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  • Today’s episode is about something very important: stratospheric carbon quantum resonan

  • just kidding!



  • OK, youre about to see one of the cutest things ever, but first I want you to ask yourself

  • a question: Do you remember where you were ten years ago, at this exact day and time?

  • Not just the city, but the exact place.

  • Could you find your way back therewithout a phone?

  • Without a map?

  • Probably not.

  • But they can.

  • Or at least they will.

  • These are Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, Earth’s smallest sea turtles, just a few days old,

  • and instinct draws them toward the ocean.

  • It’s dangerous out there, many won’t survive, but ten or fifteen years from now, a few lucky

  • females will perform one of nature’s greatest feats of navigationand find their way

  • back here.

  • Sea turtles are AWESOME.

  • Some specis swim more than a thousand miles to lay their eggs in the same sand where they

  • were born.

  • That’s like half an ocean, after being out at sea for more than a decade.

  • That’s crazy.

  • To do this, sea turtles have some tricks up their sleeum, under their shells.

  • So do salmonbut they don’t have shells.

  • Anyway, when it’s time to spawn, salmon leave the ocean and swim upriver to the spot they were

  • born.

  • When they were babies, they saved a chemicalsnapshotof how their home riversmells

  • Scientists think baby sea turtles do the same thing, they *imprint* on the chemical cues

  • around them: the sand, the ocean, whatever’s near shoreall that saysthis is home”…

  • not bad for newborns.

  • But when it’s time to come back, they can’t smell their home beach from across an ocean.

  • They have a different trick for navigating long distances.

  • One way humans know where were going is to use a compass.

  • That needle always points at Earth’s magnetic north pole.

  • But if we slide that compass along Earth’s equator, the needle will move as it follows

  • the pole.

  • Nowimagine we rotate that compass straight up in the air.

  • At the magnetic north pole, Earth’s magnetic field lines are perpendicular to the surface,

  • so the compass points straight down.

  • Near the equator, theyre parallel, so the compass points sideways.

  • You and I can’t feel this, but many animals can sense these angles of inclination and

  • declination.

  • They can sense their x/y coordinates.

  • We aren’t exactly sure *how* turtles sense this.

  • Some birds have iron crystals in their beaks to navigate with magnetism, and so far scientists

  • haven’t found anything like that in sea turtles.

  • But theyve done experiments with captive turtles, putting them inside magnetic fields,

  • and we *know* they follow some sort of built-in compass.

  • Nowthey don’t get it right *every* time.

  • Sometimes turtles end up miles from where they were born.

  • But this might not be all their fault.

  • Magnetic north moves, Earth’s magnetic field shifts slightly year after year, so

  • if a turtle’s at sea for 10, 15, 30 yearstheir coordinates will point to a different

  • place.

  • This is why their first walk down the beach is so important.

  • Theyre in geographic learning mode, sensing the magnetic field, smelling chemical cues,

  • feeling the ocean currents, storing them in their brain until instinct brings them back,

  • years later.

  • Awwww look at how cute they are!

  • But what if I told you these turtles almost never existed.

  • Because that’s true.

  • Some history

  • In 1880, a guy in Key West found a weird sea turtle locals called theridley”.

  • He sent one up to Harvard, and they ended up naming it after him.

  • But the Kemp’s ridley was kindof… a riddle.

  • People saw them at sea, but for almost 70 years, no one could figure out where they

  • laid their eggs.

  • In Mexico, Andrés Herrera heard a rumor that thousands of turtles would sometimes crawl

  • onto the beach on the same day, so he grabbed a 16mm camera, hopped in his plane, and on

  • June 18, 1947 he landed on the beach at Rancho Nuevo to find this

  • The Kemp’s ridley nesting beach.

  • An arribada, more than 40,000 females nesting in a single day.

  • This film literally sat in a closet until 1961, and when scientists finally went to

  • see the nests for themselves, there was nothing to see.

  • People had harvested so many eggs, shrimp boats had captured so many adultsthe arribadas

  • were no mas.

  • We went from more than 120,000 nests in 1947 to fewer than a thousand in 1978.

  • Kemp’s ridleys needed some TURTLE POWER or they would go extinct.

  • So scientists came up with an experiment no one had ever done.

  • It did NOT involve pepperoni pizza.

  • TURTLE LEONARDO VO: I got a bad feeling about this.

  • They moved eggs from Mexico to hatch in Texashoping the baby turtles would imprint there

  • and establish a new nesting site at Padre Island.

  • They tagged and released thousands of turtles, and then waited.

  • And waited.

  • It took a while, but in 1996, a tagged, imprinted turtle was seen nesting on Padre Island.

  • It had been released in 1983.

  • Dr. Donna Shaver leads Sea Turtle Science and Recovery at Padre Island National Seashore.

  • She’s been working with ridley’s for the past 30 years.

  • These days, her team collects eggs from Texas beaches to hatch in captivity, and when theyre

  • ready, the babies walk down the beach and into the Gulf of Mexico.

  • It’s worked pretty well so far.

  • After a low of 702 nests worldwide in 1985, there were more than 20,000 in 2009.

  • And in addition to their home beach in Mexico, turtles now nest in Texas every year.

  • But ridleys are still the most endangered sea turtle.

  • After years of growth, the population has been decreasing again since 2010, the same

  • year the Deepwater Horizon oil spill happened right the middle of one of their feeding grounds.

  • Sea turtles - like Kemp’s ridleys - still have a long journey in front of them, but

  • theyre pretty good at finding their way

  • especially if theyve got a little help.

  • Stay curious.


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海龜寶寶如何找到回家的路? (How Baby Sea Turtles Find Their Way Home)

  • 102 9
    PC home posted on 2021/01/14
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