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  • The other week, I was in a car on my way to a destination

  • Well, obviously a car is never a destination. It's a tool to go to a destination...

  • Anyway, we hit a red and we're behind this SUV and on the rear window

  • I see a sticker that says "mother of a stanford alumni", and I was like "what what is that?

  • What what does that mean?" Okay, I knew what it meant,

  • obviously the drivers son or daughter graduated from Stanford University

  • It's just that I usually see the actual graduate students bragging about it on their own vehicles, for some reason this one

  • Bothered me, just a little bit too much...

  • You know why because that parent did not put it on for their friends and family

  • And I speculate this because if they had that much level of pride their mutual's wouldn't need a sticker to be informed of that matter

  • They would have been called on the phone or have been sent a text or been updated in person at a party

  • "Hey, Frankie! (ya d*ck bag), guess what? My son is a post

  • Secondary

  • Graduate. No, they put it on for the world to see, and I was in that world

  • I didn't like it...

  • Syndical Dom just just came out and immediately HATED this parent (Oh my)

  • From who he knows nothing about the fact that they're,

  • Very proud of their offspring, they might have been first-generation immigrants who had to start from the bottom and their family faced through many hardships of

  • they might have been first-generation immigrants who had to start from the bottom and their family faced through many hardships of

  • Discrimination and whatnot, I don't know, this is just a presumptuous and rhetorical rant!

  • BUT yeah! This was a parent shoving their kids achievement into anyone who was, unfortunately, behind them in traffic

  • And I found it hard to believe if anyone in the world would care

  • Do they expect someone to just be walking by and be like, (Highly exaggerated GASP)

  • "Ma'am, Ma'am,"

  • Congratulations on being a parent to your son. You should be very proud,

  • Very proud."

  • "Oh my God,"

  • Thank you the stranger in the supermarket parking lot. I spent

  • $20 on this sticker. It's about damn time someone noticed."

  • I mean congratulations to your kid of course for his or her or their hard work and being in debt

  • But I didn't care. Should have saved that

  • $20 unless they changed the world by finding the cure for cancer or they invented a teleportation device at which

  • They should have probably had a sticker that read,

  • "Mother of cancer destroyer", or,

  • "Mother of the reason your long-distance relationship is now easy"

  • But, the way I saw it, I read it as if it was how they introduced themselves when they first meet people.

  • "Hello, I'm Dominic."

  • "Dominic, pleasure to meet you. Mother of a Stanford Alumni."

  • "Shut the f*** up!"

  • They might as well have stuck on a dick pic on their car! (Oh my)

  • I mean of course it's more obscene, and I guess it wouldn't make sense if they were a mother

  • But, it's like they're going, "Yea boi, look at dat, HEHEHE."

  • "Okay, congrats on your huge dong, but NO ONE asked..."

  • I'm not discouraging parents from being proud of their kids

  • I mean, isn't that the reason why half of us went to school for things we're not fully passionate about, haha haha.

  • But yeah, no. Be proud, but calm down about it. You know?

  • They graduated, they made it, cool. Throw a celebration, show them personally that you were proud of them!

  • You don't have to go around clarifying to everyone that "Hey, this, this kid right here,

  • This university graduate,

  • This Master's degree owner, yeah, I made him.

  • He came out of me." (What about Dad?)

  • "Partial credit." (There he is)

  • I'm sure they wanted to make you proud, but they probably didn't intend for you to shove it down everyone's throat.

  • And if they did then okay, I guess their douchey pride runs in the family.

  • To me, personally,

  • My opinion,

  • Kind of makes it seem like that's all your kid is to you.

  • Again, a presumptuous rant.

  • I just feel like parents need to chill a little bit with the career pressures on their kid,

  • If you push them to pursue a path that was for their own good,

  • Then push for that cause.

  • Don't push for your own pride.

  • Save $20.

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The other week, I was in a car on my way to a destination

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校友貼紙 (Alumni Sticker)

  • 90 5
    Ting-Yun Chiang posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary