mean, relatively if scaled to the same width, they're about the same height.

  • That sort of thing, so that I don't have issues where I'm having to stretch the image or something

  • like that in order to make everything line up.

  • Alright, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start by taking this and I'm actually going

  • to set this up as the side.

  • So I want this image, this side image, to be here in the blue-green quadrant.

  • So I'm going to start by using my Rotate tool.

  • I'm going to hit the right arrow key to lock onto the red axis, and click to the endpoint,

  • and then click on the side and bring it straight up.

  • Until I click onto the blue axis.

  • Now I'm going to flip it around the other direction.

  • So I'm going to click the bottom, click and drag that around until it snaps to the green

  • axis.

  • Alright, now it's where it needs to be.

  • It's on the right plane, but I got to move where the actual image is.

  • So what I'm going to do is use the Move command, and I'm going to click on this ground plane

  • and I'm going to hit the up arrow to lock to moving vertically.

  • And lock that right there.

  • And I'm going to use Move again to kind of slide it over.

  • Again, this is not of dire importance where exactly this is lined up, but what I generally

  • want to do is have that geometry in the positive space of this quadrant right here.

  • Alright, once that's done we can set up the rest of the images.

  • So what I want to do is I want to get this piece right here turned around so it's on

  • this blue-red quadrant right here.

  • I'm going to do that using the Rotate command.

  • So I'm going to come to my origin, I'm going to hit up to lock to the blue axis, and I'm

  • going to click and drag this around.

  • So I want to get it to right here, but I want to keep the other one so I'm going to use

  • my modifier key.

  • This is option on the Mac or Control on Windows.

  • And I'm just going to bring it around and click right there.

  • So you can see what I'm doing here I have two of my images set up already.

  • I'm going to go back to selecting the first image, Rotate again.

  • This time I'm going to use the green axis, grab the bottom, and again modifier key to

  • copy, and bring that up like that.

  • So there I have those three images; I'm almost set up as far as having those in the right

  • spot to use as a reference.

  • One thing I'm going to have an issue with right now, of course, is that they don't all

  • line up.

  • Specifically this bottom one does not seem to be where it needs to be.

  • So what I'm going to do is I'm going to draw a couple lines referencing a reference point.

  • For a reference point I'm going to use the front of this fender right here.

  • So I'm going to draw a line right there, click, and I'm going to draw a line out.

  • I want to stay on the red axis so I'm going to go ahead and hit the right arrow on my

  • keyboard and then come to this point right here.

  • I'm going to draw that back just to have that reference.

  • Draw this down.

  • So basically, the front of the fender should align to this point on all three images.

  • So now I can come in and I can fine tune any of my images.

  • So if that's not quite where I wanted I could move it.

  • This one's a little bit off so I'm going to come in here and use the Move command to kind

  • of...right about there is good.

  • This one's way off.

  • Oops.

  • Select this and move it.

  • Riiight.. there.

  • Alright, once I have that done, I can actually get rid of these lines I don't need them,

  • I just needed to reference them for placement.

  • But I'm pretty good.

  • So now it's clean up time.

  • So one of the things I want to do is go in and crop these images real quick.

  • I don't need all these additional views of the Vespa on the side view.

  • So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go in and cut this down to just what I need.

  • I can't actually cut down an image, but what I can do is I can right click and Explode

  • that image.

  • When I explode it it becomes just a surface with the image painted on as a texture.

  • So what I can do now is use Move to just move these lines back.

  • There we go.

  • Do the same thing to the side.

  • Select.

  • Move, and bring it dow-.

  • Whoops.

  • And bring it down.

  • The bottom one up.

  • And I can take this one all the way up to the reference plane; I don't need it to hang

  • down there at all.

  • And then, finally I can bring this one in here like that.

  • So that's all I need out of that image.

  • I'm going to go ahead and do that to the other images, just Explode and Move their edges

  • real quick.

  • Okay!

  • So at this point, I have my three images in and cropped.

  • And last couple things I'm going to do is just to set it up so it's easier to reference them.

  • If i jump to my side view, and see that's a pretty good view, I like that.

  • I can jump same thing, to the front view, top view, but one of the issues you come up

  • with here is I'm not actually looking at it directly straight on, I'm actually looking at it in

  • my perspective view.

  • That's going to add a little bit of distortion, especially when we reference one image to

  • the next.

  • So one of the things I want to do before I set up my reference scenes is go up to Camera

  • and turn on Parallel Projection.

  • There we go!

  • Now I'm looking at just that one image.

  • So the other images are still there, but when I snap into that view, see I'm just seeing

  • that image.

  • So, these quick view buttons up at the top are great but I'm going to go a step further

  • and actually create scenes for each of these.

  • So I'm going to create a scene for the side view, and I'm going to go ahead and select

  • it, make sure my additional information is dropped down, and I'm just going to change

  • the name to "Side."

  • That way, as I'm modeling around here if I want to jump back to a side view all I have

  • to do is just click on this, and I'll jump back over there.

  • I'm going to do the same thing for the other two views real quick.

  • Okay, so I've got my views created.

  • One thing I might want to change though is that animation, so I'm going to go do just

  • kind of one more thing right here.

  • Go to View>Animation and change my settings and actually just turn off Enable Transitions.

  • What that's going to do is allow me to just real quickly hop from one to the next.

  • Real quick and easy.

  • Alright, last thing I may want to do here, Select all these, go to Entity Info and add

  • them to a new reference layer.

  • That's going to allow as I model to just flip these all back on and off again.

  • So there you go!

  • A quick and easy way to make a set of reference images for modeling.

  • Thank you!

Hey guys, this is Aaron.

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SketchUp技能生成器。參考影像 (SketchUp Skill Builder: Reference Images)

  • 39 2
    Hung Wai Lin posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary